The Knoxville Journal from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)

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The Knoxville Journali

Knoxville, Tennessee

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ifi X' The Weather 'KWTVttX AXD STETBOrmJTAJr IiMTfMiBf tlaadlws wltk mederattnj tmnpfi-tH M7 High Low timibt Law ttii mantta IS High EMtordajr SUi VIRG rvi lacmiiti cioadtarsn and mnwr Web SO-S4 rst nut a caM M(M Mostly tlMrfT Warner high ST-44 ORTH CAROLINA Fair to partly toady and mnwkat wanner Uiln nr roily in tile 40 IWaalhay D-talia Parr SI ickizick IWJ Qtv Edition 120TH YEAS KNOXVILLE TENNESSEE WEDNESDAY JANUARY 7 1950 24 Fiige Two Sections FEXCE 5 CENTS SY V-C vc Spoiled Pr rr Mary Astor CT uu bu Says www it LEGION ASKS Dance Says Council Calls Executive Session Today To Deal With Unsettled Matters Film Star Reveals Lurid Instrument False Shown Press By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD Jan 6 Lfl Mary Astor disclosed todaj ty City Council will meet in executive session at 4 pm today to consider several unsettled matters in connection with the 54000000 municipal auditorium-coliseum project on which a second referendum will be held Jan 29 This action was agreed on last night at council's regular biweekly session after Councilman Max Friedman brough up the Importance tof informing the public fully Future UT about the undertaking and what it can expect to get for Its money Councilman Cas Walker suggest- that top brass tried to persuade her to call off the 1936 child custody suit in which her sensational diary figured She refused and the resulting scandal rocked Hollywood The disclosure was made in her autobiography a regretful look back to the wilder days of film-town history Now 52 and jggki BET PAID Safety Director David Garrison (left) is shown counting 1000 pennies which Evett Allen (right) Nashville district director of the Safety Council used to pay off a $10 bet made on traffic record Traffic Officer Bill Fox who witnessed the bet stood ready with a salt shaker in Director office yesterday to pour salt on wounds Fuel Use Hits Peak During Cold State Safety Official Lauds Knox Record In Traffic Pays $10 Bet outstanding traffic safety record during 1958 gave a lift to Safety Director David pocketbook yesterday when he collected a 510 bet from Evett Allen of Nashville district director of the National Safety Council Allen and the director made the bet during a trip to McGhee Tyson Airport during November when the safety council official told Director Garrison that sta Clinic For Sex Fiends 'Persons found guilty of sex offenses against i 1-dren or adolescents will be confined in a special institution for medical and psychiatric treatment if the General Assembly follows a recommendation made by the Child Welfare Committee of the American Legion Depart-: ment of Tennessee This recommendation among other parts of the legislative program were released The chairman of the Ameri can Child Welfare Committee has lauded The Knoxville Journal for recent editorial dealing with the problem of sex offenders Reed Altora ef Rogersville said in a letter he was pleased with the editorial which was published Jan 2 Sex Offense Legislation Receives Backing From Legion Legislator Editorial Page 4 yesterday by Reed Altom of Rogersville chairman of the committee The resolution dealing with sex offenders points out has become evident that sexual psychopaths constitute a real and children are more anc more frequently becoming their victims Present methods of dealing with the problem have proved it continues The recommendation also calls for research into this type of mental illness at the proposed institution The Legion also recommended 'An appropriation to provide treatment of rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart diseases and sanitarium-type building be provided 'A nursery section for mentally retarded children of pre-school age at Clbver Bottom and Greene-ville An intensive treatment center be- established for emotionally disturbed or maladjusted children who give promise of being cured in a reasonable time Adoption law be amended to provide that parents may relinquish children for adoption only to relatives or to a licensed child-placing agency First offenders be separated from difficult and multiple offenders in correctional institutions and specialized work camps be provided for the aggressive older juvenile delinquent The Legion also recommended fhe following amendments to the state's child labor laws: To permit more realistic hours of evening employment for both the under 16 and over 16 age group To provide that the Department of Labor be charged with the responsibility of determining and keeping current hazardous occupations To extend to age 18 the necessity of getting work permits so that the Department of Labor cap determine if minors are being employed in violation of the law To create a Division of Child Labor within the Department of Labor That sufficient appropriation be given to the Department of Lata: to develop a constructive work-experience program for youth within the framework of oUr child labor law Grainger School Burns 52 Eupils Affected ItUTLEDGE Jan 6 The two-room Hammer Elementary School was destroyed by fire today leaving 52 pupils without a school No one was Injured Acuff superintendent of Grainger County Schools estimated damage at about 510000 He said no decision has been reached as to where the pupils will attend school Cause of the fire was not immediately determined grandmother her account spare the lovely willful film star of the 30s Her reflective view of herself after the trial do not think I could have borne it to face myself as I really was sick spoiled prowling like some jungle animal seeking momentary satisfaction Sexually I was out of control I was drinking too much and I was brought up short when I found myself late In the evening thinking someone was attractive' and wondering the next morning CUSTODY CASE RECALLED The actress created lurid headlines when she sued her ex-husband Dr Frankiyn Thorpe for full custody of their daughter Marilyn 4 He had won custody with an uncontested divorce His weapon: Miss As diary with allegedly purple passages concerning several noted men The actress writes of being called to Samuel of fice and being confronted by top studio bosses Spokesman Irving Thalberg told her they felt she was making a grave mistake that the information they had received was true toe trial and the diary would create vicious scandal give the industry a bad name and would probably lost the ease and the child top She refused to drop the suit and commented: looked upon it as all too boring and little pompous besides Walter Huston and some champagne were waiting for me in my She later discovered why the bigwigs were so upset: A person Continued on Page 2 Col Talks Sought On Loudoun Dam Bridge Tennessee Valley Authority and Tennessee Highway Department officials have written the Bureau of Public Roads Administrator Bertram Tallamy suggesting that a conference be arranged at Washington to work out contract details which would clear the way for work to start on the bridge across Fort Loudoun Dam The office confirmed yesterday that the letters had arrived However Tallamy said no time had been set for such a meeting The Bureau early last December approved plans for the bridge which will cost about 52788000 and form a vital connecting link between Blount Loudon and neighboring counties on both sides of the -lake and provide another entrance to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park TV A will construct the bridge and the federal government will reimburse the agency for costs The state will finance the approaches to the structure Construction is expected to start before the middle of the year and be completed by late 1960 Rep Howard Baker former State Sen Hobart Atkins other state and national leaders and many private citizens have worked to obtain the bridge for more than 10 years Knox County Election Commission yesterday approved Jan 29 as date for the city referendum on additional bonds for the auditorium coliseum Knoxville citizens not already qualified to vote have only three more days to register at the commission office in the Courthouse Friday la the last day to register Reregistration Is neeessary only If a city voter has moved from one ward to another since the last election ed this closed session after which council will move into its chamber for an open meeting Earlier yesterday Mayor Jack Dance scored propaganda aimed at shrinking the project to the point where it would fail to serve the needs of the people of Knoxville He said this campaign some political tries to make the public think another referendum authorizing additional funds is unnecessary and the problem can be solved merely by reducing the size and eliminating some features But toe mayor said he is confident the people of Knoxville would be forever disappointed with Sny lesa auditorium than has been planned" The Jan 29 referendum voted by council and approved yesterday by Knox County Election Commission will be on an additional issue erf 51000000 in bonds for the auditorium In a previous election 53000000 worth of bonds were authorized but when con-struction bids were taken in December it was found the minimum proposals exceeded toe amount available by 5824000 AH bids have been rejected end new ones will be token That is one of the matters council will go into today Councilman Walker said last night He indicated there was still some question whether bidding should be opened to some particular firms and that Is to be threshed out Other problems for discussion include parking arrangements for the auditorium and the ability to purchase an icemaking machine for the coliseum Councilman Friedman first proposed a councilmanic committee Continued on Page 2 Col 4 Tractor Spill Fatal To UnionF armer Special Tp Th Journal MAYNARDVILLE Jan A Hickory Valley resident died in a Knoxville hospital tonight following a tractor accident six miles north of here this after-noon Albert Nicely 55 erf Hickory Valley died at St Hospital attendants reported Troopers said the accident occurred on a private road through a farm and would not be classified as a traffic jdeath He told attendants he was riding home from a field with a neighbor when they went toward the side of the road to let an automobile pass The tractor tor tipped off a steep embankment and rolled down the hill Nicely was pinned under the tractor ambulance attendants said He suffered multiple fractured and severe internal injuries He died on hour and 15 minutes after arriving at the hospital The body was taken to Ailor Funeral Home here Funeral arrangements were incomplete tonight Nicely had been logging for the past few days about three miles from his home and was returning to his home after work Obituaries Mr mn Strong Arnrrt Mr Mllitiwd Uu MkM Vermillion William Hunr Jnhneon fWe William Mr Virginia Thompson Rom Mrs lostrlu White Kowrr rover MrLemor Sr Mrs Hjrhh Un Kstherto (Katie) MrGheo Mrs Kelts AnAersoa Gr4y Phelps Tea Keith Sharon Key Goforth i Mrs Myrtle Mae Ktarn l-ornox lwlls Kirkland Purdy JOHKSON Mrs Beatrice White Bower Burl MrGIII Mrs Mattie Ann I pfon SEV John Fnoier GRFEV EVIUE Mrs 1 1 Wilburn MARTS Inane Alfred Trotter BA LET day Boyd Booker MART ILLS Franco Garner Needs Bring Zoning Row Future real estate needs of University of Tennessee clashed last night with an apartment house project and resulted in an undecided vote in City Council on a rezoning ordinance In the course of heated debate before the councilmenby opposing interests a UT faculty member preditced the university will turn to other cities for future expansion if it acquire needed real estate in Knoxville with the available He specifically mentioned Oak Ridge where UT has been developing a branch Councilman also referred to Memphis location of Schools of Medicine Dentistry and Nursing and also Memphis State University ORDINANCE PROTESTED The matter under protest was an ordinance to rezone property of Riddick Sc Levin real estate firm at the southeast corner of Rose Avenue and Twenty-second Street from two-family residential to multiple dwelling classification an apartment house can be built on the site Councilman Ca Walker first suggested action be delayed because he understood the university was Interested In the property and Councilman Max Friedman proposed a conference be set up wifh UT officials McCammon Jr operations chief Metropolitan Planning Commission reported the university officials had said they would use the property ASKS Walker moved the rezoning be granted after Councilman Roy Bass Jr protested put people in a noose waiting for UT to Law Dean William Wicker of 1101 Twenty-second Street then took the floor and asked council to deny the petition defer action or send the matter back to MPC which had approved the rezonmg 9 to 2 He said he represented 47 property owners of the neighborhood and presented a petition bearing their signatures mam campus expansion is limited to the area bounded by Cumberland Avenue on the north Second Creek Neyland Drive on the south and the LAN Railroad on the west Dean Wicker asserted Rose Avenue has been called the Boulevard of the by planners he added RESIDENTS OPPOSED rezone this one piece of property would be helter-skelter zoning not in the public he protested Residents ef the neighborhood are opposed he said because they believe property values would be damaged and parking congestion would be created Arguing for the rezoning were Robert Lavin of the real estate firm and Ely attorney Council voted 4 to 3 for the ordinance on first readng but it was uncertain whether it passed or failed This was because a city ordinance requires that such Continued on Page 2 CoL 3 WHAT COUNCIL DID Gave Knoxville Smokies three-year extension of lease on BUI Meyer Stadium at same liberal terms as last year Heard University of Tennessee law dean predict UT will expand In other cities If it has trouble acquiring needed real estate here Accepted $3000 compromise settlement of suit filed in 1953 by Hobart Carey now a city councilman because be was ousted from city job In Dempster administration Adopted resolutions prelim! nary to beginning title work on right-of-way for East Expressway from Mitchell Street to city limits Named Cameron Fred Peters Garfield Swanner Patton and Clarence Cbesney to City Tax Commissions Bristol Firm Lowest Bidder NASHVILLE Jan 6 OT Trammell Construction Co Bristol submitted an apparent low bid of 52068000 today for construction of a state mental health facility at Greeneville FORGED DIARY BARED Mary Astor yesterday disclosed that top brass tried to persuade her to drop the 1936 child custody suit because of a forged version of her diary which a of practically every big name in the business and it was loaded with p*rnographic She refused and the resulting scandal rocked Hollywood House Picks Halleck As GOP Leader WASHINGTON Jan 6 UP) House Republicans ejected their veteran leader Rep Joseph Martin Jr of today on toe eve of a new congressional session A rebellion pointed toward giving toe party high command a more aggres- siver vigorous look shifted toe leadership man-1 1 to Rep Charles A Hal-ieck of Indiana Martin pointed a finger of blame at some White House aides but not at a ident Eisenhower di AM £jl HALLECK rectly He also said Vice President associates opposed him The changeover provided a dramatic spectacular prelude for a similar showdown within Senate Republican ranks and for the opening of toe heavily Democratic 86 th Congress at noon tomorrow For their part Democrats were free rf leadership feuds They picked another veteran Sam Rayburn of Texas for a ninth term as speaker of House Rayburn 77 years old today already has held toe post longer than any other man Senate Democrats will go along tomorrow by giving the nod to another Texan Lyndon Johnson to stay on as majority leader Democrats were fussing though about the ancient issue of the filibuster an issue that begins coming to a head on the Senate floor tomorrow Senate Republicans were in cm the filibuster dispute too Johnson was reported to be working on a new compromise proposal in hopes of avoiding a fight which would shatter Democratic unity A fast round of strategy con ferences buzzed on during toe day A thin four-vote margin was the difference between success and failure in the revolt against the House GOP leadership the first successful one in 28 years In spite of toe usual professions of unity and amity after the balloting the outcome may leave damaging scars on the depleted ranks of Republican congressmen HaHeck promised that toe GOP will be a hard-hitting minority in the new Congress He declined to say whether his leadership would be more liberal or more conservative than The new GOP chieftain said he absolutely certain that the White House did not intervene in the leadership scrap Martin told newsmen that think the President himself did anything against But he said some White House aides conferred with Halleck about Continued on Page 2 Col JC Bid Low On VA Job WASHINGTON Jan Green Co Johnson City Tenn today submitted an apparent low bid of 5789300 to make additions and alterations to five buildings at the Veteran's Administration Center at Mountain Home Tenn The VA said Kay-Cee Construction Co Skokie 111 was second low at 5807500 The third low bid was 5398496 by Stead man Construction Co Kingsport Tenn (Weather Details Page S) Fuel consumption records fell again yesterday as winter con-tinued its early January assault MIRDLK BAHT IlhXEUEK I-ereoMa efcmSlaeaa eltk meScrattas tempemfwm Hlih 4 LOWER CAST TtXXClin la rreaal rlMliimt with aanSerattaz lemperateree High 42 TRI-CITIES laereaalac rfcwiiaea with maSerallac temperature Hid 44 ROV IILE-LAFOLIKTTE ta Mkaf etpuStoeoa tempera hump Htrh 44 on Knoxville and East Tennessee but the weatherman predicted an easing off of the intense cold wave here high temperature will be a comparatively balmy 46 degrees Low expected tonight is 34 degrees following a dip to a low of about 19 this morning High yesterday was 38 Increasing cloudiness with moderate temperatures is the official forecast for today and cloudy with a chance of rain ia the outlook for tomorrow Elsewher in the nation a v'-clous arctic gal hammer away at the Eastern sea bar for the second straight day terday will gusts of wind up 70 miles per hour The extent cold front which em braced rn of the country has claimed -lives some from freezing most erf the deaths came i scores of fires Two- deaths chargeable to to-cold weather were reported at Chattanooga end another at Nashville So far Knoxville has had no deaths due to this factor All-time records for electric power consumption hav been broken three tames in two days Tennessee Valley Authority reported A new one-hour reoord fell Monday between 9 and 9 am when 9513000 kilowatts were used The record fen be- tween 6 and 7 pm the same day when 9564000 kilowatts ware used And between 8 and 9 am yesterday the figure rose to 9684 Continued on Page 2 CoL Habeas Corpus Hearing Asked By Dewey Cole Dewey Lfee Oole 26-year-old construction worker bound to the Grand Jury from City Court Monday on a charge of molesting a first-grade pupil on her way home from school yesterday filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus seeking his release from county jail or reduction of his 520000 bond Hearing on he petition filed in Circuit Court against John Saylor chief county jailer is scheduled tor 1:30 pm today Cole of Driraien Street was identified by the six-year-old girl as the man who lured her into a wooded area Dec 16 Detective French Harris said In his petition Cole stated that his bond was set on motion of a lawyer representing the state without toe hearing of any evidence by City Judge Charles Kelly city as well as a majority of those outside the vtity The' proposed charter for the Knoxville-Knox County Metropolitan Government is now on the press for an initial printing of 1000 copies It runs to 72 pages in printed form The commission will soon have it printed also in a summary form of which there will be upward of 10000 copies The charter and Continued on Page 2 CoL go over the fringe benefits again please tistics showed Knoxville was due for three traffic fatalities during December After admitting he had lost the bet since Knoxville did not have a fatal accident during December Allen told the director fantastic I just see how you do especially three straight PRAISES POLICE' only one answer to Knoxville traffic safety the Safety Council official exclaimed leadership on the part of Director Garrison and Police Chief Joe Kimsey and devoted work by a small fine group of traffic officers who are underpaid about 575 per month Allen said the remarkable thing about Knoxville's traffic record during the past three years Is that the hasn't been up to standard they have one erf the finest records in my district which includes Tennessee Kentucky and Allen explained the as the number of arrests made in comparison to the number of traffic accidents He said 25 arrests should be made for every traffic accident which occurs in order to have an average index NEW SYSTEM CITED believe the new IBM system which was recently adopted in the records bureau will aid the traffic department in selective the Safety Council director added will give officers a chance to pinpoint specific types of accidents which are more numerous than others during a period of time A good example of selective enforcement would be if the records reveal rearend collisions are more numerous over other types of accidents during the first 15 days of January then officers should be on the lookout for motorists traveling too close behind other After serious business was over between the two directors Garrison jokingly told Allen Maybe the Safety Council should Continued on Page CoL Suspect Held For Trial In1 Hotel Fire A 33-year-old Scott Countian was arrested yesterday on an indictment charging him with setting fire to Hotel Atkm at Knox vilie the night of Sept 29 Clyde Ernest Tompkins cf Elgin was arrested by State Fire Marshal Virgil Kitts of Knoxville and Knoxville Fire Marshal Glen Underwood Tompkins posted 51000 bond He will be tried In Knox County Criminal Court at a date to be set later He was indicted several weeks ago on an arson charge Kitts said hotel attendants found a mattress blazing in a room minutes after Tompkins left the hotel The fire marshal charged the mattress had been set afire in a sort erf pattern with the fire the qdges tSyts definitely not a cig-aret he explained a dropped cigaret smolders and bums a hole in a mattress'1 Chuckle Insurance ProbeUpTo Committee Bv DON BINKLEY NASHVILLE Jan 6 IfV-A proposal to investigate the State Insurance Department was sent to a committee today and the legislature turned its attention to Knox delegation strikes harmony note Page 12 Insurance Hearings Called Farce Page 24 a proposal to raise the governor's salary in time to benefit Gov-Elect Buford Ellington Bills were introduced in both houses to increase the salary from 512000 to 518600 annually effective Jan 19 and five-bill package was introduced the House to tighten regulations on small loans firms The insurance investigation resolution introduced by freshmen Sens Richard Fulton and Tom McGrath of Nashville asked for an investigation erf the automobile insurance rate-making practices It a prompted by former commissioner Arch North approval of a 23 percent average increase in personal injury and property damage rates before holding a public hearing The resolution went to committee on a voice vote after its backers mustered only six votes in an effort to keep it out of the standing insurance committee Die committee has not yet been named Sen Barton Dement Murfreesboro who moved to send it to the table said have standing committees here that are capable and competent to handle any situation that may arise call this a bypass commit- Continued on Page 2 Col 5 If Yon Bliss Your Journal Call 3-3131 Before 7 am If you have news Call 2-4141 year-old Ray Presley of Kncx-ville one of several Air Force students who escaped 5 serious injury i a dormitory fire at a- i cuse University -(New York) yesterday that killed seven erf his buddies I 'T' Presley son of Mr and Mrs PRESLEY Walter Presley 1433 Brook-side Avenue suffered slight body bums in the pre-dawn blaze and was listed in good condition last night according to an Associated Press release Twenty-five Airmen escaped Continued on Page 2 Col 4 Voters To Decide Fate Of Metro Plan April 9 Lucky 9 To Escape Fire Knox Airman Says Voters of Knoxville and Knox County will go to the polls April 9 to decide the fate of a pro- March 20 will be the last day for citizens of the city and county to register with Knox County Election Commission to vote in the April 9 charter referendum Registration will close temporarily this Friday because of the Jan 29 city auditorium referendum but will reopen Feb 5 And remain open until March 20 for the charter referendum Only persons not already qualified need register posed governmental consolidation charter which already is attracting national attention This date was set yesterday by Knox County Election Commission for the referendum cm the charter filed the day before by the Metropolitan Government Charter Commission To be was I lucky I ran down the hall and the fire followed me to the exclaimed 20- MABSIADUKE By BRAD ANDERSON Look at the rugged fresh air if A -v- The telephone Tang in the real estate office and a soft feminine voice asked you sell maternity clothes V' the boss replied could we interest you tit a larger hornet 4 adopted it must be favored by majority of persons voting in the I OBITUARIES ON PAGE 2 4 4.

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

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Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.