(PDF) Codes for Natural History Collections in Ichthyology ... - BioOne - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)

Codes for Natural History Collections in Ichthyology andHerpetology

Author: Sabaj, Mark Henry

Source: Copeia, 108(3) : 593-669

Published By: The American Society of Ichthyologists andHerpetologists

URL: https://doi.org/10.1643/ASIHCODONS2020

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Codes for Natural History Collections in Ichthyology and Herpetology

Mark Henry Sabaj1

Assembled here is a reasonably complete list of annotated codes for historical and modern natural history collectionsassociated with lost and extant specimens of fossil and Recent fishes, amphibians, and reptiles. A total of 3,845 codesare anchored to about 2,064 distinct collections and/or institutions in 155 countries. At least 633 of those collectionsare exclusively paleontological or include fossil specimens. The list is primarily derived from the scientific literature andmay serve as a resource for plainly citing specimens in publications and for linking such citations to records in onlinedatabases.

WELL-curated natural history specimens physicallydocument the distribution of living organisms inspace and time. They are essential for taxa to be

fully conceived, formally named, and firmly supported orrefuted from one generation to the next. As such, they securetaxonomy to the scientific method by allowing one toiteratively test and refine hypotheses of phylogeneticrelatedness.

Thus, it is no surprise that taxonomists and museum staffdevote a significant part of their career to collecting, curating,and carefully documenting natural history specimens andtheir custodial institutions (e.g., Pietsch and Anderson, 1997;Del Moral-Flores et al., 2016; Beck, 2018; Beck and Joger,2018). As a result, we know the oldest museum specimens ofamphibians and reptiles are attributable to the Italianpolymath Ulisse Aldrovandi (1522–1605) and remain pre-served in the Palazzo Poggi Museum in Bologna (Bauer et al.,2013). The holotype of Atlantochelys mortoni, a giantCretaceous sea turtle, is not limited to the proximal half ofthe right humerus (ANSP 9234) described by Louis Agassiz in1849, but includes the distal half (NJSM GP23363) unearthedas much as two centuries later (Parris et al., 2014). And, Dr.William Alexander Hammond did not collect the holotype ofEdward Drinker Cope’s Salmo stomias during the U.S. Armyexpedition from Fort Riley, Kansas, to Fort Bridger, Wyomingin 1857 (as was commonly held for over 150 years), butduring his station near Santa Fe, New Mexico from 1849–1852, rendering Cope’s species a junior synonym ofOncorhynchus clarkii virginalis (Girard, 1856) and the Green-back Cutthroat Trout native to the South Platte River,Colorado, scientifically nameless (Metcalf et al., 2012; Sabaj,2013).

The objective of this paper is to present a comprehensive,but by no means exhaustive, list of annotated codesassociated with natural history specimens of fossil andRecent fishes, amphibians, and reptiles. This list is intendedto tie together the long and sometimes complex history ofapplying codes to such specimens, and to serve as a resourcefor plainly citing such specimens in publications and onlinedatabases.


The current list was seeded in 2010 with codes from threesources: Leviton et al. (1985), Leviton and Gibbs (1988), and

the online Guide to Fish Collections in the Catalog of Fishes(Fricke and Eschmeyer, 2010). The first version of the list (v1)was made available online via the American Society ofIchthyologists and Herpetologists (ASIH) website on 5October 2010. It was replaced with revised versions on 8November 2010 (v2), 23 February 2012 (v3), 28 June 2013(v4), 22 September 2014 (v5), 16 August 2016 (v6.5), and 1April 2019 (v7.1). Over that time, the list was significantlyexpanded and improved via personal communications withthe collections community and the incorporation of otherextensive lists available for fishes (e.g., Poss and Collette,1995), amphibians (Frost, 2020), and reptiles (Wallach et al.,2014). Other important sources included catalogs of typesspecimens (e.g., Gilbert, 1998; Bohme, 2010) and naturalhistory collections themselves (e.g., Roselaar, 2003; DelMoral-Flores et al., 2016; Beck, 2018; Beck and Joger, 2018).Publications were accessed via the Biodiversity HeritageLibrary, ResearchGate, and other freely available onlinesources. Efforts were made to coordinate the current list withadditional databases that include or manage data on naturalhistory specimens, such as The Reptile Database (Uetz et al.,2020), VertNet, and Integrated Digitized Biocollections(iDigBio). Unlike the lists assembled by Leviton et al.(1985) and Leviton and Gibbs (1988), the current onebenefitted immeasurably from email, the internet, and theGoogle search engine.

The codes are divided among two lists: Appendix 1 and aSupplemental Appendix (see Data Accessibility). Appendix 1lists 2,064 commonly used or otherwise preferred institutioncodes sorted first by country, then state (or close equivalent),then alphabetically by code. The code prioritized here servesto anchor information relevant to its origin and application,as well as synonymous codes. When multiple codes havebeen used to cite specimens at a particular institution,priority generally was given to the one 1) confirmed viapersonal correspondences with institutional staff or other-wise knowledgeable colleagues, 2) cited in type catalogspublished by institutional staff, 3) cited in other publicationsco-authored by institutional staff, 4) cited by outside authorswith a preference towards younger and taxonomicallyoriented publications. Thus, the current list focuses on codesas they appear in published papers. Those may differ fromcodes used to database specimens in a particular collection,aggregate specimen records across collections, or linkspecimen records to other databases.

1 Department of Ichthyology, The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania19103; Email: [emailprotected] or [emailprotected].

Submitted: 16 March 2020. Accepted: 3 May 2020. Associate Editor: W. L. Smith.� 2020 by the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists DOI: 10.1643/ASIHCODONS2020 Published online: 14 October 2020

Copeia 108, No. 3, 2020, 593–669

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Not all institutions were contacted and not all typecatalogs were consulted for the current list, but such effortswere made for large institutions with complex histories andnumerous synonyms. Codes cited for privately held collec-tions are included. Leviton et al. (1985) deliberately omittedprivate collections to avoid any sign of legitimation. Privatecollections appear in the current list merely for completeness,and their inclusion here should not be mistaken forencouragement or legitimacy. The current list also includesa number of historically important, but defunct collections.

Each institution code in Appendix 1 is followed by the fullname of the institution and city. Many entries includevarious annotations in this order:

Also known as.—Alternative name currently in use forinstitution.

Formerly.—Names historically associated with institu-tion.

Includes.—Collections/specimens incorporated into in-stitution from other sources.

Note.—Comments on the institution and its collectionsincluding date of establishment, history, institutionalaffiliations and related collections, and current statuswhen known.

In error as.—Code(s) wrongly attributed to institution inprint publications.

Obsolete as.—Codes discouraged from use based on theirassociation with former institutional names or on explicitcorrespondence with institutional staff (not included arecodes associated with a former institutional name, butexplicitly retained by staff for consistency).

Current as.—Code most commonly (or recently) associ-ated with institution or otherwise explicitly codified byinstitutional staff; replaced by Assigned here for acollection cited in the literature without a code, andthereby receiving a tentative code in this paper.

Also as.—Other codes currently used for institution.

See also.—Closely associated collections often held by thesame institution, but administered separately (e.g., fossilsin ‘‘Museum of Geology’’ vs. Recent specimens in ‘‘Muse-um of Zoology’’).

The second list, the Supplemental Appendix (see DataAccessibility), is an alphabetical index of all 3,845 codesfound during the current search. As such, it highlights caseswhere the same code has been applied to different institu-tions. The Supplemental Appendix provides extra columnsthat include the sources for each code, a bibliography ofthose sources (1,816 total), and a list of 331 personalcorrespondents from 2006 to present.


Codes for natural history collections are conceived andexpressed in an extraordinary number of ways (Table 1).Codes are generally derived from one or a combination ofsources including: specimen preparation (e.g., fossil vs.Recent), collector (for privately held specimens), collection,institution, meta-institution, para-institution, former insti-tution, taxonomic group, and geology (e.g., fossils). The codeor combination of codes is generally followed by a catalognumber unique to the particular collection. In printpublications, the code(s) and catalog number may be

confluent or variably set apart by a space or punctuations(e.g., period, dash, slash, etc.).

That said, most codes have two components, an institutioncode and a collection code, that may or may not beconfluent. For example, collections at the University ofKansas (KU) Biodiversity Institute are now cited as KUH(herps), KUI (fishes), KUIT (fish tissues), and KUVP (verte-brate fossils). Specimens at the Naturhistoriska riksmuseet aredivided between the Department of Zoology (NRM) andDepartment of Paleontology (NRM-PZ), and the latter issubdivided by taxonomic codes into NRM-PZ C (fossilCyclostomata), NRM-PZ P (fossil Pisces), NRM-PZ B (fossilBatrachia), and NRM-PZ R (fossil Reptilia; S. Kullander, pers.comm., 2010; E. Ahlander, pers. comm., 2020).

A single institution does not always employ the sameinstitution code for all constituent collections, especially forfossil vs. Recent specimens. Hence, the University ofCalifornia, Berkeley, uses MVZ for the Museum of VertebrateZoology and UCMP for the Museum of Paleontology. TheAcademy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia employs ANSPfor specimens in the zoological collections and diatomherbarium, but PH (Philadelphia Herbarium) for botanicalspecimens. Institution codes also may differ between modernand historical collections extant within a single institution.Hence, MRSN applies to modern collections at the MuseoRegionale di Scienze Naturali di Torino, whereas MACUT andMZUT are used for Universita di Torino historical collectionsassociated with Museo di Anatomia Comparata and Museo diZoologia, respectively (Andreone and Gavetti, 2010).

Alternatively, the institution code may be annotated todistinguish modern from historical collections. Hence,collections at the Martin-Luther-Universitat Halle-Witten-berg may be cited as MLUH for modern specimens or MLUH(IZH) for historical specimens associated with its predecessor,Institut fur Zoologie, Halle (F. Steinheimer, pers. comm.,2018). Annotated institution codes also may be used todistinguish native holdings from those received fromexternal sources (i.e., other institutions or private collectors).Hence, specimens from the historical collection of StanfordUniversity (SU) now housed at the California Academy ofSciences (CAS) may be cited as SU (institution code) or CAS-SU (annotated institution code).

Finally, some institutions are part of a more inclusive meta-institution that may or may not be expressed in theinstitution code. Examples of meta-institutions include theZoological Society of India (ZSI) with ZSI-ANRC (or ZSI/ANRC) used to cite specimens in collections of the Andamanand Nicobar Regional Center, one of many different ZSIregional centers that maintain natural history collections.Another example is National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine(NASU), with which collections of the I. I. SchmalhausenInstitute of Zoology (SIZK) and National Museum of NaturalHistory (NMNHU) are both associated. Additional examplesof meta-institutions are large universities with collectionsseparated between the main campus and satellite campusesand/or field stations. In such cases, a collection (vs.institution) code may be used to cite specimens. UniversidadNacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) provides a complexexample. Specimens associated with the main campus inMexico City are cited as CNAR (herps in Coleccion Nacionalde Anfibios y Reptiles), CNPE-IBUNAM (fishes in ColeccionNacional de Peces), IGM (fossils in Coleccion Nacional dePaleontologıa, Instituto de Geologıa), and IGM-CMR (Colec-

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cion de Material Reciente del Museo de Geologıa). Fishspecimens associated with the UNAM campus in Sisal may becited as CIRR UMDI, Coleccion Ictiologica Regional deReferencia, Unidad Multidisciplinaria de Docencia e Inves-tigacion (Gallardo-Torres et al., 2016).

A special case of a meta-institution is the National ParkService (NPS) in the U.S. Department of the Interior. Naturalhistory specimens collected on lands administered by theNational Park Service are the property of NPS, but may bedeposited on loan at non-NPS repositories that meet federalrequirements. The non-NPS repository generally assigns itsown institution/collection code and catalog number (e.g.,ANSP 187723) with a cross-reference to the correspondingNPS collection and catalog number (e.g., NPS UPDE 2153,Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River NPS unit). Inpublications, both the NPS and non-NPS repository catalognumbers should be cited, as in: ANSP 187723 [NPS UPDE2153] (Lauren Finn Hauptman, pers. comm., 2016).

Codes may change as institutions and collections aresubject to various forms of rebranding, takeover, and merger(Schindel et al., 2016; Sharma et al., 2018). Omitted fromsuch scenarios are small-scale transfers between institutions.Curators have long exchanged natural history specimens,and those received are generally cited and/or cataloged using‘‘ex,’’ as in ANSP 203158 (ex. ZUEC 11694). The ‘‘ex’’notation also is commonly used when specimen(s) aretransferred from one lot to another within a particularcollection, such as ANSP 203169 (ex. 185074) for theholotype of Trachydoras gepharti cited in Sabaj and Arce(2017).

Rebranding is often associated with institutional reorgani-zation and new affiliations, especially when new adminis-trators measure success by renaming levels of administration.Even ‘‘trademark’’ codes (Schindel et al., 2016) are vulnera-ble. In 2011, for example, NHMUK replaced BMNH as theofficial code for the Natural History Museum in London (ex-British Museum of Natural History). Mergers and takeoversoften accompany the demise of institutional interest innatural history collections. Large-scale transfers are generallywell documented for collections of historical importance,especially in Europe, but invariably include the loss ormisplacement of specimens. University collections areamong the most difficult to track since colleges, departments,labs, and field stations may hold separate collections. Anyuniversity that has employed a particularly conscientioustaxonomist is likely to have a natural history collection ofsorts. Such collections may thrive under faculty who docollections-based research involving students (Humphrey,1992). If a university collection, however, fails to reach acertain threshold of size and importance, they become highlyvulnerable to neglect with changes in institutional prioritiesand staff. Many orphaned collections are adopted whole or inpart by institutions with greater resources. But, some aresimply shuttered and eventually discarded.


Museum and collection codes are born of catalogs, checklists,and monographs, nurtured by printed indices, and fledgedvia online databases. Botanists mounted the first coordinatedeffort to standardize such codes by establishing the IndexHerbariorum in 1935 (Lanjouw and Stafleu, 1952). The IndexHerbariorum is an active global registry of botanical institu-

tions and collections, and maintains a list of 4,175 codes ofwhich 3,324 pertain to active herbaria (Thiers, 2020).Entomologists assembled taxon-specific lists for Coleoptera(Arnett and Samuelson, 1969) and insects with an emphasison Lepidoptera (Heppner and Lamas, 1982). Those wereeventually integrated and expanded into a list of insect andspider collections of the world (Arnett et al., 1993) that iscurrently maintained and updated by Neal Evenhuis at theBernice Pauahi Bishop Museum (Evenhuis, 2020). Amongvertebrates, lists of codes were assembled first for collectionsof amphibians and reptiles (Duellman et al., 1978; Leviton etal., 1980), and later expanded to include fishes (Leviton et al.,1985) and revised (Leviton and Gibbs, 1988). The list ofcodes for fish collections passed through subsequent itera-tions via type catalogs in print (Eschmeyer, 1998; Ferraris,2007) and online (Fricke and Eschmeyer, 2020). Thoughtaxonomically siloed, such lists have proven invaluable forcommunities of biologists to efficiently locate and citespecimens in their research and publications.

The electronic capture of collections data in the late 1970sand 80s (Wiley and Peterson, 2004) and subsequent rise ofthe internet prompted the museum community to developopen standards for the exchange and aggregation of suchdata. In 1985, the Taxonomic Databases Working Group(TDWG) was founded to address the needs for natural historyspecimens. Renamed Biodiversity Information Standards(with the TDWG code retained), this non-profit organizationeventually released a set of standards for sharing biodiversityinformation (Darwin Core Task Group, 2009). The DarwinCore includes four record-level fields (or properties) forparsing data related to the specimen repository: dwc:institu-tionID, dwc:collectionID, dwc:institutionCode, and dwc:col-lectionCode. The two ‘‘ID’’ fields are essentially uniqueidentifiers (e.g., LSIDs) created and used by data aggregators.The two ‘‘Code’’ fields are created and used by theinstitutions and collections that curate the specimen data.A fifth Darwin Core field, dwc:catalogNumber, serves toidentify the specimen (or lot) and is presumably uniquewithin a particular collection. Strung together, the institutioncode, collection code, and catalog number constitute theDarwin Core Triplet. The Darwin Core Triplet has become ade facto globally unique identifier (GUID) for specimenrecords despite its shortcomings as such, and the most widelydeployed identifier scheme for aggregating data on speci-mens across natural history collections (Guralnick et al.,2014; Schindel et al., 2016).

For linking genetic sequence records to museum voucherspecimens, GenBank established and maintains a BioCollec-tions Database (Sharma et al., 2018) that appends a three-letter country code to the Darwin Core Triplet to distinguishinstitutions with the same code (i.e., dwc:institutionCode).The country codes are supplemented by two-letter state codeswhen necessary. For example, the BioCollections institutioncode for University of Alaska, Museum of the North is UAMvs. UAM,USA-AR. for University of Arkansas at Monticelloand UAM,ESP. for Universidad Autonoma De Madridculture collection of cyanobacteria. Although users are askedto provide information on the voucher specimen whensubmitting sequences to GenBank, many do not provideenough data to establish reliable links to the BioCollectionsDatabase (Sharma et al., 2018).

A variety of ongoing initiatives rely on institution andcollection codes to aggregate digitized data on natural history

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specimens at a variety of scales (Nelson and Ellis, 2018)roughly separable into: 1) global, 2) regional, 3) taxonomic(e.g., online type catalogs), 4) fossil, 5) institutional, and 6)‘‘niche.’’ The two largest initiatives are the Global Biodiver-sity Information Facility (GBIF) established in 2001 and theIntegrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio) established tenyears later. The latter (iDigBio) is the central coordinatingunit for digitization efforts funded by the U.S. NationalScience Foundation’s Advancing Digitization of BiodiversityCollections (ADBC) program (Thiers et al., 2019), and thelargest U.S. network for sharing specimen data with GBIF.The U.S. Geological Survey’s Biodiversity Information Serv-ing Our Nation (BISON) also serves as a regional aggregator(U.S. node) for contributing records to GBIF.

More focused efforts (e.g., regional to ‘‘niche’’) may captureor curate specimen records more reliably and/or includecollections outside of the GBIF and iDigBio networks.Regional examples of specimen-based aggregators includethe Atlas of Living Australia, Mexico’s National Commissionfor the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO),Brazil’s speciesLink, China’s National Specimen InformationInfrastructure (NSII), and SYNTHESYSþ, a newly fundedproject within the European Distributed System of ScientificCollections (DiSSCo).

Taxonomic databases generally focus on records for typespecimens and often employ the most up-to-date classifica-tion schemes. Type catalogs must contend with historicalspecimens cited for defunct collections, and often generatemodern codes for such cases. Examples of taxonomicdatabases include WoRMS, the World Register of MarineSpecies (Horton et al., 2018), and associated World PoriferaDatabase (Van Soest et al., 2018), the Freshwater Mussels(Unionoida) of the World (MUSSELp; Graf and Cummings,2018), Shark-references.com (Pollerspock and Straube, 2020),Eschmeyer’s Catalog of Fishes (Fricke et al., 2020), Amphib-ian Species of the World (Frost, 2020), and the ReptileDatabase (Uetz et al., 2019, 2020). The Paleobiology Database(PBDB) founded by John Alroy and Charles Marshall in 2000curates 157,370 specimen records as of 1 January 2019 withabout 75–80% of those records tied to museums. At largeinstitutions, specimen records often remain taxonomicallysiloed in separate databases for each collection. Noteworthyexceptions are the Museum national d’Histoire naturelle inParis and the Smithsonian Institution’s online CollectionsSearch Center. Large institutions struggling to aggregatespecimen records in situ may find it easier do so ex situ byhaving their collections separately contribute records toglobal aggregators such as GBIF and iDigBio. A variety of‘‘niche’’ databases exist online with the Fishes of MainlandSoutheast Asia (Kano et al., 2013) as a keen example. All ofthe aforementioned online databases maintain digital indicesof museum and collection codes descended from earlierprinted lists.

Institution and collection codes have proliferated in recentdecades, due in part to the establishment of new collectionsin species-rich parts of the world and an increase in thenumber of journals and online databases that publish onbiodiversity. Online registries for natural history collectionsexist at a variety of scales, although some have gone offlinein recent years. At the national level, a noteworthy (andactive) example is the Catalogo de las colecciones mexicanas(CONABIO, 2018) which includes 751 Mexican collectionswith holdings ranging from germplasm and bacteria to

mammals and fossils. Since 2001, the Instituto de Inves-tigacion de Recursos Biologicos Alexander von Humboldt hasmaintained the Registro Unico Nacional de ColeccionesBiologicas (RNC), a detailed registry of biological collectionsin Colombia. The Zentralregister botanischer und zoolog-ischer Forschungssammlungen (ZEFOD) once provided awealth of online information for German natural historycollections (Weber, 2018), but its web-presence, as such, hasdisappeared.

The Global Registry for Biodiversity Repositories (GRBio)assembled one of the largest lists of institution and collectioncodes (Table 2). GRBio was developed by the Consortium forthe Barcode of Life (CBOL, 2004–2011) to help link voucherspecimens to DNA barcodes in GenBank (Schindel et al.,2016). GRBio incorporated data from CBOL, the U.S.National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), IndexHerbariorum (IH), and the Biodiversity Collections Index(BCI, now offline). GRBio was released by CBOL in June 2013and its management was transferred to Scientific CollectionsInternational (GRSciColl) in December 2013. In 2018, thewebsite for GRBio/GRSciColl was hacked and went offline.The data it once managed were dumped on 29 May 2018 andremain available online at DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1285615.Their abandoned list (grbio_institutions_05_29_18.csv) in-cluded 7,097 institution and collection codes. Those datahave since been migrated into a newly updated GlobalRegistry of Scientific Collections (GRSciColl) hosted by theGlobal Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF, 2018, 2019;Hobern et al., 2020). The new GRSciColl is a comprehensive,community-curated clearinghouse of data on scientificcollections in natural history as well as those in otherdisciplines such as anthropology, archaeology, and biomed-icine. GRSciColl’s online registry lists 5,263 collection codeslinked to 8,037 institution codes as of 19 May 2020. GBIFuses GRSciColl to help provide valuable data on the naturalhistory collections (i.e., ‘‘publishers’’) that contribute speci-men records to their database (e.g., 1,985 publishers from1,606 institutions as of 19 May 2020). iDigBio also maintainsdata on natural history collections contributing records totheir database with 1,621 ‘‘Recordsets’’ (individual collec-tions) as of 19 May 2020. For a comparison of well-established indices to institution and collection codes, seeTable 2.

The standardization of codes is challenged in part by thelack of a clear ontology for the description of natural historyholdings at the collection level. In 2008, the BiodiversityInformation Standards (TDWG) community drafted datastandards for describing all types of natural history collec-tions including mixed ones resulting from expeditions andvoyages of discovery (NCD, 2008). This effort is currentlymaintained by TDWG’s Collection Descriptions InterestGroup, which intends to deliver a metadata standard fornatural history collections in 2020 (CD, 2019; Hobern et al.,2020). Such standards are necessary to facilitate the discov-ery, management, and attribution of collections relative tothe specimen-level records they curate and provide.

From a bioinformatics point of view, stable institution andcollection codes are essential to accurately and efficientlyshare data on natural history specimens (Schindel et al.,2016; Hobern et al., 2020). Such codes facilitate online typecatalogs, aggregators of specimen-based records, and deriva-tive databases that link natural history specimens to genomicinformation (e.g., GenBank; International Barcode of Life,

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iBOL) and media records such as 3D images (e.g., Morpho-Source). Stable codes also allow for comparative studies andsurveys of collections’ growth, strengths, and value to scienceand society (e.g., Funk, 2017; Singer et al., 2018). Futuredirections for the assembly and use of natural historycollections in research and education, such as the ExtendedSpecimen Network (Schindel and Cook, 2018; Lendemer etal., 2019), will need a stable index of codes and, at a finerscale, persistent identifiers for the specimens themselves toimprove the interoperability of associated data (Guntsch etal., 2017). GBIF’s new online global registry of scientificcollections (GRSciColl) will certainly stabilize codes withinthe bioinformatics community. Taxonomists and systema-tists, however, often reference the codes in long-standingindices compiled for their particular group, or simply copyand paste a relevant subset of such indices from one paper tothe next, substituting or creating new codes when needed.The current study provides context for the idiosyncraticorigins, applications, and tenures of codes for natural historycollections and institutions, and may help bridge the gapbetween those used in bioinformatics vs. the scientificl*terature.

Concluding remarks.—In the early days of Linnaean taxono-my, authors were relatively casual about citing the naturalhistory specimens from which their conclusions were drawn.Left to later taxonomists was the complicated task ofdivining the basis and application of old scientific names.In the early days of molecular taxonomy, authors weresimilarly casual about clearly citing repositories for specimenvouchers (if extant), making it difficult, if not impossible, forothers to verify their work. Faunal surveys and ecologicalstudies do not always involve the preservation of specimens,but those that do often neglect to specify repositories inpublished results. Linnaean taxonomists today, especiallypaleontologists, are far more careful about clearly citingrepositories for the specimens they studied. Practices amongmolecular taxonomists have improved, but still fall short ontoo many occasions. Ecologists remain the most negligent atciting specimen repositories, inviting criticisms that thetaxonomic aspects of their work are irreproducible (Bortolus,2008; Vink et al., 2012). The current list intends to encouragethose who collect or employ natural history specimens intheir research to carefully document not only the origin, butthe final destination of such specimens.

Closing recommendations.—General advice for the creationand management of museum codes to promote theirstandardization and proper use.

1. Newly created or modified codes should include at leasttwo components, an institution code and collectioncode. Ideally, the institution code should be listed firstand globally unique among institutions holding naturalhistory specimens. The collection code should beunique within its parent institution.

2. Institutions holding natural history specimens shouldclearly identify preferred codes for citing such speci-mens, especially via homepages, type catalogs, andother articles specifically related to their collections.

3. Published studies that use or yield natural historyspecimens should clearly identify the repository(ies)for such specimens either by name and physicallocation (preferred) or by reference to a well-established

and readily available index of institution and collectioncodes.

4. Indices to institution and collection codes shouldinclude relevant sources such as personal communica-tions with staff and primary literature (e.g., collectiontype catalogs).

5. Online databases that register institutions and collec-tions and/or serve records or media based on naturalhistory specimens should make their index of codespublicly available for download, especially in anticipa-tion of going offline.

6. The so-called ‘‘Darwin Core Triplet’’ (concatenation ofdwc:institutionCode, dwc:collectionCode and dwc:ca-talogNumber) is inadequate as a globally uniqueidentifier. Efforts to create true globally unique identi-fiers for natural history collections should considerincorporating a fourth Darwin Core field, dwc:owner-InstitutionCode, to tie together collections with sepa-rate institution codes (e.g., Museum of VertebrateZoology and Museum of Paleontology) into a largermeta-institution (University of California, Berkeley).


An excel file containing all abbreviations and additionalinformation on sources (bibliography and personal corre-spondences) is available at: https://asih.org/standard-symbolic-codes/about-symbolic-codes. Supplemental materi-al is available at https://www.copeiajournal.org/ASIHCODONS2020.


I express my sincerest thanks to all who responded torequests for information pertaining to the natural historycollections in their care. For sharing information fromparticular databases and indices, special thanks to Jan K.Legind (GBIF), Shobha Sharma (NCBI), Peter Uetz (TheReptile Database), and Mark D. Uhen (PaleoDB). Effortsupported in part by The Academy of Natural Sciences ofPhiladelphia, Drexel University and NSF DEB 0315963 (PI L.Page), DBI 1701714 (PI D. Blackburn), DBI 1701943 (PI M.Sabaj).


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Codes for natural history collections in ichthyology andherpetology. Codes are listed alphabetically by country, thenstate (where applicable), and assigned an index number(Supplemental Appendix; see Data Accessibility). Word, PDF,and Excel versions of this appendix are available assupplemental material (see Data Accessibility).

1. KUZM: Zoological Museum, Faculty of Science, KabulUniversity (KU), Kabul. Also known as: Kabul UniversityScience Museum. Note: established by Clas Naumann, KUprofessor from 1970–1972, during which time herpetologicalspecimens were shared with ZFMK; zoological museumdestroyed during Taliban regime (1996–2001). Assigned here:KUZM. Afghanistan.

2. MNST: Natural Sciences Museum of Albania, Tirana.Note: affiliated with the University of Tirana. Current as:MNST (herps). Albania.

3. FSB/HAL: Faculte des Sciences Biologiques (FSB), Uni-versite des sciences et de la technologie Houari-Boumediene(USTHB), Bab Ezzouar. Also known as: University of Bab Ezzouar.Current as: FSB/HAL (fishes). See also: ZAR (fossils). Algeria.

4. UTL: University of Abou Bakr Belkaıd [Abou Bakr BelkaidUniversity of Tlemcen], Tlemcen. Current as: UTL (fossils,Laboratory). Algeria.

5. ZAR: Musee de la Faculte des Sciences de la Terre de laGeographie et de l’Amenagement du Territoire (FSTGAT),Universite des sciences et de la technologie Houari-Boumediene(USTHB), Bab Ezzouar. Current as: ZAR (fossils from ZarzaıtineSeries). See also: FSB/HAL (fishes). Algeria.

6. JPHM: Jean P. Haydon Museum, Pago Pago. AmericanSamoa.

7. ISCED: Instituto Superior de Ciencias de Educacao daHuıla (ISCED-Huıla), Lubango [ex Sa da Bandeira]. Also knownas: Lubango Museum. Includes: collections of Instituto deInvestigacao Cientıfica de Angola (IICA). Current as: ISCED.Huıla. Angola.

8. INBAC: Instituto Nacional da Biodiversidade e Areas deConservacao, Ministerio do Ambiente de Angola, KilambaKiaxi, Luanda. Current as: INBAC (herps). Luanda. Angola.

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9. MGUAN: Museu de Geologia da Universidade AgostinhoNeto, Luanda. Current as: MGUAN (fossils), MGUAN-PA (fossils,PaleoAngola Collection). Luanda. Angola.

10. MNHNL: Museu Nacional de Historia Natural de Angola,Largo do Kinaxixe, Luanda [ex Sao Paulo da Assuncao deLoanda]. Note: descended from Angolan Museum founded in1938 in Sao Miguel Fort, Luanda Bay area. Current as: MNHNL/ANF (amphibians), MNHNL/Rep (reptiles). Luanda. Angola.

11. MD: Museu Regional do Dundo, Dundo, Chitato. Alsoknown as: Museu do Dundo; Laboratorio de Biologia do Museudo Dundo; Dundo Museum. Current as: MD. Lunda Norte.Angola.

12. AI: Asociacion Ictiologica, La Plata. Note: collectionseparate from, but in same building as MLP. Current as: AI(fishes). Buenos Aires. Argentina.

13. CENAI: Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Iologicas,Buenos Aires. Also as: Coleccion Herpetologica, InstitutoNacional de Microbiologıa ‘‘Gustav G. Malbran’’ (CENAI/CHINM, INM, IINM). Note: ‘‘Iologicas’’ correct, derived fromGreek word for venom; institution founded by Avelino Barrioand closed in 1979; herps (including types) transferred toMACN. Buenos Aires. Argentina.

14. CFA: Fundacion de Historia Natural Felix de AzaraColeccion, Universidad Maimonides, Buenos Aires. Includes:fish collection formerly at Instituto de Limnologıa ‘‘Dr. Raul A.Ringuelet’’, La Plata (ILPLA, ILLPA). Note: older CFA collectionsassembled by Julio Rafael Contreras for Programa de BiologıaBasica, Corrientes, transferred to MACN and re-numbered.Current as: CFA-IC (fishes), CFA-AN (amphibians), CFA-RE(reptiles). Buenos Aires. Argentina.

15. GCF: Grupo Conservacionista de Fosiles, Museo Paleon-tologico ‘‘Fray Manuel de Torres’’, San Pedro. Current as: GCF(fossils). Buenos Aires. Argentina.

16. IAA: Instituto Antartico Argentino, Museo Antarticode la Fundacion Marambio, Buenos Aires. Note: researchinstitution; status of collections unknown. Buenos Aires.Argentina.

17. MCA: Museo Municipal de Ciencias Naturales ‘‘Car-los Ameghino’’, Mercedes. Current as: MCA (fossils). BuenosAires. Argentina.

18. MCNL: Museo de Ciencias Naturales ‘‘Gesue PedroNoseda’’, Loberıa. Current as: MCNL (fossils). Buenos Aires.Argentina.

19. MCNLF: Museo de Ciencias Naturales ‘‘FlorentinoAmeghino’’, Las Flores. Current as: MCNLF (fossils). BuenosAires. Argentina.

20. MHRA: Museo Historico Regional Ayacucho, Ayacu-cho. Current as: MHRA (fossils). Buenos Aires. Argentina.

21. MMCNP: Museo Municipal de Ciencias NaturalesPachamama, Santa Clara del Mar. Current as: MMCNP(fossils). Buenos Aires. Argentina.

22. MMH: Museo de Ciencias Naturales ‘‘Vicente DiMartino’’, Monte Hermoso. Current as: MMH-QEQ (fossilsfrom Puente Vanoli). Buenos Aires. Argentina.

23. MMP: Museo Municipal de Ciencias Naturales ‘‘Lor-enzo Scaglia’’, Mar del Plata. Current as: MMP (fossils).Buenos Aires. Argentina.

24. CPBA: Departamento de Ciencias Geologicas, Uni-versidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Buenos Aires. Current as:CPBA (fossils). See also: FCEN (Recent vertebrates). BuenosAires. Argentina.

25. FCEN: Vertebrate Collection, Facultad de CienciasExactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA),

Buenos Aires. Current as: FCEN-V (herps). See also: CPBA(fossils). Buenos Aires. Argentina.

26. INIDEP: Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones desar-rollo pesquero, Mar del Plata. Formerly: Instituto de BiologıaMarina (IBMC) until 1977. Current as: INIDEP (fishes).Buenos Aires. Argentina.

27. MACN: Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales‘‘Bernardino Rivadavia’’, Buenos Aires. Formerly: MuseoNacional de Argentina; Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires(MNBA). Includes: herpetological collections from Centro deEcologıa aplicada del Litoral (HB) and Instituto Nacional deMicrobiologıa ‘‘Carlos G. Malbran’’ (CENAI/CHINM, INM,IINM); collection assembled by Julio Rafael Contreras forPrograma de Biologıa Basica, Corrientes (now CFA); Colec-cion Carlos Grisolıa (CCG). Obsolete as: MBR, MNBA,SHNBA. Current as: MACN-Ict (fishes, Coleccion Nacionalde Ictiologıa), MACN-He (herps, Coleccion Nacional deHerpetologıa); MACN-Pv (fossils, Coleccion Nacional dePaleovertebrados). Buenos Aires. Argentina.

28. MD: Museo Municipal de Ciencias Naturales CarlosDarwin. Current as: MD (fossils). Buenos Aires. Argentina.

29. MLP: Museo de La Plata, Facultad de CienciasNaturales y Museo (FCNyM), Universidad Nacional de LaPlata, La Plata. Also known as: Museo de Ciencias Naturalesde La Plata (CHMLPA). Formerly: Museo Antropologico yArqueologico de Buenos Aires based on collections donatedby Francisco Pascasio Moreno. Note: fish collection in samebuilding but separate from Asociacion Ictiologica (AI)collection. In error as: ILPLA (herps). Obsolete as: CHMLPA,MLPA. Current as: MLP (fishes), MLP (fossils, DivisionPaleontologıa de Vertebrados), MLP A (amphibians), MLPR (reptiles, for catalog numbers �5000), MLP S. & MLP JW.(lizards & snakes, respectively, for catalog numbers ,5000),MLP DB (Diego Baldo herpetological collection). Also as:UNLP (amphibians). Buenos Aires. Argentina.

30. PV-UNS: Coleccion Paleontologica de la UniversidadNacional del Sur, Bahıa Blanca. Current as: PV-UNS (fossils).Buenos Aires. Argentina.

31. UNMDP: Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata,Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, LaboratorioVertebrados, Mar del Plata. Note: includes Instituto deInvestigaciones Marinas y Costeras (IIMyC). Current as:UNMDP (fishes), UNMdP (Coleccion Herpetologica). Bue-nos Aires. Argentina.

32. FACEN: Facultad Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Uni-versidad Nacional de Catamarca, Catamarca. Includes: fishcollection formerly known as UNCa. Current as: FACEN(fishes). Catamarca. Argentina.

33. MCNCH: Museo de Ciencias naturales ‘‘AugustoGustavo Schulz’’, Resistencia. Note: reported as closed in2016. Chaco. Argentina.

34. CENPAT: Centro Nacional Patagonico, Puerto Ma-dryn. Note: exclusive unit of Consejo Nacional de Inves-tigaciones Cienctıficas y Tecnologicas (CONICET). Includes:Coleccion Herpetologica, Luciano Javier Avila MarianaMorando (LJAMM-CNP) began in 1998 and dontaed toCENPAT in 2009. Obsolete as: CH-CNP (herps). Current as:CENPAT (fossil fishes), CNP-A (amphibians), CNP-P (fishes),LJAMM-CNP (Coleccion Herpetologica). Chubut. Argenti-na.

35. JAS-DC: Jose A. Scolaro Diagnostic Collection (herps).Current as: JAS-DC (herps). Also as: CH-JAS (ColeccionHerpetologica de Jose A. Scolaro). Chubut. Argentina.

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36. MPEF: Museo Paleontologico ‘‘Egidio Feruglio’’, Tre-lew. Current as: MPEF-PV (fossil vertebrates). Chubut.Argentina.

37. UNPSJB: Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia SanJuan Bosco, Chubut Province. Note: created in 1980 viamerger of Universidad de San Juan Bosco and UniversidadNacional de la Patagonia. Current as: UNPSJB (fossils).Chubut. Argentina.

38. AGM: Archivo Grafico y Museo Historico de SanFrancisco y la Region, San Francisco. Current as: AGM(fossils). Cordoba. Argentina.

39. CORD: Museo de Paleontologıa, Universidad Nacio-nal de Cordoba, Cordoba. Current as: CORD-PZ (fossils). Seealso: MZUC (Recent fishes, herps). Cordoba. Argentina.

40. MAMM: Museo de Ciencias Naturales de la Region deAnsenuza ‘‘Anıbal Montes’’, Miramar. Current as: MAMM-PV(fossils, Seccion Paleovertebrados). Cordoba. Argentina.

41. MBM: Museo Provincial de Ciencias Naturales ‘‘Bar-tolome Mitre’’, Cordoba. Current as: MBM-PV (fossils).Cordoba. Argentina.

42. MCNC: Museo Provincial de Ciencias Naturales ‘‘Dr.Arturo Umberto Illıa’’, Cordoba. Current as: MCNC PV(fossils). Cordoba. Argentina.

43. MHM: Museo Historico Municipal de Arroyito,Arroyito. Current as: MHM (fossils). Cordoba. Argentina.

44. MPH: Museo Municipal Punta Hermengo, Miramar.Current as: MPH (fossils). Cordoba. Argentina.

45. MZUC: Museo de Zoologıa, Facultad de CienciasExactas, Fısicas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional deCordoba, Cordoba. Current as: MZUC (herps). Also as: CZA(herps, Centro de Zoologıa Aplicada). See also: CORD(fossils). Cordoba. Argentina.

46. UNRC-ZV: Coleccion Herpetologica de Zoologıa Ver-tebrados, Departamento de Ciencias Naturales, UniversidadNacional de Rıo Cuarto, Cordoba. Obsolete as: DCN-UNRC,ZVUNRC, UNRC-DCN-ZV. Current as: UNRC-ZV. Cordoba.Argentina.

47. CIPBV: Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras ‘‘BellaVista’’, Bella Vista. Note: no longer extant; disposition ofcollection unknown. Corrientes. Argentina.

48. INALI: Instituto Nacional de Limnologıa, ConsejoNacional de Investigaciones Cienctıficas y Tecnologicas(CONICET), Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santo Tome.Note: fish collection transferred to Museo Provincial deCiencias Naturales ‘‘Florentino Ameghino’’, Santa Fe (MFA).See also: MFA. Corrientes. Argentina.

49. UNNEC: Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Facultadde Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura (FaCENA),Corrientes. Obsolete as: UNNE. Current as: CTES-PZ (fossils,Coleccion Paleontologica ‘‘Rafael Herbst’’), UNNEC (Colec-cion Herpetologica ‘‘Lic. Blanca Beatriz Alvarez’’). Cor-rientes. Argentina.

50. CICYTTP: Centro de Investigaciones Cientıficas yTransferencia de Tecnologıa a la Produccion, Diamante.Current as: CICYTTP-PV-P (fossil fishes). Also as: CICTTTP(fossils). Entre Rıos. Argentina.

51. MER: Museo de Ciencias Naturales y Antropologicas‘‘Prof. Antonio Serrano’’, Parana. Entre Rıos. Argentina.

52. PVE: Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Villa Escolar,Villa Escolar. Formerly: Coleccion Paleontologıa de VillaEscolar. Current as: PVE-F (fossils). Formosa. Argentina.

53. RVP: Relevamiento de Vertebrados de La Pampa,Museo Provincial de Historia Natural, Santa Rosa. Formerly:

Museo Regional Pampeano until 1992. La Pampa. Argenti-na.

54. IADIZA: Instituto Argentino de Investigacion deZonas Arides (CCT-Mendoza-CONICET), Mendoza. Currentas: IADIZA. Also as: CH-IADIZA, IADIZA-CH (ColeccionHerpetologica). Mendoza. Argentina.

55. IBAUNC: Instituto de Biologıa Animal, UniversidadNacional de Cuyo, Mendoza. Current as: IBAUNC (fishes,herps). Also as: IBA, IBA-UNC (herps). Mendoza. Argentina.

56. JMC-DC: Jose Miguel Cei Diagnostic Collection, SanLuis. Current as: JMC-DC (herps). Mendoza. Argentina.

57. MCNA: Museo de Ciencias Naturales y Antropolog-icas ‘‘Cornelio Moyano’’, Mendoza. Current as: MCNA(fossils). Mendoza. Argentina.

58. MHIN-UNSL: Museo de Historia Natural de la Uni-versidad Nacional de San Luis, San Luis. Current as: MHIN-UNSL-GEO (fossils). Mendoza. Argentina.

59. MHNSR: Museo Municipal de Historia Natural de SanRafael, San Rafael. Obsolete as: MNHSR (herps). Current as:MHNSR, MHNSR-PV (fossils, Seccion Paleontologıa deVertebrados). Also as: MHN, MMHN-SR, MHNSRMza. Men-doza. Argentina.

60. CHUNAM: Coleccion Herpetologica de la UniversidadNacional de Misiones, Posadas. Current as: CHUNAM(herps). See also: LGE. Misiones. Argentina.

61. IARM: Vivario del Museo de Ciencias Naturales eHistoricas del Instituto Ruiz de Montoya, Posadas. Misiones.Argentina.

62. LGE: Laboratorio de Genetica Evolutiva, Instituto deBiologıa Subtropical, Universidad Nacional de Misiones,Posadas. See also: CHUNAM. Misiones. Argentina.

63. MCF: Museo ‘‘Carmen Funes’’, Plaza Huincul. Alsoknown as: Carmen Funes Municipal Museum. Current as:MCF-PVPH (fossils). Neuquen. Argentina.

64. MOZ: Museo Provincial de Ciencias Naturales ‘‘Prof.Dr. Juan A. Olsacher’’, Zapala. Current as: MOZ (fossils). Alsoas: MOZP. Neuquen. Argentina.

65. UNCo: Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Neu-quen. Current as: UNCo-PH (Programa de Herpetologıa),MUCPv (fossils, Museo de Geologıa y Paleontologıa). Alsoas: MUC Pv, MUCP (fossils). Neuquen. Argentina.

66. CIC: Museo Naturalıstico, Antropologico e Historico‘‘Jorge Gerhold’’, Ingeniero Jacobacci. Current as: CIC(fossils). Rıo Negro. Argentina.

67. MCS: Museo Regional de Cinco Saltos, Cinco Saltos.Current as: MCS (fossils). Rıo Negro. Argentina.

68. MML: Paleontologıa de Vertebrados, Museo Munici-pal de Lamarque, Lamarque. Also known as: Museo Paleon-tologico de Lamarque. Current as: MML-PV (fossils). RıoNegro. Argentina.

69. MPBAR: Museo Paleontologico de la AsociacionPaleontologica Bariloche, San Carlos de Bariloche. Currentas: MPBAR (fossils). Rıo Negro. Argentina.

70. MPCA: Museo provincial de Cipolletti ‘‘Carlos Ame-ghino’’, Cipolletti. Current as: MPCA-PV (fossils). Rıo Negro.Argentina.

71. MPCN: Museo Patagonico de Ciencias Naturales‘‘Juan Carlos Salgado’’, General Roca. Current as: MPCN(fossils). Rıo Negro. Argentina.

72. IBIGEO: Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del NOA,Rosario de Lerma. Note: established in 2009 as scientificresearch unit of Consejo Nacional de InvestigacionesCientıficas y Tecnicas (CONICET) and Universidad Nacio-

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nal de Salta (UNSa). Current as: IBIGEO-I, IBIGEO-P (fishes),IBIGEO-R (reptiles). Salta. Argentina.

73. MCN: Museo de Ciencias Naturales, UniversidadNacional de Salta, Salta. In error as: MCMI. Current as: MCN(fossils), MCNI (fishes), MCN-UNSa (herps, although MCNused on specimen tags). Also as: CNS-V (fossils). Salta.Argentina.

74. UNSJ: Universidad Nacional de San Juan, San Juan.Includes: Instituto y Museo de Ciencias Naturales (IMCN).Current as: PVSJ (fossils, Division de Paleontologıa deVertebrados), UNSJ (herps). Also as: IMCN-UNSJ (herps).San Juan. Argentina.

75. UNSL: Museo de Historia Natural, UniversidadNacional de San Luis, San Luis. Current as: MHN-UNSL-GEO V (fossils, Geologıa Vertebrados). San Luis. Argentina.

76. MPM: Museo Regional Provincial ‘‘Padre JesusMolina’’, Rıo Gallegos. Note: museum established in 1957,adopted current name in 1983. Current as: MPM (fossils).Santa Cruz. Argentina.

77. MFA: Museo Provincial de Ciencias Naturales ‘‘Flor-entino Ameghino’’, Santa Fe. Includes: fish collection fromInstituto Nacional de Limnologıa (INALI), CONICET,Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL), Santo Tome.Current as: MFA-ZV-I (fishes), MFA-ZV-H (herps). Santa Fe.Argentina.

78. MFCA: Museo Universitario ‘‘Florentino y Carlos Ame-ghino’’, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Santa Fe. Formerly:Instituto de Fisiografıa y Geologıa ‘‘Alfredo Castellanos’’. Currentas: MFCA (fossils). Santa Fe. Argentina.

79. IAV: Instituto de Animales Venenosas ‘‘Dr. Jorge W.Abalos’’, Santiago del Estero. Santiago del Estero. Argentina.

80. FML: Fundacion Miguel Lillo, San Miguel de Tucuman.Obsolete as: IML (fishes). Current as: FML (fishes, herps). Also as:CI-FML (fishes). See also: PVL (fossils). Tucuman. Argentina.

81. PVL: Paleontologıa Vertebrados Lillo, Facultad de Cien-cias Naturales e Instituto ‘‘Miguel Lillo’’, Universidad Nacionalde Tucuman, San Miguel de Tucuman. Current as: PVL (fossils).Also as: LIL-PZ (fossils). See also: FML (Recent fishes, herps).Tucuman. Argentina.

82. AFAN: Zoological Museum, Institute of Zoology, Nation-al Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Yerevan[Erevan]. Formerly: Armenian Branch of USSR Academy ofSciences (1943–1993). Note: Institute of Zoology and Institute ofHydroecology and Ichthyology merged into Center of Zoologyand Hydroecology (SCZH) founded in 2006. Obsolete as: ZIA(Zoological Institute). Current as: AFAN. Also as: IZAY (beetles).Armenia.

83. ANU: Australian National University, Canberra. Includes:Gauba Collection and fossils from Commonwealth Paleonto-logical Collection (CPC). Current as: ANU V (fossils). AustralianCapital Territory. Australia.

84. ANWC: Australian National Wildlife Collection, Com-monwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation(CSIRO), Canberra. Note: founded in 1966. Current as: ANWC.Australian Capital Territory. Australia.

85. AMS: Australian Museum, Sydney. Formerly: ColonialMuseum Sydney (1827–1836). Includes: fish types and herpsfrom Macleay Museum, University of Sydney (MAMU, MMS,MMUS, MU). Obsolete as: AM, A.M. Current as: AMS (fishes,herps), AM-F (fossils). New South Wales. Australia.

86. AZM: Private collection of Richard Wells, Katoomba.Also known as: Australian Zoological Museum. New SouthWales. Australia.

87. GNHNA: Gallery of Natural History and Native Art,Medlow Bath. New South Wales. Australia.

88. GSNSW: Fossil collection of the Geological Survey ofNew South Wales, Maitland. Current as: GSNSW (fossils). NewSouth Wales. Australia.

89. MAMU: Macleay Museum, University of Sydney, Sydney.Note: fish type specimens and herps transferred to AustralianMuseum, Sydney (AMS). Current as: MAMU. Also as: MMS,MMUS, MU. See also: AMS. New South Wales. Australia.

90. MQU: Macquarie University, Department of BiologicalSciences, North Ryde. New South Wales. Australia.

91. NEW: University of Newcastle, Newcastle. New SouthWales. Australia.

92. WOLL: University of Wollongong, Wollongong. NewSouth Wales. Australia.

93. NTI: Animal Industry Branch, Northern Territory Ad-ministration, Alice Springs. Northern Territory. Australia.

94. NTM: Museums and Art Galleries of the NorthernTerritory, Darwin. Formerly: Northern Territory Museum of Arts& Sciences. Includes: fluid collections of Museum of CentralAustralia (NTM A/S) and Arid Zone Research Institute (AZRI),Alice Springs. Current as: NTM (fishes, herps). Also as: NT,MAGNT. Northern Territory. Australia.

95. NTM A/S: Museum of Central Australia, Alice Springs.Includes: collections of Conservation Commission of theNorthern Territory (CAWC). Note: fluid collections transferredto and re-cataloged at Museums and Art Galleries of theNorthern Territory (NTM), Darwin. Also as: CAM (fishes), NTM-A/S (herps). Northern Territory. Australia.

96. AFAQ: Queensland Amateur Fishing Clubs Association,Inc. Formerly: Amateur Fisheries Association of Queensland.Note: most specimens transferred to Queensland Museum(QM). Queensland. Australia.

97. AOD: Australian Age of Dinosaurs Fossil Museum ofNatural History, Winton. Current as: AOD F (fossils). Also as:AODF (fossils). Queensland. Australia.

98. FBQ: Fisheries Branch, Department of Primary Industries& Fisheries Queensland, Brisbane. Queensland. Australia.

99. GRIF: Griffith University, Brisbane. Queensland. Austral-ia.

100. GSQ: Geological Survey of Queensland Fossil Collec-tion, Brisbane. Note: some fossils transferred to QueenslandMuseum (QM). Current as: GSQ (fossils). Queensland. Australia.

101. QM: Queensland Museum, Centre for Biodiversity,Brisbane. Includes: collection from Department of Harbours &Marine, Brisbane (DHMB); specimens from Queensland Ama-teur Fishing Clubs Association (AFAQ) and QueenslandNational Parks and Wildlife Service (QP); fossils from GeologicalSurvey of Queensland (GSQ). Obsolete as: QMB. Current as: QMF (fossils), QM I (fishes), QM J (herps). Also as: QMF, QMI, QMJ.Queensland. Australia.

102. FLIN: Flinders University, Adelaide. South Australia.Australia.

103. SADME: South Australian Department of Mines FossilCollection, Adelaide. Current as: SADME (fossils). SouthAustralia. Australia.

104. SAMA: South Australian Museum, Adelaide. Current as:SAMA. Also as: SAM (fossils). South Australia. Australia.

105. CSIRO: Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Re-search Organisation, National Research Collections Australia,Australian National Fish Collection (ANFC), Hobart. Includes:fishes from Tasmanian Fisheries Development Authority,Hobart (TFDA) added in 1985. Note: collection formerly held

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at CSIRO Marine Labs, Sydney (MLS), move to Hobart in 1984and known as I.S.R. Munro Ichthyological Collection (1984–1999). Current as: CSIRO (fishes). Tasmania. Australia.

106. QVM: Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery(QVMAG), Launceston. Obsolete as: QVMT. Current as: QVM(fishes, herps). Tasmania. Australia.

107. TMH: Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart.Includes: most specimens from Tasmanian Inland FisheriesCommission, Hobart (TIFC), added in 2000s. Current as: TMH.Also as: TMAG. Tasmania. Australia.

108. UTAS: University of Tasmania, Department of GeologyFossil Collection, Hobart. Current as: UTAS (fossils). Tasmania.Australia.

109. GSV: Geological Survey of Victoria, Melbourne. Currentas: GSV (fossils). Victoria. Australia.

110. MUZ: Department of Zoology, Monash University,Melbourne. Current as: MUZ (fossils). Victoria. Australia.

111. NMV: Museums Victoria, Melbourne. Also known as:Melbourne Museum. Formerly: National Museum of Victoria.Current as: NMV (fishes, herps), NMV P (fossils). Also as: NMVD(herps). Victoria. Australia.

112. UMP: University of Melbourne, Parkville, Melbourne.Current as: MUGD (fossils, Department of Geology andMineralogy). Victoria. Australia.

113. GSWA: Geological Survey of Western Australia, EastPerth. Note: early fossil collection housed in Western AustralianMuseum (WAM) and separated from WAM collection by IreneCrespin ca. 1964. Current as: GSWA F (fossils). WesternAustralia. Australia.

114. UWA: University of Western Australia, Crawley. Note:amphibian specimens transferred to Western Australian Muse-um (WAM); audio recordings of frogs curated by Centre ofExcellence in Natural Resource Management, University ofWestern Australia, Albany Campus (CENRM). Current as: UWA(fossils, Edward de Courcy Clarke Earth Science Museum).Western Australia. Australia.

115. WAM: Western Australian Museum, Welshpool, Perth.Includes: amphibian specimens from University of WesternAustralia, Crawley (UWA). Current as: WAM (fishes, herps,fossils). Also as: WAMAG (fossils). Western Australia. Australia.

116. JD: Private collection of John Dwyer. Note: reptilecollector for Taronga Zoo, Sydney; status unknown. Australia.

117. MW: Private collection of M. Ward (herps). Australia.118. NOLM: Museum Niederosterreich [Lower Austria Mu-

seum], St. Polten. Formerly: Landesmuseum Niederosterreich[Lower Austria State Museum]. Current as: NOLM (fossils).Niederosterreich [Lower Austria]. Austria.

119. OLL: Biologiezentrum, Oberosterreichisches Landesmu-seum, Linz. Current as: OLL. Also as: BZL. Oberosterreich [UpperAustria]. Austria.

120. HNS: Haus der Natur Salzburg, Salzburg. Current as:HNS (sharks). Salzburg. Austria.

121. UMJGP: Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz. Alsoknown as: Styrian Provincial Museum Joanneum. Formerly:Landesmuseum Joanneum from 1811–2009. Obsolete as: LIG,LJG, LMJ, LMJG, SLMJ (fossils). Current as: UMJGP (fossils).Steiermark [Styria]. Austria.

122. Innsb: Institut fur Geologie [Department of Geology],Universitat Innsbruck [University of Innsbruck], Innsbruck.Current as: Innsb (fossils). Tyrol. Austria.

123. IEND: inatura—Erlebnis Naturschau Dornbirn, Dorn-birn. Current as: IEND (sharks). Vorarlberg. Austria.

124. GBA: Geologische Bundesanstalt [Geological Survey of

Austria], Wien [Vienna]. Obsolete as: GBW. Current as: GBA(fossils). Also as: GBAW (fossils). Wien [Vienna]. Austria.

125. IPUW: Institut fur Palaontologie, Universitat Wien,Wien [Vienna]. Obsolete as: UWPI. Current as: IPUW (fossils),UNIVIE EMRG (ichthyological collection, Department of Palae-ontology). Also as: PIUW (fossils). See also: ZCUV (fishes, herps).Wien [Vienna]. Austria.

126. MV: Musei Caesarei Vindobonensis, Wien [Vienna].Note: no longer extant. Wien [Vienna]. Austria.

127. NMW: Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien [Vienna].Includes: Hof-Naturalien-Cabinet (HNC), predecessor of Natur-historisches Museum. Obsolete as: NHMV, NMWGP (fossils).Current as: NMW (fishes, herps), NHMW (fossils, geologisch-palaontologische Abteilung). Wien [Vienna]. Austria.

128. ZCUV: Zoological Collection, Department fur Theoreti-sche Biologie, Universitat Wien, Wien [Vienna]. Formerly:Institut fur Zoologie. Current as: ZCUV (fishes, herps). Also as:IZUW, ZIUW. See also: IPUW. Wien [Vienna]. Austria.

129. CBSIZA: Caspian Biological Station, Institute of Zoolo-gy, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku. Obsolete as:CBS. Current as: CBSIZA. Azerbaijan.

130. IZAB: Institute of Zoology, Azerbaijan National Acad-emy of Sciences, Baku. Obsolete as: ZIAZ, IZA. Current as: IZAB.Also as: IZBA (entomology). Azerbaijan.

131. NMB: National Museum of the Bahamas, Antiquities,Monuments and Museums Corporation, Marsh Harbour, AbacoIsland. Current as: NMB (fossils). Bahamas.

132. BFRIRS: Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute (BFRI),Riverine Station, Moishadi. Chandpur. Bangladesh.

133. CU: University of Chittagong, Chittagong. Note:separate museums in Department of Zoology (DOZ, CU),Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries (IMSF; formerlyDepartment of Marine Biology and Oceanography from 1971to 1983) and Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences(IFES). Obsolete as: MMSF (fishes), CUZ (herps). Current as: CUpreceded by catalog number (herps, Department of Zoology),c*msF (fishes, Institute of Marine Sciences), IFESCU (herps,Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences), IMSFCU(herps, Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries). Chittagong.Bangladesh.

134. DU: Zoology Department, University of Dhaka, Dhaka[ex Dacca]. Current as: DU (fishes). Dhaka. Bangladesh.

135. FBGN-SAU: Aquatic Bioresource Research Laboratory,Department of Fisheries Biology and Genetics, Faculty ofFisheries and Aquaculture, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural Universi-ty, Dhaka [ex Dacca]. Current as: FBGN-SAU_F (fishes). Dhaka.Bangladesh.

136. JUHG: Jahangirnagar University Herpetological Group,Zoology Department, Jahangirnagar University, Savar. Currentas: JUHG (herps). Dhaka. Bangladesh.

137. BKM: Trudovoy Slavy Museum, Soligorsk [Salihorsk].Current as: BKM (fossils). Belarus.

138. BSUM: Geological Museum of Belarusian State Univer-sity, Minsk. Current as: BSUM (fossils). Belarus.

139. ERB: Elasmobranch Research Belgium, Bonheiden.Includes: fossil collection of Frederik H. Mollen, Berlaar. Currentas: ERB (fishes, fossils). Antwerp. Belgium.

140. IRSNB: Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique[Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen(KBIN, KNMB), Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences(RBINS)], Brussels. Formerly: Musee royal d’Histoire naturelle deBelgique (MRHN) [Koninklijk Natuurhistorisch Museum vanBelgie], created in 1846. Obsolete as: IRScNB, ISBN, ISNB, ISNM,

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KNMB, MRHN, RIB. Current as: IRSNB (fishes, herps, fossils).Also as: KBIN (sharks, herps, birds), RBINS (fossils). Brussels.Belgium.

141. ZMULB: Museum de Zoologie et d’Anthropologie,Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels. Brussels. Belgium.

142. RMCA: Royal Museum for Central Africa [Musee royalde l’Afrique centrale (MRAC), Koninklijk Museum voorMidden-Afrika (KMMA)], Tervuren. Also known as: TervurenMuseum, AfricaMuseum. Formerly: Musee du Congo (1898–1908), Musee du Congo belge [Museum van Belgisch Congo](1908–1952), Musee royal du Congo belge [Koninklijk Museumvan Belgisch Congo] (1952–1960). Obsolete as: KMMA, MRAC,MT, RG, RGMC, RMAC. Current as: RMCA (fishes, herps,fossils). Flemish Brabant. Belgium.

143. MZULG: Universite de Liege, L’Aquarium ‘‘Dubuisson’’et le Musee de Zoologie, Liege. Liege. Belgium.

144. GAN: S.G.A. Nago collection housed at University ofAbomey-Calavi, Cotonou [Kutonu]. Current as: GAN (herps).Benin.

145. LHC: Laboratoire d’Hydrobiologie et d’Aquaculture,Faculte des Sciences Agronomiques, Universite d’AbomeyCalavi, Cotonou [Kutonu]. Benin.

146. BAMZ: Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo, Bermu-da Zoological Society, Flatts Village. Formerly: Bermuda NaturalHistory Society. Obsolete as: BZS, BNHS. Current as: BAMZ(fishes). Bermuda.

147. CNR: Laboratory Collection, College of Natural Re-sources, Royal University of Bhutan, Punakha. Current as: CNR(fishes). Punakha. Bhutan.

148. CIRA-UTB: Centro de Investigacıon de Recursos Aqua-ticos, Universidad Tecnica del Beni, Trinidad. Current as: CIRA-UTB (fishes). Beni. Bolivia.

149. USFX: Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Mayor,Real y Pontificia de San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca[University of Saint Francis Xavier], Chuquisaca. Chuquisaca.Bolivia.

150. MHNC: Museo de Historia Natural Alcide d’Orbigny,Cochabamba [Quchapampa]. Includes: fish collection as-sembled by Unidad de Limnologıa y Recursos Acuaticos,Universidad Mayor de San Simon (UMSS). Current as:MHNC, MHNCA (amphibians), MHNC-R (reptiles). Cocha-bamba. Bolivia.

151. UMSS: Universidad Mayor de San Simon, Cocha-bamba [Quchapampa]. Current as: CBG (herps, Centro deBiodiversidad y Genetica), UMSS (fishes). Also as: CBGR(herps). Cochabamba. Bolivia.

152. CBF: Coleccion Boliviana de Fauna, Museo Nacionalde Historia Natural and Instituto de Ecologıa de laUniversidad Mayor de San Andres, La Paz. Obsolete as:CFB. Current as: CBF (fishes, herps). La Paz. Bolivia.

153. CIPA: Museo de Historia Natural ‘‘Pedro Villalobos’’(MHNPV), Centro de Investigacion y Preservacion de laAmazonıa, Universidad Amazonica de Pando, Cobija.Nicolas Suarez. Bolivia.

154. MNK: Museo de Historia Natural Noel KempffMercado, Universidad Autonoma Gabriel Rene Moreno,Santa Cruz de La Sierra. Obsolete as: MNKM, NK, NKA.Current as: MNKP (fishes), MNKR (reptiles), MNKA (am-phibians). Santa Cruz. Bolivia.

155. YPFB: Yacimientos Petrolıferos Fiscales Bolivianospaleontology collection, Centro de Tecnologıa Petrolera(CTP), Santa Cruz. Note: fossils specimens are the propertyof CTP (YPFB), but on loan to Museum national d’Histoire

naturelle, Paris (MNHN) for curation and study. Current as:YPFB Pal (fossils). Santa Cruz. Bolivia.

156. MNPA: Museo Nacional Paleontologico-Arqueologi-co, Tarija [San Bernardo de la Frontera de Tarixa]. Formerly:Museo Universitario de Tarija (MUT). Current as: MNPA-V(fossil vertebrates). Tarija. Bolivia.

157. ZMBH: Zemaljski Muzej Bosne i Hercegovine [Na-tional Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina], Sarajevo.Current as: ZMBH (fishes, herps), BHSP (fossils). Bosnia andHerzegovina.

158. BNM: Botswana National Museum, Gaborone. Note:uncataloged herp specimens cited using field numbers (e.g.,KHH). Current as: BNM (herps). Botswana.

159. SADC/GEF: Southern African Development Com-munity, Global Environment Facility, Gaborone. Current as:SADC/GEF (fishes). Botswana.

160. UFAC: Universidade Federal do Acre, Rio Branco.Current as: UFAC (herps, fossils, campus Rio Branco). Seealso: UFACF (campus Floresta). Acre. Brazil.

161. UFACF: Universidade Federal do Acre, Campus daFloresta, Cruzeiro do Sul. Current as: UFACF (herps, campusFloresta). See also: UFAC (campus Rio Branco). Acre. Brazil.

162. MUFAL: Museu de Historia Natural da UniversidadeFederal de Alagoas, Maceio. Current as: MUFAL (herps),UFAL (fishes). Alagoas. Brazil.

163. IEPA: Instituto de Pesquisas Cientıficas e Tecnolog-icas do Estado do Amapa, Macapa. Note: mistakenlyassociated with ‘‘Instituto de Ensino Profissional da Ama-zonia’’ (Andrade et al., 2016:2). Current as: IEPA (fishes,herps). Amapa. Brazil.

164. FMT: Fundacao de Medicina Tropical do Amazonas,Manaus. Formerly: Instituto de Medicina Tropical (IMTM).Obsolete as: IMTM (herps). Current as: FMT (herps). Ama-zonas. Brazil.

165. IDSM: Instituto de Desenvolvimento SustentavelMamiraua, Tefe. Current as: IDSM (fishes). Amazonas. Brazil.

166. INPA: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia,Manaus. Current as: INPA-ICT (fishes), INPA-H (herps).Amazonas. Brazil.

167. CHECOA: Colecao Herpetologica de Referencia doCentro de Ecologia e Conservacao Ambiental, UniversidadeCatolica do Salvador, Salvador. Bahia. Brazil.

168. CIAVE: Centro de Investigacoes de Animais Ven-enosos, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana (UEFS),Feira de Santana. See also: MZFS. Bahia. Brazil.

169. CRVS: Colecao de Referencia do Vale do SaoFrancisco, Universidade do Estado da Bahia, Campus VIII,Paulo Afonso. Current as: CRVS (fishes). Bahia. Brazil.

170. CZGB: Colecao Zoologica Gregorio Bondar (CZGB),Comissao Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Cacaueira (CE-PLAC). Note: collection transferred to MZUESC in 2012.Current as: CZGB (herps). See also: MZUESC. Bahia. Brazil.

171. MZFS: Museu de Zoologia da Universidade Estadualde Feira de Santana (UEFS), Feira de Santana. Note: SUEFS(Sonoteca do Laboratorio de Animais Peconhentos eHerpetologia) used for sound recordings. Obsolete as: LIUEFS(Laboratorio de Ictiologia, Departamento de Ciencias Bio-logicas), MZUEFS, UEFS. Current as: MZFS (fishes, Divisao dePeixes), MZFS-DAR (herps, Divisao de Anfıbios e Repteis).See also: CIAVE. Bahia. Brazil.

172. MZUESC: Colecao Herpetologica do Museu deZoologia da Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (UESC),Ilheus. Includes: Colecao Zoologica Gregorio Bondar (CZGB),

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added in 2012. Current as: MZUESC (herps). See also: CZGB.Bahia. Brazil.

173. TAMAR: Projeto Tamar, Sao Joao da Mata. Note: non-profit organization administered by Instituto Chico Mendesde Conservacao da Biodiversidade (ICMBio). Current as:TAMAR (fishes). Bahia. Brazil.

174. UESB: Colecao de Anfıbios, Universidade Estadualdo Sudoeste da Bahia, Vitoria da Conquista. Bahia. Brazil.

175. UFBA: Museu de Zoologia da Universidade Federalda Bahia, Salvador. Note: reptile collection properly foundedin 1987. Current as: UFBA (fishes, herps). Also as: CRMZUF-BA (reptiles), MZUFBA (Museu de Zoologia). Bahia. Brazil.

176. CPCA: Centro de Pesquisas Paleontologicas daChapada do Araripe, Departamento Nacional de ProducaoMineral, Crato. Current as: CPCA (fossils). Ceara. Brazil.

177. DNOCS: Departamento Nacional de Obras Contra asSecas, Pentecoste. Note: status of collection unknown, somefishes transferred to MZUSP. Ceara. Brazil.

178. MPSC: Museu de Paleontologia Placido CidadeNuvens, Santana do Cariri. Current as: MPSC (fossils). Ceara.Brazil.

179. UFC: Universidade Federal do Ceara, Fortaleza.Obsolete as: LCM (Laboratorio de Ciencias do Mar). Includes:collections transferred from Grupo de Estudo de Elasmo-branquios do Ceara (ELACE) (ELC, Chondrichthyes) andDepartamento de Engenharia de Pesca (CIDEP-UFC, Cole-cao Ictiologica). Current as: DBUFC (Colecao Ictiologica doDepartamento de Biologia, Campus do Pici), LABOMAR(Colecao Ictiologica do Instituto de Ciencias do Mar),CHUFC (herps, Colecao Herpetologica do Departamentode Biologia e Nucleo Regional de Ofiologia [NUROF-UFC],Campus do Pici). Also as: UFC (herps), UFC A (amphibians).Ceara. Brazil.

180. URCA: Universidade Regional do Cariri, Crato.Current as: URCA-H (herps, Colecao Herpetologica). Ceara.Brazil.

181. UNB: Universidade de Brasılia, Brasılia. Current as:CIUnB (Colecao Ictiologica), CHUNB (Colecao Herpetolog-ica). Distrito Federal. Brazil.

182. CZNC: Colecao Zoologica Norte Capixaba, Univer-sidade Federal do Espırito Santo (UFES), Sao Mateus. Note:collection separate from UFES. Current as: CZNC (fishes). Seealso: UFES. Espırito Santo. Brazil.

183. MBML: Instituto Nacional da Mata Atlantica (IN-MA), Colecao Zoologica, Santa Teresa. Formerly: Museu deBiologia Professor Mello Leitao, established in 1949. Currentas: MBML (fishes, herps). Espırito Santo. Brazil.

184. UFES: Universidade Federal do Espırito Santo(UFES), Vitoria. Note: collection separate from CZNC.Obsolete as: ZUFES. Current as: CIUFES (fishes, ColecaoIctiologica), UFES (herps). Also as: CI-UFES (fishes). EspıritoSanto. Brazil.

185. CEPB: Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas Biologicas,Pontifıcia Universidade Catolica de Goias, Goiania. Includes:specimens from faunal rescues associated with UsinaHidreletrica de Serra da Mesa (UHESM) and Usina Hidre-letrica de Corumba (UHEC). Current as: CEPB (herps),UHESM & UHEC (herps housed at CEPB). Also as: PUC-GO(herps). Goias. Brazil.

186. ZUFG: Colecao Zoologica da Universidade Federalde Goias, Campus Samambaia, Goiania. Current as: ZUFG(herps). Also as: UFG (herps). Goias. Brazil.

187. UFMA: Universidade Federal do Maranhao (UFMA),

Campus do Bacanga, Sao Luıs. Note: presumably includesfishes deposited in Colecao de Peixes do Departamento deOceanografia e Limnologia (CPDOL). Obsolete as: HUFMA(herps). Current as: CHUFMA (herps), CPUFMA (fishes),UFMA (fossils). See also: UFMA-CCAA. Maranhao. Brazil.

188. UFMA-CCAA: Universidade Federal do Maranhao(UFMA), Centro de Ciencias Agrarias e Ambientais, Chapa-dinha. Note: fish collection began in 2015, made official in2016. Current as: CICCAA (fishes, Colecao Ictiologica),CHMA (herps, Colecao Herpetologica ‘‘Claude d’Abbe-ville’’). See also: UFMA. Maranhao. Brazil.

189. LILUNX: Laboratory of Ichthyology and Limnology,Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso (UNEMAT), Cam-pus de Nova Xavantina. Current as: LILUNX (fishes). MatoGrosso. Brazil.

190. UFMT: Colecao Zoologica de Vertebrados, Universi-dade Federal de Mato Grosso, Cuiaba. Current as: CPUFMT(fishes, Colecao de Peixes), UFMT (herps), UFMT-R (reptiles).Mato Grosso. Brazil.

191. CEUCH: Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso doSul, Campus do Pantanal, Corumba. Current as: CEUCH(herps). See also: ZUFMS. Mato Grosso do Sul. Brazil.

192. CPUEMS: Centro de Estudos em Recursos Naturais(CERNA), Laboratorio de Ecologia, Universidade Estadual deMato Grosso do Sul, Dourados. Current as: CPUEMS (fishes,Colecao de Peixes). Mato Grosso do Sul. Brazil.

193. ZUFMS: Colecao Zoologica da Universidade Federalde Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande. Current as: ZUFMS-PIS (fishes), ZUFMS-AMP (amphibians), ZUFMS-REP (rep-tiles). See also: CEUCH. Mato Grosso do Sul. Brazil.

193.5. CICMG: (see Addendum)194. CPPLIP: Centro de Pesquisas Paleontologicas ‘‘Lle-

wellyn Ivor Price’’, Universidade Federal do TrianguloMineiro (UFTM), Peiropolis, Uberaba. Obsolete as: CPP(fossils). Current as: CPPLIP (fossils). Minas Gerais. Brazil.

195. FUNED: Fundacao Ezequiel Dias, Belo Horizonte.Current as: FUNED (herps). Minas Gerais. Brazil.

196. IGC: Instituto de Geociencias, Universidade Federalde Minas Gerais (CCT-UFMG), Belo Horizonte. Current as:IGC-P (fossils). See also: UFMG (fishes, herps). Minas Gerais.Brazil.

197. LGC: Laboratorio de Genetica da Conservacao,Pontifıcia Universidade Catolica de Minas Gerais (PUC-MG), Belo Horizonte. Current as: LGC (fishes). See also:MCN. Minas Gerais. Brazil.

198. LZV: Laboratorio de Zoologia dos Vertebrados, Uni-versidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Ouro Preto. Current as: LZV(herps). Also as: LZVUFOP (herps). Minas Gerais. Brazil.

199. MCN: Museu de Ciencias Naturais, Pontifıcia Universi-dade Catolica de Minas Gerais (PUC-MG), Belo Horizonte.Obsolete as: PUCMG (herps). Current as: MCNAM (amphibians),MCNIP (fishes), MCNR (reptiles), MCL (fossils). See also: LGC.Minas Gerais. Brazil.

200. MZUFV: Museu de Zoologia ‘‘Joao Moojen de Oliveira’’,Universidade Federal de Vicosa, Vicosa. Obsolete as: UFV (herps).Current as: MZUFV (herps). Also as: CHUV (herps). MinasGerais. Brazil.

201. UFJF: Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Instituto deCiencias Biologicas, Departamento de Zoologia, Juiz de Fora.Current as: UFJF (fishes). Minas Gerais. Brazil.

202. UFLA: Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. Currentas: CIUFLA (fishes, Colecao Ictiologica). Also as: CI-UFLA(fishes). Minas Gerais. Brazil.

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203. UFMG: Centro de Colecoes Taxonomicas, UniversidadeFederal de Minas Gerais (CCT-UFMG), Belo Horizonte. Obsoleteas: MHNI (fishes). Current as: UFMG (herps), DZUFMG (fishes,Departamento de Zoologia). See also: IGC (fossils). Minas Gerais.Brazil.

204. UFU: Museu de Biodiversidade do Cerrado, Universi-dade Federal de Uberlandia, Uberlandia. Note: museum openedin 2000; teaching collection transferred to Parque MunicipalVictorio Siquierolli in 2002. Current as: AAG-UFU (amphibians).Also as: MBC, MBC-UFU (entomology), UFU (herps). MinasGerais. Brazil.

205. GEA: Laboratorio de Ictiologia do Grupo de EcologiaAquatica, Universidade Federal do Para (UFPA), Belem. Currentas: GEA (fishes). Para. Brazil.

206. LIA: Laboratorio de Ictiologia de Altamira, UniversidadeFederal do Para, Campus Altamira. Current as: LIA (fishes). Para.Brazil.

207. LPHA: Linha de Pesquisa em Herpetologia da Amazo-nia, Laboratorio de Pesquisas Zoologicas (LPZ), FaculdadesIntegradas do Tapajos, Santarem. Current as: LPHA (herps).Para. Brazil.

208. MPEG: Museu Paraense ‘‘Emilio Goeldi’’, Belem. Note:federal research institution within the Brazilian Ministry ofScience, Technology and Communication (MCTIC). Current as:MPEG (fishes, herps), MPEG-V (fossils). Para. Brazil.

209. UFOPA: Universidade Federal do Oeste do Para,Santarem. Current as: UFOPA-I (fishes, Colecao de Peixes). Para.Brazil.

210. CEATOX-PB: Centro de Assistencia Toxicologica daParaıba, Hospital Universitario Lauro Wanderley Cidade Uni-versitaria, Joao Pessoa. Current as: CEATOX-PB (herps). Paraıba.Brazil.

211. LHUFCG: Laboratorio de Herpetologia, UniversidadeFederal de Campina Grande, Campus de Patos, Patos. Currentas: LHUFCG (herps). Paraıba. Brazil.

212. UFPB: Departamento de Sistematica e Ecologia, Uni-versidade Federal da Paraıba, Joao Pessoa. Current as: CHUFPB(herps, Colecao Herpetologica), UFPB (fishes). Also as: CIUFPB(fishes, Colecao Ictiologica). Paraıba. Brazil.

213. DZUP: Colecao de Herpetologia, Departamento deZoologia, Universidade Federal do Parana, Curitiba. Current as:DZUP (herps). Parana. Brazil.

214. MHNCI: Museu de Historia Natural do ‘‘Capao daImbuia’’, Curitiba. In error as: MHNCL, MNHCI. Current as:MHNCI (fishes, herps). Parana. Brazil.

215. MZUEL: Museu de Zoologia, Universidade Estadual deLondrina, Londrina. Current as: MZUEL (fishes, herps). Parana.Brazil.

216. NUP: Colecao Ictiologica do Nucleo de Pesquisas emLimnologia, Ictiologia e Aquicultura (NUPELIA), UniversidadeEstadual de Maringa, Maringa. Current as: NUP (fishes). Parana.Brazil.

217. MFCH: Museu de Fauna da Caatinga, Centro deConservacao e Manejo de Fauna da Caatinga (CEMAFAUNA-CAATINGA), Universidade Federal do Vale do Sao Francisco(UNIVASF), Petrolina. Current as: MFCH (herps). Pernambuco.Brazil.

218. UFPE: Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, MainCampus, Recife. Includes: Museu de Oceanografia ‘‘Prof.Petronio Alves Coelho’’ (MOUFPE), formerly known as Institutode Biologia Marinha e Oceanografia, Jaboatao dos Guararapes(1952–1968) and Laboratorio de Ciencias do Mar/LACIMAR(UFP) (1968–1973). Current as: LDUFPE (herps, Laboratorio

Didatico), DGEO-CTG-UFPE (fossils, Colecao Cientıfica Paleon-tologica do Departamento de Geologia, Centro de Tecnologia eGeociencias). Pernambuco. Brazil.

219. UFRPE: Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco,Recife. Current as: UFRPE (fishes), CHP-UFRPE (herps, ColecaoHerpetologica e Paleoherpetologica). Also as: CHUFRPE (herps).Pernambuco. Brazil.

220. UFPI: Universidade Federal do Piauı, Teresina. Currentas: UFPI (fishes), UFPI PV (fossils). Piauı. Brazil.

220.5. COPPE-UFRJ: (see Addendum)221. DGM: Colecao de Paleontologia do Museu de Ciencias

da Terra (MCT), Servico Geologico do Brasil (CPRM), Ministeriode Minas e Energia, Rio de Janeiro. Formerly: DepartamentoNacional de Producao Mineral (DNPM), Divisao de Geologia eMineralogia (DGM). Note: established within Servico Geologicoe Mineralogico do Brasil (SGB, SGM) in 1907; DepartamentoNacional de Producao Mineral (DNPM) created in 1934,incorporated into Ministerio das Minas e Energia in 1960,and dissolved into Companhia de Pesquisas e Recursos Minerais(CPRM) in 1969–70; collections formally named Museu deCiencias da Terra (MCT) in 1992; CPRM became federal publiccompany functioning as Servico Geologico do Brasil in 1994–95 and responsible for management of MCT in 2012. Obsoleteas: DNPM, SGB, SGM (fossils). Current as: DGM (fossils). Also as:DGM-DNPM, MCT (fossils). Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.

222. EI: Colecao Eugenio Izecksohn, Universidade FederalRural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropedica. Current as: EI (fishes, herps).Also as: EI-UFRRJ. See also: UFRRJ. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.

223. IOC: Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz(FIOCRUZ), Rio de Janeiro. Current as: IOC (herps). Rio deJaneiro. Brazil.

224. IVB: Instituto Vital Brazil, Niteroi. In error as: IVP(herps). Current as: IVB (herps). Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.

225. LBRP: Laboratorio de Biodiversidade de RecursosPesqueiros, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Note:collection of marine fishes separate from main collection atUFRJ; current status unknown. See also: UFRJ. Rio de Janeiro.Brazil.

226. MNRJ: Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio deJaneiro, Rio de Janeiro. Includes: Adolpho Lutz HerpetologicalCollection (AL-MN, maintained separately), and Carlos AlbertoGoncalves da Cruz private collection (CAGC) assembled atUniversidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). Note:collection separate and distinct from Universidade Federal doRio de Janeiro (UFRJ/ZUFRJ); entomological, arachnid, molluskand fossil collections stored at Sao Cristovao Palace in Quintada Boa Vista, Museu Nacional’s main building, were largelydestroyed by fire on 2 Sep 2018. Current as: MNRJ (fishes,herps), MNTI (fish tissue collection), MNLM (vertebrate DNAextract collection), MN (fossils). Also as: DGP (fossils, Departa-mento de Geologia e Paleontologia), MNUFRJ (fossils). Rio deJaneiro. Brazil.

227. NPM: Instituto de Biodiversidade e Sustentabilidade,Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Macae. Formerly: Nucleoem Ecologia e Desenvolvimento Socio-Ambiental (NUPEM). Inerror as: NUPEM. Current as: NPM (fishes). Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.

228. UERJ: Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro,Instituto de Biologia Roberto Alcantara Gomes (IBRAG),Departamento de Ensino de Ciencias e Biologia (DECB), VilaIsabel, Rio de Janeiro. Formerly: Departamento de BiologiaAnimal e Vegetal (DBAV.UERJ) until 2002. Current as: UERJ(fishes), Pz.UERJ (fossils). Also as: PNT.UERJ (fishes), UERJ-PMB(fossils, Paulo M. Brito collection). Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.

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229. UFF: Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro.Current as: LNEP-UFF (Laboratorio de Biologia do Necton eEcologia Pesqueira), UFF (fossils). Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.

230. UFRJ: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Institutode Biologia, Rio de Janeiro. Includes: herp collection of SergioPotsch Carvalho e Silva (SPCS), Departamento de Zoologia.Note: collection distinct from Museu Nacional, UniversidadeFederal do Rio de Janeiro (MNRJ). Current as: UFRJ (fishes,Laboratorio de Sistematica e Evolucao de Peixes Teleosteos),ZUFRJ (herps). See also: LBRP (Laboratorio de Biodiversidade deRecursos Pesqueiros), UFRJ-DG (fossils), COPPE-UFRJ (fossils).Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.

231. UFRJ-DG: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,Instituto de Geociencias, Departamento de Geologia (DEGEO),Ilha do Fundao, Rio de Janeiro. Current as: UFRJ-DG (vertebratefossil collections). See also: COPPE-UFRJ (fossils), UFRJ (Recentfishes, herps). Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.

232. UFRRJ: Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro,Seropedica. Note: Carlos Alberto Goncalves da Cruz privatecollection (CAGC) at UFRRJ transferred to Museu Nacional,Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (MNRJ). See also: EI,MNRJ. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.

233. UNIRIO: Laboratorio de Biossistematica de Anfıbios,Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio deJaneiro. Current as: UNIRIO (amphibians). Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.

234. UFRN: Departamento de Botanica, Ecologia e Zoologia,Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal. Current as:CHDBEZ (herps, Colecao Herpetologica), UFRN (fishes, Labo-ratorio de Ictiologia Sistematica e Evolutiva). Also as: CIUFRN(fishes, Colecao Ictiologica), LOC-DBEZ-UFRN (fishes, Labora-torio do Oceano). Rio Grande do Norte. Brazil.

235. CIMC: Colecao Ictiologica Morevy Cheffe, GrupoEspecial de protecao ao Ambiente Aquatico do Rio Grande doSul (GEEPAA-RS), Pelotas. Current as: CIMC (fishes). Rio Grandedo Sul. Brazil.

236. CP: Centro Paleontologico, Universidade do Contest-ado, Mafra. Current as: CP (fossils). Rio Grande do Sul. Brazil.

237. CRUPF: Museu Zoologico Augusto Ruschi, Universidadede Passo Fundo, Passo Fundo. Current as: CRUPF (herps). RioGrande do Sul. Brazil.

238. EPM: Museu Emıgdio Pereira Martino, Santa Vitoria doPalmar. Current as: EPM (fossils). Rio Grande do Sul. Brazil.

239. FURG: Fundacao Universidade Federal do Rio Grande,Rio Grande. Current as: CHFURG (herps), FURG (universitylaboratory of ichthyology), MOFURG (Museu Oceanografico‘‘Professor Eliezer de Carvalho Rios’’). Rio Grande do Sul. Brazil.

240. ICN: Instituto de Ciencias Naturais, UniversidadeFederal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre. Note: no longerextant; some specimens transferred to Departamento deZoologia in 1978. See also: UFRGS. Rio Grande do Sul. Brazil.

241. MAPA: Museu Anchieta de Ciencias Naturais, ColegioAnchieta, Porto Alegre. Current as: MAPA (fishes). Rio Grandedo Sul. Brazil.

242. MCN: Museu de Ciencias Naturais, Fundacao Zoobo-tanica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre. Formerly: Museu Rio-Grandense de Ciencias Naturais (MRCN) established in 1955.Obsolete as: MRCN, MRGS. Current as: MCN (fishes, herps),MCN-PV (fossils). Also as: FZB-RS (Colecao de Peixes), FZBRS(herps), FZRG, MCNZ (herps). Rio Grande do Sul. Brazil.

243. MCP: Museu de Ciencias e Tecnologia (MCT), Pontif-ıcia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), PortoAlegre. Includes: fishes from Laboratorio de Ciencias do Mar,PUCRS (LACIMAR), transferred in the 1980s. Obsolete as:

LACIMAR, MCPU, MCTP. Current as: MCP (fishes, herps),MCP-PV (fossils). Also as: MCTPUCRS (herps). Rio Grande doSul. Brazil.

244. UFRGS: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul,Departamento de Zoologia, Porto Alegre. Includes: fishes fromgeneral zoological collection of Instituto de Ciencias Naturais(ICN). Obsolete as: DZUFRGS. Current as: UFRGS (fishes, herps).Rio Grande do Sul. Brazil.

245. UFSM: Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, SantaMaria. In error as: ZUFMS. Current as: UFSM (fossils), ZUFSM(herps). Rio Grande do Sul. Brazil.

246. ULBRA: Universidade Luterana do Brasil, Canoas.Current as: ULBRA (fossils). Rio Grande do Sul. Brazil.

247. UMVT: Museu de Historia da Vida e da Terra daUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Sao Leopoldo. Currentas: UMVT (fossils). Rio Grande do Sul. Brazil.

248. UFRO: Universidade Federal de Rondonia (UNIR), PortoVelho. Current as: UFRO-I (fishes), UFRO-H (herps, Colecao deReferencia da Herpetofauna). Also as: UFRO-ICT (fishes).Rondonia. Brazil.

249. AMA: Assessoria para Meio Ambiente, ELETROSUL,Florianopolis. Note: fish collection assembled by Manuel Pereirade Godoy, presumably no longer extant. Also as: AMA-Electro-sul (fishes). See also: EEBP, MHNP (Godoy fishes). SantaCatarina. Brazil.

250. FURB: Fundacao Universidade Regional de Blumenau,Blumenau. Current as: FURB (herps). Santa Catarina. Brazil.

251. MOVI: Museu Oceanografico Univali, Universidade doVale do Itajaı, Balneario Picarras. Also known as: MuseuOceanografico do Vale do Itajaı. Includes: private collection ofJules M.R. Soto (JMRS) and Museu de Ciencias Naturais(MCNC), Centro de Estudos Bio-Ecologicos Costeiros, Limno-logicos e Marinhos (CEBECLIM) in Porto Alegre, annexed byUniversidade do Vale do Itajaı in 1993. Current as: MOVI (fishes,herps). Santa Catarina. Brazil.

252. UFSC: Departamento de Ecologia e Zoologia (ECZ),Centro de Ciencias Biologicas (CCB), Universidade Federal deSanta Catarina (UFSC), Florianopolis. Note: CAUSC waspreviously assigned to collections in Centro de CienciasAgrarias at UFSC and is presumably obsolete. Obsolete as:CAUSC. Current as: NEMAR (fishes, colecao Ictiologica deReferencia do Nucleo de Estudos do Mar), CHUFSC (herps,Colecao Herpetologica). Santa Catarina. Brazil.

253. AZUSC: Acervo Zoologico da Universidade SantaCecılia, Santos. Current as: AZUSC (fishes). Sao Paulo. Brazil.

254. CFBH: Colecao Celio Fernando Baptista Haddad,Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociencias, Universi-dade Estadual Paulista ‘‘Julio de Mesquita Filho’’ (UNESP),Campus de Rio Claro. Current as: CFBH (amphibians). See also:LGP (fishes), MHE (fossils). Sao Paulo. Brazil.

255. ColBIO: Colecao Biologica ‘‘Prof. Edmundo F. Nonato’’do Instituto Oceanografico, Universidade de Sao Paulo, CidadeUniversitaria. Note: most specimens (mainly fish larvae andinvertebrates) held prior to 2012 by the Instituto Oceanograficoand cited as IOUSP are now lost, including types of leptocephalidescribed by Luiz Roberto Tommasi (1960). Obsolete as: IO,IOUSP. Current as: ColBIO (uncataloged fish larvae andinvertebrates). Sao Paulo. Brazil.

256. DZSJRP: Universidade Estadual Paulista ‘‘Julio deMesquita Filho’’ (UNESP), Campus de Sao Jose do Rio Preto.Current as: DZSJRP (fishes, herps, Departamento de Zoologia eBotanica), URP (fossils). Sao Paulo. Brazil.

257. EEBP: Estacao Experimental de Biologia e Piscicultura

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de Pirassununga, Ministerio da Agricultura, Pirassununga. Note:established in 1942, EEBP became Centro de Pesquisa eTreinamento em Aquicultura in 1979 which was renamedCentro Nacional de Pesquisa de Peixes Tropicais in 1993, thenCentro Nacional de Pesquisa e Conservacao de Peixes Con-tinentais (CEPTA) in 2000; CEPTA administered by InstitutoChico Mendes de Conservacao da Biodiversidade (ICMBio)since 2007; EEBP fish collection assembled by Otto Schubart,Alcides Lourenco Gomes, Felisberto Pinto Monteiro, ManuelPereira de Godoy and others mostly discarded in 1990s exceptfor a few lots transferred under Godoy’s supervision to Museude Historia Natural, Pirassununga (MHNP), at least 3 lotstransferred to MZUSP in 1994, and 151 lots (19 with EEBPcatalog numbers) now cataloged at LIRP. See also: AMA, MHNP,LIRP (Godoy fishes). Sao Paulo. Brazil.

258. IBSP: Colecao Herpetologica ‘‘Alphonse Richard Hoge’’,Instituto Butantan, Sao Paulo. Note: destroyed by fire 15 May2010. Obsolete as: IB, IBH. Current as: IBSP. Sao Paulo. Brazil.

259. IP: Instituto Pinheiros Produtos Terapeuticos S.A., SaoPaulo. Note: collection no longer extant; herp specimensdivided among several institutions including Museu deCiencias Naturais, Fundacao Zoobotanica do Rio Grande doSul, Porto Alegre (MCN). Also as: IPSP. Sao Paulo. Brazil.

260. LBP: Laboratorio de Biologia e Genetica de Peixes,Departamento de Morfologia, Universidade Estadual Paulista‘‘Julio de Mesquita Filho’’ (UNESP), Campus de Botucatu.Current as: LBP (fishes). Sao Paulo. Brazil.

261. LGP: Laboratorio de Genetica de Peixes, Departamentode Biologia, Instituto de Biociencias, Universidade EstadualPaulista ‘‘Julio de Mesquita Filho’’ UNESP), Campus de RioClaro. Current as: LGP (fishes). See also: CFBH (amphibians),MHE (fossils). Sao Paulo. Brazil.

262. LIRP: Laboratorio de Ictiologia de Ribeirao Preto,Departamento de Biologia, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciencias eLetras (FFLCRP), Universidade de Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto.Includes: ~65 lots formerly associated with Estacao Experimen-tal de Biologia e Piscicultura de Pirassununga (EEBP). Current as:LIRP (fishes). See also: LPRP (fossils). Sao Paulo. Brazil.

263. LISDEBE: Laboratorio de Ictiologia Sistematica, Depar-tamento de Ecologia e Biologia Evolutiva (DEBE), UniversidadeFederal de Sao Carlos, Sao Carlos. Current as: LISDEBE (fishes).Sao Paulo. Brazil.

264. LPRP: Laboratorio de Paleontologia, Faculdade deFilosofia, Ciencias e Letras, Universidade de Sao Paulo, RibeiraoPreto. Current as: LPRP (fossils). Also as: LPRP/USP (fossils). Seealso: LIRP (fishes). Sao Paulo. Brazil.

265. MHE: Museu de Minerais e Rochas ‘‘Heinz Ebert’’,Departamento de Petrologia e Metalogenia (DPM), Instituto deGeociencias e Ciencias Exatas (IGCE), Universidade EstadualPaulista ‘‘Julio de Mesquita Filho’’ (UNESP), Campus de RioClaro. Note: Museu de Paleontologia e Estratigrafia ‘‘Prof. Dr.Paulo Milton Barbosa Landim’’ (URC) is separate museum inDepartamento em Geologia Aplicada (DGA), IGCE. Obsolete as:MMR/UFU. Current as: MHE (fossils, DPM), URC (fossils, DGA).See also: CFBH (amphibians), LGP (fishes). Sao Paulo. Brazil.

266. MHNP: Museu de Historia Natural, Pirassununga. Note:private museum and collection of Manuel Pereira de Godoycurrently administered by Godoy family (no public access);includes some Godoy fishes formerly deposited at EstacaoExperimental de Biologia e Piscicultura de Pirassununga (EEBP)and potentially Assessoria para Meio Ambiente, ELETROSUL,Florianopolis (AMA). See also: AMA, EEBP, LIRP (Godoy fishes).Sao Paulo. Brazil.

267. MHNT: Museu de Historia Natural de Taubate, Taubate.Current as: MHNT (fossils). See also: TAU. Sao Paulo. Brazil.

268. MPMA: Museu de Paleontologia ‘‘Prof. Antonio Celsode Arruda Campos’’, Monte Alto. Also known as: Museu dePaleontologia de Monte Alto. Current as: MPMA (fossils). SaoPaulo. Brazil.

268.5. MUGEO: (see Addendum)269. MZUSP: Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao

Paulo, Sao Paulo. Formerly: Museu Paulista (MPSP). Includes:collection of Instituto de Zootecnia, Secretaria da Agricul-tura [formerly Departamento de Zoologia, Museu Paulista(DZSASP)] and Werner C. A. Bokermann herp collection(WCAB). Obsolete as: DZ, DZSASP, DZUSP, MZSP, MSP, MPSP,MZP. Current as: MZUSP (fishes, herps), CTMZ (tissuecollection). Also as: MZict (fish tissues). Sao Paulo. Brazil.

270. NUPEC: Nucleo de Pesquisa e Estudo em Chon-drichthyes, Santos. Current as: NUPEC (fishes). Sao Paulo.Brazil.

271. TAU: Universidade de Taubate, Taubate. Current as:TAU (fishes), CCLZU (herps, Laboratorio de Zoologia). Seealso: MHNT (fossils). Sao Paulo. Brazil.

272. UNESP-CLP: Elasmobranchs Collection, Universi-dade Estadual Paulista ‘‘Julio de Mesquita Filho’’ (UNESP),Campus do Litoral Paulista, Sao Vicente. Current as: UNESP-CLP (fishes). Also as: UNE-SP-CLP. Sao Paulo. Brazil.

273. UNG: Universidade de Guarulhos, Guarulhos. Cur-rent as: UNG (fossils). Sao Paulo. Brazil.

274. ZUEC: Museu de Zoologia da Universidade Estadualde Campinas ‘‘Adao Jose Cardoso’’, Campinas. Current as:ZUEC (fishes, herps). Also as: ZUEC-PIS (fishes), ZUEC-REP(reptiles). Sao Paulo. Brazil.

275. UFS: Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Aracaju.Current as: UFS (fishes), CHUFS (herps, Colecao Herpeto-logica). Sergipe. Brazil.

276. UNT: Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT),Porto Nacional. Current as: UNT (fishes). Tocantins. Brazil.

277. BMKB: Brunei Museum [Muzium Brunei], KotaBatu, Bandar Seri Begawan. Current as: BMKB. Brunei.

278. UBDM: Universiti Brunei Darussalam Museum,Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Bandar SeriBegawan. Obsolete as: UBD. Current as: UBDM (fishes,herps). Brunei.

279. DHISUB: Department of Hydrobiology and Ichthy-ology, Faculty of Biology, Sofia University ‘‘St. KlimentOhridski’’, Sofia. Also as: BFSU. Bulgaria.

280. MNHV: Museum of Natural History, Varna. Bulga-ria.

281. NMNHS: National Museum of Natural History,Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia. Formerly: NationalZoological Museum (NZMS). Current as: NMNHS (fossils).Also as: IZ-BAS, IZBAN (fossils, Institute of Zoology), NZMS.Bulgaria.

282. CVRS: Centre Voltaique de la Recherche Scientifi-que, Ouagadougou. Burkina Faso.

283. MHV: Musee National de Burkina Faso, Mnistere dela Culture, des Arts et du Tourisme, Ouagadougou. Formerly:Musee de Haute Volta [Upper Volta]. Burkina Faso.

284. CRRHA: Centre Regional de Recherches en Hydro-biologie Appliquee, Bujumbura. Note: sponsored by Belgiangovernment from 1992–1995. Burundi.

285. CBC: Center for Biodiversity Conservation, RoyalUniversity of Phnom Penh (RUPP), Phnom Penh. Currentas: CBC (herps). Phnom Penh. Cambodia.

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286. IFReDI: Inland Fisheries Research and DevelopmentInstitute, Phnom Penh. Current as: IFReDI (fishes). PhnomPenh. Cambodia.

287. MUBS: MacEwan University, Department of Biolog-ical Sciences, Edmonton. Formerly: Grant MacEwan Univer-sity. Current as: MUBS. Alberta. Canada.

288. RAM: Royal Alberta Museum, Edmonton. Currentas: RAM. Alberta. Canada.

289. TMP: Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology,Drumheller. Obsolete as: RTMP (fossils). Current as: TMP(fossils). Alberta. Canada.

290. UALVP: University of Alberta, Laboratory for Verte-brate Paleontology, Edmonton. Current as: UALVP (fossils).See also: UAMZ (Recent fishes, herps). Alberta. Canada.

291. UAMZ: University of Alberta, Museum of Zoology,Edmonton. Obsolete as: UAZM. Current as: UAMZ (Recentfishes, herps). See also: UALVP (fossils). Alberta. Canada.

292. RBCM: Royal British Columbia Museum, Victoria.Obsolete as: BCPM (British Columbia Provincial Museum).Current as: RBCM. British Columbia. Canada.

293. UBC: University of British Columbia, Cowan Ver-tebrate Museum [part of Beaty Biodiversity Museum],Vancouver. Also as: UBCBBM. British Columbia. Canada.

294. MM: The Manitoba Museum, Winnipeg. Formerly:Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature. Obsolete as: MMMN.Current as: MM (fishes, herps). Also as: TMM (onlinedatabase). Manitoba. Canada.

295. MZ: Stewart-Hay Memorial Museum, Departmentof Biological Sciences, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg.Formerly: Museum of Zoology. Current as: MZF (fishes), MZH(herps). Manitoba. Canada.

296. ARC: Atlantic Reference Centre, Saint Andrews.Current as: ARC (fishes). New Brunswick. Canada.

297. NBMG: New Brunswick Museum, Saint John.Current as: NBMG (fossils, Geology). New Brunswick.Canada.

298. FOSJ: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Newfoundlandand Labrador Region, St. John’s. Newfoundland. Canada.

299. MUDB: Memorial University, Department of Biolo-gy, St. John’s. Newfoundland. Canada.

300. NSMC: Nova Scotia Museum, Halifax. Nova Scotia.Canada.

301. BIOUG: Centre for Biodiversity Genomics (CBG),University of Guelph, Guelph. Current as: BIOUG (fishes,herps). Ontario. Canada.

302. CMN: Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa. For-merly: National Museum of Natural Sciences, NationalMuseums of Canada (NMC). Includes: collections of VictoriaMemorial Museum Building (VMMB) and Nunavut FossilVertebrate Collection (NUFV). Obsolete as: CMN FI, NMC,VMMB. Current as: CMNFI (fishes), CMNAR (herps),CMNFV (fossil vertebrates). Ontario. Canada.

303. GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa. Currentas: GSC (fossils). Ontario. Canada.

304. MNRT: Ministry of Natural Resources, Toronto.Ontario. Canada.

305. ROM: Royal Ontario Museum, Department ofNatural History, Toronto. Note: formally created in 1912,opened to public in 1914. Current as: ROM (fishes, herps,fossils). Ontario. Canada.

306. WLUB: Wilfrid Laurier University, Department ofBiology, Waterloo. Ontario. Canada.

307. DGPM: Direction Generale des Peches Maritimes,

Ministere de l’Industrie et du Commerce, Quebec. Quebec.Canada.

308. MHNM: Musee d’histoire naturelle, Parc national deMiguasha. Current as: MHNM (fossils). Quebec. Canada.

309. QPM: Ministere du Tourisme de la Chasse et de laPeche, Montreal. Quebec. Canada.

310. RM: Redpath Museum, McGill University, Mon-treal. Current as: RM. Quebec. Canada.

311. SMNH: Saskatchewan Museum of Natural History,Regina. Saskatchewan. Canada.

312. INDP: Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimento dasPescas, Mindelo, island of Sao Vicente. Current as: INDP(fishes). Cape Verde.

313. CEPFL: Centre d’Etude Peches, Service des eaux etforets du Tchad, Fort-Lamy [now N’Djamena]. Chad.

314. CNAR: Centre National d’Appui a la Recherche,N’Djamena. Current as: CNAR (fossils). Chad.

315. CZZA: Coleccion Zoologica de Zonas Aridas yAndinas, Universidad de Tarapaca, Arica. Current as: CZZA(herps). Arica. Chile.

316. CPUC: Colecciones Paleontologicas, Departamentode Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad de Concepcion,Concepcion. Current as: CPUC (fossils). See also: MZUC(fishes, herps). Concepcion. Chile.

317. MRC: Museo de Historia Natural de Concepcion,Concepcion. Current as: MRC (herps). Concepcion. Chile.

318. MZUC: Museo de Zoologıa de la Universidad deConcepcion, Concepcion. Formerly: Instituto de Zoologıade la Universidad de Concepcion (IZUC). Current as: MZUC(herps). Also as: IZUC, MUZUC, MZUC-UCCC. See also:CPUC (fossils). Concepcion. Chile.

319. MPC: Museo Paleontologico de Caldera, Caldera.Current as: MPC (fossils). Copiapo. Chile.

320. MRA: Museo Regional de Atacama, Copiapo. Cur-rent as: MRA (herps). Copiapo. Chile.

321. SCBUCN: Sala de Colecciones Biologicas de laUniversidad Catolica del Norte, Coquimbo. Current as:SCBUCN (fossils). Elqui. Chile.

322. MUSA: Museo de Historia Natural e Historico de SanAntonio, San Antonio. Current as: MUSA (fossils). SanAntonio. Chile.

323. CIZ: Centro de Investigaciones Zoologicas, Depar-tamento de Ciencias Ecologicas, Facultad de Ciencias,Universidad de Chile, Santiago. Note: collections lost wheninstitution closed during military dictatorship. Santiago.Chile.

324. LBUCH: Laboratorio de Biologıa, Universidad deChile, Santiago. Note: lab closed ca. 1998 with specimenstransferred to Museo Nacional de Historia Natural(MNHNC) and some fishes to University of Kansas (KU).Santiago. Chile.

325. LLFS-UCH: Laboratory of Limnology, Faculty ofSciences, Universidad de Chile, Santiago. Note: laboratorycollection of fishes (Orestias) maintained by Irma DelCarmen Vila Pinto since 2003; some specimens transferredto Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Santiago (MNHNC).Santiago. Chile.

326. MNHNC: Museo Nacional de Historia Natural,Santiago. Includes: fish collections from the Universidadde Chile, Santiago, including Departamento de BiologıaCelular y Genetica (DBCG, DBCUCH, DBGUCH), Facultadde Ciencias Forestales (FFSUC) and Laboratorio de Biologıa(LBUCH). Current as: MNHNC (fishes, herps), SGO-PV

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(fossils, Coleccion de Paleontologıa de Vertebrados, Area dePaleontologıa). Also as: MNHNCL, MNHNCH, MNHN-Stg.Santiago. Chile.

327. SNGM: Servicio Nacional de Geologia y Minero,Santiago. Current as: SNGM (fossils). Santiago. Chile.

328. SSUC: Coleccion de Flora y Fauna Patricio SanchezReyes, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago.Current as: SSUC (herps). Santiago. Chile.

329. IZUA: Instituto de Zoologıa, Universidad Austral deChile, Valdivia. Current as: IZUA. Valdivia. Chile.

330. CIMAR: Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valpar-aıso, Centro de Investigaciones del Mar, Valparaıso. Valpar-aıso. Chile.

331. EBMC: Estacion de Biologıa Marina de Montemar,Universidad de Valparaıso, Vina del Mar, Valparaıso.Valparaıso. Chile.

332. MHNV: Museo de Historia Natural de Valparaıso,Valparaıso. Note: original museum founded by Eduardo dela Barra in 1878 and largely destroyed by earthquake andfire in 1906; remains of collection moved to Santiago andreturned to Valparaıso in 1912. Current as: MHNV. Valpar-aıso. Chile.

333. AHU: School of Life Sciences, Anhui University,Hefei. Anhui. China.

334. HSU: Huangshan University Museum, Huangshan.Current as: HSU (herps). Also as: HUM (herps). Anhui. China.

335. BMNHC: Beijing Museum of Natural History, Dong-cheng District, Beijing. Formerly: National Central Museum ofNatural History (1951–1962). Current as: BMAM (Recent fishes),BMNHC (fossils). Also as: BMNH (fossils), CNHM (herps),NHBM (fishes). Beijing. China.

336. GMC: National Geological Museum of China, Beijing.Current as: GMC V (fossils). Also as: GMV, NGMC (fossils).Beijing. China.

337. GMPKU: Geological Museum of Peking University,Beijing. Formerly: Geological Showroom of Peking Universityfounded in 1909, renamed Geological Exhibition Hall in 1923,and incorporated into Peking Geology College in 1952;Geological Museum re-established in 1955. Current as: GMPKU(fossils). Also as: PKUP (fossils, Peking University Paleontolog-ical Collections). Beijing. China.

338. IGCAGS: Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy ofGeological Sciences [Academia Sinica], Beijing. Current as:IGCAGS (fossils). Also as: CAGS-IG. Beijing. China.

339. IVPP: Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleo-anthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences [Academia Sinica],Beijing. Formerly: Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology (1957–1960). Current as: IVPP V (vertebrate fossils). See also: NZMC(Recent fishes, herps). Beijing. China.

340. NZMC: National Zoological Museum, Institute ofZoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences [Academia Sinica],Chaoyang District, Beijing. Formerly: Fan Memorial Instituteof Biology (FMIB, ZMFIB, ZMFMIB; 1928–1962), Institute ofZoology, Academia Sinica [Chinese Academy of Sciences](ASIZB, IZAC, IZAS). Obsolete as: CAS, FMIB, IOZ, IOZCAS,IZAC, IZAS, ZMFIB, ZMFMIB. Current as: NZMC. Also as: ASIZB,IZAC (mammals). See also: IVPP (fossils). Beijing. China.

341. CFEC: Chongqing Museum of Natural History,Chongqing. Also known as: Municipal Museum of Chongqing.Current as: CFEC (fossils). Also as: CNHM (amphibians), CV(fossils). Chongqing. China.

342. QJGPM: Qijiang Petrified Wood and Dinosaur Foot-print National Geological Park Museum, Chongqing. Formerly:

Geological Museum of Qijiang Municipality Bureau of LandResources and Housing Management (QJGM). Current as:QJGPM (fossils). Also as: QJGM (fossils). Chongqing. China.

343. FM: Department of Nature, Fujian Provincial Museum,Fuzhou. Fujian. China.

344. FNU: Fujian Normal University, Department of Biology,Fuzhou. Fujian. China.

345. XFCFC: Jimei University, Fisheries College, Xiamen.Formerly: Xiamen Fisheries College. Fujian. China.

346. ZMUA: Zoological Museum, Department of Biology,College of Life Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen. Formerly:University of Amoy. Fujian. China.

347. DBLU: Department of Biology, Lanzhou University,Lanzhou. Gansu. China.

348. FRDC: Fossil Research and Development Center,Lanzhou. Current as: FRDC (fossils). Gansu. China.

349. GSGM: Gansu Geological Museum, Lanzhou. Currentas: GSGM (fossils). Gansu. China.

350. NWSD: Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou. Cur-rent as: NWSD (herps). Gansu. China.

351. DIP: Dexu Institute of Paleontology, Chaozhou. Currentas: DIP-V (vertebrate fossils). Guangdong. China.

352. GZIG: Guangzhou Institute of Geography, GuangdongAcademy of Sciences, Guangzhou [Canton]. Guangdong.China.

353. JNU: Department of Biology, Jinan [Ji-Nan] University,Guangzhou [Canton]. Current as: JNU (fishes). Also as: DBJU,JNH. Guangdong. China.

354. NCBLR: Nanxiong County Bureau of Land and Re-sources, Shaoguan. Current as: NCBLR (fossils). Guangdong.China.

355. NDM: Nanxiong Dinosaur Museum, Shaoguan. Currentas: NDM (fossils). Guangdong. China.

356. PRFRI: Pearl River Fisheries Research Institute, ChineseAcademy of Fishery Sciences, Guangzhou [Canton]. Formerly:Fishery Experimental Station Canton (FESC). In error as: PFRI.Obsolete as: FESC. Current as: PRFRI (fishes). Guangdong. China.

357. SCNU: South China Normal University, School of LifeScience, Guangzhou [Canton]. Obsolete as: DBSCNU (Depart-ment of Biology), FCSCNU. Current as: SCNU. Guangdong.China.

358. SCSFRI: South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Guangzhou [Canton]. Inerror as: SSCFRI. Current as: SCSFRI. Guangdong. China.

359. SYS: Museum of Biology, Sun Yat-Sen University[Zhongshan University], Guangzhou [Canton]. Formerly:Chung Shan University which incorporated Lingnan Univer-sity in 1953. Note: status unknown for collections of LingnanUniversity Natural History Survey and Museum (LNHSM orLUG). Obsolete as: BLG (fishes), SYSU, ZLSYU. Current as: SYS(fishes, herps). Guangdong. China.

360. YMK: Yangmeikeng tracksite, Shaoguan. Current as:YMK (fossils). Guangdong. China.

361. GAS: Longgang National Nature Reserve, Longzhou[Chongzuo]. Guangxi. China.

362. GIF: Guangxi Institute of Fisheries, Nanning. Obsoleteas: GXIF. Current as: GIF (fishes). Guangxi. China.

363. GMU: Department of Biology, Guangxi Medical Uni-versity, Nanning. Formerly: Guangxi Medical College (GMC).Obsolete as: GMC. Current as: GMU. Also as: GMXU and GXMU(amphibians). Guangxi. China.

364. GXSD: College of Life Sciences, Guangxi NormalUniversity, Guilin. Also as: GXNU. Guangxi. China.

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365. GXUA: College of Animal Science and Technology,Guangxi University, Nanning. Guangxi. China.

366. MESH: Guangxi Maoershan National Nature Reservecollection, Guilin. Obsolete as: GXMESGXUA. Current as: MESH.Guangxi. China.

367. NHMG: Natural History Museum of Guangxi ZhuangAutonomous Region, Nanning. Current as: NHMG (herps,fossils). Also as: GXNHM (amphibians), NHMGZAR (fishes).See also: GMU. Guangxi. China.

368. BJC: Bijie College, Bijie. Current as: BJC (herps).Guizhou. China.

369. GFGNG: Guanling Fossil Group National GeoPark,natural history museum, Guanling Buyei and Miao Autono-mous County. Also known as: National Geological Park for theGuanling Fossil Group (NGPGFG). Note: established in 2003;located on Wolonggang Hill near Xiaowa Village. Obsolete as:NGPGFG. Current as: GFGNG (fossils). Guizhou. China.

370. NKMC: National Kweiyang Medical College, Divisionof Biology, Kweiyang. Note: present status unknown. Guizhou.China.

371. ZMC: Zunyi Medical College, Department of Biology,Zunyi. Obsolete as: TMC. Current as: ZMC (herps). Also as:ZMCZ. Guizhou. China.

372. GNUG: Guizhou Normal University, Animal SpecimenRoom of the School of Life Sciences, Guiyang. Obsolete as:GZNU (herps). Current as: GNUG. Also as: GZNULS (entomol-ogy). Guizhou. China.

373. HAINNU: Department of Biology, Hainan NormalUniversity, Haikou. Hainan. China.

374. JPM: Jehol Paleontological Museum, Chengde. Currentas: JPM (fossils). Hebei. China.

375. MHBU: Museum of Hebei University, Baoding. Currentas: MHBU (spiders). Hebei. China.

376. GMH: Geological Museum of Heilongjiang, Harbin.Current as: GMH (fossils). Heilongjiang. China.

377. HFRI: Heilongjiang River Fisheries Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Harbin. Obsolete as:HRFRI. Current as: HFRI (fishes). Heilongjiang. China.

378. HPM: Heilongjiang Provincial Museum, Harbin. Note:established in 1904 and presumably listed as North Manchur-ian Museum (NMMH) in Leviton et al. (1985:813). Assignedhere: HPM (fossils). Heilongjiang. China.

379. J: Shenzhou Dinosaur Museum, Jiayin DinosaurNational Geological Park, Jiayin County. Current as: J (fossils).Heilongjiang. China.

380. NMMH: North Manchurian Museum, Harbin. Note:museum listed by Leviton et al. (1985:813) presumably refers tothe Heilongjiang Provincial Museum (HPM). Heilongjiang.China.

381. HGM: Henan Geological Museum, Zhengzhou.Note: codes HAII and HIII are collection codes, not theinstitutional code (HGM). Current as: HGM (fossils).Henan. China.

382. HNNU: Henan Biological Specimen Museum, Collegeof Life Sciences, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang. Formerly:Xinxiang Normal College (XNC) ca. 1956–1985. Also as:HENNU (amphibians). Henan. China.

383. HSTUM: Henan University of Science and TechnologyMuseum, Luoyang. Formerly: Luoyang Institute of Technology(1952–2002). Current as: HSTUM (herps). Henan. China.

384. HKFRS: Hong Kong Fisheries Research Station, Aber-deen. Note: formerly with University of Hong Kong, Depart-ment of Zoology (1952–1960). Hong Kong. China.

385. KFBG: Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, Hong Kong.Current as: KFBG (herps). Hong Kong. China.

386. MSLKHC: Simon F.S. Li Marine Science Laboratory,Department of Biology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK), Sha Tin [Shatin]. Formerly: Marine Science Laboratory(MSL, 1970–2002). Obsolete as: MSL, MSLH. Current as:MSLKHC. Also as: CUHK. Hong Kong. China.

387. SHGM: Stephen Hui Geological Museum, The Univer-sity of Hong Kong (HKU), Hong Kong. Current as: SHGM(fossils). See also: SWIMS. Hong Kong. China.

388. SWIMS: Swire Institute of Marine Science, The Univer-sity of Hong Kong, Cape d’Aguilar Road, Shek O, Hong Kong.Note: division of Hong Kong University School of BiologicalScience. Current as: SWIMS (fishes). See also: SHGM. HongKong. China.

389. HACW: College of Fishery, Huazhong AgricultureCollection, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan. Hubei.China.

390. HGM: Hubei Geological Museum, Wuhan. Current as:HGM (fossils). Hubei. China.

391. IHB: Museum for Aquatic Organisms, Institute ofHydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences [Academia Sinica],Wuhan. Includes: specimens from Zhuhai Fisheries ScienceResearch Institute (ZX). Note: established in 1950 via mergerinvolving Institute of Zoology of Academia Sinica located inShanghai (ZIAS); relocated to Wuhan in 1954. Obsolete as:IHASW, IHBCAS, IHCAS. Current as: IHB (fishes). Hubei. China.

392. WGSC: Wuhan Centre of China Geological Survey,Wuhan. Current as: WGSC V (fossils). Hubei. China.

393. YAGM: Yuan’an Geological Museum, Yuan’an County,Yichang. Current as: YAGM V (fossils). Hubei. China.

394. YDENGP: Yunxian Dinosaur Eggs National GeologicalPark, Shiyan. Also known as: Qinglong Mountain Dinosaur EggFossils Park; Qinglongshan Dinosaur Egg National Geopark(QDENG); Qinglongshan National Geopark. Current as: TML(fossils in Tumiaoling in-situ exhibition hall), YDENGP (ha-drosauroid fossils from Lijiagou locality). Hubei. China.

395. YIGMR: Wuhan Institute of Geology and MineralResources, Wuhan. Formerly: Yichang Institute of Geology andMineral Resources, Yichang. Current as: YIGMR (fossils). Also as:YIGM (fossils). Hubei. China.

396. FRIHP: Fisheries Research Institute of Hunan Province,Changsha. Hunan. China.

397. HHNNR: Management Bureau of Hunan HupingshanNational Nature Reserve, Shimen County. Current as: HHNNR(fishes). Hunan. China.

398. HNUL: Zoological Museum of Hunan Normal Univer-sity, Changsha. Current as: HNUL. Also as: HNU, HNNU,HNNUL. Hunan. China.

399. ELDM: Erlianhaote Dinosaur Museum, Erenhot [Erli-an]. Also known as: Dinosaur Museum of Erenhot. Current as:ELDM (fossils). Inner Mongolia. China.

400. IMM: Inner Mongolia Museum, Hohhot. Inner Mon-golia. China.

401. LH: Long Hao Institute of Geology and Paleontology,Hohhot. Current as: LH V (vertebrate fossils). Inner Mongolia.China.

402. FFRIJ: Freshwater Fisheries Research Institute of JiangsuProvince, Nanjing. Obsolete as: JS. Current as: FFRIJ. Jiangsu.China.

403. MMNHN: Nanjing Museum, Chinese Academy ofSciences [Academia Sinica], Nanjing. Formerly: MetropolitanMuseum of Natural History. Jiangsu. China.

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404. NIGLAS: Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnol-ogy, Academia Sinica [Chinese Academy of Sciences], Nanjing.Formerly: Geographic Institute of China (1940–1953). Obsoleteas: NIG, NIGL, NGI. Current as: NIGLAS. See also: NIGP (fossils).Jiangsu. China.

405. NIGP: Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology,Academia Sinica (NIGPAS) [Chinese Academy of Sciences],Nanjing. Note: fossil collection descended from Institute ofGeology founded in 1928. Obsolete as: GMN, MV. Current as:NIGP (fossils). Also as: NIGPCAS. See also: NIGLAS (fishes).Jiangsu. China.

406. NJNU: Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing. Obsoleteas: NNC, NNU (herps). Current as: NJNU (herps). Also as:NJNUh (herps). Jiangsu. China.

407. NRIBAS: National Research Institute of Biology, Acade-mia Sinica [Chinese Academy of Sciences], Nanjing. Formerly:Museum of the Biological Laboratory of the Science Society ofChina (SSCN), established in 1922. Also as: SSCN. Jiangsu.China.

408. JLUM: Jilin University Museum, Changchun. Note: as of2000, Jilin University is a merger of multiple universitiesincluding Changchun University of Science and Technology(CUST). Current as: JLUM (fossils). Also as: CAD (Department ofPaleontology and Stratigraphy, fossils), CUST (fossils associatedwith Changchun University of Science and Technology), RCPSCDA (Research Center of Palaeontology and Stratigraphy). Jilin.China.

409. BPM: Beipiao Paleontological Museum, Beipiao. Alsoknown as: Liaoning Paleontological Museum (LPM), but thatname also applied to separate museum in Shenyang. Obsoleteas: LPM. Current as: BPM (fossils). See also: PMOL. Liaoning.China.

410. BXGM: Benxi Geological Museum, Benxi. Current as:BXGM (fossils). Liaoning. China.

411. CYH: Chaoyang Bird Fossil National Geopark,Chaoyang. Also known as: Bird Fossil National Geological Park.Current as: CYH (fossils). Also as: CYGB. Liaoning. China.

412. DFI: Dalian Fisheries Institute, Dalian Maritime Uni-versity, Dalian. Also known as: Liaoning Marine FisheriesResearch Institute. Liaoning. China.

413. JZMP: Jinzhou Museum of Paleontology, Jinzhou.Obsolete as: JMP. Current as: JZMP (fossils). Liaoning. China.

414. JZT: ji*zantang Paleontological Museum, Chaoyang.Note: some fossils donated to Shanghai Natural HistoryMuseum (SNHM). Obsolete as: CJPM. Current as: JZT (fossils).Liaoning. China.

415. PMOL: Paleontological Museum of Liaoning, She-nyang. Also known as: Liaoning Paleontological Museum(LPM), but that name also applied to separate museum inBeipiao. Note: museum on campus of Shenyang NormalUniversity. Obsolete as: LPM. Current as: PMOL (fossils),PMOL-SGP (fossils, Sino-German Cooperation Project). See also:BPM. Liaoning. China.

416. RIFFL: Research Institute for Freshwater Fisheries ofLiaoning Province, Liaoyang. Liaoning. China.

417. SYNU: Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang. Currentas: SYNU (herps). Liaoning. China.

418. XHPM: Xinghai Paleontological Museum of Dalian,Dalian. Also known as: Dalian Natural History Museum. Obsoleteas: D, DLNM, DMNH, DNHM, DNM. Current as: XHPM(fossils). Liaoning. China.

419. YHZ: Yizhou Fossil Museum, Yixian. Current as: YHZ(fossils). Liaoning. China.

420. NXU: Ningxia University, Yinchuan. Ningxia Hui.China.

421. NWIPB: Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology, Acade-mia Sinica [Chinese Academy of Sciences], Xining. Obsolete as:NPIB. Current as: NWIPB. Qinghai. China.

422. GSW: Shaanxi Nature Museum, Xi’an [Xian]. Currentas: GSW (fossils). Shaanxi [Shensi]. China.

423. IZSNU: Institute of Zoology, Shaanxi Normal Universi-ty, Xi’an [Xian]. Current as: IZSNU. Also as: DBSNU (Departmentof Biology), SNUIZ (fishes). Shaanxi [Shensi]. China.

424. IZSX: Shaanxi Institute of Zoology, Xi’an [Xian]. Alsoknown as: Northwest Institute of Endangered ZoologicalSpecies. Note: established in 1978 based on Shaanxi Instituteof Biology and the SAS Survey Team for Qinling BiologicalResources. Current as: IZSX. Also as: SIZ (herps). Shaanxi[Shensi]. China.

425. NAFU: Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University(NWAFU), Yangling. Note: established in 1999 via merger ofseven institutions including Northwest Forestry College (NCF);much of historical herp collection, including holotype ofOligodon ningshaanensis Yuan 1983, lost due to inactivity.Obsolete as: NCF. Current as: NAFU (herps). Shaanxi [Shensi].China.

426. EPC: Private collection of Marco Endruweit, Qingdao.Shandong. China.

427. IOCAS: Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica[Chinese Academy of Sciences], Qingdao. Formerly: NanhaiOceanographic Institute. Note: Marine Biological Museumfounded in 1950. Obsolete as: ASIO, NOI. Current as: IOCAS(fishes). Also as: MBM or MBMCAS (Marine Biological Muse-um). Shandong. China.

428. OUC: Ocean University of China [Haida], Qingdao.Shandong. China.

429. SDUST: College of Earth Science and Engineering,Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao.Current as: SDUST (fossils). Shandong. China.

430. STM: Shandong Tianyu Museum of Nature, Pingyi.Current as: STM (fossils). Shandong. China.

431. YT: Ludong University, Yantai. Formerly: Yantai NormalCollege (1958–1984) and University (1984–2006). Shandong.China.

432. ZCDM: Zhucheng Dinosaur Museum, Zhucheng. Inerror as: ZDCM (fossils). Current as: ZCDM (fossils). Shandong.China.

433. BDSSI: Laboratory of the Biology Department, Shang-hai Science Institute, Shanghai. Note: present status unknown.Shanghai. China.

434. DHFRI: Dong Hai [Donghai] Fishery Research Institute,Shanghai. Shanghai. China.

435. ECSFI: East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Science (CAFS), Shanghai. Shang-hai. China.

436. FU: Fudan University, Department of Biology, Shang-hai. In error as: Fujian University (Wallach et al., 2014; holotypeof Trimeresurus tibetanus is from Fudan University). Also as: FDU(herps). Shanghai. China.

437. SFU: Shanghai Ocean University (SHOU, SOU), Shang-hai. Formerly: Shanghai Fisheries College (SFC, 1952–1985),Shanghai Fisheries University (SFU, 1985–2008). Obsolete as:SFC. Current as: SFU. Shanghai. China.

438. SNHM: Shanghai Natural History Museum, Jing’an,Shanghai. Note: established in 1956 based on collections fromthe Xujiahui Museum founded in 1868 (renamed Zhendan

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Museum in 1933) and Shanghai Museum of the Asiatic Societyfounded in 1874; SNHM merged with Shanghai Science andTechnology Museum in 2001. Current as: SNHM. Also as:SMNH, SMNHC. Shanghai. China.

439. SXMG: Shanxi Museum of Geology, Taiyuan. Currentas: SXMG (fossils). Shanxi. China.

440. CCCGS: Chengdu Institute of Geology and MineralResources (CIGMRC), Chengdu. Also known as: ChengduCenter of China Geological Survey. Obsolete as: CGS. Currentas: CCCGS (fossils), LPV (Luoping County Vertebrate fossilcollection). Sichuan. China.

441. CIB: Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy ofSciences [Academia Sinica], Chengdu. Formerly: Sichuan Bio-logical Research Institute (SBRI). Obsolete as: CIS, SBRI, SERI,SIBAC (Southwest Institute of Biology), ZS. Current as: CIB.Sichuan. China.

442. CWNU: China West Normal University, Nanchong.Current as: CWNU (herps). Sichuan. China.

443. NRIS: Natural Resource Institute of Sichuan Province,Chengdu. Current as: NRIS (fishes). Also as: MSINR, SPNRI(fishes). Sichuan. China.

444. QW: Leshan Giant Buddha Museum, Leshan. Currentas: QW (fossils). Sichuan. China.

445. SCUM: Sichuan University Museum, Chengdu. Former-ly: West China Union University Museum (WCUUM). Obsoleteas: WCUUM. Current as: SCUM. Sichuan. China.

446. SICAU: Sichuan Agricultural University, Ya’an. Formerly:Sichuan Agricultural College (1956–1985). Note: SICAU withthree campuses in Chengdu, Ya’an and Dujiangyan. Obsolete as:SAUS. Current as: SICAU (fishes, herps; Ya’an campus). Also as:SAU (fishes; Ya’an campus). Sichuan. China.

447. SNC: Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu. Formerly:Sichuan Teachers College (1952–1985). Current as: SNC (fishes).Also as: SCNU (herps). Sichuan. China.

448. YBU: Yibin University, College of Life Science and FoodEngineering, Yibin. Note: GP refers to personal cataloguenumbers of Guo Peng. Current as: YBU (herps). Sichuan. China.

449. ZDM: Zigong Dinosaur Museum, Zigong. Current as:ZDM (fossils). Sichuan. China.

450. NUMZ: Nankai University, College of EnvironmentalScience and Engineering, Department of Environmental Sci-ence, Museum of Zoology, Tianjin. Tianjin. China.

451. TNZ: Tianjin Natural History Museum, Tianjin. For-merly: Musee Hoang-ho Pai-ho, founded in 1914. Tianjin.China.

452. CPM: Chuxiong Prefectural Museum, Chuxiong. Note:established in 1993. Current as: CPM (fossils). Also as: CXMVZA(fossils). Yunnan. China.

453. FAQ: Fisheries Administration of Qujing, Qujing.Yunnan. China.

454. FAQB: Fishery Administration of Qiubei, Qiubei.Current as: FAQB (fishes). Yunnan. China.

455. HRA: Heilongtan Reservoir Administration, ShilinCounty. Also as: RHLCY, RHS, HRSC, HRAS. Yunnan. China.

456. KIZ: Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academyof Sciences, Kunming. Current as: KIZ (fishes, herps). Yunnan.China.

457. KMV: Kunming Municipal Museum, Kunming. Currentas: KMV (fossils). Yunnan. China.

458. LDM: Lufeng Dinosaur Museum, Lufeng. Current as:LDM-LCA (fossils from Lufeng County, Chuanjie Township,A’na Village), LFGT LDM (fossils associated with Bureau of Landand Resources of Lufeng County). Yunnan. China.

459. MSTFM: Middle School of the Third Factory Machinery,Luliang, Qujing. Also known as: private collection of W.X. Li(Li). Yunnan. China.

460. QAMS: Qujing Aquatic Management Station, Qujing.Also as: YQAMS. Yunnan. China.

461. SWFU: Southwest Forestry University, Museum ofZoology, Kunming. Formerly: Southwest Forestry College(SWFC) until 2010. Obsolete as: SFU, SWFC, SWUF. Current as:SWFU (fishes). Yunnan. China.

462. YNUK: Yunnan Normal University, Biology Depart-ment, Kunming. Obsolete as: YU. Current as: YNUK. Yunnan.China.

463. YU: Yunnan University, Department of Biology, Kunm-ing. Formerly: Private University of the Eastern Land (1922–1934). Current as: YU (herps). Also as: MZYU. See also: YNUK(separate institution). Yunnan. China.

464. HTC: Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou. Zhe-jiang. China.

465. LFZFC: Laboratory of Fishes, Zhejiang Ocean Universi-ty, Zhoushan [Chusan]. Formerly: Zhejiang Fisheries College.Zhejiang. China.

466. TTM: Tiantai Museum, Tiantai. Current as: TTM(fossils). Zhejiang. China.

467. ZJU: Zhejiang University [Che Kiang University],Hangzhou. Includes: three historical universities (HangzhouUniversity, Zhejiang Agricultural University and Zhejian Med-ical University) combined with Zhejiang University in 1998.Current as: ZJU (reptiles). Also as: HU (amphibians). Zhejiang.China.

468. ZMNH: Zhejiang Museum of Natural History, Hang-zhou. Formerly: West Lake Museum (WLMH, 1929–1952);Zhejiang Provincial Museum (ZPM, 1952–1984). Obsolete as:WLMH, ZH, ZPM. Current as: ZMNH (fishes, herps, fossils),ZMNH M (fossils). Zhejiang. China.

469. SINCHI: Instituto Amazonico de Investigaciones Cien-tıficas SINCHI, Leticia. Current as: CIACOL (fishes, ColeccionIctiologica de la Amazonıa Colombiana), SINCHI-R (reptiles).Also as: SINCHI-CIACOL (fishes). Amazonas. Colombia.

470. CIUA: Coleccion de Ictiologıa del Instituto de Biologıade la Universidad de Antioquia, Medellın. Note: collectionseparate from Museo Universitario, Universidade de Antioquia(MUA). Current as: CIUA (fishes). See also: MUA (fishes), MHUA(herps). Antioquia. Colombia.

471. CP-UCO: Coleccion de Peces, Universidad Catolica deOriente, Rionegro. Current as: CP-UCO (fishes). Antioquia.Colombia.

472. CSJ: Colegio de San Jose, Museo de Historia Natural,Medellın. Note: administered by Instituto Tecnologico Metro-politano (ITM), Biodiversidad y Recursos Naturales. Current as:CSJ-I (fishes), CSJ-H (herps). Also as: MHNCSJ (herps). Anti-oquia. Colombia.

473. MHUA: Museo de Herpetologıa de la Universidad deAntioquia, Medellın. Note: established in 1998 and adminis-tered by Grupo Herpetologico de Antioquia (GHA). Current as:MHUA-A (amphibians), MHUA-R (reptiles), MHUA-L (larvae).See also: CIUA (fishes), MUA (fishes). Antioquia. Colombia.

474. MUA: Coleccion de Ciencias Naturales, Museo Uni-versitario, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellın. Note: collectionseparate from Coleccion de Ictiologıa, Universidad de Antioquia(CIUA). Current as: MUA (fishes). Also as: MUUA. See also: CIUA(fishes), MHUA (herps). Antioquia. Colombia.

475. CAR: Private collection of Carlos A. Ardila Rodrıguez,Barranquilla. Current as: CAR (fishes). Atlantico. Colombia.

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476. CBB: Colegio Biffi La Salle, Barranquilla. Note: smallnatural history collection assembled in the early to mid 1900sby Brothers of the De La Salle religious order; part of collectionlost during transport to new building; current status unknown.Atlantico. Colombia.

477. UARC: museo de colecciones cientıficas, programa deBiologıa, Universidad del Atlantico [Uniatlantico], Barranquilla.Current as: UARC-IC (fishes). Atlantico. Colombia.

478. CIP: Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras, InstitutoNacional de Recursos Naturales Renovables y del Ambiente(INDERENA), Cartagena. Note: INDERENA is a governmentenvironmental agency created in 1968 and replaced byMinisterio del Medio Ambiente in 1993; CIP transfered to theInstituto Nacional de Pesca y Acuicultura (INPA) in 1990; statusunknown, collections perhaps lost. See also: IND (Bogota,Distrito Capital). Bolıvar. Colombia.

479. CFSTA: Coleccion privada de la Fundacion Santa Teresade Avila, Villa de Leyva. Current as: CFSTA (fossils). Boyaca.Colombia.

480. CIP: Coleccion privada del Centro de InvestigacionesPaleontologicas, Villa de Leyva. Current as: CIP (fossils). Boyaca.Colombia.

481. IAvH: Instituto de Investigacion de Recursos BiologicosAlexander von Humboldt, Villa de Leyva. Includes: amphibiancollection from Instituto Nacional de Recursos NaturalesRenovables y del Ambiente (IND-Am); freshwater fishes(including types of Corydoras) originally deposited at Museodel Mar (MM), Universidad de Bogota Jorge Tadeo Lozano(UBJTL/UBJTLMM) and later transferred to INVEMAR (someapparently lost during transfers). Obsolete as: IAVHP (fishes).Current as: IAvH-CB (Colecciones Biologicas), IAvH-CT (tissuecollection), IAvH-P (fishes), IAvH-Am (amphibians), IAvH-R(reptiles). See also: INVEMAR. Boyaca. Colombia.

482. MJACM: Museo de la Junta de Accion Comunal de lavereda Monquira, Villa de Leyva. Current as: MJACM (fossils).Boyaca. Colombia.

483. UN MPVL: Colecciones paleontologicas de la Universi-dad Nacional de Colombia, Villa de Leyva. Current as: UNMPVL (fossils). See also: UN ICNMHNR (Bogota, DistritoCapital). Boyaca. Colombia.

484. MHN-UCa: Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad deCaldas, Manizales. Obsolete as: MHNUC (herps). Current as:MHN-UCa (herps). Caldas. Colombia.

485. UAM: Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad de laAmazonıa, Florencia. Current as: UAM. Caqueta. Colombia.

486. MHNUC: Museo de Historia Natural de la Universidadde Cauca, Popayan. Obsolete as: UCP. Current as: MHNUC(fishes), MHNUC-Cr (Crocodylia), MHNUC-Te (Testudinata),MHNUC-Sa (Sauria), MHNUC-Se (Serpentes). Cauca. Colombia.

487. PNNG: Coleccion de Referencia del Parque NacionalNatural Gorgona, Estacion Cientıfica ‘‘Henry von Prahl’’, IslaGorgona. Current as: MMGPe (fishes, Museo Marino GorgonaPeces). Also as: CR PNNG. Cauca. Colombia.

488. UTCH: Coleccion Cientıfica de Referencia Zoologica delChoco, Universidad Tecnologica del Choco (UTCH), Quibdo.Current as: CHbCH (fishes, Coleccion Hidrobiologica), COL-ZOOCH-H (herps, administered by Grupo de Investigacionesen Herpetologıa). Choco. Colombia.

489. ANDES: Museo de Historia Natural Andes, Departa-mento de Ciencias Biologicas, Universidad de los Andes,Bogota. Obsolete as: ULAB. Current as: ANDES-A (amphibians),ANDES-R (non-avian reptiles), ANDES-I (fishes). Distrito Cap-ital. Colombia.

490. ICN-MHN: Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Museo deHistoria Natural, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota.Note: zoological collections began in 1938, fish collection in1941. Includes: fishes collected by Cecil Miles and George Dahl.Obsolete as: I.C.N.B. (Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Bogota),ICNMHN, ICNMNH, ICN/MHN, MHN-UNC, MHNUNC. Cur-rent as: ICN-MHN (fishes), ICN (herps). See also: UN ICNMHNR(fossils). Distrito Capital. Colombia.

491. IND: Laboratoria de Fauna, Division de Fauna Terrestre,Instituto Nacional de Recursos Naturales Renovables y delAmbiente (INDERENA), Bogota. Note: government environ-mental agency created in 1968 and replaced by Ministerio delMedio Ambiente in 1993; amphibian collection (IND-Am)transferred to Instituto de Investigacion de Recursos BiologicosAlexander von Humboldt (IAvH-Am). See also: CIP (Cartagena,Bolıvar). Distrito Capital. Colombia.

492. INS-SR: Serpentario del Instituto Nacional de Salud,Bogota. Current as: INS-SR (herps). Distrito Capital. Colombia.

493. MCUB: Coleccion de Referencia del Museo de Ciencias,Universidad El Bosque, Bogota. Current as: MCUB-R-PE (fishes),MCUB-R-RE (herps). Distrito Capital. Colombia.

494. MLS: Museo de Historia Natural de La Salle, Bogota.Note: original collection destroyed by fire 9–10 Apr 1948.Obsolete as: ILS (Instituto de La Salle). Current as: MLS (fishes,herps). Distrito Capital. Colombia.

495. MPUJ: Museo Javeriano de Historia Natural ‘‘LorenzoUribe, S.J.’’, Pontifica Universidad Javeriana, Bogota. Current as:MPUJ (fishes). Also as: MUJ (herps). Distrito Capital. Colombia.

496. MUD: Museo de la Universidad Distrital Francisco Josede Caldas, Bogota. Distrito Capital. Colombia.

497. SGC: Museo Geologico Jose Royo y Gomez, Instituto deInvestigaciones en Geociencias, Minerıa y Quımica, ServicioGeologico Colombiano [formerly INGEOMINAS], Bogota. Alsoknown as: Museo Geologico Nacional; Geological Survey ofColombia. Formerly: Instituto Nacional de InvestigacionesGeologico Mineras (1968–1991). Obsolete as: ING, INIGM(fossils). Current as: SGC (fossils) followed by a variety ofcollection codes (e.g., DON, IGMp, IPN, MP, OB, RB, VL). Alsoas: DON (fossils), IGM, IGMp (fossil sharks), IPN-EAC, MGJRGIPN and IPN/MGJRG (fossil turtles). Distrito Capital. Colombia.

498. UN ICNMHNR: Universidad Nacional de Colombia,Departamento de Geociencias, Colecciones paleontologicas,Bogota. Obsolete as: UN-DG. Current as: UN ICNMHNR (fossils).See also: ICN-MHN (Instituto de Ciencias Naturales), UN MPVL(fossils, Villa de Leyva, Boyaca). Distrito Capital. Colombia.

499. INVEMAR: Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas yCosteras ‘‘Jose Benito Vives de Andreis’’, Museo de HistoriaNatural Marina de Colombia (MHNMC), Rodadero Sur, SantaMarta. Formerly: Instituto Colombo-Aleman de InvestigacionesCientıficas Punta de Betın (ICAL, 1963–1974); Coleccion deReferencia de Organismos Marinos del Invemar (CRM, 1974–1994). Includes: marine fishes from Coleccion del Museo delMar (MM), Universidad de Bogota Jorge Tadeo Lozano (UBJTL/UBJTLMM), some apparently lost during transfer; marine fishesfrom INDERENA (received from IAvH). Current as: INVEMARPEC (fishes cited in publications) and INV PEC (specimen labelsand publications). Also as: INVEMAR, INVEMAR-P, INVEMAR-PEC & INV-PEC (fishes), MHNMC (IAvH registry). See also:IAvH. Magdalena. Colombia.

500. PSO-CZ: Museo de Historia Natural de la Universidadde Narino, San Juan de Pasto. Narino. Colombia.

501. CSJP: Colegio San Jose de Pamplona, Pamplona. Alsoas: SJP. Norte de Santander. Colombia.

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502. UQ: Universidad del Quindıo, Armenia. Current as: IUQ(fishes, Laboratorio de Ictiologıa, Departamento de Biologıa),HERPETOS-UQ (herps, Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones enBiodiversidad y Biotecnologıa [CIBUQ]). Quindıo. Colombia.

503. CAC-CDMB: Coleccion Ictiologica de Cesar A. Castella-nos-Corporacion Autonoma para la Defensa de la Meseta deBucaramanga, Bucaramanga. Current as: CAC-CDMB (fishes).Santander. Colombia.

504. MCG: Museo del Colegio San Jose de Guanenta, SanGil. Santander. Colombia.

505. UIS: Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaraman-ga. Current as: UIS-T (fishes), UIS-R (reptiles). Also as: UIST(fishes). Santander. Colombia.

506. CZUT: Coleccion Zoologica, Universidad del Tolima,Ibague. Current as: CZUT-IC (fishes). Tolima. Colombia.

507. IMCN: Coleccion Zoologica de Referencia Cientifica,Museo de Ciencias Naturales Federico Carlos Lehmann Valenciadel INCIVA, Cali. Formerly: Museo Departamental de HistoriaNatural de Cali (1963–1974). Includes: some of Cecil Miles’fishes from Museo Ictiologico de la Escuela Superior deAgricultura Tropical (E.S.A.T.), Cali, and Facultad de Agronomıadel Departamento del Valle del Cauca, Palmira (now part ofUniversidad Nacional de Colombia); Miles’ collection largelylost due to flood in 1980 and subsequent burial (48 lotsunearthed in 1983 and eventually returned to IMCN). Note:Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Cali and Jardın Botanico JuanMarıa Cespedes merged in 1979 to form Instituto Vallecaucanode Investigaciones Cientıficas (INCIVA), renamed Instituto parala Investigacion y Preservacion del Patrimonio Cultural yNatural del Valle del Cauca in 2000 (abbreviation INCIVAretained). In error as: ICMN (fishes). Current as: IMCN (fishes).Also as: INCIVA (fishes). Valle del Cauca. Colombia.

508. UVC: Universidad del Valle (Univalle), Cali. Note: herpsin teaching collection sometimes cited as CD (ColeccionVertebrados de Docencia), separate from UVC (Coleccion deAnfibios y Reptiles). Obsolete as: UV, UV-C. Current as: CIRUV(fishes, Coleccion Ictiologica de Referencia), CIR-LV-UV (larvalfishes, Coleccion de referencia de Biologıa Marina), UVC(herps). Valle del Cauca. Colombia.

509. CRH: Centre de Recherche en Hydrobiologie, Uvira[formerly in Zaire]. Current as: CRH (fishes). Also as: CRHU. Sud-Kivu. Congo (DRC).

510. IRSEN: Institut National de Recherche en SciencesExactes et Naturelles, Brazzaville. Current as: IRSEN (herps). Sud-Kivu. Congo (RC).

511. ASL: Private collection of Alejandro Solorzano, Serpen-tario Nacional de Costa Rica, San Jose. San Jose. Costa Rica.

512. ICP: Instituto ‘‘Clodomiro Picado’’, research unit ofUniversidad de Costa Rica, Coronado. Also as: MICP (herps).San Jose. Costa Rica.

513. MNCR: Museo Nacional de Costa Rica, San Jose. SanJose. Costa Rica.

514. UCR: Museo de Zoologıa, Escuela de Biologıa, Uni-versidad de Costa Rica, San Pedro de Montes de Oca. Current as:UCR (fishes, herps). Also as: MZUCR (herps). San Jose. CostaRica.

515. LHUC: Collection Laboratoire d’Hydrobiologie lagun-aire, Abidjan. Note: collection cited by Daget (1965) andpresumably associated with Universite de Cocody, formerly acampus of the University of Abidjan and renamed UniversiteFelix Houphouet-Boigny in 2012. See also: UFHB. Cote d’Ivoire.

516. NG: Research Collection of N’Goran Germain Kouame,Department of Biology and Animal Physiology, Jean Loroug-

non Guede University, Daloa. Current as: NG (herps). Coted’Ivoire.

517. PPEF: Collection de la section Peche et Pisciculturelagunaires des Eaux et Forets, Abidjan. Note: collection cited byDaget (1965); status unknown. Assigned here: PPEF. Coted’Ivoire.

518. STPB: Collection de la Station de Recherches Piscicolesde Bouake, Bouake. Note: collection cited by Daget (1965) andpresumably associated with Universite de Boukae, formerly acampus of the University of Abidjan; status unknown. Assignedhere: STPB. Cote d’Ivoire.

519. UFHB: Universite Felix Houphouet-Boigny, U.F.R Bio-sciences, Laboratoire d’Hydrobiologie et d’Ecotoxicologie deseaux (LHETE), Abidjan. Formerly: Universite Nationale de Coted’Ivoire, Abidjan (UAIC, UACI), Universite de Cocody, Uni-versite de Cocody-Abidjan (UCA). Note: presumably includescollections associated with Laboratoire d’Hydrobiologie lagun-aire (LHUC). Obsolete as: UAIC, UACI. Current as: UFHB. Coted’Ivoire.

520. IORD: Oceanographic and Fisheries Institute, Dubrov-nik. Current as: IORD (fishes). Dubrovnik-Neretva. Croatia.

521. NHMD: Dubrovnik Natural History Museum, Dubrov-nik. Dubrovnik-Neretva. Croatia.

522. CMRI: Centar za istrazivanje mora, Institut RuderBoskovic [Center for Marine Research, Rudjer Boskovic Insti-tute], Rovinj. Also known as: Center for Marine Research Rovinj;Rovinj Marine Station. Note: established in 1891 as field stationof Berlin Zoological Garden and Aquarium; original institutedemolished and collections transferred to Italy during WWIIwith historical specimens extant at Stazione Idrobiologica,Chioggia. Current as: CMRI (fishes). Also as: CMRR (bryozoans).Istria. Croatia.

523. PMR: Prirodoslovni muzej Rijeka [Natural HistoryMuseum Rijeka], Rijeka. Current as: PMR. Also as: NHMR(herps), PMR VP (fishes). Primorje-Gorski Kotar. Croatia.

524. SE-IOR: Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split.Current as: SE-IOR (fishes). Also as: IOR (fishes). Split-Dalmatia.Croatia.

525. CPZM: Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej [Croatian NaturalHistory Museum], Zagreb. Includes: Hrvatski narodni zooloskimuzej (HZM) [Croatian National Zoological Museum] andGeolosko-paleontoloski muzej [Geological-PalaeontologicalMuseum], both descended from Narodni muzej [NationalMuseum] established in 1846; Croatian Biospeleological SocietyCollection (CBSS); personal collection of Primoz Zupancic(PZC). Obsolete as: HZM. Current as: CPZM (fishes). Also as:CNHM (fishes, herps, fossils). Zagreb. Croatia.

526. HDBI: Hrvatsko drustvo za bioloska istrazivanja [Cro-atian Biological Research Society], Croatian Institute forBiodiversity, Zagrebu. Current as: HDBI. Zagreb. Croatia.

527. PMF: Zoologijski zavod, Prirodoslovno-matematickifakultet, Sveucilista u Zagrebu [Department of Zoology, Facultyof Science, University of Zagreb], Zagrebu. Obsolete as: ZU, ZZSZ.Current as: PMF (fishes). Also as: ZIUZ (fishes, herps). Zagreb.Croatia.

528. MHNCT: Museo de Historia Natural Carlos de la Torre yHuerta, Holguın. Current as: MHNCT. Also as: MHNH (herps).Holguın. Cuba.

529. ANC: Acuario Nacional de Cuba, La Habana [Havana].Includes: fish collection from Centro de Colecciones NaturalesMarinas (CCNM), Instituto de Oceanologıa, Academia deCiencias de Cuba, La Habana (IdO, IOH) transferred in 2005;fishes from Orlando H. Garrido (OHG). Current as: ANC (fishes,

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Coleccion de Peces), IdO (fishes, Instituto de Oceanologıa). LaHabana. Cuba.

530. CARE: Private collection of Alberto R. Estrada, LaHabana [Havana]. La Habana. Cuba.

531. CZACC: Colecciones Zoologicas de la Academia deCiencias de Cuba, Instituto de Ecologıa y Sistematica (IES),Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnologıa y Medio Ambiente (CITMA),La Habana [Havana]. Includes: Charles T. Ramsden hepetolog-ical collection (CTR); herps from Orlando H. Garrido (OHG).Note: created in 1987 to house specimens formerly in Institutode Zoologıa (IZ or IZAC) and its predecessor, Instituto deBiologıa (IB); IB & IZ specimens recataloged with new CZACCnumbers. Current as: CZACC (herps). Also as: IES (herps), IZAC(fishes). La Habana. Cuba.

532. DZUH: Departamento de Zoologia, Facultad de Cien-cias Naturales y Exactas, Universidad de La Habana, La Habana[Havana]. See also: MFP. La Habana. Cuba.

533. MBZH: Museo y Biblioteca de Zoologıa, La Habana[Havana]. Note: current status unknown. La Habana. Cuba.

534. MFP: Museo de Historia Natural Felipe Poey, Universi-dad de La Habana, La Habana [Havana]. Also known as: MuseoFelipe Poey. Formerly: Museo de Historia Natural de la Real yPontificia Universidad de La Habana established in 1842.Obsolete as: UHMP (fishes). Current as: MFP (fishes, herps). Seealso: DZUH (Departamento de Zoologia). La Habana. Cuba.

535. MNHNCu: Museo Nacional de Historia Natural deCuba, La Habana [Havana]. Formerly: Museo de Ciencias FelipePoey (1962–1980), preceded by Museo Cubano de CienciasNaturales (1959–1961). Includes: herps from Ansel Fong G.(AFG). Current as: MNHNCu (herps, fossils). La Habana. Cuba.

536. OHG: Private fish and herp collection of Orlando H.Garrido, La Habana [Havana]. Note: some herps deposited atCZACC and some fishes at ANC. La Habana. Cuba.

537. AFG: Private herp collection of Ansel Fong G. Note:some specimens deposited at BSC and MNHNCu. Santiago deCuba. Cuba.

538. BSC: Herpetological Collection of Centro Oriental deEcosistemas y Biodiversidad (BIOECO), Museo de HistoriaNatural ‘‘Tomas Romay’’, Santiago de Cuba. Includes: herpsfrom Ansel Fong G. (AFG). Current as: BSC.H (herps). Santiagode Cuba. Cuba.

539. KMUI: Cyprus Museum of Natural History, Dali. Note:established in 1996 by Photos Photiades Foundation. Assignedhere: KMUI (Ktpqiajo Motreıo Utrijg1 Irsoqıa1). Cyprus.

540. AFG: Private herp collection of Bohumil Kral, Brne[Brno]. Note: based on publications; whereabouts of collectionunknown. Jihom*oravsky [South Moravian]. Czech Republic.

541. MZM: Moravske zemske muzeum [Moravian Museum],Brne [Brno]. Also known as: Mahrische Landesmuseum. Obsoleteas: LMB. Current as: MMB (fishes, herps), MZM Ge (fossils). Alsoas: MMB-Ge (fossils). Jihom*oravsky [South Moravian]. CzechRepublic.

542. VMO: Vlastivedne muzeum v Olomouci, Olomouc.Current as: VMO (sharks). Olomoucky [Olomouc]. CzechRepublic.

543. CHMHZ: Chlupac’s Museum of Earth History, Univer-zita Karlova [Charles University], Praha [Prague]. Also known as:Chlupacovo muzeum historie Zeme. Includes: collection ofInstitute of Geology and Paleontology, Univerzita Karlova[Charles University]. Obsolete as: DP-FNSP, DPFNSP (fossils,Department of Paleontology). Current as: CHMHZ (fossils). Seealso: CUP (Recent fishes, herps). Praha [Prague]. CzechRepublic.

544. CUP: Univerzita Karlova [Charles University], Praha[Prague]. Includes: fish types of Vadim Vladykov. Obsolete as:DZCHU, ZICU, ZICUP. Current as: CUP (fishes, herps). See also:CHMHZ (fossils). Praha [Prague]. Czech Republic.

545. NMP: Narodnı muzeum [National Museum], Praha[Prague]. Formerly: Patriotic Museum, Bohemian Museum,Museum of the Bohemian Kingdom. Includes: fish types ofVadim Vladykov. Obsolete as: MHP, MNHP. Current as: NMP(fishes), NMP-P6V (herps). Also as: NMP6V (The ReptileDatabase). Praha [Prague]. Czech Republic.

546. SJB: Private collection of Jorg Bohlen, Institute ofAnimal Physiology and Genetics, Academy of Sciences of theCzech Republic, Libechov. Current as: SJB (fishes). Stredocesky[Central Bohemian]. Czech Republic.

547. MMUL: Muzeum mesta Ustı nad Labem [MunicipalMuseum of Ustı nad Labem], Ustı nad Labem [Aussig]. Currentas: MMUL. Ustı nad Labem [Ustecky]. Czech Republic.

548. OMM: Oblastnı muzeum v Moste, Moste [Most].Current as: OMM (fossils). Ustı nad Labem [Ustecky]. CzechRepublic.

549. SGDB: Sbırky geologie Doly Bılina [Bılina MinesGeology Collection], Bılina Mine Headquarters, Bılina. Alsoknown as: geological collection of the Bılina opencast mine.Current as: SGDB (fossils). Also as: DB (fossil fishes). Ustı nadLabem [Ustecky]. Czech Republic.

550. IAPG: Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics,Laboratory of Fish Genetics, Libechov. Current as: IAPG (fishes).Stredocesky [Central Bohemian]. Czech Republic.

551. DBP: Den Bla Planet, National Aquarium Denmark,Kastrup. Current as: DBP (fishes). Denmark.

552. MBLC: Marine Biological Laboratory, KøbenhavnsUniversitet [University of Copenhagen], Copenhagen. See also:NHMD. Denmark.

553. NHMA: Naturhistorisk Museum Aarhus, Arhus [Aar-hus]. Current as: NHMA (all collections). Denmark.

554. NHMD: Statens Naturhistoriske Museum (SNM),Københavns Universitet [Natural History Museum of Den-mark, University of Copenhagen], Copenhagen. Note:established in 2004 via merger of Botanic Garden, BotanicalMuseum and Library, Geological Museum [Museum Geo-logicum Universitatis Hafniensis (MGUH)] and ZoologicalMuseum [Zoologisk Museum (ZMUC)]. Obsolete as: UZM,UZMK. Current as: ZMUC-P (fishes), ZMUC-R (herps),MGUH.VP (fossils). Also as: NHMD (fossils). See also: MBLC(Marine Biological Laboratory). Denmark.

555. MHD: Museo del Hombre Dominicano, SantoDomingo. Current as: MHD (fossils). Dominican Republic.

556. MNHNSD: Museo Nacional de Historia NaturalProfessor Eugenio de Jesus Marcano, Santo Domingo.Current as: MNHNSD (fishes, herps). Dominican Republic.

557. MZUA: Museo de Zoologıa, Universidad del Azuay(UDA), Cuenca. Obsolete as: UDAR, Z00A.V.Pe. (fishes).Current as: MZUA (herps), ZOOA.V.Pe. (fishes). Azuay.Ecuador.

558. CEMZ: Coleccion de peces de la Pontificia Universi-dad Catolica del Ecuador Sede Esmeraldas, Esmeraldas.Current as: CEMZ-P (fishes). Esmeraldas. Ecuador.

559. VCCDRS: Vertebrate Collection, Charles DarwinResearch Station, Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz. Also known as:museo de vertebrados. Current as: VCCDRS. Also as: CDRS,MVECCD (herps). Galapagos. Ecuador.

560. INHMT: Instituto de Nacional de Higiene y Medic-ina Tropical Leopoldo Izquieta Perez, Guayaquil. Note:

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currently known as Instituto Nacional de Investigacion enSalud Publica (INSPI). Guayas. Ecuador.

561. MUGT: Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Universidadde Guayaquil [University of Guayaquil], Guayaquil. Obsoleteas: MFCN-UG, UG. Current as: MUGT (fishes). Guayas.Ecuador.

562. CJ: Centro Jambatu de Investigacion y Conserva-cion de Anfibios, Fundacion Otonga, Quito. Current as: CJ(amphibians). Pichincha. Ecuador.

563. MECN: Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales,Quito. Note: created as government organization in 1977;associated with Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (IN-ABIO), public research institute created in 2014. Current as:MECN (fishes, herps). Also as: MECN-DP (fishes), DHMECN(Division de Herpetologıa, herps). Pichincha. Ecuador.

564. MEPN: Museo de Historia Natural ‘‘Gustavo OrcesV.’’, Instituto de Ciencias Biologicas, Escuela PolitecnicaNacional, Quito. Note: collection originally included fossilsfrom ‘‘Gabinete de Ciencias Naturales’’ de la UniversidadCentral, and those collected by Robert Hoffstetter from1946–1952, but part of that material sent to Europeancollections between 1950s and 1990s. Current as: EPN V(fossil vertebrates), MEPN (fishes, herps). Pichincha. Ecua-dor.

565. MZUTI: Museo de Zoologıa, Universidad Tecnolog-ica Indoamerica, Quito. Current as: MZUTI (herps). Pichin-cha. Ecuador.

566. QCAZ: Museo de Zoologıa, Escuela de CienciasBiologicas, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador,Quito. Includes: Eugenia del Pino Collection (EDP). Currentas: QCAZ. Pichincha. Ecuador.

567. USFQ: Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Quito.Current as: DFCH-USFQ (herps, Diego F. Cisneros-Herediacollection), FHGO-USFQ (herps, Fundacion HerpetologicaG. Orces collection deposited at USFQ). Also as: FHGO.Pichincha. Ecuador.

568. AUZC: Al-Azhar University Zoological Collection,Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Al-AzharUniversity, Cairo. Note: smaller collections of fishes andother fauna associated with other Al-Azhar campuses (e.g.,Asyut), but not part of AUZC. Current as: AUZC (herps).Egypt.

569. CGM: Egyptian Geological Museum, Cairo. Alsoknown as: Cairo Geological Museum. Note: museum estab-lished in 1904 as part of the Egyptian Geological Survey(EGS) founded in 1896. Current as: CGM (fossils). Egypt.

570. MBSH: Marine Biological Station Hurghada [Al-Ghardaqa], National Institute of Oceanography and Fisher-ies (NIOF), Hurghada [Al-Ghardaqa]. Egypt.

571. MUVP: Mansoura University Vertebrate Paleontolo-gy Center, Department of Geology, Mansoura. Current as:MUVP (fossils). Egypt.

572. ICMARES: Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnolo-gıa, Universidad de El Salvador, San Salvador. Note: collec-tions assembled in the 1950s and associated with theInstituto Tropical de Investigaciones Cientıficas (ITIC) wereneglected and eventually lost; current fish collectionestablished ca. 2005. Current as: ICMARES (fishes). ElSalvador.

573. MUHNES: Museo de Historia Natural de El Salvador,San Salvador. Note: fish collection established in 1970, butdamaged during earthquake in 2001. Current as: MUHNES(fishes, herps). El Salvador.

574. MNCS: Department of Marine Biology and Fisher-ies, Mai-Nefhi College of Science, Eritrea Institute ofTechnology (EIT). Note: small collection of marine fisheslacking catalog numbers and staff. Assigned here: MNCS.Eritrea.

575. NME: National Museum of Eritrea, Asmara. Includes:fossils of Dandiero Basin collection areas Dioli (DAN), Uadi[Wadi] Aalad (UA), Uadi [Wadi] Maebele (MHB). Current as:NME. Eritrea.

576. NRSM: The Northern Red Sea Museum, Massawa.Also known as: The Massawa Museum. Includes: fossils ofMulhuli-Amo collection area (MA). Note: established in2000. Assigned here: NRSM (fossils). Eritrea.

577. GIT: Institute of Geology, Tallinn University ofTechnology, Tallinn. Current as: GIT (fossils). Also as: Pi(fossils). Estonia.

578. TAMZ: Eesti Loodusmuuseum [Estonian Museum ofNatural History], Tallinn. Current as: TAMZ (fishes, herps),TAMG (fossils). Estonia.

579. TUZ: University of Tartu Natural History Museum,Tartu. Obsolete as: MZT (Zoological Museum, Tartu). Currentas: TUZ (fishes), TUG (fossils). Estonia.

580. EBI: Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute, Addis Ababa.Formerly: Institute of Biodiversity Conservation (IBC, 2004–2013), preceded by Institute of Biodiversity Conservationand Research (IBCR, 1998–2004). Ethiopia.

581. MA: Awash National Park. Note: status of zoologicalcollections unknown. Ethiopia.

582. ZNHM-AAU: Zoological Natural History Museum,Addis Ababa University. Obsolete as: AAU, NHMAA. Currentas: ZNHM-AAU. Ethiopia.

583. NHMT: Natural History Museum, Torshavn. FaroeIslands (Denmark).

584. USPS: University of the South Pacific, Faculty ofScience, Technology and Environment, School of MarineStudies, Suva. Obsolete as: USP. Current as: SUVA H (herps),USPS (fishes). Fiji.

585. MZH: Finnish Museum of Natural History, Zoolog-ical Museum, University of Helsinki, Helsinki. Also as:ZMUH (birds). Finland.

586. UAZM: Abo Akademi University, Zoological Muse-um, Turku. Finland.

587. Rh-E.F.: Musee Yves-Machelon, Gannat. Also knownas: Musee de Gannat; Natural History Museum of Gannat.Obsolete as: MGF. Current as: Rh-E.F. (fossils). Allier. France.

588. RGHP: Reserve naturelle geologique de Haute-Pro-vence, Digne-les-Bains. Current as: RGHP (fossils). Alpes-de-Haute-Provence. France.

589. MHNN: Museum d’Histoire Naturelle de la ville deNice, Nice. Also as: MHNNice. Alpes-Maritimes. France.

590. MDE: Le Musee des Dinosaures, Esperaza. Obsoleteas: ME. Current as: MDE (fossils). Aude. France.

591. MZUS: Musee Zoologique de la ville de Strasbourg,Universite de Strasbourg, Strasbourg. Includes: naturalhistory collections of Johann Hermann, (purchased in1802) and Universite Louis-Pasteur. Note: partially destroyedin 1943–1944 during WWII; Universite de Strasbourgseparated into three institutions including UniversiteLouis-Pasteur (Strasbourg I) from 1970 to 2009. Also as:MZS Bas-Rhin. France.

592. MMNH: Museum d’histoire naturelle de Marseille,Marseille. Current as: MMNH (herps). Also as: MHNM(fossils), MHNMF (herps). Bouches-du-Rhone. France.

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593. MMS: Musee du Moulin Seigneurial, Velaux. Currentas: MMS (fossils). Bouches-du-Rhone. France.

594. LMA: Le Musee d’Angouleme, Angouleme. Formerly:Musee des beaux-arts d’Angouleme. Current as: ANG (fossils,Angeac-Charente Collection), CHE (fossils, Cherves-de-Cognac Collection). Charente. France.

595. IFREMER: Institut Francais de Recherche pourl’Exploitation de la Mer, La Rochelle. Note: fish types movedto Museum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris (MNHN) andMuseum d’Histoire naturelle de La Rochelle (MHNRL).Charente-Maritime. France.

596. MHNLR: Museum d’Histoire naturelle de La Ro-chelle, La Rochelle. Includes: fish types from IFREMER.Current as: MHNLR (fishes). Also as: MHNR (herps).Charente-Maritime. France.

597. MO: Le Musee de l’ıle d’Oleron, Saint-Pierre-d’Oler-on. Current as: MO (fossils). Charente-Maritime. France.

598. LBG-UD: Laboratoire Biogeosciences, Universite deBourgogne [University of Burgundy], Dijon. Current as: LBG-UD (fossils). Cote-d’Or. France.

599. MMBR: Musee de la Marine, Brest. Finistere. France.600. MHNB: Museum d’histoire naturelle de Bordeaux,

Bordeaux. Current as: MHNB (fossils). Gironde. France.601. UAG: Universite des Antilles [University of the

French West Indies], Guadaloupe. Formerly: Centre Univer-site Antilles-Guyane, Laboratoire de Biologie et PhysiologieAnimales. Guadaloupe. France.

602. IPG: Institut Pasteur de Guyane, Cayenne. Guiana[French Guiana]. France.

603. LIAT: Laboratoire d’Ichtyologie Appliquee, EcoleNationale Superieure Agronomique de Toulouse (ENSAT),Auzeville-Tolosane. Haute-Garonne. France.

604. MHNT: Museum d’histoire naturelle de la ville deToulouse. Also known as: Musee de Toulouse (MT). Currentas: MHNT (fossils). Also as: MT. Haute-Garonne. France.

605. BEV: Collection Biogeographie et Ecologie desVertebres, Laboratoire de biogeographie et ecologie desvertebres, Montpellier. Note: collection established in 1967and housed at Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive(CEFE) established in 1987 under the guardianship ofCentre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS),Universite de Montpellier, Institut de Recherche pour leDeveloppement (IRD) and Ecole pratique des hautes etudes(EPHE) among others. Obsolete as: LBEV, LBUM (Laboratoirede Biogeographie, Universite de Montpellier; presumablysame as BEV collection). Current as: BEV (herps). Also as:EPHE (herps). See also: USTL. Herault. France.

606. CW-C: Collection of Alexandre Westphal-Castelnau,L’Ecole nationale superieure agronomique de Montpellier(ENSAM), Montpellier. Note: specimens transferred toMuseum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris (MNHN).Herault. France.

607. MC: Musee de Cruzy, Cruzy. Current as: MC (fossils).Herault. France.

608. MPDM: Musee Parc des Dinosaures, Meze. Currentas: MPDM (fossils). Herault. France.

609. USTL: Universite de Montpellier, Montpellier. Note:collections originally associated with Faculte des Sciencescreated in 1808 which became Universite des sciences ettechniques du Languedoc (USTL), administratively knownas Universite Montpellier 2, in 1968; Montpellier 1 & 2universities began to merge in 2012 and the new Universitede Montpellier was founded in 2015; historical collections

partially destroyed in 1944 during World War II. Obsolete as:BRT, MM. Current as: USTL (fossils). Also as: ISE-M (Institutdes Sciences de l’Evolution, Universite Montpellier 2), LG-FSM (Laboratoire de Geologie, fossils), UM (fossils). See also:BEV. Herault. France.

610. MS: Musee du Savigneen, Savigne-sur-Lathan. Note:fossil specimens cited as year of registration (last threedigits or all four), two-letter code for site and specimennumber (e.g., 007-PM-295, 2012.VG.1). Current as: MS(general fossils), GM (fossils from La Guimardiere), PM(fossils from Pelmer), VG (fossils from Vigneaux). Indre-et-Loire. France.

611. MAJ: Musee d’archeologie du Jura, Lons-le-Saunier.Current as: MAJ (fossils). Jura. France.

612. ISTPM: Institut Francais de Recherche pour l’Exploi-tation de la Mer (IFREMER), Nantes. Formerly: InstitutScientifique et Technique des Peches Maritimes (1918–1984). Loire-Atlantique. France.

613. MHNNT: Museum d’Histoire Naturelle de Nantes,Nantes. Loire-Atlantique. France.

614. FCL: Universite Catholique Lyon, Lyon. Formerly:Faculte Catholique Lyon. Current as: FCL (fossils). Lyon.France.

615. MHNL: Musee des Confluences, Lyon. Formerly:Musee d’Histoire Naturelle de Lyon (MHNL), descendedfrom Musee Guimet d’Histoire Naturelle de Lyon (MG, MGLor MGHNL). Obsolete as: LMHN, MG, MGHNL, MGL, MMC.Current as: MHNL. Lyon. France.

616. UCBL: Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1, paleon-tology collection, Villeurbanne. Also known as: University ofLyon 1 (UL1). Note: includes fossils formerly in Faculte desSciences de Lyon (FSL) at UCBL; collection distinct frommusee des Confluences (MHNL). Obsolete as: CST (Centredes Sciences de la Terre), UL1. Current as: UCBL-FSL (fossils).Also as: CPS-UL, FSL (fossils). Lyon. France.

617. MAN: Museum-Aquarium de Nancy, Institut deZoologie, Universite de Nancy, Nancy. Formerly: L’AncienneUniversite, among others. Also as: MZN, MZUVN. Meurthe-et-Moselle. France.

618. MNHN: Museum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris.Includes: herp collection of M. Alexandre Westphal-Castel-nau formerly at L’Ecole nationale superieure agronomiquede Montpellier (ENSAM); collections from Laboratoire desSciences Naturelles, Universite-Indochinoise, Hanoi(LSNUI) and Office de la Recherche scientifique et Tech-nique d’Outre-mer (ORSTOM). Obsolete as: MHNP. Currentas: MNHN (fishes, herps), MNHN TGE (fossils, ensembledivisions from Morocco, Algeria and Mali), MNHN.F(fossils). Also as: MNHNP (amphibians, fossils), MNHN-ZA(osteological specimens of fishes, amphibians, reptiles).Paris. France.

619. PGe: Collection of Philippe Geniez, Ecole pratiquedes hautes etudes (EPHE), Paris. Current as: PGe (herps).Paris. France.

620. PMC: Collection de paleontologie, Sorbonne Uni-versite. Note: Sorbonne Universite established in 2018 viamerger of Universite Paris-Sorbonne and Universite Pierre etMarie Curie (UPMC, Also known as Universite Paris VI).Obsolete as: UPVI. Current as: PMC (fossils, Laboratoire dePaleontologie des Vertebres, Universite Pierre et MarieCurie). Paris. France.

621. IES: Institut H. E. Sauvage, Saint-Etienne-au-Mont.Current as: IES (fishes). Pas-de-Calais. France.

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622. MMB: Musee de la Mer, Biarritz. Also known as:Biarritz Aquarium. Pyrenees-Atlantiques. France.

623. MHN RUN: Museum d’Histoire Naturelle de laReunion, Saint-Denis, La Reunion. Obsolete as: URUN.Current as: MHN RUN (fishes). Also as: LEMUR (Laboratoired’Ecologie Marine, Universite de La Reunion), MHNRUN(fishes). Reunion. France.

624. MHNH: Museum d’Histoire Naturelle du Havre, LeHavre. Current as: MHNH (fossils). Also as: MHBR (fossils,Brun Collection). Seine-Maritime. France.

625. UP: Universite de Poitiers, Poitiers. Current as: UP(fossils). Vienne. France.

626. CJG: Private fish collection of Jacques Gery (1917–2007). Note: no longer extant; some specimens deposited atThe Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (ANSP),Zoologische Staatsammlung Munchen (ZSM), Museumd’histoire naturelle, Geneve (MHNG [as GSC]). France.

627. CLB: Private collection of Charles Lucien Bonaparte(1803–1857). Note: extant collections of fishes and herpscurrently at The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadel-phia (ANSP). France.

628. MH: Museo Humphrediano [Humphredianis]. Note:cited in Hermann (1804), perhaps in reference to privatecollection of Humphrey Waldo Sibthorp and/or his sonJohn Sibthorp. France.

629. ORSTOM: Institut de Recherche pour le Developpe-ment. Formerly: Office de la Recherche scientifique etTechnique d’Outre-mer. Note: multiple collections includingthose in Noumea, New Caledonia; Dakar, Senegal (IRD);Trinidad, Bolivia; some collections moved to Museumnational d’Histoire naturelle, Paris (MNHN). France.

630. IRET: Institut de Recherche en Ecologie Tropicale,Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technolo-gique (CENAREST), Libreville. Note: founded in 1985.Gabon.

631. GNM: Georgian National Museum, Tbilisi [Tiflis].Formerly: Georgian State Museum (GSM). Includes: collec-tions of Georgian Institute of Paleobiology (IPGAS) andSimon Janashia Museum of Georgia (ZMT). Obsolete as: GSM(fossils), IP (fossils), TMT (Tiflis Museum). Current as: GNM(fishes, herps), IPGAS (fossils, Institue of Palaeobiology). Seealso: ZMT (history). Georgia.

632. ZIT: Ilia State University, Institute of Zoology,Zoological Collections, Tbilisi [Tiflis]. Formerly: Institute ofZoology, Georgian National Academy of Sciences (1941–2009), descended from the Georgian branch of the RussianAcademy of Sciences and Tbilisi State University. Current as:ZIT (amphibians). Georgia.

633. ZMT: Simon Janashia Museum of Georgia, Tbilisi[Tiflis]. Includes: collections of the Georgian Museum (1919–1947), formerly Caucasus Museum (1865–1919, also knownas Caucasus Natural History Museum), descended from theMuseum of the Caucasian Department of the Russian RoyalGeographic Society founded in 1852. Note: museum incor-porated into Georgian National Museum (GNM) in 2004.See also: GNM. Georgia.

634. AMRS: Abkhazian Museum of Regional Studies,Sukhumi [Sokhumi]. Also known as: Abkhazian StateMuseum of Local Lore. Current as: AMRS (fossils). Georgia[Abkhazia].

635. CGDBK: Collection Grande Duke of Baden, Karls-ruhe. Current as: CGDBK (fossils). Baden-Wurttemberg.Germany.

636. CTL: Private fish collection of Thomas Litz, Atten-weiler. Note: some specimens deposited at Museo Nacionalde Historia Natural y Antropologıa, Montevideo (MUNHI-NA) and Zoologische Staatssammlung Munchen (ZSM) withZSM catalog numbers. Baden-Wurttemberg. Germany.

637. GEOW: Institut fur Geowissenschaften UniversitatHeidelberg, Heidelburg. Current as: GEOW (fossils). See also:ZMUH. Baden-Wurttemberg. Germany.

638. GPIT: Eberhard Karls Universitat Tubingen [Univer-sity of Tubingen], Museum der Universitat (MUT), Palaon-tologische Sammlung, Tubingen. Formerly: Institut furGeowissenschaften der Universitat Tubingen. Obsolete as:TIMGP, UT. Current as: GPIT (fossils). Also as: Pi (fossils, butmistakenly associated with Georg-August-Universitat). Seealso: ZST (herps). Baden-Wurttemberg. Germany.

639. KEWI: Private fish collection of Kai Erik Witte,Tubingen. Note: some specimens deposited at ZoologischeStaatsammlung Munchen with ZSM catalog numbers.Baden-Wurttemberg. Germany.

640. MFB: Stadtische Museen: Museum Natur undMensch [Museum of Nature and Man], Freiburg im Breisgau.Formerly: Adelhausermuseum fur Naturkunde und Volker-kunde (established in 1996), descended from StadtischesMuseum fur Naturkunde und Volkerkunde, founded in1895. Note: naturkundlichen Sammlungen [natural historycollection] housed at Zentralen Kunstdepot since 2012–2013. Baden-Wurttemberg. Germany.

641. MHH: Urweltmuseum Hauff [Hauff Museum], Holz-maden. Current as: MHH (fossils). Baden-Wurttemberg.Germany.

642. MHI: Muschelkalkmuseum Hagdorn Stadt Ingelfin-gen, Ingelfingen. Current as: MHI (fossils). Baden-Wurttemberg. Germany.

643. PSGV: Private collection of Gernot Vogel, Heidel-burg. Current as: PSGV (herps). Baden-Wurttemberg. Ger-many.

644. SMG: Stadtische Naturkundliche Museum Goppin-gen. Current as: SMG (fossils). Baden-Wurttemberg. Ger-many.

645. SMNK: Staatliches Museum fur Naturkunde Karls-ruhe [Karlsruher Naturkundemuseum], Karlsruhe. Formerly:Landessammlungen fur Naturkunde Karlsruhe (LNK). Obso-lete as: LNK. Current as: SMNK (fishes, herps), SMNK-PAL(fossils). Baden-Wurttemberg. Germany.

646. SMNS: Staatliches Museum fur Naturkunde [Stutt-gart State Museum of Natural History], Stuttgart. Obsolete as:MNS. Current as: SMNS (fishes, herps, fossils). Also as:SMNHS (fossils). Baden-Wurttemberg. Germany.

647. UFR: Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg [AlbertLudwigs University of Freiburg], Zoologische Sammlung,Freiburg im Breisgau. Baden-Wurttemberg. Germany.

648. ZMUH: Zoologisches Museum der Universitat Hei-delberg, Heidelburg. Note: founded as Zoologisches Cabinetin 1819 by Friedrich Tiedemann (1781–1861); some fishestransferred to SMF and SMNS. Current as: ZMUH (herps).Also as: ZIH (fishes, Zoologisches Institut). See also: GEOW(fossils). Baden-Wurttemberg. Germany.

649. ZST: Eberhard Karls Universitat Tubingen [Univer-sity of Tubingen], Museum der Universitat (MUT), Zoologi-sche Sammlung, Tubingen. Obsolete as: UTZI (ZoologischesInstitut). Current as: ZST (herps). See also: GPIT (fossils).Baden-Wurttemberg. Germany.

650. BMMS: Burgermeister-Muller-Museum, Solnhofen.

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Current as: BMMS (fossils). Also as: BMM-S. Bayern [Bavaria].Germany.

651. BSPG: Bayerische Staatssammlung fur Palaontologieund Geologie [Bavarian State Collection for Paleontologyand Geology], Munchen [Munich]. Also known as: Palaon-tologisches Museum Munchen [Paleontological MuseumMunich] (PMM) used for public part of BSPG. Formerly:Bayerische Staatssammlung fur Palaontologie und Histori-sche Geologie (BSPHG). Note: one of multiple institutionscomprising and administered by Staatliche Naturwissen-schaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns [Bavarian Natural HistoryCollections] (SNSB). Obsolete as: BSM, BSP, BSPHG, BSPHM,BSPM. Current as: BSPG (fossils). Also as: SNSB-BSPG(fossils). Bayern [Bavaria]. Germany.

652. FAU: Palaontologische Sammlung, Friedrich-Alex-ander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg [University of Erlan-gen-Nuremburg], Erlangen. Formerly: Sammlungen desPalaontologischen Lehrstuhls des Universitat Erlangen.Obsolete as: SPLUE. Current as: FAU (fossils). Bayern[Bavaria]. Germany.

653. JME: Jura-Museum Eichstatt [Jura Museum Eich-staett], Eichstatt. Note: one of multiple institutions com-p r i s i n g a n d a d m i n i s t e r e d b y S t a a t l i c h eNaturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns [BavarianNatural History Collections] (SNSB). Obsolete as: JM-E, SoS/SOS. Current as: JME (fossils). Also as: JM (fossils). Bayern[Bavaria]. Germany.

654. LfU: Bayerisches Landesamt fur Umwelt [BavarianState Office for the Environment], Geologische Sammlung[Gesteinssammlung], Munchen [Munich], Bavaria. Currentas: LfU (fossils). Bayern [Bavaria]. Germany.

655. MOR: Mark-Oliver Rodel herpetological collectionat Julius-Maximilians-Universitat (JMU) [University ofWurzburg], Wurzburg. Current as: MOR (herps). See also:PIW (fossils). Bayern [Bavaria]. Germany.

656. MTH: Munchner Tierpark Hellabrunn A.G. [Hellab-ruun Zoo], Munchen. Note: old collection destroyed in 1944during WWII. Bayern [Bavaria]. Germany.

657. NKMB: Naturkunde-Museum Bamberg, Bamberg.Note: one of multiple institutions comprising and adminis-tered by Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche SammlungenBayerns [Bavarian Natural History Collections] (SNSB).Obsolete as: NMB (fossils). Current as: NKMB (fossils). Bayern[Bavaria]. Germany.

658. NMA: Naturmuseum Augsburg, Augsburg. Currentas: NMA (fossils). Also as: NMSA (Naturmuseum der StadtAugsburg). Bayern [Bavaria]. Germany.

659. NMC: Naturkundemuseum Coburg, Coburg. Currentas: NMC. Also as: NMCL (fossils). Bayern [Bavaria]. Ger-many.

660. NMR: Naturkundemuseum Ostbayern, Regensburg.Current as: NMR (fossils). Bayern [Bavaria]. Germany.

661. PIW: Institut fur Palaontologie, Julius-Maximilians-Universitat (JMU) [University of Wurzburg], Wurzburg.Current as: PIW (fossils). See also: MOR (herps). Bayern[Bavaria]. Germany.

662. TRF: Private collection of Helmut Tischlinger,Stammham. Bayern [Bavaria]. Germany.

663. UMO: Urwelt-Museum Oberfranken, Bayreuth. For-merly: Oberfrankische Kreisnaturalienkabinett [Kreis-Natu-ralien-Cabinet]. Note: one of multiple institutionscomprising and administered by Staatliche Naturwissen-schaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns [Bavarian Natural History

Collections] (SNSB). Obsolete as: U-MO, UM-O, U-MOB(fossils). Current as: UMO (fossils). Bayern [Bavaria]. Ger-many.

664. ZPLMU: Zoologische Praparatesammlung der Lud-wig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen [Zoological objectscollection of the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich].Note: historically distinct from Zoologische StaatssammlungMunchen (ZSM); ‘‘valuable historic material...imprudentlydiscarded’’ during reorganization of the university in the1970s (D. Schaller in Neumann 2011:235); bulk of remain-ing ZPLMU fish collection transferred to ZSM in 2004; onlyfew historic anatomical specimens retained in ZPLMUInstitute of Zoology. See also: ZSM. Bayern [Bavaria].Germany.

665. ZSM: Zoologische Staatsammlung Munchen,Munchen [Munich]. Formerly: Zoologisches Sammlung desBayerischen Staates [Bavarian State Collection of Zoology].Includes: fishes from NMW (Kahsbauer Donation) andZoologische Praparatesammlung der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen (ZPLMU) as part of ZSM Old Collec-tion, partially destroyed during WWII (24–25 Apr 1944 and11 Apr 1945); holotype of Diaphorolepis wagneri fromMuseum of Monaco (MM); Hans Hermann Schleich collec-tion of Nepalese and Indian amphibians and reptiles (VW/D); part of Philipp Wagner private collection (PWC, herps).Note: one of multiple institutions comprising and adminis-tered by Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche SammlungenBayerns [Bavarian Natural History Collections] (SNSB).Current as: ZSM (fishes, herps, fossils). Bayern [Bavaria].Germany.

666. ZSM/CMK: Private collection of Maurice Kottelat(CMK) at Zoologische Staatsammlung Munchen (ZSM).Note: fishes published as ZSM/CMK were never intendedfor final deposition at ZSM and never part of ZSM collection.Obsolete as: ZSM/CMK (replaced by CMK). Bayern [Bavaria].Germany.

667. ZSM/LIPI: Introduced by Maurice Kottelat (1990) toidentify types to be temporarily stored at ZoologischeStaatsammlung Munchen (ZSM) for later exchange andfinal deposition in Indonesia; ZSM/LIPI material is nottraceable at ZSM and was never transferred to LIPI, Bogor,but may be available at ZRC. Obsolete as: ZSM/LIPI (notreferable to specimens at ZSM or LIPI). Bayern [Bavaria].Germany.

668. BGR: Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften undRohstoffe [Federal Institute for Geosciences and NaturalResources], Berlin. Current as: BGR (fossils). Berlin. Ger-many.

669. FSJF: Private fish collection [Fischsammlung] of JorgFreyhof, Berlin. Berlin. Germany.

670. IPFUB: Freie Universitat Berlin [Free University ofBerlin], Institut fur Geologische Wissenschaften, Fachrich-tung Palaontologie, Berlin. In error as: IFPUB (fossils). Currentas: IPFUB (fossils). Berlin. Germany.

671. MB: Museo Blochiano [Blochianum], Berlin. Note:private collection of Marcus Elieser Bloch; extant specimensat Museum fur Naturkunde (ZMB). Berlin. Germany.

672. TUB: Technischen Universitat Berlin [TechnicalUniversity of Berlin], Berlin. Current as: TUB (fossils). Berlin.Germany.

673. ZMB: Museum fur Naturkunde (MfN), Leibniz-Institut fur Evolutions- und Biodiversitatsforschung an derHumboldt-Universitat zu Berlin [Humboldt University of

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Berlin], Berlin. Also known as: Humboldt Museum. Formerly:Zoologischen Museum Berlin. Includes: extant specimens ofMuseo Blochiano [Blochianum] (MB), private collection ofMarcus Elieser Bloch. Obsolete as: ISZZ, ZMHU, ZMBP.Current as: MB (fossils), ZMB (fishes, herps). Also as: HMBM,HMN MB, PMHU (fossils), ISZ (birds), MfN, MHUB (para-sites). Berlin. Germany.

674. NKMP: Naturkundemuseum Potsdam [Natural His-tory Museum of Potsdam], Potsdam. Formerly: Municipal orDistrict Museum of Potsdam. Current as: NKMP. Branden-burg. Germany.

675. GSUB: Geowissenschaftliche Sammlung [Geoscienc-es Collection], Universitat Bremen [University of Bremen],Bremen. Current as: GSUB (fossils). Bremen [Bremen].Germany.

676. UMB: Uberseemuseum, Bremen. Formerly: Gesell-schaft Museum (1783–1896); Stadtisches Museum furNatur-, Volker- und Handelskunde (1896–1951). Currentas: UMB (herps). Bremen [Bremen]. Germany.

677. JGF: Private collection of J.G. Fischer, Hamburg.Note: some herps deposited at ZMH. Hamburg. Germany.

678. MGH: Museum Godeffroy (1861–1885), Hamburg.Note: museum no longer extant; collections sold to variousmuseums including Natural History Museum, London(NHMUK), Staatliches Museum fur Naturkunde (SMNS),Zoologisches Museum, Universitat Hamburg (ZMH) andMuseum fur Naturkunde (ZMB). Hamburg. Germany.

679. ZMH: Centrum fur Naturkunde (CeNak), Zoolog-isches Museum, Universitat Hamburg, Hamburg. Formerly:Naturhistorisches Museum zu Hamburg (NMH) founded in1843, partially destroyed July 1943 during WWII; museumand staff became part of Universitat Hamburg in 1969. Note:includes fishes from Institut fur Seefischerei, Hamburg(ISH); herps described by J.G. Fischer. In error as: Z.M.B.(Roze 1967). Obsolete as: ISH, NMH, ZHM, ZIM. Current as:ZMH (fishes, herps). Hamburg. Germany.

680. GZM: Giessen Zoological Museum, Gieen [Giessen].Obsolete as: MG. Current as: GZM. Hesse [Hessen]. Germany.

681. HLMD: Hessisches Landesmuseum, Darmstadt. In-cludes: Norbert Micklich fossil fish reference collection(SMFF) and extant fish reference collection (SMFR); fossilvertebrate collection, Natural History Department (WT).Obsolete as: HLD. Current as: HLMD (herps, fossils). Hesse[Hessen]. Germany.

682. MWNH: Museum Wiesbaden, NaturhistorischeLandessammlung, Wiesbaden. Note: partially destroyedduring World War II, but most types survived. Obsolete as:HLMW, MW, MWHN, NMSW, NSMW, NWNH, SMW(Staatliches Museum, Wiesbaden). Current as: MWNH(herps). Hesse [Hessen]. Germany.

683. PUM: Philipps-Universitat Marburg [University ofMarburg], Marburg. Current as: MZC (Marburg ZoologicalCollection), PUM (fossils). Also as: ZSUM (herps, Zoologi-sche Sammlung). Hesse [Hessen]. Germany.

684. SMF: Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmu-seum [Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural HistoryMuseum], Frankfurt am Main. Includes: collections assembledby Eduard Ruppell and Oskar Boettger (1844–1910). Note:headquarters of Senckenberg Collections composed of sixinstitutes with stations at 10 locations including Dresden(MMG, MTD) and Gorlitz (SMNG). In error as: SFM. Obsolete as:NMS, SENCK, SenkM. Current as: SMF (fishes, herps, fossils).Also as: SFN (sharks). Hesse [Hessen]. Germany.

685. UVF: Ur- und Vorgeschichtsmuseum Fritzlar, Frit-zlar. Current as: UVF (fossils). Hesse [Hessen]. Germany.

686. DMM: Deutsches Meeresmuseum [German Ocean-ographic Museum], Stralsund. Current as: DMM. Mecklen-burg-Vorpommern. Germany.

687. GAM: Deutsches Bernstein-Museum, Ribnitz-Dam-garten. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Germany.

688. GG: Institut fur Geographie und Geologie, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitat [University of Greifswald], Greifs-wald. Current as: GG (fossils). See also: ZMG. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Germany.

689. ZMG: Zoologischen Museums Greifswald, Greifs-wald. See also: GG (fossils). Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.Germany.

690. ZSRO: Zoologische Sammlung der Universitat Ro-stock [University of Rostock], Rostock. Current as: ZSRO.Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Germany.

691. BGRHB: Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften undRohstoffe [Federal Institute for Geosciences and NaturalResources] of Hannover-Buchholz, Hannover [Hanover].Note: one of three institutions in Geozentrum Hannover.Obsolete as: BGHan. Current as: BGRHB (fossils). See also:BGR (Berlin). Niedersachsen [Lower Saxony]. Germany.

692. GZG: Geowissenschaftliches Zentrum der Georg-August-Universitat Gottingen [Gottingen University], Got-tingen. Also known as: Geowissenschaftliches Museum.Obsolete as: GOE, GPIG/GZG, MGAU (fossils). Current as:GZG.V (fossil vertebrates). Also as: IMGP (fossils, Institutund Museum fur Geologie und Palaontologie). See also:ZMUG. Niedersachsen [Lower Saxony]. Germany.

693. LMNMO: herpetologischen Sammlung [herpetolog-ical collection], Landesmuseum fur Natur und Mensch,Oldenburg. Formerly: Grossherzogliche Museum Oldenburg.Current as: LMNMO (herps). Niedersachsen [Lower Saxony].Germany.

694. MLH: Museum Lampianum, Hanover [Hannover].Note: no longer extant. Niedersachsen [Lower Saxony].Germany.

695. NHM-BS: Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum,Braunschweig. Formerly: Herzogliches NaturhistorischesMuseum (1857–1918). Obsolete as: NMB, SNHM, SNMB,SNMBR. Current as: NHM-BS (herps). Also as: SNHMB(fishes), SNMBG (birds). Niedersachsen [Lower Saxony].Germany.

696. NMO: Museum am Scholerberg, Osnabruck. Alsoknown as: stadtisches Museum fur Natur und UmweltOsnabruck. Current as: NMO (fossils). Niedersachsen [LowerSaxony]. Germany.

697. SMSS: Stadtisches Museum Schloss Salder, Salzgit-ter. Current as: SMSS (fossils). Niedersachsen [Lower Saxony].Germany.

698. ZMUG: Zoologisches Museum, Johann-Friedrich-Blumenbach-Institut fur Zoologie und Anthropologie,Georg-August-Universitat Gottingen [Gottingen Universi-ty], Gottingen. Formerly: Zoologisches Institut und MuseumUniversitat Gottingen (ZIUG), descended from KoniglicheAcademische Museum founded in 1773. Note: herpetolog-ical collection transferred to Zoologisches Forschungsmu-seum Alexander Koenig (ZFMK) in 1977. Obsolete as: ZIUG,ZMG. Current as: ZMUG. Also as: AZM (flatworms). See also:GZG (fossils). Niedersachsen [Lower Saxony]. Germany.

699. CETC: Collection de l’Ecole technique (Realschule)de Cologne, Koln [Cologne]. Note: collection cited by Jan &

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Sordelli (1865); apparently no longer extant. Nordrhein-Westfalen [North Rhine-Westphalia]. Germany.

700. DMB: Dobergmuseum—Geologisches Museum Ost-westfalen-Lippe, Bunde. Note: part of the Museum Bundenetwork. Obsolete as: BDNLTM. Current as: DMB (fossils).Nordrhein-Westfalen [North Rhine-Westphalia]. Germany.

701. GCC: Institut fur Geologie und Mineralogie, Uni-versitat zu Koln [University of Cologne], Koln [Cologne].Current as: GCC (fossils). Nordrhein-Westfalen [NorthRhine-Westphalia]. Germany.

702. LLM: Lippisches Landesmuseum, Detmold. Currentas: LLM (fossils). Nordrhein-Westfalen [North Rhine-West-phalia]. Germany.

703. NAMU: Naturkunde-Museum Bielefeld, Bielefeld.Formerly: Museum der Stadt Bielefeld, founded in 1889.Current as: NAMU (fossils). Nordrhein-Westfalen [NorthRhine-Westphalia]. Germany.

704. STIPB: Steinmann-Institut fur Geologie, Mineralogieund Palaontologie [Steinmann Institute for Mineralogy,Geology and Palaeontology], Rheinische Friedrich-Wil-helms-Universitat Bonn [University of Bonn], Bonn. For-merly: Institut fur Palaontologie Bonn (IPB), Geologisch-Palaontologisches Institut Bonn (GPIBO) and Goldfu Mu-seum [Goldfuss Museum]; STIPB founded in 2007. Obsoleteas: GPIBO, IPB, PIUB. Current as: STIPB (fossils). See also:SUB. Nordrhein-Westfalen [North Rhine-Westphalia]. Ger-many.

705. SUB: Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-UniversitatBonn [University of Bonn], Institut fur Zoologie, Sammlungder Universitat, Bonn. See also: STIPB (fossils). Nordrhein-Westfalen [North Rhine-Westphalia]. Germany.

706. VW/D: Hans Hermann Schleich collection of Nepal-ese and Indian amphibians and reptiles, Fuhlrott-Museum,Wuppertal. Note: transferred to Zoologische StaatsammlungMunchen (ZSM) in 2012. Nordrhein-Westfalen [NorthRhine-Westphalia]. Germany.

707. ZFMK: Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum AlexanderKoenig [Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig],Bonn. Formerly: Forschungsinstitut und Museum. Includes:University of Gottingen herpetological collection, acquiredin 1977; part of Philipp Wagner private collection (PWC;herps); herpetological specimens received from the Uni-versity of Kabul in the 1970s. Current as: ZFMK (fishes,herps). Nordrhein-Westfalen [North Rhine-Westphalia].Germany.

708. CPN: Private collection of Prince Alexander PhilippMaximilian zu Wied-Neuwied, Wied [Hausen]. Note: herpsnow at American Museum of Natural History (AMNH).Rheinland-Pfalz [Rhineland-Palatinate]. Germany.

709. GPIM: Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz, In-stitut fur Geowissenschaften, Mainz. Current as: GPIM(fossils). Rheinland-Pfalz [Rhineland-Palatinate]. Germany.

710. NHMM: Naturhistorisches Museum Mainz, Mainz.Also known as: Landessammlung fur Naturkunde Rheinland-Pfalz [State Collection of Natural History of Rhineland-Palatinate]. Note: major parts of historical collection assem-bled by Rheinische Naturforschende Gesellschaft (RNG)destroyed during British air raid in 1945. Current as: NHMM(fossils). Also as: MHMZ, NMM (fossils). Rheinland-Pfalz[Rhineland-Palatinate]. Germany.

711. POL: Pollichia Geoscience Collections, Urweltmu-seum GEOSKOP, Thallichtenberg. Current as: POL (fossils).Rheinland-Pfalz [Rhineland-Palatinate]. Germany.

712. SB: Private collection of Hans Bath, Pirmasens.Rheinland-Pfalz [Rhineland-Palatinate]. Germany.

713. SSN: Palaontologisches Museum Nierstein, Nier-stein. Current as: SSN (fossils). Rheinland-Pfalz [Rhineland-Palatinate]. Germany.

714. ZIS: Zoologischen Institut, Universitat des Saar-landes, Saarbrucken. Note: collection apparently no longerat university as of 2011. Saarland. Germany.

715. FG: Schneider and Scholze collection, Departmentof Palaeontology and Stratigraphy, Technische UniversitatBergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg. Current as: FG (fossils). Alsoas: BAF FG (fossils). Sachsen [Saxony]. Germany.

716. GFEF: Geologische Landesuntersuchung GmbH, Frei-berg. Formerly: Geologische Forschung und Erkundung Frei-berg. Current as: GFEF (fossils). Sachsen [Saxony]. Germany.

717. GPSL: Geologische und Palaontologische Samm-lung, Institut fur Geophysik und Geologie, UniversitatLeipzig, Leipzig. Current as: GPSL (fossil invertebrates). Alsoas: PMUL (fossil herps, Palaontologisches Museum derUniversitat Leipzig). See also: MUL. Sachsen [Saxony].Germany.

718. MMG: Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen(SNSD), Museum fur Mineralogie und Geologie, Dresden.Formerly: Konigliches Naturalienkabinett; Dresdener Hof-Mineralien-Cabinet. Includes: collection of Gustav Freiherrvon Stockheim including fossils formerly known as Orten-burger Kreide. Current as: MMG (fossils). Also as: SNSD-MMG (fossils). See also: MTD. Sachsen [Saxony]. Germany.

719. MTD: Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen(SNSD), Museum fur Tierkunde, Dresden. Note: establishedin 1728 in the ‘‘Palais de Sciences’’ [Dresden Zwinger];majority of zoolgical specimens destroyed by fire in 1849during Dresden May Uprising; partially destroyed 7 Oct1944 and 13–14 Feb 1945 during World War II; MTDcombined with Museum fur Mineralogie und Geologie(MMG) in 1999 to form Staatliche Naturhistorische Samm-lungen Dresden which merged with Senckenberg Gesell-schaft fur Naturforschung in 2009. Includes: originalzoological collections of Universitat Leipzig (MUL) trans-ferred in 1970–1971. Current as: MTD F (fishes), MTD D(herps). Also as: MTKD (herps), SMTD (birds). See also:MMG. Sachsen [Saxony]. Germany.

720. MUL: Universitat Leipzig, Institut fur Zoologie,Zoologische Lehrsammlung, Leipzig. Note: original zoolog-ical collection dissolved in 1968 and partly transferred toMuseum fur Tierkunde in Dresden (MTD) in 1970–1971.Also as: ULIZ. See also: GPSL (fossils). Sachsen [Saxony].Germany.

721. MWLK: Museum der Westlausitz, Kamenz. Currentas: MWLK (herps). Sachsen [Saxony]. Germany.

722. NML: Naturkundemuseum Leipzig [Leipzig Muse-um], Leipzig. Note: partially destroyed during WWII.Obsolete as: LM, MLEP. Current as: NML (fishes, herps,fossils). Also as: NKML (birds). Sachsen [Saxony]. Germany.

723. SMNG: Senckenberg Museum fur Naturkunde, Ab-teilung Zoologie, Gorlitz. Formerly: Staatliches Museum furNaturkunde Gorlitz; merged with Senckenberg Gesellschaftfur Naturforschung in 2009. Current as: SMNG. Sachsen[Saxony]. Germany.

724. ZIDTU: Institut fur Zoologie, Technische UniversitatDresden [Dresden Technical University], Dresden. Note:currently a teaching collection [Zoologische Lehrsamm-lung]. Sachsen [Saxony]. Germany.

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725. CPHR: Private collection of Herbert Rosler, Thale.Note: specimens to be deposited in Museum fur Naturkunde(ZMB), Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen, Muse-um fur Tierkunde (MTD) and probably Zoologische Staats-sammlung Munchen (ZSM). Current as: CPHR (herps).Sachsen-Anhalt [Saxony-Anhalt]. Germany.

726. KHMM: Museum fur Naturkunde, Magdeburg. Alsoknown as: Kulturhistorisches Museum Magdeburg; Magde-burger Museen (MM). Current as: KHMM (herps). Also as:MM (herps). Sachsen-Anhalt [Saxony-Anhalt]. Germany.

727. MLUH: Martin-Luther-Universitat Halle-Wittenberg,Zentralmagazin Naturwissenschaftlicher Sammlungen(ZNS), Halle (Saale). Formerly: Institut fur Zoologie, Halle(IZH); Geiseltal Museum (GM). Note: Founded in 1769 asnatural history cabinet by J.F.G. Goldhagen; MLU created in1817 via merger of Universitat Wittenberg and UniversitatHalle; collections of Geiseltal Museum relocated to ZNS in2009. Obsolete as: GM, MLU, ZIH, ZMUH, ZNS. Current as:MLUH (fishes, herps, fossils), MLUH (IZH-P), MLUH (IZH-A), MLUH (IZH-R) (historical specimens of fishes, amphib-ians & reptiles, respectively), MLUH (GMH) (Geiseltalfossils, Eocene), MLUH (Ifg) (other fossils, Geology Depart-ment). Sachsen-Anhalt [Saxony-Anhalt]. Germany.

728. BAH: Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Helgoland[Heligoland]. Formerly: Koniglich Preuische BiologischeAnstalt Helgoland founded in 1892. Note: part of theAlfred-Wegener-Institut since 1998. Schleswig-Holstein.Germany.

729. CAUK: Institut fur Geowissenschaften der Christian-Albrechts-Universitat (CAU) zu Kiel [University of Kiel],Kiel. Current as: CAUK (fossils). See also: ZMK. Schleswig-Holstein. Germany.

730. MNUL: Museum fur Natur und Umwelt, LubeckerMuseen, Lubeck. Also known as: Museum Lubeck, Natur-historisches Museum zu Lubeck. Note: original museumdestroyed 28 Mar 1942 during WWII; reopened in 1963 asNaturhistorisches Museum—Museum fur Natur und Natur-geschichte in Schleswig-Holstein. Also as: LNHM (herps).Schleswig-Holstein. Germany.

731. ZMK: Zoologische Museum der Christian-Albrechts-Universitat (CAU) zu Kiel [University of Kiel], Kiel. Alsoknown as: Zoologischen Museum Kiel. Note: closely associ-ated with Helmholtz-Zentrum fur Ozeanforschung Kiel(GEOMAR), successor to the Leibniz-Institut fur Meeres-wissenschaften [Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences], itselfestablished in 2004 via merger of Institut fur Meereskunde(IfM, IMUK) and Forschungszentrum fur Marine Geo-wissenschaften (GEOMAR). Obsolete as: KIEL. Current as:ZMK. See also: CAUK (fossils). Schleswig-Holstein. Ger-many.

732. HSBS: Heimat- und Salinemuseum Bad Sulza. In-cludes: fossils from quarry ‘‘Krahenhutte’’, Bad Sulza. Currentas: HSBS (fossils). See also: NME. Thuringen [Thuringia].Germany.

733. MJU: Museo Jenensis Universitatis, Jena. Note: nolonger extant. Thuringen [Thuringia]. Germany.

734. MMA: Naturkundemuseum Mauritianum Alten-burg. Current as: MMA (fossils). Thuringen [Thuringia].Germany.

735. MNG: Museum der Natur Gotha, Gotha. Current as:MNG (fossils). Thuringen [Thuringia]. Germany.

736. NME: Naturkundemuseum, Erfurt. Includes: fossilsfrom quarry ‘‘Krahenhutte’’, Bad Sulza. Current as: NME

(fossils), NME R (reptiles). See also: HSBS. Thuringen[Thuringia]. Germany.

737. PMJ: Phyletisches Museum [Phyletic Museum],Jena. Formerly: Groherzogliches Zoologisches Museum untilca. 1907, itself descended from Carl August Museum.Current as: PMJ. Thuringen [Thuringia]. Germany.

738. HvM: Private collection of Hermann von Meyer(1801–1869). Note: status unknown. Germany.

739. JWM: Private collection of Johannes Peter Muller(1801–1858). Note: status unknown. Germany.

740. KWF: Private collection of Herr Klaus Weis. Currentas: KWF (fossils). Germany.

741. PWC: Private collection of Philipp Wagner. Note:herps transferred in part to Zoologisches Forschungsmu-seum Alexander Koenig (ZFMK) and Zoologische Staat-sammlung Munchen (ZSM). Germany.

742. UOG: Zoology Department, University of Ghana,Legon, Accra Metropolis District. Obsolete as: UGA. Currentas: UOG (cetaceans). Ghana.

743. AMPG: Athens Museum of Palaeontology andGeology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens(UoA), Athens. Also known as: University of Athens. Currentas: AMPG (fossils). See also: ZMUA (Zoological Museum).Attica. Greece.

744. GNHM: The Goulandris Natural History Museum,Kifissia. Current as: GNHM (fishes, herps). Attica. Greece.

745. HCMR: Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Insti-tute of Marine Biological Resources and Inland Waters(IMBRIW), Anavyssos [Anavissos]. Formerly: National Centerfor Marine Research (NCMR). Obsolete as: IOAKE, NCMR.Current as: HCMR. Attica. Greece.

746. ZMUA: Zoological Museum, National and Kapodis-trian University of Athens (UoA), Athens. Also known as:University of Athens. Current as: ZMUA (mollusks & birds).Also as: MZUA. Attica. Greece.

747. ATEITh: Alexander Technological Educational Insti-tute of Thessaloniki, Department of Fisheries and Aquacul-ture Technology, Nea Moudania. Current as: ATEITh (fishes).Central Macedonia. Greece.

748. AUTH: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessa-loniki. Obsolete as: MZUTH (Museum of Zoology), ZMUT.Current as: AUTH (fishes & fossils). Also as: AUT (fossils),DZAUT and MDZAUT (fishes, Department of Zoology),LGPUT (Laboratory of Geology and Paleontology), LZUT(fishes, Laboratory of Zoology). Central Macedonia.Greece.

749. HSR: Hydrobiological Station of Rhodes, Rhodes.Formerly: Reale Istituto di Ricerche Biologiche di Rodi, builtin 1934–1935 during Italian occupation of the Dodecanese(1912–1943). Note: currently part of Hellenic Centre forMarine Research (HCMR). Current as: HSR (fishes). See also:HCMR. Crete. Greece.

750. NHMC: Natural History Museum of Crete, Univer-sity of Crete, Heraklion [Irakleio]. Current as: NHMC (herps).Crete. Greece.

751. FRINP: Fisheries Research Institute (FRI) of NeaPeramos, Kavala. Current as: FRINP (fishes). East Macedoniaand Thrace. Greece.

752. NHMAS: Natural History Museum of the Aegean,Paleontological Museum, Mytilene [Mytilini, Mitilinii],Samos Island. Note: established by Konstantinos and MariaZimalis Foundation. Current as: NHMAS (fossils). NorthAegean. Greece.

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753. VM: Vrisa Natural History Museum, Lesvos [Lesbos].North Aegean. Greece.

754. NMP: Paleontological and Paleobotanical Museum,Nostimo Kastorias. Also known as: Nostimo Museum ofPalaeontology (NMP). Note: formally affiliated with AthensMuseum of Palaeontology and Geology (AMPG). Current as:NMP V (fossils). Western Macedonia. Greece.

755. UGM: University of Guam, College of Natural andApplied Sciences, Western Pacific Tropical Research Center(WPTRC), Mangilao. Also known as: Unibetsedat Guahan.Current as: UGM (fishes). Also as: UTIO-F (fishes). Guam.

756. USAC: Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad deSan Carlos de Guatemala (MUSHNAT), Guatemala City.Current as: USAC (fishes, herps). Guatemala.

757. UVG: Universidad del Valle Guatemala, GuatemalaCity. Current as: UVG. Guatemala.

758. CSBD: Center for the Study of Biological Diversity,University of Guyana, Georgetown. Note: some fish holo-types dual-accessioned at CSBD Auburn University NaturalHistory Museum (AUM) for temporary storage at AUM.Obsolete as: HA or CSBD no. HA (herps), UG, CSBD/UG, UG/CSBD. Current as: CSBD, CSBD F (fishes). Guyana.

759. GNMGG: Guyana National Museum, Georgetown.Note: no longer extant. Guyana.

760. UNAH: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Hondu-ras, Museo de Historia Natural, Tegucigalpa. Current as:UNAH (herps). Honduras.

761. ELTE: Eotvos Lorand University, Biological andPaleontological Museum, Budapest. Formerly: Royal Univer-sity of Pest (until 1873), University of Budapest (1873–1921), Royal Hungarian Pazmany Peter University (1921–1950). Note: some fossils donated to Hungarian NaturalHistory Museum (HNHM). Current as: ELTE (fossils). Hun-gary.

762. GIH: Geological Institute of Hungary, GeologicalMuseum, Budapest. Also known as: Magyar Allami FoldtaniIntezet (MAFI). Formerly: Royal Hungarian Geological Insti-tute founded in 1869. Note: many fossils transferred to otherinstitutions (HNHM, NHMUK); merged into Magyar Foldta-ni es Geofizikai Intezet (MFGI) in 2012. Current as: GIH(fossils). Also as: HGIM, MHGI, MNGL. See also: MFGI.Hungary.

763. HNHM: Magyar Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum[Hungarian Natural History Museum], Budapest. Also knownas: Musei Nationalis Hungarici/Musee National Hongrois(MNH). Formerly: part of the Hungarian National Museum(HNM) or Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum. Includes: fossilsdonated from Geological Institute of Hungary (GIH) andEotvos University (ELTE), Budapest. Note: collections de-stroyed in part by fire during Hungarian uprising in 1956.Obsolete as: HNM, MNH, MNSB, NHMB. Current as: HNHM(fishes, herps, fossils). Also as: MTM (fossils), PG-HNHM(Department of Paleontology and Geology). Hungary.

764. MFGI: Magyar Foldtani es Geofizikai Intezet [Hun-garian Institute of Geology and Geophysics], Budapest.Note: established in 2012 via merger of Geological Instituteof Hungary (GIH/MAFI) and Eotvos Lorand GeophysicalInstitute. Current as: MFGI (fossils). See also: ELTE, GIH.Hungary.

765. HAF: Hafrannsoknastofnun [Marine Research Insti-tute of Iceland], Reykjavik. Current as: HAF (fishes). Also as:MRII (fishes). Iceland.

766. IINH: Icelandic Institute of Natural History, Garda-

baer. Formerly: Icelandic Museum of Natural History(IMNH). Obsolete as: IMNH, NHMR. Current as: IINH.Iceland.

767. NHMK: Natural History Museum of Kopavogur,Kopavogur. Assigned here: NHMK. Iceland.

768. CIARI: Indian Council of Agricultural Research(ICAR), Central Island Agricultural Research Institute, PortBlair, Andaman Islands. Current as: CIARI/FF (freshwaterfishes). See also: JPC. Andaman and Nicobar Islands. India.

769. JPC: Private collection of Jayasimhan Praveenraj,Fisheries Science Division, Central Island AgriculturalResearch Institute (CIARI), Port Blair, Andaman Islands.Current as: JPC (fishes). See also: CIARI. Andaman andNicobar Islands. India.

770. MUS.FSI.PB: Museum of the Zonal Base, FisherySurvey of India, Port Blair, Andaman Islands. Current as:MUS.FSI.PB/EB (elasmobranchs). Andaman and NicobarIslands. India.

771. PUMB: Museum of Department of Ocean Studiesand Marine Biology, Pondicherry University, Port BlairCampus, Andaman Islands. Current as: PUMB (fishes).Andaman and Nicobar Islands. India.

772. ZSI-ANRC: Zoological survey of India, Andaman andNicobar Regional Centre. Also as: ZSI/ANRC. Andaman andNicobar Islands. India.

773. ZMAU: Zoology Museum, Department of Zoology,Andhra University, Visakhapatnam [Vizag, Waltair]. Alsoas: AU/DMLR (fishes, Department of Marine LivingResources), MDZAU (fishes), ZDAU (parasites). AndhraPradesh. India.

774. APF/SFRI: Arunachal Pradesh Forest Department,State Forest Research Institute, Van Vihar, Itanagar. Currentas: APF/SFRI (herps). Arunachal Pradesh. India.

775. BLT: BioLab of Seshachalam Hills, Wildlife Manage-ment Circle, Kapilatheertham, Tirupati. Also known as:BioLab of Tirupati. Current as: BLT (herps). ArunachalPradesh. India.

776. GBP-NE: G.B. Pant National Institute of HimalayanEnvironment & Sustainable Development, North East Unit,Vivek Vihar, Itanagar. Current as: GBP-NE (fishes). ArunachalPradesh. India.

777. RGUMF: Rajiv Gandhi University Museum of Fishes,Rono Hills, Doimukh, Itanagar. Current as: RGUMF (fishes).Arunachal Pradesh. India.

778. ZSI-APRC: Zoological Survey of India, ArunachalPradesh Regional Centre [formerly Field or Regional Sta-tion], Itanagar. Obsolete as: ZSI/APFS, APFS/ZSI, ZSI-APRS.Current as: ZSI-APRC. Also as: ZSI/APRC, ZSI/V/APRC/P(fishes). Arunachal Pradesh. India.

779. AU-Ecol/ABM: Animal Biodiversity Museum of theDepartment of Ecology & Environmental Science, AssamUniversity, Silchar. Current as: AU-Ecol/ABM (herps). Assam.India.

780. AVC: Zoology Department, Arya Vidyapeeth Col-lege, Tarun Nagar, Guwahati. Note: affiliated with GauhatiUniversity. Current as: AVC (herps). Also as: AVCM (herps).Assam. India.

781. GUZM: Gauhati University Zoological Museum,Guwahati. Obsolete as: F/GUZ. Current as: GUZM. Also as:GUMF (Museum of Fishes), GUZ. Assam. India.

782. IASST: Institute of Advanced Study in Science andTechnology, Guwahati. Current as: IASST (amphibians).Assam. India.

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783. LGCFM: Lakhimpur Girls’ College Fish Museum,Lakhimpur. Current as: LGCFM (fishes). Assam. India.

784. TMBU: Tilka Manjhi Bhagalpur University, Depart-ment of Zoology Museum, Bhagalpur. Formerly: BhagalpurUniversity. Current as: TMBU (fishes). Bihar. India.

785. ZSI Solan: Zoological Survey of India, High AltitudeRegional Center, Solan. Current as: ZSI Solan F (fishes).Himachal. India.

786. JU: University of Jammu, Jammu. Note: Departmentfor Biosciences split into Department of Zoology andDepartment of Botany in 1998. Current as: BJRG (herps), JU(fossils, Department of Geology). Jammu and Kashmir. India.

787. DAVK: Dayanand Anglo Vaidik Mahavidyalaya(DAV College), Civil Lines. Kanpur. India.

788. ATREE: Museum of Ashoka Trust for Research inEcology and the Environment, Bengaluru [Bangalore].Current as: ATREE. Karnataka. India.

789. BUB: Museum of Department of Zoology, BangaloreUniversity, Bengaluru [Bangalore]. Current as: BUB (herps).See also: CCB. Karnataka. India.

790. CCB: Central College of Bangalore Museum, Benga-luru [Bangalore]. Note: originally affiliated with Universityof Mysore which became Bangalore University in 1964. Seealso: BUB. Karnataka. India.

791. CES: Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Instituteof Sciences (IISc), Bengaluru [Bangalore]. Current as: CES(herps). Also as: CESL (lizards). Karnataka. India.

792. CMA: Private collection of M. Arunachalam. Currentas: CMA (fishes). Karnataka. India.

793. GSI: Geological Society of India, Bengaluru [Banga-lore]. Current as: GSI (fossils). See also: GSI (headquarters,Kolkata, West Bengal). Karnataka. India.

794. KUES: Kuvempu University, Department of Envi-ronmental Science, Shankaraghatta, Shimoga District. Cur-rent as: KUES (herps). Karnataka. India.

795. NCBS: National Centre for Biological Sciences,Bengaluru [Bangalore]. Current as: NCBS (herps). Karnataka.India.

796. CMFRI: Marine Biodiversity Museum, Central Ma-rine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi [Cochin]. Note:museum inaugurated in 2006, recognized as DesignatedNational Repository (DNR) by Government of India in2007; museum separate from older one in Mandapam, TamilNadu. Obsolete as: DNR GB (fishes), GB. Current as: CMFRIGA (cartilaginous fishes), CMFRI GB (bony fishes). Also as:CMFRI/PFD (fishes, Pelagic Fisheries Division), MBM. Seealso: MMMC (Mandapam, Tamil Nadu), NBFGR (geneticresources). Kerala. India.

797. CMLRE: Centre for Marine Living Resources &Ecology, Government Ministry of Earth Sciences, Kochi[Cochin]. Current as: CMLRE (fishes). Kerala. India.

798. CRG-SAC: Conservation Research Group Collection,St. Albert’s College, Kochi. Current as: CRG-SAC (fishes).Kerala. India.

799. CUSAT: Museum of the Department of MarineBiology, Microbology and Biochemistry (DMMB), Schoolof Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science andTechnology, Kochi [Cochin]. Formerly: University of Cochin.Current as: CUSAT (fishes). Kerala. India.

800. DABf*ck: Department of Aquatic Biology and Fish-eries, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram [ex Trivan-drum]. Obsolete as: DAB-UoK (fishes). Current as: DABf*ck-FI(fishes). Kerala. India.

801. IFP: Museum of the Marine Research Laboratory ofthe Integrated Fisheries Project, Kochi [Cochin]. Note:descended from fishing centre established in Cochin in1957 by Indo Norwegian Project; became IFP managed byGovernment of India in 1972 and renamed NationalInstitute of Fisheries Post Harvest Technology and Training(NIFPHATT) in 2008; status of natural history collectionsunknown. See also: CMFRI. Kerala. India.

802. IISER-TVM: Indian Institute of Science Educationand Research, Thiruvananthapuram [ex Trivandrum]. Note:IISER-TVM is abbreviation for institution, but VPC-GK usedto cite gecko specimen in collection. Kerala. India.

803. KAUNHM: Kerala Agricultural University NaturalHistory Museum, Thrissur. Current as: KAUNHM (herps).Kerala. India.

804. KFRI: Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi.Kerala. India.

805. MESPC: Museum of M.E.S. Ponnani College [affili-ated with Calicut University], Ponnani, Malappuram Dis-trict. Note: museum cited as repository for fish typespecimens but mistakenly associated with collection atCochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT);existence of fish collection at Ponnani College not con-firmed. Assigned here: MESPC. Kerala. India.

806. NBFGR: Indian Council of Agricultural Research(ICAR), National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, KochiUnit, CMFRI Campus, Kochi [Cochin]. Note: founded in1983. Current as: NBFGR-CH (fish tissues). Also as: NBFGRCHN, NBFGR/LRT. See also: CMFRI. Kerala. India.

807. PCMP: Private collection of Mathews Plamoottil.Kerala. India.

808. TNHM: Natural History Museum, Thiruvanantha-puram [ex Trivandrum]. Current as: TNHM (herps). Kerala.India.

809. ZMCC: Zoology Museum, Christ College, Irinjala-kuda. Current as: ZMCC F (fishes). Kerala. India.

810. ZSI-WGRC: Zoological Survey of India, WesternGhats Regional Centre [formerly Station], Kozhikode [Cal-icut]. Also known as: Western Ghats Field Research Centre.Obsolete as: WGRS, ZSI/CLT [Calicut Station], ZSI/WGFRS(Field Research Station), ZSI/WGRS. Current as: ZSI-WGRC(fishes, herps). Also as: ZSIK (herps). Kerala. India.

811. ZSI-CRC: Zoological Survey of India, Central Re-gional Centre [formerly Station], Jabalpur. Obsolete as: CRS-ZSI, ZSI-CRS. Current as: ZSI-CRC. Madhya Pradesh. India.

812. AGCZRL: Abasaheb Garware College, Zoology Re-search Laboratory, Pune. Obsolete as: AGC-ZRL. Current as:AGCZRL (herps). Maharashtra. India.

813. BNHS: Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai[Bombay]. Includes: specimens formerly deposited at Kon-kan field station museum, Ratnagiri. Note: unregisteredfishes from old BNHS collection tranferred to ZSI-WRC.Obsolete as: BNHM. Current as: BNHS (herps), BNHS A(amphibians), BNHS FWF (fishes). Maharashtra. India.

814. INHER: Institute of Natural History Education andResearch, Kothrud, Pune. Current as: INHER (herps). Maha-rashtra. India.

815. MACS: Fossil Repository of the Agharkar ResearchInstitute, Pune. Current as: MACS (fossils). Maharashtra.India.

816. NKGMF: Fish Genetics and Biotechnology laborato-ry, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), CentralInstitute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai [Bombay]. Current

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as: NKGMF (fish specimens), VIZNK (tissue samples).Maharashtra. India.

817. ZID: Department of Zoology, Arts, Commerce andScience College, Palus, Sangli District. Current as: ZID(fishes). Maharashtra. India.

818. ZSI-WRC: Zoological Survey of India, WesternRegional Centre [formerly Station], Pune. Includes: unregis-tered fishes from the old Bombay Natural History Societycollection (BNHS) currently housed at ZSI-WRC, but notcataloged or registered into collection as of 2014. Obsoleteas: ZSI-WRS. Current as: ZSI-WRC (fishes, herps). Also as:ZSIP, ZSI/WRC P/ (fishes). Maharashtra. India.

819. IBSD: Institute of Bioresources and SustainableDevelopment, Ministry of Science and Technology, Gov-ernment of India, Takyelpat, Imphal. Manipur. India.

820. MUMF: Manipur University Museum of Fishes,Chanchipur. Obsolete as: MUFM (fishes). Current as: MUMF(fishes). Also as: MUMF-Per 95 (W. Vishwanath personalcollection), MUM (fishes, Manipur University CentralMuseum), RCMMF (fishes, Research Centre). Manipur.India.

821. MZMLC: Museum of Zoology, Mayai Lambi College,Yumnam Huidrom. Manipur. India.

822. FBLM: Fish Biology Lab Museum, Department ofZoology, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong. Current as:FBLM (fishes). Meghalaya. India.

823. ZSI-NERC: Zoological Survey of India, North EasternRegional Centre, Shillong. Formerly: Eastern Regional Cen-tre/Station. Obsolete as: ERS/ZSI, V/A/ERS, V/ERS, ZSI-ERC,ZSI/ERS, ZSI-E, ZSI-S. Current as: ZSI-NERC (fishes, herps).Also as: NERC/ZSI (herps), ZSI/NERC. Meghalaya. India.

824. MZMU: Departmental Museum of Zoology, Mizor-am University, Aizawl. Current as: MZMU (herps). Also as:MZUBM (fishes, Mizoram University Biodiversity Museum).See also: PUCMF. Mizoram. India.

825. PUCMF: Pachhunga University College Museum ofFishes, Aizawl. Note: constituent college of Mizoram Uni-versity, Aizawl. Current as: PUCMF (fishes). See also: MZMU.Mizoram. India.

826. KSC: Kohima Science College, Kohima. Also as: MA(amphibians). Nagaland. India.

827. NMND: National Museum of Natural History, NewDelhi. Note: destroyed by fire 26 April 2016. Obsolete as:NMNH, NMNHI. Current as: NMND. New Delhi. India.

828. SDBDU: University of Delhi, Department of Envi-ronmental Studies, Systematics Lab, Delhi. Current as:SDBDU (herps). New Delhi. India.

829. RMNH-BBSR: Regional Museum of Natural History,Bhubaneswar. Current as: RMNH-BBSR-R (reptiles). Odisha[ex Orissa]. India.

830. ZSI-EBRC: Zoological Survey of India, EstuarineBiology Regional Centre [formerly Station], Gopalpur-on-Sea, Ganjam District. Obsolete as: EBS/ZSI/F. Current as: ZSI-EBRC (fishes). Also as: EBRC/ZSI/F (fishes). Odisha [exOrissa]. India.

831. CASAU: Centre of Advanced Study in MarineBiology, Annamalai University, Parangipettai. Formerly:Biological Station Reference Museum at Porto Novo (BSRM).Obsolete as: BSRM. Current as: CASAU. Tamil Nadu. India.

832. CSPT: Chennai Snake Park Trust, Chennai. Formerly:Madras Snake Park (MSP). Obsolete as: MSP. Current as: CSPT(herps), CSPT/L (lizards), CSPT/S (snakes). Tamil Nadu.India.

833. FCRM: Fisheries College Reference Museum, TamilNadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Thoothu-kudi [Tuticorin]. Note: Fisheries College established in 1977as constituent unit of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University atThoothukkudi; currently Fisheries College and ResearchInstitute (FCRI). Tamil Nadu. India.

834. MAD: Government Museum Chennai, Egmore,Chennai. Also known as: Madras Museum, Madras Govern-ment Museum (MGM). Obsolete as: MGM. Current as: MAD(herps). Tamil Nadu. India.

835. MKC: Private collection of J.D. Marcus Knight,Chennai. Note: to be deposited at Zoological Survey ofIndia, Southern Regional Centre (ZSI-SRC). Current as: MKC(fishes). Tamil Nadu. India.

836. MMMC: Marine Biodiversity Museum of MandapamRegional Centre, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute(CMFRI), Mandapam, Ramanathapuram District. Formerly:Museum of the Regional Centre of Central Marine FisheriesResearch Institute, Mandapam Camp. Note: established in1947; CMFRI headquarters shifted from Mandapam toKochi [Cochin] with second museum established in Kochi.Current as: MMMC. Also as: CMFRI F (fishes), FMRI (fishes).See also: CMFRI (Kochi [Cochin], Kerala). Tamil Nadu. India.

837. MSUMNH: Manonmaniam Sundaranar UniversityMuseum of Natural History, Sri Paramakalyani Centre forEnvironmental Sciences (SPKCES), Alwarkurichi. Current as:MSUMNH (fishes). Also as: SPKCES. Tamil Nadu. India.

838. SACON: Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology andNatural History, Coimbatore [Kovai]. Tamil Nadu. India.

839. WILD: Wildlife Information Liaison DevelopmentSociety, Coimbatore [Kovai]. Note: cited as code, two-digityear of registration, collection abbreviation and catalognumber, e.g. WILD-15-PIS (fishes registered in 2015), WILD-13-AMP (amphibians registered in 2013). Current as: WILD(fishes, herps). Tamil Nadu. India.

840. ZSI-MBRC: Zoological Survey of India, MarineBiology Regional Centre, Chennai. Tamil Nadu. India.

841. ZSI-SRC: Zoological Survey of India, SouthernRegional Centre [formerly Station], Chennai. Also knownas: Zoological Survey of India, Madras (ZSIM). Obsolete as:SRC-ZSI, SRS/ZSI, ZSI-SRS, ZSI/SRS, ZSIC, ZSIM. Current as:ZSI-SRC. Also as: ZSI/SRC. Tamil Nadu. India.

842. NHM.OU: Natural History Museum of OsmaniUniversity, Department of Zoology, College of Science,Osmania University, Hyderabad. Current as: NHM.OU.F(fishes), NHM.OU.AMPH (amphibians), NHM.OU.REP (rep-tiles). Telangana [ex Andhra Pradesh]. India.

843. ZSI-FBRC: Zoological Survey of India, FreshwaterBiology Regional Centre, Hyderabad. Current as: ZSI-FBRC(fishes). Also as: FBRC/ZSI, FBS (Freshwater Biology Station).Telangana [ex Andhra Pradesh]. India.

844. COF-CAU: Natural History Referral Museum, Collegeof Fisheries, Central Agriculture University (I), Lembucher-ra, Agartala. Current as: COF-CAU (fishes). Tripura. India.

845. DDUGU: Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur Univer-sity, Department of Zoology, Gorakhpur. Uttar Pradesh.India.

846. FM: Faizabad Museum, Faizabad. Note: presumablydefunct. Uttar Pradesh. India.

847. LUVP: Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, GeologyDepartment, Lucknow University, Lucknow. Current as:LUVP (fossils). Also as: LUGD (fossil echinoderms), ULM.Uttar Pradesh. India.

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848. SJC: St. John’s College, Agra. Note: herp collectionno longer extant; later maintained by the Academy ofZoology, Khandari Road, Agra, but that institution appearsto be defunct. Uttar Pradesh. India.

849. ZM: Zoologische Museum, Kanpur. Note: presum-ably defunct. Uttar Pradesh. India.

850. DCFR: Fish Museum, Directorate of ColdwaterFisheries Research, Bhimtal, Nainital. Current as: DCFR(fishes). Uttarakhand. India.

851. GU/RSR/VAS: Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna GarhwalUniversity, Department of Geology, R.S. Rana Vastan LigniteMine collection, Srinagar. Obsolete as: VAS. Current as: GU/RSR/VAS (fossils). Uttarakhand. India.

852. IITR: Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, Depart-ment of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology,Roorkee. Formerly: University of Roorkee (RUSB) until2001. Includes: fossils from Vastan lignite mine, TalukaMangrol, Surat District, Gujarat. Obsolete as: RUSB. Currentas: IITR (fossils). Also as: IITR/SB/VLM (fossils). Uttarak-hand. India.

853. WII: Wildlife Institute of India [vertebrate collec-tions], Dehradun [Dehra Dun]. Current as: WII (herps).Uttarakhand. India.

854. ZSI-NRC: Zoological Survey of India, NorthernRegional Centre [formerly Station], Dehradun [DehraDun]. Obsolete as: NRS/ZSI, ZSI/NRS. Current as: ZSI-NRC.Also as: ZSI/NRC. Uttarakhand. India.

855. AC-IFF/AABM: Aquatic Animal Biodiversity Muse-um, Department of Industrial Fish and Fisheries, AsutoshCollege, Kolkata [ex Calcutta]. Current as: AC-IFF/AABM/Pisces/ (fishes). West Bengal. India.

856. ASK: Museum of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (ASB),Kolkata [ex Calcutta]. Also known as: Oriental Museum ofthe Asiatic Society. Note: orginal natural history collectionestablished ca. 1828, transferred to Indian Museum, Cal-cutta (IMC) in 1866 and then to Zoological Survey of India(ZSI) in 1916. Current as: ASK. West Bengal. India.

857. BNHMD: Bengal Natural History Museum, PadmajaNaidu Himalayan Zoological Park, Darjeeling. Note: incor-porated into West Bengal Zoo Authority (WBZA) in 2015.West Bengal. India.

858. CIFE/KOL: Museum of Central Institute of FisheriesEducation (CIFE), Indian Council for Agricultural Research(ICAR), Kolkata [ex Calcutta]. Current as: CIFE/KOL (fishes).West Bengal. India.

859. GSI: Geological Survey of India, Curatorial Division,Central Fossil Repository, Kolkata [ex Calcutta]. Note: GSIheadquartered in Kolkata. Current as: GSI K (fossils). Also as:GSI/PAL/CR, GSI/GC. See also: GSI (Bengaluru, Karnataka).West Bengal. India.

860. ISI: Indian Statistical Institute, Geological StudiesUnit, Palaeontological collections, Kolkata [ex Calcutta].Current as: ISI P (fossil fishes), ISIR (fossil reptiles). Also as:GSU:ISI (fossil fishes). West Bengal. India.

861. MCMC: Museum of the Calcutta Medical College,Kolkata [ex Calcutta]. Formerly: Medical College of Bengal,established in 1835. Note: status of natural history collec-tions unknown; college closely associated with the IndianMuseum in Calcutta (IMC, now ZSI) in late 1800s. Also as:MCMK. West Bengal. India.

862. NLK: Museum of the PG Department of Zoology,Raja N.L. Khan Women’s College, Midnapur. West Bengal.India.

863. UCDZ: University of Calcutta, Department ofZoology, Kolkata [ex Calcutta]. West Bengal. India.

864. ZSI: National Zoological Collections (NZC) of theZoological Survey of India (ZSI), Kolkata [ex Calcutta].Formerly: Indian Museum, Calcutta (IMC), Natural HistoryMuseum, Calcutta. Includes: collections transferred fromAsiatic Society of Bengal (ASK) to IMC in 1866. Note: ZSIdesignated national repository for zoological collections inIndia in 2002. Obsolete as: IMC, ZSIF (fishes), ZSIK (herps).Current as: ZSI. Also as: NZC-ZSI, ZSI-F (fishes), ZSI FF(freshwater fishes), ZSIC (amphibians), ZSI-K (herps). WestBengal. India.

865. ZSI-MARC: Zoological Survey of India, MarineAquarium and Regional Centre, Digha. Current as: ZSI-MARC. Also as: MARC/ZSI. West Bengal. India.

866. USK: Universitas Syiah Kuala [Syiah Kuala Univer-sity], Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Laboratory ofIchthyology, Banda Aceh. Current as: USK (fishes). Aceh.Indonesia.

867. IBRC: Indonesian Biodiversity Research Center,Denpasar City. Note: opened in June 2010 as a collaborationbetween Udayana University, Diponegoro University, theState University of Papua, University of California LosAngeles and the Smithsonian Institution. Current as: IBRC(fishes). Bali. Indonesia.

868. NCIP: National Catalogue for Indonesian Pisces,Koleksi Rujukan, Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi [referencecollection, Oceanographic Research Center], Lembaga IlmuPengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), Ancol. Formerly: VisscherijStation (1905–1915); Visscherij Station te Batavia (1915–1922); Laboratorium Voor Het Onderzoek der Zee (LOZ,1922–1949); Laboratorium/Lembaga Penyelidikan Laut[Laboratory/Institue of Marine Investigation] (1949–1962);Lembaga Penelitian Laut (1962–1970); Lembaga OseanologiNasional (LON) [National Oceanographic Institute], part ofLIPI (1970–1986); Pusat Penelitian dan PengembanganOseanologi [Center for Oceanographic Research and Devel-opment] (1986–2001). Note: fishes cataloged under NCIPremain housed in Ancol as of 2018, but eventually may betransferred to MZB in Cibinong. Obsolete as: LOZ, LON, LONNCIP, NCIV [typo]. Current as: NCIP. Jakarta. Indonesia.

869. CRDOA: Center for Research and Development ofOceanology, Indonesian Institute of Science, Ambon.Current as: CRDOA (fishes). Maluku. Indonesia.

870. ITB: School of Life Sciences and Technology, InstitutTeknologi Bandung, Bandung. Note: some herp specimens(including types) to be transferred to MZB in Cibinong;abbreviations DTI or ITB.DTI used for herps collected byDjoko T. Iskandar. Current as: ITB (herps), PALITB (fossils).West Java. Indonesia.

871. MGB: Vertebrate Palaeontology Collection, GeologyMuseum Bandung, Bandung. Current as: MGB (fossils). WestJava. Indonesia.

872. MZB: Bidang Zoologi, Pusat Penelitian Biologi,Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), Cibinong,Bogor Regency. Formerly: Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense(1894–1997). Obsolete as: LBN. Current as: MZB (fishes,herps). Also as: MZB.Lace (Lacertilia), MZB.Ophi (Ophidia).West Java. Indonesia.

873. UIMZ: Research Center for Climate Change, Uni-versity of Indonesia, Kampus UI, Depok. Current as: UIMZ(herps). West Java. Indonesia.

874. RSI: Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute,

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Hessarak, Karaj. Also known as: Razi State Institute; RaziInstitute (RI). Note: reptile collection inaccessible after deathof Mahmoud Latifi in 2005. Alborz. Iran.

875. TUIC: Terhan University Ichthyological Collection,Karaj. Current as: TUIC (fishes). Alborz. Iran.

876. ZM-CBSU: Zoological Museum of Shiraz University,Collection of Biology Department, Shiraz. Formerly: PahlaviUniversity. Obsolete as: ZM-CBSUZG (fishes). Current as: ZM-CBSU (fishes, herps). Also as: CBSU (herps). Fars. Iran.

877. FCKG: Fish Collection of Kiavash Golzarianpour,Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad-e Kavus. Current as:FCKG (fishes). Golestan. Iran.

878. ZMGU: Zoological Museum of Gorgan University ofa*gricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. Current as:ZMGU (herps). Also as: GUZM. Golestan. Iran.

879. GUIC: Ichthyological Museum, Department of Fish-eries Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resources, University ofGuilan, Sowmeh Sara. Current as: GUIC (fishes). Guilan.Iran.

880. ZMHU: Zoological Museum of Hamedan University,Hamadan. Current as: ZMHU (herps). Hamadan. Iran.

881. DHZC: Department of the Environment of Hormoz-gan Province Zoological Collection. Current as: DHZC(herps). Hormozgan. Iran.

882. DEZC: Department of the Environment of IsfahanProvince Zoological Collection, Isfahan. Current as: DEZC(herps). Isfahan. Iran.

883. IUT-IM: Isfahan University of Technology Ichthyol-ogy Museum, Isfahan. Current as: IUT-IM (fishes). Isfahan.Iran.

884. ICSTZM: International Center for Science, HighTechnology, and Environmental Sciences, Zoological Muse-um, Kerman. Obsolete as: ZCSK. Current as: ICSTZM (herps).Also as: ICSTZ (herps). Kerman. Iran.

885. ZMSBUK: Zoological Museum of Shahid BahonarUniversity, Kerman. Current as: ZM-SBUK (fishes),ZMSBUK.HD (herps). Kerman. Iran.

886. RUZM: Razi University Zoological Museum, Ker-manshah. Current as: RUZM (herps). Kermanshah. Iran.

887. YUZM: Yasouj University Zoological Museum, Yasuj.Current as: YUZM (herps). Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad.Iran.

888. FCf*ck: Fish collection, Fish Department, Universityof Kurdistan, Sanandaj [Senneh]. Current as: FCf*ck (fishes).Kurdistan. Iran.

889. FTHM: Private collection of Farhang Torki, Nurabad[Noor Abad]. Note: cited as Farhang Torki HerpetologicalMuseum (FTHM) and Farhang Torki Ecology and Herpetol-ogy Center for Research (FTEHCR). Current as: FTHM(herps). Also as: FTHR (herps). Lorestan. Iran.

890. MKQ: Private collection of Mahdi Kazemi, Qom.Qom. Iran.

891. ERP: Private collection of Eskandar Rastegar-Pouya-ni. Note: associated with Hakim Sabzevari University(SUHC). Current as: ERP (herps). Razavi Khorasan. Iran.

892. SUHC: Hakim Sabzevari University (HSU), Herpeto-logical Collection, Sabzevar. Formerly: branch of TarbiatMoallem University (SUZM, TMUS), Tehran. Obsolete as:SUZM, TMUS. Current as: SUHC (herps). See also: ERP. RazaviKhorasan. Iran.

893. ZMCMU: Zoological Museum of Chabahar MaritmeUniversity, Chabahar. Current as: ZMCMU (fishes). Sistanand Baluchestan. Iran.

894. IMNRF-UT: Ichthyological Museum, Faculty of Nat-ural Resources, University of Tehran, Tehran. Current as:IMNRF-UT (fishes). See also: ZUTC (Zoological Museum).Tehran. Iran.

895. MMTT: Muzeye Melli-e Tarikh-e Tabiei, Tehran. Alsoknown as: Muzeh-e Melli-ye Tarikh-e Tabi’i [NationalMuseum of Natural History]. Note: founded in 1973; nowpart of Iran Department of the Environment. Current as:MMTT. Tehran. Iran.

896. VMFC: Private fish collection of Vatandoust andMousavi-Sabet. Tehran. Iran.

897. ZUTC: Zoological Museum, University of TehranCollection, Tehran. Current as: ZUTC. Also as: TUZM. Seealso: IMNRF-UT (fishes). Tehran. Iran.

898. INHRCM: Iraq Natural History Research Center andMuseum, University of Baghdad, Al-Waziriya, Baghdad.Formerly: Iraq Museum of Natural History (IMNH, IMNHB).Includes: collection assembled by A.D. Niazi and staff at theNatural History Museum of the University of Baghdad. Note:some fossils in INHRCM, others in Department of EarthScience (Geology), College of Science. Obsolete as: IMNH,IMNHB, IRAQ. Current as: INHRCM (herps, fossils). Iraq.

899. KMNH: Kurdistan Museum of Natural History,Salahaddin University, Erbil (SUE), Kurdistan. Current as:KMNH. Iraq.

900. UBI: University of Basrah, Marine Science Center,Basrah. Iraq.

901. NMI: National Museum of Ireland (Natural History),Dublin. Current as: NMI (fossils). Also as: NMING (fossils),NMINH (fishes, Natural History Division). Ireland.

902. TCD: Trinity College of Dublin, Geological andZoological Museums. Includes: Huxley and Wright fossils(fishes and amphibians) that were moved to the NationalMusem of Ireland in 1959 and returned in 1994. Current as:TCD (fossils). Ireland.

903. SFRS: Sea Fisheries Research Station, Haifa. Currentas: SFRS (fishes). Israel.

904. TAU: Tel Aviv University Zoological Museum (TAU),part of Steinhardt Museum of Natural History (SMNH),Israel National Center for Biodiversity Studies, Tel Aviv.Obsolete as: TAUM, UTAI, ZMTAU. Current as: TAU (fishes,herps). Also as: SMNHTAU. Israel.

905. HUJ: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Zoolog-ical Museum, Jerusalem. Obsolete as: HUJF. Current as: HUJ-F(fishes), HUJ-R (herps), HUJ-PAL (fossils). Israel.

906. MCSNB: Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali ‘‘EnricoCaffi’’, Bergamo. Obsolete as: MCSN. Current as: MCSNB(fossils). Also as: MCSNBG (fossils). Bergamo. Italy.

907. MCGS: Museo Archeologico e Naturalistico ‘‘Giu-seppe Scarabelli’’, Imola. Also known as: Museo CivicoGiuseppe Scarabelli. Note: founded in 1857. Current as:MCGS (fossils). Bologna. Italy.

908. MGGC: Museo Geologico ‘‘Giovanni Capellini’’,Universita di Bologna, Bologna. Also known as: Museo diGeologia e Paleontologia (MB, MGPC); Capellini Museum.Note: founded 8 March 1860, dedicated to GiovanniCapellini in 1911; some artifacts and fossils transferred toPalazzo Poggi (PP) in 2000. Current as: MGGC (fossils). Seealso: MZUB (fishes, herps), PP (herps). Bologna. Italy.

909. MZUB: Museo di Zoologia, Universita di Bologna,Bologna. Includes: Collezione/Museo di Anatomia Compa-rata (MACB) assembled by Antonio Alessandrini (1786–1861). Obsolete as: IBI. Current as: MZUB (fishes, herps). Also

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as: MZ (two herp specimens attributable to Ulisse Aldro-vandi collection). See also: MGGC (fossils), PP (herps).Bologna. Italy.

910. PP: Museo Ulisse Aldrovandi in the Palazzo Poggi,Bologna. Includes: part of Ulisse Aldrovandi (1522–1605)collection including world’s oldest herpetological museumspecimens; fossils formerly held by Capellini Museum(MGGC). Current as: PP (herps). See also: MGGC (fossils),MZUB (fishes, herps). Bologna. Italy.

911. MCSNBS: Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali, Brescia.Current as: MCSNBS (fossils). Brescia. Italy.

912. IZUCS: Collezione Zoologica, Dipartimento di Biol-ogia Animale ed Ecologia, Universita di Cagliari, Cagliari,Island of Sardinia. Obsolete as: MZUC. Current as: IZUCS. Seealso: MDLCA (fossils). Cagliari. Italy.

913. MDLCA: Museo Sardo di Geologia e Paleontologia‘‘Domenico Lovisato’’, Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche eGeologiche (DSCG), Universita di Cagliari, Cagliari, Sardi-nia. Formerly: Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra (DSTC),combined with other departments in 2012 to form DSCG.Obsolete as: DSTC (fossils). Current as: MDLCA (fossils). Seealso: IZUCS (fishes, herps). Cagliari. Italy.

914. MSTC: Museo di Scienze della Terra, Universita diCatania, Catania. Current as: MSTC (fossils). Catania. Italy.

915. CLC: Museo Universitario dell’Universita ‘‘G. D’An-nunzio’’ di Chieti-Pescara, Chieti. Current as: CLC (fossils,Capasso-registered collection). Chieti. Italy.

916. MCSNFE: Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Ferrara.Includes: herpetological collection of Guido Campadelli(Collezione Campadelli) donated in 2005. Current as:MCSNFE (herps). Ferrara. Italy.

917. IGF: Museo di Storia Naturale, collezioni dellaSezione di Geologia e Paleontologia, Universita di Firenze,Firenze [Florence]. Formerly: Institute of Geology, Firenze[Florence]. Obsolete as: MGPF, MGPUF, MGUF. Current as:IGF (fossils). Also as: MSNFI IGF (fossils). See also: MZUF(fishes, herps). Firenze [Florence]. Italy.

918. ISMF: Istituto [Scuola] di Sanita Militare di Firenze,Firenze [Florence]. Firenze [Florence]. Italy.

919. MZUF: Museo di Storia Naturale, collezioni dellaSezione di Zoologia ‘‘La Specola’’, Universita di Firenze,Firenze [Florence]. Also known as: Museo di Storia Naturaledi Firenze; Museo Zoologico La Specola. Formerly: Imperialee Reale Museo di Fisica e Storia Naturale (IMRC, IRMC,MRF). Includes: new herpetological collection of BenedettoLanza (NHCL). Obsolete as: IMRC, IRMC, MF, MRF, MZF,NHCL. Current as: MZUF (fishes, herps). See also: IGF(fossils). Firenze [Florence]. Italy.

920. IZUG: Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, dell’Am-biente e della Vita (DISTAV), Universita di Genova [Univer-sity of Genoa], Genova [Genoa] Note: DISTAV derived frommerger of multiple institutes and departments includingDipartimento del Territorio e delle sue Risorse (DTRG),Istituto di Scienze Ambientali Marine and Istituto diZoologia. Current as: IZUG. Also as: DTRG (sharks). Genova[Genoa]. Italy.

921. MSNG: Museo Civico di Storia Naturale ‘‘GiacomoDoria’’ [Civic Museum of Natural History], Genova [Genoa].Includes: Collection of Marquis Giacomo Doria (MSNGD).Obsolete as: MCG, MCSNG. Current as: MSNG (fishes, herps).Also as: MCSN (insects). Genova [Genoa]. Italy.

922. MPCM: Museo Paleontologico Cittadino di Monfal-cone, Monfalcone. Current as: MPCM (fossils). Gorizia. Italy.

923. MNHM: Museo di Storia Naturale della Maremma[Maremma Natural History Museum], Grosseto. Current as:MNHM. Grosseto. Italy.

924. IZA: Istituto di Zoologia, Universita degli Studidell’Aquila, L’Aquila. Note: status unknown; some speci-mens moved to Universita di Napoli Federico II (CMSNF/MZN). L’Aquila. Italy.

925. CNHM: Museo di Storia naturale del Salento,Calimera. Also known as: Civic Museum of Natural Historyin Calimera. Current as: CNHM (fossils). Lecce. Italy.

926. MAUS: Museo dell’Ambiente dell’Universita delSalento [Museum of the Environment, University of Salen-to], Campus Ecotekne, Monteroni di Lecce. Current as:MAUS (fossils). Lecce. Italy.

927. MSNL: Museo di storia naturale del Mediterraneo,Livorno. Current as: MSNL (sharks). Livorno. Italy.

928. ISPRA: Institute for Environmental Protection andResearch, Laboratory of Milazzo ichthyological collection,Milazzo, Island of Sicily. Current as: ISPRA (fishes). Messina.Italy.

929. MFV: Museo della Fauna, Dipartimento di Scienzeveterinarie, Universita di Messina, Messina. Note: Universitadi Messina formerly associated with Istituto di Idrobiologiain Ganzirri (IIG); institute apparently no longer exists andstatus of collections unknown. Current as: MFV-ME (mol-lusks). Messina. Italy.

930. CSI: Acquario e civica stazione Idrobiologica, Mila-no [Milan]. Milano [Milan]. Italy.

931. MPUM: Museo Paleontologia, Dipartimento di Sci-enze della Terra ‘‘A. Desio’’, Universita degli Studi di Milano,Milano [Milan]. Current as: MPUM (fossils). Milano [Milan].Italy.

932. MSNM: Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Milano[Milan]. Note: partially destroyed in August 1943 duringWorld War II. Includes: extant collection assembled byGiorgio Jan (1791–1866). Obsolete as: MCSN. Current as:MSNM. Also as: BES (fossils). Milano [Milan]. Italy.

933. IPUM: Inventario Paleontologia Universita di Mod-ena e Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE), Dipartimento di ScienzeChimiche e Geologiche, UNIMORE, Modena. Current as:IPUM (fossils). See also: IZUM (herps). Modena. Italy.

934. IZUM: Museo di Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata,Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena. Formerly:Universita di Modena until 1998. Note: descended fromMuseo di Storia Naturale del ducato Estense established in1776. Includes: collections donated by Francesco Testi toIstituto e Museo di Zoologia/Istituto di Zoologia e deAnatomia comparata (IZUM) ca. 1913–1915. Current as:IZUM (herps). Also as: MZAC, MSNM (sharks, Museo diStoria Naturale). See also: IPUM (fossils). Modena. Italy.

935. CMSNF: Centro Musei delle Scienze Naturali eFisiche, Universita di Napoli Federico II, Napoli [Naples].Formerly: Museo Zoologico della Regia Universita degli Studi,founded in 1813; Regio Museo Zoologico (RMZ). Includes:fishes from Instituto di Zoologia, Universita degli Studidell’Aquila (IZA); herps from university gabinetto di anat-omia comparata (GAC) and gabinetto di anatomia generaleet patologica (GAGP). Obsolete as: MZUN, RMZ, UNZM.Current as: CMSNF (fossils), MZN (fishes & herps, MuseoZoologico). Napoli [Naples]. Italy.

936. SZN: Stazione Zoologica ‘‘Anton Dohrn’’, Napoli[Naples]. Current as: SZN. Napoli [Naples]. Italy.

937. MGP: Museo di Geologia e Paleontologia, Centro di

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Ateneo per i Musei, Universita degli Studi di Padova[University of Padua], Padova. Current as: MGP (fossils).Also as: MGP-PD (fossils). See also: MZP. Padova [Padua].Italy.

938. MZP: Museo di Zoologia, Centro di Ateneo per iMusei, Universita di Padova [Universita degli Studi diPadova; University of Padua], Padova. Also known as: Museodi Zoologia di Padova. Includes: Gabinetto di Storia Naturaleassembled by Antonio Vallisneri, Jr., and his father, AntonioVallisneri, Sr.; Vallisneri collection donated to University ofPadova ca. 1734. Obsolete as: IGB (Instituto Gabinetto),ZMUP. Current as: MZP (fishes). Also as: MZUP (arachnids).See also: MPG (fossils). Padova [Padua]. Italy.

939. MRST: Museo Regionale di Palazzo d’Aumale,Collezione Naturalistica, Terrasini. Also known as: MuseoRegionale di Storia Naturale di Terrasini. Current as: MRST.Palermo. Italy.

940. MZUP: Museo Zoologia Pietro Doderlein, Universitadi Palermo, Palermo. Obsolete as: MZDP, MZP, MZPA. Currentas: MZUP. Palermo. Italy.

941. MPP: Museo Paleontologico Parmense, Parma. Note:originated as sezione paleontologica del Gabinetto di StoriaNaturale dell’Universita di Parma. Current as: MPP (fossils).Parma. Italy.

942. MSNPV: Museo di Storia Naturale, Universita diPavia, Pavia. Also known as: Museo di Pavia, Lombardy(MPI). Obsolete as: MCNPV, MZUP. Current as: MSNPV(fishes, herps, fossils). Pavia. Italy.

943. GS: Galleria di Storia Naturale di Casalina (Deruta)[Natural History Gallery of Casalina], Casalina. Includes:historical collections of the Museo Zoologico della LiberaUniversita di Perugia and Museo di Scienze Naturali delSeminario Arcivescovile di Perugia. Current as: GS (fish),GSDNA (fish DNA). Perugia. Italy.

944. MCSNP: Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Piacenza.Also known as: Museo di Storia Naturale. Assigned here:MCSNP. Piacenza. Italy.

945. MSNUP: Museo di Storia Naturale dell’Universita diPisa [Natural History Museum of the University of Pisa],Calci. Also known as: Museo di Storia Naturale e delTerritorio di Calci (MSNT), Museo di Storia Naturale di Pisa(MSNP). Obsolete as: MSNT, PUM. Current as: MSNUP(fossils). Also as: MSNP (invertebrates, fossils). Pisa. Italy.

946. ITCAM: Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Archimede,Modica. Current as: ITCAM (fossils). Ragusa. Italy.

947. MSF: Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali, Faenza. Alsoknown as: Malmerendi Museum of Natural Science. Currentas: MSF (fossils). Ravenna. Italy.

948. MCRE: Musei Civici di Reggio Emilia, Reggio Emilia.Current as: MCRE (fossils). Reggio Emilia. Italy.

949. CVSRSN: Societa Romana di Scienze Naturali, Roma[Rome]. Current as: CVSRSN (herps). Also as: SRSN (herps).Roma [Rome]. Italy.

950. MCZR: Museo Civico di Zoologia, Roma [Rome].Includes: herp collections donated by Massimo Capulabetween 1975–2009, Claudio Bagnoli in 2007 and SergioZerunian in 2007; herp collections acquired in 2007–2008from Istituto di Zoologia ‘‘F. Raffaele’’, Sapienza Universitadi Roma, and in 2009 from Laboratorio Centrale diIdrobiologia. Note: collection temporarily associated withGiardino Zoologico di Roma (MZGZ) from ca. 1932 to1980s. Obsolete as: MZGZ. Current as: MCZR (fishes, herps).Also as: MCZRVR (reptiles). See also: MDBR (Dipartimento di

Biologia Animale e dell’Uomo), MPUR (fossils). Roma[Rome]. Italy.

951. MDBR: Museo di Anatomia Comparata ‘‘BattistaGrassi’’, Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie CharlesDarwin (BBCD), Universita degli Studi di Roma ‘‘LaSapienza’’ [Sapienza University of Rome], Roma [Rome].Formerly: Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e dell’Uomountil 2010. Includes: Marco Bologna Collection (MBC).Current as: MDBR (herps). Also as: MACR (sharks). See also:MCZR (Museo Civico di Zoologia, Roma), MPUR (fossils).Roma [Rome]. Italy.

952. MPUR: Museo Paleontologia Universita Roma, Uni-versita degli Studi di Roma ‘‘La Sapienza’’ [SapienzaUniversity of Rome], Roma [Rome]. Note: currently part ofMuseo Universitario di Scienze della Terra (MUST). Currentas: MPUR (fossils). See also: MCZR (fishes, herps), MDBR(Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e dell’Uomo). Roma[Rome]. Italy.

953. MZURT: Museo di Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata[Museum of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy], Universi-ta degli Studi Roma Tre, Roma [Rome]. Includes: Marco A.Bologna Collection. Note: founded in 2001–2002 in Depart-ment of Biology, transferred to Department of Environmen-tal Biology in 2008. Current as: MZURT (insects). Roma[Rome]. Italy.

954. MUSNAF: Museo di Storia Naturale dell’Accademiadei Fisiocritici, Siena. Current as: MUSNAF (fossils). Siena.Italy.

955. DMMI: Dolomythos-Museum, Innichen [San Can-dido]. Also known as: DoloMythos—The Natural Heritage ofHumanity Museum; Museo Dolomythos. Note: fossils citedaccording to locality, as in PZIF (fossils from Piz da Peres,Furkel Pass). Assigned here: DMMI (fossils). South Tyrol. Italy.

956. MGR: Museo Geologico di Redagno, Bolzano [Bo-zen]. Current as: MGR (fossils). South Tyrol. Italy.

957. PZO: Museo di Scienze Naturali dell’Alto Adige[Museum of Natural Sciences of South Tyrol], Bolzano[Bozen]. Also known as: Natur-Museum Bozen (NMB),Naturmuseum Sudtirol (NMS). Includes: fossils fromKuhwiesenkopf (KUH or KUH). Obsolete as: NMB. Currentas: PZO (fossils). Also as: NMS (fossils). South Tyrol. Italy.

958. IAMC-CNR: Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costierodel Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Taranto. Taranto.Italy.

959. CBD: Private collection of G.A.C Balma & G.B.Delmastro, Torino [Turin]. Also known as: CollezioneIttiologica Balma-Delmastro. Torino [Turin]. Italy.

960. MCCI: Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Carmag-nola, Torino [Turin]. Note: distinct from Museo Regionale diScienze Naturali di Torino (MRSN). Obsolete as: MCC,MCSNC, MSNC. Current as: MCCI (fishes, herps). Torino[Turin]. Italy.

961. MDHC: Massimo Delfino Herpetological Collection,Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Universita degli Studi diTorino [University of Turin], Torino [Turin]. Current as:MDHC (herps). See also: MRSN. Torino [Turin]. Italy.

962. MRSN: Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali diTorino, Torino [Turin]. Includes: historical collections ownedby Universita degli Studi di Torino [University of Turin], buthoused and managed by MRSN, specifically Museo diZoologia (MZUT), Museo di Anatomia Comparata (MACUT)and Museo di Geologia e Paleontologia (MGPT-PU); recentcollections assembled after MRSN established in 1978.

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Obsolete as: IMZUT, MRSNT, MSNT, MSNTO, MUZT, PU.Current as: MRSN (modern collections), MACUT & MZUT(Universita di Torino historical collections), MGPT-PU(fossils). See also: MDHC. Torino [Turin]. Italy.

963. MTSN: Museo delle Scienze di Trento (MUSE),Trento. Formerly: Museo civico di storia naturale di Trento(1922–1964); Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali (1964–2013). Current as: MTSN (herps). Also as: MUSE (fossils).Trentino. Italy.

964. MCSNT: Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Trieste[Civic Museum of Natural History of Trieste], Trieste.Obsolete as: MCSN, MCST (insects), MSNT (fossils). Currentas: MCSNT. Trieste. Italy.

965. MFSN: Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale, Udine.Current as: MFSN (fossils). Udine. Italy.

966. MCSNIO: Civico Museo Insubrico di Storia Naturale,Induno Olona. Current as: MCSNIO (fossils). Also as:CMISNIO (fossils). Varese. Italy.

967. MSNVE: Museo di Storia Naturale di Venezia,Venezia [Venice]. Formerly: Museo Civico di Storia Naturaledi Venezia. Obsolete as: MSNV, MVEN (formally replaced).Current as: MSNVE. Venezia [Venice]. Italy.

968. MSND: Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Domo-dossola, Domodossola. Also known as: Museo di StoriaNaturale ‘‘G.G. Galletti’’ di Domodossola. Note: founded in1875. Current as: MSND (herps). Verbano-Cusio-Ossola.Italy.

969. IGVR: Museo Geopaleontologico di Camposilvano,Velo Veronese. Current as: IGVR (fossils). Verona. Italy.

970. MCSNV: Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona,Verona. Includes: Museo Zangheri della Romagna. Obsoleteas: MCSN. Current as: MCSNV (fossils). Also as: MCVR(Lepidoptera), MSNV (Coleoptera), MSNVR (decapods).Verona. Italy.

971. MCV: Museo Naturalistico Archeologico, MuseiCivici Vicenza, Vicenza. Current as: MCV (fossils). Vicenza.Italy.

972. FAT: Museo Illustrissimi Comitis Francisci AnnibalisTurriani. Note: no longer extant; specimens apparently notat Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Torino (MRSN) orNaturhistorisches Museum, Wien (NMW). Italy.

973. AKPM: Akita Prefectural Museum, Akita. Current as:AKPM (fishes). Akita. Japan.

974. ACAP: Aquaculture Center of Aomori Prefecture[Aomoriken Suisan Zoshoku Senta], Higash*tsugaru. Currentas: ACAP (fishes). Aomori. Japan.

975. APM: Aomori Prefectural Museum, Aomori. Aomori.Japan.

976. CBM: Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba.Current as: CBM-ZF (fishes). See also: CMNH. Chiba. Japan.

977. CMNH: Fish Collection of Coastal Branch of NaturalHistory Museum and Institute, Chiba, Yoshio. Note: locatedin Yoshio, separate from collection in Chiba city. Current as:CMNH-ZF (fishes). See also: CBM. Chiba. Japan.

978. NMJH: National Museum of Japanese History,Sakura. Also known as: Rekihaku. Current as: NMJH (fossils).Chiba. Japan.

979. EUB: Ehime University, Laboratory of Biology,Faculty of Science, Matsuyama. Ehime. Japan.

980. MGHSJ: Matuyama Girl’s High School, Matuyama.Ehime. Japan.

981. FPDM: f*ckui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum, Kat-suyama. Includes: fossil collection transferred from Hay-

ashibara Museum of Natural Sciences (HMNS) following itsclosure in 2015. Current as: FPDM (fossil fishes, herps).f*ckui. Japan.

982. FUE: f*ckuoka University of Education, Munakata.Current as: FUE (amphibians). f*ckuoka. Japan.

983. JNC: Private collection of Jun Nakajima, f*ckuokaInstitute of Health and Environmental Sciences, Dazaifu.Current as: JNC (fishes). Also as: JNCP. f*ckuoka. Japan.

984. KMNH: Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History andHuman History, Kitakyushyu. Current as: KMNH (fishes),KMNH VP (Department of Vertebrate Paleontology). f*ckuo-ka. Japan.

985. LFBKU: Kyushu University, Laboratory of FisheryBiology, f*ckuoka. Formerly: Kyushu Imperial University.f*ckuoka. Japan.

986. QUYK: Private collection of Yuichi Kano, KyushuUniversity, f*ckuoka. Current as: QUYK (fishes, herps).f*ckuoka. Japan.

987. IMCF: Iwaki City Museum of Coal and Fossils, Iwaki.Note: questionably the same as Iwaki Museum of NaturalHistory (IMNH). Current as: IMCF (fossils). f*ckushima.Japan.

988. GPM: Gifu Prefectural Museum, Seki. Current as:GPM (fossils). Gifu. Japan.

989. MFM: Mizunami City Fossil Museum, Mizunami.Current as: MFM (fossils). Gifu. Japan.

990. GMNH: Gunma Museum of Natural History, Tomio-ka. Current as: GMNH PV (fossils). Gumna. Japan.

991. JSC: Japan Snake Center, Ota. Gunma. Japan.992. HNSM: Hiwa Natural Sciences Museum, Hiwa.

Current as: HNSM (fossils). Hiroshima. Japan.993. IABHU: Institute for Amphibian Biology, Hiroshima

University, Higashihiroshima. Current as: IABHU (amphib-ians). See also: ZIHU. Hiroshima. Japan.

994. ZIHU: Hiroshima University, Faculty of Science,Department of Biological Sciences [formerly ZoologicalInstitute], Hiroshima. See also: IABHU (amphibians). Hir-oshima. Japan.

995. AMP: Ashoro Museum of Paleontology, Ashoro.Current as: AMP (fossils). Hokkaido. Japan.

996. BIHM: Bihoro Museum, Abashiri. Current as: BIHM(fishes). Hokkaido. Japan.

997. HCM: Hakodate City Museum, Hakodate. Formerly:Hakodate Museum. Note: some historical specimens lost.Hokkaido. Japan.

998. HMC: Hidaka Mountain Center, Hidaka. Current as:HMC (fossils). Hokkaido. Japan.

999. HMG: Hobetsu Museum, Mukawa. Current as: HMG(fossils). Hokkaido. Japan.

1000. HMH: Historical Museum of Hokkaido, Sapporo.Current as: HMH (fossils). Hokkaido. Japan.

1001. HUMZ: The Hokkaido University Museum, Sap-poro, and Fisheries Science Center, Hakodate. Formerly:Hokkaido University, Marine Zoology Laboratory. Obsoleteas: HUNHM. Current as: HUMZ (fishes). See also: UHR(fossils). Hokkaido. Japan.

1002. MCM: Mikasa City Museum, Mikasa. Current as:MCM (fossils). Hokkaido. Japan.

1003. NFL: Numata Fossils Laboratory, Numata. Currentas: NFL (fossils). Hokkaido. Japan.

1004. NM: Nakagawa Museum, Nakagawa. Current as:NM (fossils). Hokkaido. Japan.

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1005. OM: Obira Museum, Obira. Current as: OM(fossils). Hokkaido. Japan.

1006. SMAC: Sapporo Museum Activity Center, Sapporo.Current as: SMAC (fossils). Hokkaido. Japan.

1007. UHR: The Hokkaido University Museum, Sapporo.Current as: UHR (fossils). See also: HUMZ. Hokkaido. Japan.

1008. TMBS: Tatsuo Tanaka Memorial Biological Labora-tory, Ako, Miyake-jima, Izu Islands. Note: lab closed,collection transferred to National Museum of Nature andScience (NSMT). Hyogo. Japan.

1009. GSJ: Geological Survey of Japan, Geological Muse-um, Tsukuba. Current as: GSJ (fossils). Ibaraki. Japan.

1010. INM: Ibaraki Nature Museum, Bando. Current as:INM (fishes). Ibaraki. Japan.

1011. TKD: University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba. Current as:EESUT (fossils, Graduate School of Life and EnvironmentalSciences), IBUT (Institute of Biological Sciences), IGUT, TKD(fossils, Institute of Geoscience). Ibaraki. Japan.

1012. SBEI: Museum of the Shiramine Board of Educa-tion, Hakusan City. Current as: SBEI (fossils). Ishikawa.Japan.

1013. FSKU: Kitasato University, School of FisheriesSciences, Sanriku [now part of Ofunato], Kesen. Current as:FSKU (fishes). Iwate. Japan.

1014. IPMM: Iwate Prefectural Museum, Morioka. Cur-rent as: IPMM (fossils). Iwate. Japan.

1015. KAUM: Kagoshima University Museum, Korimoto.Includes: fishes donated from Kagoshima University Facultyof Fisheries except T. Ozawa larval fish collection (disposedof in 2003). Obsolete as: KMJ (herps). Current as: KAUM-I(fishes), KAUM-II (fish images), KAUM-VE (vertebratesincluding herps but not fishes), KGU (fossils). Kagoshima.Japan.

1016. KPM: Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of NaturalHistory, Odawara. Includes: fishes fromt Izu Oceanic Park(IOP, IOPM), Ito, Shizuoka. Current as: KPM-NFA (amphib-ians), KPM-NI (fishes), KPM-NR (Image Database of Fishes).Kanagawa. Japan.

1017. YCM: Yokosuka City Museum, Yokosuka. Currentas: YCM-P (fishes). Kanagawa. Japan.

1018. YNUGI: Geological Institute, Yokohama NationalUniversity, Yokohama. Current as: YNUGI (fossils). Kanaga-wa. Japan.

1019. BSKU: Kochi University, Department of BiologicalScience, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kochi. Formerly:Department of Natural Science, Faculty of Science untilApril 2017. Includes: material from Usa Marine BiologicalLaboratory and Kochi University, Faculty of Agriculture(FAKOU). Obsolete as: FAKOU, ZIKU. Current as: BSKU(fishes). See also: KCU (fossils). Kochi. Japan.

1020. FAKU: Kyoto University Museum, Kyoto Universi-ty, Yoshida (main campus), Sakyo. Formerly: Kyoto ImperialUniversity (1897–1947). Note: FAKU established in 1947 byKiyomatsu Matsubara (1907–1968) in the Faculty of Agri-culture, Department of Fisheries, Maizuru campus; expand-ed to Yoshida campus upon relocation of Department ofFisheries in 1972 and continued at Maizuru campus innewly established Fisheries Research Station; Yoshida cam-pus collection moved to Kyoto University Museum (KUM)in 2001 (FAKU 60000–99999, �200000 and FAKU P) whichalso houses specimens formerly at Kyoto University SetoMarine Biological Laboratory (SMBL) and Otsu Hydrobio-logical Station (OHS); Maizuru Fisheries Research Station,

Aquatic Natural History Museum, houses other part of FAKUcollection (FAKU 1000~59999 and 100000~199999 [exFRSKU]) including some specimens formerly at MIKU.Obsolete as: FRSKU, KUM. Current as: FAKU (fishes). See also:KUHE (herps), KUZ (Department of Zoology), MIKU, SMBL.Kochi. Japan.

1021. KCU: Kochi University, Kochi. Current as: KCU(fossils). See also: BSKU (Recent fishes). Kochi. Japan.

1022. KSHS: Kochi Senior High School, Kitabata, KochiCity. Note: Takeshi Yamakawa fish collection at KSHStransferred to National Museum of Nature and Science(NSMT) in 2012. Also as: HSHS. See also: NSMT. Kochi.Japan.

1023. KCM: Kumamoto City Museum, Kumamoto. Cur-rent as: KCM (fossils). Kumamoto. Japan.

1024. MDM: Mifune Dinosaur Museum, Mifune. Currentas: MDM (fossils). Kumamoto. Japan.

1025. KUHE: Kyoto University, Graduate School ofHuman and Environmental Studies. Current as: KUHE(herps). See also: FAKU (fishes), KUZ (Department ofZoology). Kyoto. Japan.

1026. KUZ: Kyoto University, Department of ZoologyMuseum, Kyoto. Current as: KUZ. Also as: KUZR. See also:FAKU (fishes), KUHE (herps). Kyoto. Japan.

1027. FRLM: Fish Collection of the Fisheries ResearchLaboratory, Mie University, Wagu, Shima. Current as: FRLM(fishes). Mie. Japan.

1028. MPM: Mie Prefectural Museum, Tsu. Note: originalMie Prefectural Museum opened in 1953 and closed in2014; current museum opened on new site in 2014. Currentas: MPM (fishes). Also as: MPMQ. Mie. Japan.

1029. TUM: Tohoku University Museum, Sendai. Obsoleteas: TU (fossils). Current as: TUM (fossils). Miyagi. Japan.

1030. MUFS: Division of Fisheries Science, Faculty ofa*griculture, University of Miyazaki, Miyazaki. Obsolete as:FLMU (Fisheries Laboratory), MUDF. Current as: MUFS(fishes). Miyazaki. Japan.

1031. MSFM: Matsumoto Shiga Fossil Museum, Matsu-moto. Current as: MSFM (fossils). Nagano. Japan.

1032. FFNU: Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University,Nagasaki. Obsolete as: FNU. Current as: FFNU (fishes).Nagasaki. Japan.

1033. NUFES: Nagasaki University Fisheries ExperimentalStation, Nagasaki. Note: marine laboratory transferred fromSchool of Medicine to Faculty of Fisheries in 1961;reorganized into Marine Research Institute in 1997; discon-tinued in 2005 with establishment of Institute for EastChina Sea Research in 2005; status of collections unknown.See also: FFNU. Nagasaki. Japan.

1034. SNFR: Seikai National Fisheries Research Institute,Nagasaki. Nagasaki. Japan.

1035. KUN: Faculty of Agriculture, Kindai University,Nakamachi. Formerly: Kinki University until 2016. Obsoleteas: FAK (in use 1964–2000) and FKUN (in use 2000–2008 forDepartment of Fisheries). Current as: KUN-P (fishes). Nara.Japan.

1036. NUSMBS: Niigata University, Faculty of Science,Sado Marine Biological Station, Niigata. Niigata. Japan.

1037. SICC: Sado Island Community Center, Sado.Current as: SICC (fossils). Niigata. Japan.

1038. KHPC: Private collection of Kazuo Hoshino, Oita.Current as: KHPC (fishes). Oita. Japan.

1039. OCF: Okinawa Churashima Foundation Research

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Center, Kunigami. Includes: fish collection cataloged at theUniversity of the Ryukyus by Mr. Tetsuo Yoshino first usingthe code URB and later URM, URM-P and URM-PL. Currentas: OCF-P (fishes, although specimens formerly deposited atthe University of the Ryukyus still cited as URM-P). See also:RUMF. Okinawa. Japan.

1040. OPM: Okinawa Prefectural Museum & Art Muse-um, Naha. Okinawa. Japan.

1041. RUMF: Ryukyu University Museum (Fujukan),Nishihara. Also known as: Museum of the University of theRyukyus. Note: status of collections originally associatedwith Ryukyu University Department of Zoology (URB,URM) and College of Agriculture and Home Economics(URJ, 1954–1958) at RUMF not investigated. Obsolete as:MUR. Current as: RUMF-ZV (fishes, herps), RUMF-GF(fossils). See also: OCF (fishes). Okinawa. Japan.

1042. SMLVO: Subtropical Marine Laboratory, IriomoteMarine Research Centre [formerly Station], Tokai University,Iriomote Island. Okinawa. Japan.

1043. URJ: College of Agriculture and Home Economics,University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Ryukyu Islands. Note:official name from 1954–1958; eventually became Collegeof Agriculture in 1967; URJ assigned by Wallach et al.(2014). See also: RUMF. Okinawa. Japan.

1044. YMHF: Yaese Museum of History and Folklore,Yaese. Current as: YMHF-MA (fossils). Okinawa. Japan.

1045. KSNHM: Natural History Museum, Kishiwada.Current as: KSNHM (fossils). Osaka. Japan.

1046. MIKU: Misaki Marine Biological Institute, Misaki-Koen. Note: founded in 1958, closed ca. 1970; collectionincluded fishes from 1958 Amami (Kagoshima) Expeditionby K. Matsubara; most specimens lost, some transferred toKyoto University Museum and Maizuru Fisheries ResearchStation (FAKU). Collection distinct from Misaki MarineBiological Station of the University of Tokyo. See also: FAKU.Osaka. Japan.

1047. OKU: Osaka Kyoiku University, Department of Artsand Sciences, Division of Natural Sciences. Osaka. Japan.

1048. OMNH: Osaka Museum of Natural History, Osaka.Current as: OMNH (fishes, herps, fossils). Osaka. Japan.

1049. LBM: Lake Biwa Museum, Oroshimo, Kusatsu.Current as: LBM (fishes). Shiga. Japan.

1050. SSOFM: Shimane Nature Museum of Mt. Sanbe,Shimane. Formerly: Sanbe Shizenkan Open Field Museum.Also as: SAHIMEL. Shimane. Japan.

1051. FSFRL: National Research Institute of Far SeasFisheries, Fisheries Research Agency, Shimizu, Shizuoka.Formerly: Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory (FSFL). Note:fishes transferred to National Museum of Nature andScience (NSMT) ca. 2009. Shizuoka. Japan.

1052. HVMSH: Heda Shipbuilding Local Data/BottomFeeder Museum, Heda [town merged with Numazu].Shizuoka. Japan.

1053. IORD: Institute of Oceanic Research and Develop-ment, Tokai University, Shimizu. Note: some fishes trans-ferred to National Museum of Nature and Science (NSMT).See also: MSM, TMFE. Shizuoka. Japan.

1054. MSM: Marine Science Museum, Tokai University,Shimizu. Current as: MSM. Also as: MSMTU (crustaceans). Seealso: IORD, TMFE. Shizuoka. Japan.

1055. SPMN: Museum of Natural and EnvironmentalHistory, Shizuoka. Current as: SPMN (fishes). Shizuoka.Japan.

1056. TMFE: Elasmobranchii Collection, Department ofFisheries, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, TokaiUniversity, Shimizu, Shizuoka. Obsolete as: TUMF. Current as:TMFE (fishes). See also: IORD, MSM. Shizuoka. Japan.

1057. TKPM: Tokushima Prefectural Museum, Tokushi-ma. Current as: TKPM (fishes). Tokushima. Japan.

1058. ABE: Private collection of Tokiharu Abe. Note: somefish types were housed at Tokyo fish market; collection to betransferred to The University Museum, University of Tokyo(ZUMT). Tokyo. Japan.

1059. BLIP: Biological Laboratory, Imperial Palace, To-kyo. Obsolete as: BLIH (Imperial Household), LIAIP (Labora-tory of Ichthyology, Akasaka Imperial Palace), LICPP(Laboratory of Ichthyology, The Crown Prince’s Palace).Current as: BLIP (fishes). Tokyo. Japan.

1060. IBRP: Institute for Breeding Research, Tokyo Uni-versity of Agriculture, Tokyo. Tokyo. Japan.

1061. MTUF: Tokyo University of Marine Science andTechnology, Museum of Fishery Sciences, Tokyo. Formerly:Museum of Tokyo University of Fisheries (TUF), descendedfrom the Imperial Fisheries Institute (IFI). Obsolete as: TUF,TUFIL, TUFLFB (Laboratory of Fishery Biology). Current as:MTUF (fishes). Tokyo. Japan.

1062. NIPR: National Institute of Polar Research, Tachi-kawa, Tokyo. Tokyo. Japan.

1063. NSMT: National Museum of Nature and Science,Ueno Park, Tokyo. Formerly: National Science Museum,Ueno Museum, Tokyo Museum, Tokyo Science Museum,Tokyo Zoological Museum (TZM). Includes: fishes fromNational Research Institute of Far Seas Fisheries (FSFL/FSFRL) and Tatsuo Tanaka Memorial Biological Laboratory(TMBS), Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; Takeshi Yamakawa’s fishcollection transferred from Kochi Senior High School(KSHS) in 2012. Obsolete as: NMNS, NSMT-PL (typographicerror), TZM. Current as: NSMT-P (fishes), NSM-PV (fossils).Tokyo. Japan.

1064. ORIT: University of Tokyo, Ocean Research Insti-tute, Tokyo. Note: most fish types now at The UniversityMuseum, University of Tokyo (ZUMT). Tokyo. Japan.

1065. THUg: Teikyo Heisei University, Tokyo. Obsolete as:TUTg (Teikyo University of Technology). Current as: THUg(fossils). Tokyo. Japan.

1066. WIRI: Watanabe Ichthyological Research Institute,Tokyo. Current as: WIRI (fishes). Tokyo. Japan.

1067. ZUMT: The University Museum, University ofTokyo, Tokyo. Formerly: Tokyo Imperial University (TIU,1897–1947); University Storage Center for Research Materi-als (FUMT, 1966–1997). Includes: specimens formerly in theFisheries Bureau of the Imperial Department of Agricultureand Commerce and most fish types from University ofTokyo Ocean Research Institute (ORIT). Obsolete as: FUMT(Department of Fisheries), MUT, TIU, UMUTZ, ZIUT, ZMUT.Current as: UMUT (fossils), ZUMT (fishes, herps). Tokyo.Japan.

1068. TOYA: Toyama Science Museum, Toyama. Currentas: TOYA-P (fishes). Toyama. Japan.

1069. KMPC: Kushimoto Marine Park Center, Kushimo-to-chu, Nishimuro-gun, Kii Peninsula. Wakayama. Japan.

1070. SMBL: Kyoto University Seto Marine BiologicalLaboratory, Shirahama, Nishimuro District. Note: estab-lished in 1922, integrated into Field Science Educationand Research Center (FSERC) in 2003; collection developedby Chuichi Araga; most specimens transferred to Kyoto

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University Museum and recataloged under FAKU. See also:FAKU. Wakayama. Japan.

1071. WMNH: Wakayama Prefectural Museum of NaturalHistory, Kainan. Current as: WMNH (fishes). Wakayama.Japan.

1072. SUF: National Fisheries University, Shimonoseki.Formerly: Shimonoseki University of Fisheries (1963–1994),among others. Current as: SUF. Also as: NFUS (crustaceans).Yamaguchi. Japan.

1073. YFTC: Yamanashi Prefectural Fisheries TechnologyCenter, Ushiku, Kai. Yamanashi. Japan.

1074. MSSA: Marine Science Station, Aqaba. Jordan.1075. UJ: University of Jordan, Amman. Current as: UJZM

(Zoological Museum), UJA (fossils, Department of Geology).Jordan.

1076. YU: Jordanian Natural History Museum, Al Yar-mouk University, Irbid. Current as: YUPS (Palaeontology-Selachii, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences).Jordan.

1077. DBQA: Museum of Biology, Department of Biologyand Biotechnology, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,Almaty [formerly Alma-Ata and Verny]. Current as: DBQA(herps). Also as: KNU (fishes). Kazakhstan.

1078. IZK: Institute of Zoology, Kazakhstan Academy ofSciences [Kazakh Academy of Sciences], Almaty [formerlyAlma-Ata and Verny]. Current as: IZK (fossils). Also as: IZASK,ZIA (Zoological Institute). Kazakhstan.

1079. BAR: Kipsaraman Museum, Baringo. Note: affiliatedwith National Museums of Kenya (NMK). Current as: BAR(fossils). Kenya.

1080. BK: Bio-Ken Snake Farm, Watamu. Kenya.1081. NMK: National Museums of Kenya, Directorate of

Research and Collections, Zoology Department, Nairobi.Formerly: Coryndon Museum (1930–1964). Obsolete as: KNM(fossils). Current as: NMK FW (fishes) and NMK (herps,fossils). Kenya.

1082. NHMK: Kuwait Science and Natural History Muse-um, Safat, Kuwait City. Formerly: Natural History Museum,Kuwait; Educational Science Museum. Note: opened topublic in 1972 under auspice of Crown Prince Sheikh JaberAl-Ahmad Al-Sabah. Current as: NHMK (cetaceans). Also as:KNHM. Kuwait.

1083. IBKB: Institute of Biology and Soil Sciences,National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic,Bishkek. Kyrgyzstan.

1084. LARReC: Living Aquatic Resources Research Cen-tre, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute(NAFRI), Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Vientiane.Obsolete as: DFV (Division of Fisheries), LARRI. Current as:LARReC (fishes). Vientiane. Laos.

1085. NEM: Nam Lik Eco Village Museum, Ban That-Wang Monh. Also known as: Namlik Ecovillage. Current as:NEM (herps). Vientiane. Laos.

1086. NUOL: National University of Laos (NUoL), Zoo-logical Collection, Vientiane. Current as: NUOL (fishes,herps). Also as: FES (mammals, Faculty of EnvironmentalSciences). Vientiane. Laos.

1087. LDM: Latvijas Dabas muzejs [Latvian Museum ofNatural History], Riga. Includes: natural history collectionsof the Himsel Museum, Riga. Note: descended from museumof Riga Naturalist Society founded in 1845. Current as: LDM(fossils). Also as: LMNH (entomology). Latvia.

1088. AUBM: American University of Beirut, Natural

History Museum, Beirut. Current as: AUBM (fishes). Alsoas: AUB (mammals). Lebanon.

1089. LNM: Lesotho National Museum, Ministry ofTourism, Culture and Environment, Maseru. Lesotho.

1090. UT: University of Tripoli [Al-Fateh University],Faculty of Science, Department of Geology, PaleontologicalCollections, Tripoli. Note: some fossils temporarily held atUniversite de Poitiers, France (UP); fossils housed atUniversity of Tripoli sometimes cited by site only. Currentas: UT (fossils), DT (fossils from Dur At-Talah site, Libya),Z7I (fossils from Zallah 7 Incision locality, Libya). Libya.

1091. KNP: El Kouf National Park natural history collec-tion. Current as: KNP (herps). Libya.

1092. MBRC: Marine Biology Research Centre, Tajura,Tripoli. Current as: MBRC (herps). Libya.

1093. NHMT: Assaraya Alhamra Museum [The Red Castleor The Red Fort], Tripoli. Also known as: Assaray Al-hamraMuseum; Libyan Museum of Natural History; Museo Libicodi Storia Naturale. Note: Founded in 1919 during Italianoccupation, renamed Classical Museum in 1930s, becameThe Libyan Museum in 1948 during British occupation;opened to public as Assaraya Alhamra Museum; vandalized20 August 2011 during civil war; current status of collec-tions unknown. Current as: NHMT (fossils). Libya.

1094. ZCT: Zoological Collection at Taraghen [Traghan],Murzuq District. Includes: herp specimens deposited by AdelA. Ibrahim. Current as: ZCT (herps). Libya.

1095. MNHNL: Nationalmusee fir Naturgeschicht [Museenational d’histoire naturelle, National Museum of NaturalHistory], Luxembourg. Obsolete as: MHNL, MNHNLU.Current as: MNHNL (fossils). Luxembourg.

1096. MMNHS: Macedonian Museum of Natural History,Skopje. Also as: MHNNS. Macedonia.

1097. CAD: Private collection of Charles A. Domergue(herps). Note: presumably in Madagascar. Madagascar.

1098. CNRO: Centre National de Recherches Ocean-ographiques, Nosy-Be [Nossi-be]. Madagascar.

1099. IRSM: Institut de Recherche Scientifique de Mada-gascar (1946–1957), Antananarivo [Tana]. Note: fishesmostly transferred to Museum national d’Histoire naturelle,Paris (MNHN). Madagascar.

1100. UADBA: Universite d’Antananarivo, Departementde Biologie Animale, Antananarivo [Tana]. Obsolete as: ZIAU(Zoological Institute). Current as: UADBA (fishes, herps).Also as: UA and UAN (fossils). Madagascar.

1101. MFRU: Malawi Fisheries Research Unit, Ministry ofForestry, Fisheries and Environmental Affairs, Monkey Bay.Current as: MFRU. Also as: MFU. Malawi.

1102. MOM: Top Mandala [Old Museum Building],National Museums of Malawi, Blantyre. Formerly: NyasalandMuseum. Note: Museums of Malawi consists of five facilities,Top Mandala, Chichiri Museum, Lake Malawi Museum,Regional Mzuzu Museum and Gallery and MtengatengaPostal Hut Museum; Top Mandala Museum serves as storagefor collections and administrative headquarters for federalDepartment of Museums and Monuments. Current as:MOM, MOM-Hepe (herps). Also as: MMCM (entomology).Malawi.

1103. UMBC: University of Malawi, Bunda College ofa*griculture, Lilongwe. Malawi.

1104. LRCUKM: Langkawi Research Center of UniversitiKebangsaan Malaysia, Pulau Langkawi (island). Current as:LRCUKM (herps). See also: UKMHC (herps). Kedah. Malaysia.

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1105. IMRKL: Institute of Medical Research, Kuala Lum-pur. Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia.

1106. NMM: National Museum Malaysia [Muzium Neg-ara], Kuala Lumpur. Formerly: Selangor State Museum (SM,SSMKL), member of Federated Malay States Museums(FMSM), partially destroyed 10 Mar 1945 during WWII,although some Duncker specimens survived at The NaturalHistory Museum, London (NHMUK). Kuala Lumpur. Ma-laysia.

1107. UMKL: University of Malaya, Institute of BiologicalSciences, Museum of Zoology, Kuala Lumpur. Also as:BIRCUM. Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia.

1108. FRIM: Forest Research Institute Malaysia, Kepong.Also known as: Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia.Current as: FRIM (herps). Kuala Lumpur/Selangor. Malaysia.

1109. FRIGL: Fisheries Research Institute, Glami Lemi,Jelebu. Current as: FRIGL (fishes). Negeri Sembilan. Malaysia.

1110. DWNP: Zoological Museum, Institute for Biodiver-sity (IBD), Department of Wildlife and National Parks(PERHILITAN), Lanchang. Current as: DWNP (fishes, herps).Pahang. Malaysia.

1111. FRI: Fisheries Research Institute, Department ofFisheries Malaysia, Gelugor. Penang. Malaysia.

1112. USMHC: Universiti Sains Malaysia HerpetologicalCollection, School of Biological Sciences, Gelugor. Currentas: USMHC (herps). Penang. Malaysia.

1113. FRC: Forest Research Centre, Sabah Forestry De-partment, Sepilok. Sabah. Malaysia.

1114. FRCL: Fisheries Research Centre [Pusat Penyelidi-kan Perikanan], Likas, Kota Kinabalu. Sabah. Malaysia.

1115. IPMB: Institut Penyelidikan Marin Borneo, Aquar-ium & Marine Museum of University Malaysia Sabah[Universiti Malaysia Sabah], Kota Kinabalu. Also known as:Borneo Marine Research Institute (BMRI). Obsolete as: BMRI.Current as: IPMB. Also as: UMSB (not confirmed). See also:ITBC. Sabah. Malaysia.

1116. ITBC: Institute for Tropical Biology and Conserva-tion Zoological Collection [BORNEENSIS], Universiti Ma-laysia Sabah (UMS), Kota Kinabalu. Current as: ITBC. Also as:BORN (amphibians), UMSB (not confirmed). See also: IPMB.Sabah. Malaysia.

1117. MUS: Muzium Sabah [Sabah Museum], JalanMuzium, Kota Kinabalu. Also known as: Sabah State Museum(SSM). Formerly: North Borneo Museum, Sandakan. Obsoleteas: SBM, SM, SSM. Current as: MUS (bony fishes, herps),SMEC (elasmobranchs) with registration no. for zoologicalspecimens preceded by NH. Sabah. Malaysia.

1118. SP: Sabah Parks Natural History Museum [Kinaba-lu Park Museum], Kinabalu Conservation Center at Kinaba-lu Park Headquarters. Obsolete as: SPM. Current as: SP (fishes,herps). Sabah. Malaysia.

1119. IPPS: Institut Penyelidikan Perikanan Sarawak[Fisheries Research Institute Sarawak (FRIS)], Kuching.Sarawak. Malaysia.

1120. SBC: Sarawak Biodiversity Center, Kuching. Note:founded in 1998. Sarawak. Malaysia.

1121. SMK: Muzium Sejarah Semulajadi [Sarawak Natu-ral History Museum], Kuching. Also as: SM. Sarawak.Malaysia.

1122. SRC: Sarawak Research Collections, Forest Re-search Center, Kuching. Current as: SRC (herps). Also as:FRCS (arachnids). Sarawak. Malaysia.

1123. SRWK: Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Kuching.

Current as: SRWK-P (fishes). Also as: UNIMAS (fishes).Sarawak. Malaysia.

1124. UKMHC: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)Herpetological Collection, Bangi. Also known as: NationalUniversity of Malaysia. Current as: UKMHC (herps). Also as:HC (herps). See also: LRCUKM (Langkawi Research Center).Selangor. Malaysia.

1125. UMT: South China Sea Biodiversity Museum atInstitute of Oceanography, University Malaysia Terengganu,Kuala Terengganu. Current as: UMT (fishes). Terengganu.Malaysia.

1126. CNRST-SUNY: Joint collection of the Centre Na-tional de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique,Bamako, Republic of Mali, and Stony Brook University,Stony Brook, New York. Note: fossils belonging to theRepublic of Mali to be transferred to American Museum ofNatural History (AMNH) in 2019. Current as: CNRST-SUNY(fossils). Mali.

1127. MMB: National Museum of Malı, Bamako. Alsoknown as: Musee national du Mali. Current as: MMB (fossils).Mali.

1128. CBRG: Conservation Biology Research Group Lab-oratory, Department of Biology, University of Malta, Msida.Current as: CBRG/F. (fishes). Malta.

1129. NMNHM: National Museum of Natural History,Mdina. Includes: some sharks from Guido Lanfranco collec-tion. Assigned here: NMNHM. Malta.

1130. NHMI: Natural History Museum and Institute, PortLouis. Mauritius.

1131. UAA: Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes,Museo de Zoologıa, Aguascalientes. Aguascalientes. Mexico.

1132. UABC: Universidad Autonoma de Baja California,Ensenada. Current as: CI-UABC (fishes), CMMEX (herps),CVUABC (vertebrates). Also as: UABC (fishes). Baja Califor-nia. Mexico.

1133. CIBN: Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas delNoroeste, S.C. (CIBNOR), La Paz. Obsolete as: CIBM. Currentas: CIBN (fishes). Also as: CIB (fishes). Baja California Sur.Mexico.

1134. CICIMAR: Coleccion Ictiologica del Centro Inter-disciplinario de Ciencias Marinas, Instituto PolitecnicoNacional (IPN), La Paz. Current as: CICIMAR-CI (fishes,non-ichthyoplankton), CICIMAR (ichthyoplankton). Alsoas: CI, CI-CICIMAR. Baja California Sur. Mexico.

1135. UABCS: Museo de Historia Natural, UniversidadAutonoma de Baja California Sur, La Paz. Current as: MHN-UABCS (fishes). Also as: MZUABCS (fishes). Baja CaliforniaSur. Mexico.

1136. ECO-SC: El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR),San Cristobal de Las Casas. Includes: herp collectionformerly at Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones EnRecursos Bioticos (INIREB). Obsolete as: CFSHER (herps).Current as: ECO-SC-P (fishes), ECO-SC-H (herps). Also as:ECOSC (fishes). Chiapas. Mexico.

1137. IHN: Instituto de Historia Natural de Chiapas,Tuxtla Gutierrez. Formerly: Museo de Zoologıa de TuxtlaGutierrez (MZTG). Obsolete as: MZTG. Current as: IHN(herps). Chiapas. Mexico.

1138. MZ-UNICACH: Universidad de Ciencias y Artes delEstado de Chiapas, Museo Zoologico, Tuxtla Gutierrez.Obsolete as: MZ-ICACH, MZ-P-UNICACH. Current as: MZ-UNICACH (fishes, herps). Also as: UNICACH-MZ. Chiapas.Mexico.

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1139. BMCHIHUAHUA: Universidad Autonoma de Chi-huahua, Chihuahua. Current as: BMCHIHUAHUA (fishes).Chihuahua. Mexico.

1140. CCVUACJ: Coleccion Cientıfica de Vertebrados(CCV), Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez (UACJ).Current as: CCVUACJ (herps). Chihuahua. Mexico.

1141. CHFCB: Coleccion Herpetologica Facultad de Cien-cias Biologicas, Universidad Juarez del Estado de Durango(UJED), Durango. Current as: CHFCB (herps). Durango.Mexico.

1142. CIIDIR-DGO: Centro Interdisciplinario de Investi-gacion para el Desarrollo Integral Regional (CIIDIR), UnidadDurango, Durango. Durango. Mexico.

1143. MADUG: Museo de Historia Natural ‘‘AlfredoDuges’’, Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato. Includes:fishes and herps studied by Alfredo Augusto DelsescautzDuges (1826–1910). Obsolete as: ADM. Current as: MADUG-IC (fishes, Coleccion Ictiologica), MDUG (herps). Guana-juato. Mexico.

1144. CIB-UAEH: Universidad Autonoma del Estado deHidalgo, Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas, Pachuca.Obsolete as: CIB. Current as: CI-CIB (fishes, ColeccionIctiologica), CH-CIB (herps), UAHMP (fossils, Museo dePaleontologıa). Also as: CIB-UAEH (herps). Hidalgo. Mexico.

1145. ITAH: Instituto Tecnologico Agropecuario de Hi-dalgo, Huejutla de Reyes. Hidalgo. Mexico.

1146. COHERP-UAG: Universidad Autonoma de Guada-lajara, Coleccion Herpetologica, Guadalajara. Current as:COHERP-UAG. Also as: UAG (herps). Jalisco. Mexico.

1147. IMECBIO: Universidad de Guadalajara, InstitutoManantlan de Ecologıa y Conservacion de la Biodiversidad,Coleccion de Vertebrados. Formerly: Coleccion Zoologica delLaboratorio Natural Las Joyas de la Sierra de Manantlan.Current as: IMECBIO. Also as: LNLJ. Jalisco. Mexico.

1148. CNAR: Coleccion Nacional de Anfibios y Reptiles,Instituto de Biologıa, Universidad Nacional Autonoma deMexico (UNAM), Mexico City. Includes: herps from Direc-cion General de Fauna Silvestre Secretaria de DesarrolloUrbano y Ecologıa, Coyoacan (DGFSSEDUE), Escuela Na-cional de Estudios Profesionales, Unidad Iztacala, Tlalne-pantla de Baz (ENEPI) and Museo Nacional de HistoriaNatural, Chapultepec (MNHNM). Obsolete as: IBH, IBHU-NAM, IBM. Current as: CNAR (herps). See also: MZFC.Mexico City. Mexico.

1149. CNPE-IBUNAM: Coleccion Nacional de Peces, In-stituto de Biologıa, Universidad Nacional Autonoma deMexico (UNAM), Mexico City. Includes: fishes from MuseoNacional de Historia Natural, Chapultepec (MNHNM) andEscuela Nacional de Estudios Profesionales, Unidad Iztacala,Tlalnepantla de Baz (ENEPI). Obsolete as: CNP-IBUNAM,IBUNAM-CNPE, IBUNAM-P, UNAM, UNAM-CNP, UNAM-CNPE. Current as: CNPE-IBUNAM (preferred for citation inpublications although IBUNAM currently used to catalogfishes). Mexico City. Mexico.

1150. ENCB: Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biologicas,Instituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN), Mexico City. Obsoleteas: IPN, IPN-ENCB, IPNM. Current as: ENCB (herps), ENCB-IPN-P (fishes, Coleccion Nacional de Peces DulceacuıcolasMexicanos), ENCB-IPN-LEM (fishes, Coleccion de Peces delLaboratorio de Ecologıa Marina). Mexico City. Mexico.

1151. ENEPZ: Museo Zoologico de la Escuela Nacional deEstudios Profesionales, Zaragoza, Campus II, Mexico City.Mexico City. Mexico.

1152. GECM: Geographical and Exploring Commissionof the Republic of Mexico collection of the World Exhibi-tion in New Orleans, LA, 1879–1885. Note: originalcollection destroyed by fire 29 Aug 1884, second collectionOct 1884–Jan 1885. Mexico City. Mexico.

1153. IGM: Coleccion Nacional de Paleontologıa, MuseoMarıa del Carmen Perrilliat, Instituto de Geologıa, Uni-versidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), MexicoCity. Obsolete as: IGM-CMR (Recent fishes). Current as: IGM(fossils), CMRC (fishes, Coleccion de Material Reciente paraComparacion; Also as CMR, UNAM (IGM-CMR)). MexicoCity. Mexico.

1154. INIBP: Instituto Nacional de la Pesca (INP), SantaCruz Atoyac, Mexico City. Formerly: Instituto Nacional deInvestigaciones Biologico Pesqueras (1962–1971). Also as:EBMP-INP, INP, LBT (Laboratorio Biologico). Mexico City.Mexico.

1155. MNHNM: Museo Nacional de Historia Natural,Chapultepec, Mexico City. Also known as: Museo de HistoriaNatural de la Ciudad de Mexico; currently Museo de HistoriaNatural y Cultura Ambiental. Note: various collectionstransferred to CNPE-IBUNAM (fishes) and CNAR (herps).Mexico City. Mexico.

1156. MZFC: Museo de Zoologıa ‘‘Alfonso L. Herrera’’,Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autonoma deMexico (FC-UNAM), Mexico City. Current as: MZFC (herps).Also as: MZFC-HE (herps). See also: CNAR. Mexico City.Mexico.

1157. UBIPRO: Unidad de Biotecnologıa y Prototipos(UBIPRO), Facultad de Estudios Superiores (FES) Iztacala,Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), Tlalne-pantla de Baz. Formerly: Escuela Nacional de Estudios Profe-sionales, Unidad Iztacala (ENEPI). Note: historical collectionsassociated with ENEPI transferred to CNAR (herps), CNPE-IBUNAM (fishes), other Mexican institutions (fishes in part) ordestroyed (fishes in part). Obsolete as: CIFES-I, CPFESI (fishes).Current as: CIFI (fishes, Coleccion Ictiologica, Laboratorio deIctiologıa), LEUBIPRO (herps, Laboratorio de Ecologıa). Also as:CLAC-FESI (Laboratorio de Anatomıa Comparada, Chondrich-thyes and other marine fishes), UBIPRO (herps). See also:CNAR. Mexico City. Mexico.

1158. CPUM: Coleccion de Peces de la UniversidadMichoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo, Morelia. Obsoleteas: CP-UMSNH, UMSNH (fishes). Current as: CPUM (fishes).See also: INIRENA (herps). Michoacan. Mexico.

1159. INIRENA: Instituto de Investigaciones sobre losRecursos Naturales, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolasde Hidalgo, Morelia. Current as: INIRENA (herps). Also as:UMSNH. See also: CPUM (fishes). Michoacan. Mexico.

1160. UAEM: Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas, Uni-versidad Autonoma Autonoma del Estado de Morelos (CIB-UAEM), Chamilpa, Cuernavaca. Obsolete as: EBUM. Currentas: CICIB-UAEM (fishes, Coleccion Ictiologica ‘‘Dr. Edmun-do Dıaz Pardo’’), CARUM (herps, coleccion de anfibios yreptiles). Also as: UAEM (fishes). Morelos. Mexico.

1161. FCT: Facultad de Ciencias de la Tierra, UniversidadAutonoma de Nuevo Leon, campus Linares. Current as: FCT.See also: UANL. Nuevo Leon. Mexico.

1162. UANL: Facultad de Ciencias Biologicas, Universi-dad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, San Nicolas de los Garza.Obsolete as: UNL (fishes). Current as: UANL. Also as: FCB-UANL (fishes, Coleccion Ictiologica). See also: FCT (campusLinares). Nuevo Leon. Mexico.

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1163. CIDOAX: Centro Interdisciplinario de Investiga-cion para el Desarrollo Integral Regional (CIIDIR), UnidadOaxaca, Instituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN), Santa CruzXoxocotlan. Obsolete as: CIIDIR Oaxaca (fishes). Current as:CIDOAX (fishes). Also as: CPC-CIIDIR OAXACA (fishes,Coleccion de Peces Continentales), CRP-CIIDIR (fishes,Coleccion Regional de Peces). Oaxaca. Mexico.

1164. UMAR: Coleccion Ictiologica, Laboratorio de Ictio-logıa y Biologıa Pesquera, Universidad del Mar, campusPuerto Angel, San Pedro Pochutla. Current as: UMAR (fishes).Also as: CP-UMAR (fishes, Coleccion de Peces). Oaxaca.Mexico.

1165. EBUAP: Escuela de Biologıa, Benemerita Universi-dad Autonoma de Puebla, Puebla. Current as: EBUAP (herps).Puebla. Mexico.

1166. ECO-CH: El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR),Chetumal. Obsolete as: ECOCHH (herps). Current as: ECO-CH (fishes), ECO-CH-LP (larval fishes), ECO-CH-H (herps).Also as: ECOCH. Quintana Roo. Mexico.

1167. IIZD: Coleccion de Vertebrados, Instituto deInvestigaciones de Zonas Deserticas, Universidad Autonomade San Luis Potosı. San Luis Potosı. Mexico.

1168. CI-ICMYL: Coleccion Ictiologica del Instituto deCiencias del Mar y Limnologıa, Unidad Mazatlan, Universi-dad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), Mazatlan.Current as: ICMyl-MAZ. Also as: CIICMYL-P, I-ICMYL(fishes). Sinaloa. Mexico.

1169. CIAD: Coleccion de Referencia de Peces (CRP),Unidad Mazatlan en Acuicultura y Manejo Ambiental delCentro de Investigacion en Alimentacion y Desarrollo A.C.(CIAD), Mazatlan. Current as: CIAD (fishes). Sinaloa.Mexico.

1170. CES: Coleccion Herpetologica Centro Ecologico deSonora, Hermosillo. Sonora. Mexico.

1171. USON: Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo. Currentas: USON (fishes). Sonora. Mexico.

1172. CAR-ITCV: Coleccion de Anfibios y Reptiles, In-stituto Technologico de Ciudad Victoria (ITCV), CiudadVictoria. Current as: CAR-ITCV (herps). Also as: ITCV, ITT(herps). Tamaulipas. Mexico.

1173. CARIE: Coleccion de Anfibios y Reptiles delInstituto de Ecologıa, A.C., El Haya, Xalapa [Jalapa]. Currentas: CARIE (herps). Veracruz. Mexico.

1174. EBMTV: Estacion de Biologıa Marina, InstitutoTecnologico de Veracruz (ITV). Veracruz. Mexico.

1175. IBH-LT: Estacion de Biologıa Tropical de LosTuxtlas, Instituto de Biologıa de la Universidad NacionalAutonoma de Mexico (UNAM), near San Andres Tuxtla.Note: herp collection to be incorporated into CNAR. Obsoleteas: CAR-EBTT, UNAM-LT (herps). Current as: IBH-LT (herps).Veracruz. Mexico.

1176. IIB-UV: Instituto de Investigaciones Biologicas(IIB), Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa Enrıquez. Obsoleteas: MZUV (Museo de Zoologıa). Current as: IIB-UV (herps,mammals). See also: VER. Veracruz. Mexico.

1177. INIREB: Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones EnRecursos Bioticos, Xalapa [Jalapa]. Note: herp collectiontransferred to El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECO-SC).Veracruz. Mexico.

1178. ITSZ: Coleccion Cientıfica de Flora y FaunaSilvestre del Instituto Tecnologico Superior de Zongolica,Zongolica. Current as: ITSZ (herps). Veracruz. Mexico.

1179. VER: Universidad Veracruzana, Facultad de Ciecias

Biologicas y Agropecuarias, Tuxpan. Current as: VER-PEC(fishes). See also: IIB-UV. Veracruz. Mexico.

1180. CINV-NEC: Coleccion Ictiologica (CI) del Centro deInvestigacion y de Estudios Avanzados (CINVESTAV) delInstituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN), Unidad Merida [MeridaCampus], Merida. Note: established in 1986 and maintainedwithin Laboratorio de Taxonomıa y Ecologıa de Peces.Current as: CINV-NEC (fishes). Yucatan. Mexico.

1181. UADY: Colecciones Zoologicas de la UniversidadAutonoma de Yucatan (UADY), Campus de Ciencias Bio-logicas y Agropecuarias (CCBA), Merida. Current as: UADY(fishes, Coleccion Ictiologica Regional). Also as: CZOO-CCBA-UADY (fishes). Yucatan. Mexico.

1182. UMDI: Coleccion Ictiologica Regional de Referen-cia (CIRR), Unidad Multidisciplinaria de Docencia eInvestigacion (UMDI), Unidad Academica Sisal [SisalCampus], Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico(UNAM), Sisal. Current as: CIIR UMDI (fishes). Yucatan.Mexico.

1183. GPMTSU: Geological and Paleontological Museum,Taras Shevchenko Transnistria State University, Tiraspol.Note: university descended from Institute for Public Educa-tion of Moldova founded in Tiraspol in 1930, althoughTiraspol State University in Chis�inau (TSU) is the legalsuccessor of that institute. Obsolete as: SIPT (State Pedagog-ical Institute, Tiraspol). Current as: GPMTSU (fossils).Moldova.

1184. NMENHM: National Museum of Ethnography andNatural History, Chis�inau [Kishinev]. Formerly: NationalMuseum of Natural History of Chisinau (1926–1937),Regional Museum of Bessarabia (1937–1940), State Museumof History and Study of the Motherland (1957–1983),among others. Current as: NMENHM (fossils). Moldova.

1185. TSU: Tiraspol State University, Department ofGeography, Chis�inau [Kishinau, Kishinev]. Note: consideredlegal successor to Institute for Public Education of Moldova,founded in Tiraspol in 1930 and renamed MoldovanPedagogical Institute (1933–1939). Current as: TSU (fossils).Moldova.

1186. MOM: Musee Oceanographique de Monaco. Cur-rent as: MOM (fishes). Monaco.

1187. BIUB: Mongolian Academy of Sciences, BiologicalInstitute, Ulaanbaatar [Ulan Bator]. Current as: BIUB (herps).Mongolia.

1188. MPC: Mongolian Paleontological Center, Instituteof Paleontology and Geology, Mongolian Academy ofSciences, Ulaanbaatar [Ulan Bator]. Current as: MPC (fossils).Also as: GI DPS (fossils), IGM or MGI (Geological Institute),MPS. Mongolia.

1189. NHMM: Prirodnjacki muzej Crne Gore [NaturalHistory Museum of Montenegro], Podgorica. Note: collec-tions originally associated with Republican Institute forNature Protection established in 1961. Montenegro.

1190. UMFSP: Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathe-matics, University of Montenegro [Univerzitet Crne Gore],Podgorica. Obsolete as: BIP (Biological Institute, Podgorica),BZF, BZT, FSUM (Faculty of Sciences). Current as: UMFSP(fishes). Montenegro.

1191. OCP: Office Cherifien des Phosphates, ServiceGeologique, Khouribga. Current as: OCP (fossils). BeniMellal-Khenifra. Morocco.

1192. FSAC: Departement of Geologie (Paleontologie),Faculte des Sciences Aın Chock, Universite Hassan II,

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Casablanca. Current as: FSAC (fossils). Casablanca-Settat.Morocco.

1193. MHNM: Museum d’Histoire Naturelle de Marra-kech, Marrakesh. Current as: MHNM (fossils). Marrakesh-Safi. Morocco.

1194. MUAP: Musee Universitaire d’Archeologie et duPatrimoine, Oujda. Current as: MUAP (fossils). Oriental.Morocco.

1195. ISCM: Institut scientifique de Rabat, Rabat. For-merly: Institut Scientifique Cherifien (ISCR). Also as: ISCR,ISR (herps). Rabat-Sale-Kenitra. Morocco.

1196. SGM: Service Geologique du Maroc, Direction de laGeologie, Ministere de l’Energie et des Mines, Rabat. Currentas: SGM (fossils). Also as: CPSGM (Collections Paleontolo-giques). Rabat-Sale-Kenitra. Morocco.

1197. DBAEU: Departement de Biologie, Faculte desSciences, Universite Abdelmalek Essaadi [Abdelmalek Essaa-di University], Tetouan. Current as: DBAEU (herps). Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima. Morocco.

1198. EBM: Estacao de Biologia Marıtima da Inhaca,Faculdade de Ciencias, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane,Inhaca Island. Current as: EMB. Also as: EBMI. Mozambique.

1199. GNP: Collection of the E.O. Wilson BiodiversityLaboratory, Gorongosa National Park. Current as: GNP(herps). Mozambique.

1200. JPT: Private collection of J.P. Tello, Maputo [for-merly Lourenco Marques]. Note: herp collection question-ably destroyed. Mozambique.

1201. UEMM: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Museude Historia Natural, Maputo [formerly Lourenco Marques].Formerly: Museu Provincial, then Museu Dr. Alvaro deCastro. Also as: LMM (Lourenco Marques Museum),MHNMM. Mozambique.

1202. SEABRI: Laboratory of Aquatic Biodiversity Re-search Group, Southeast Asia Biodiversity Research Insti-tute, Forest Research Institute (FRI), Yezin. Current as:SEABRI (fishes). Myanmar.

1203. ZMYU: Zoological Museum, Faculty of Arts andSciences, Yangon University, Kamayut Township, Yangon.Formerly: University of Rangoon. Myanmar.

1204. GSN: National Earth Science Museum, GeologicalSurvey of Namibia, Windhoek. Includes: fossil collectionsfrom Sperrgebiet. Note: established in 1995. Current as: GSN(fossils). Namibia.

1205. NMNW: National Museum of Nambia, Windhoek.Formerly: Staatsmuseum Windhoek. Includes: Helmut Fin-keldey collection, Windhoek (HF). Note: many uncatalogedherp specimens stolen (denoted by ‘‘B’’ prefix in Broadley &Wuster 2004). Obsolete as: NMN, NMWN, SMWN. Currentas: NMNW (herps). Namibia.

1206. SMS: Swakopmund Museum, Swakopmund. Na-mibia.

1207. CDZMTU: Tribhuvan University, Central Depart-ment of Zoology Museum, Kirtipur, Kathmandu. Obsolete as:ZICT (Zoological Institution Committee). Current as:CDZMTU (gastropods) Also as: TUK, TZC (fishes). See also:NHMTU. Nepal.

1208. NHMTU: Natural History Museum of Nepal,Swoyambhu [Soyambhu], Kathmandu. Note: founded in1975 and managed by Institute of Science and Technology,Tribhuvan University; fishes collected by D. Edds (1984–1986) found desiccated in 1996. Current as: NHMTU (fishes).Also as: NHM (herps). See also: CDZMTU. Nepal.

1209. AG: Academie Groningen, Rijksuniversiteit Gro-ningen, Groningen. Note: destroyed by fire in 1906.Groningen. Netherlands.

1210. TM: Teylers Museum, Haarlem. Also known as:Teylers Strichtina Museum. Current as: TM. Also as: TMH,TSMHN. North Holland. Netherlands.

1211. ZMA: Zoologisch Museum, Universiteit van Am-sterdam. Also known as: Zoological Museum Amsterdam.Note: collections officially part of Naturalis BiodiversityCenter and relocated to RMNH, Leiden in 2012. See also:RMNH. North Holland. Netherlands.

1212. NME: Natuurmuseum Enschede, Enschede[Eanske]. Obsolete as: ME. Current as: NME (fossils). Over-ijssel. Netherlands.

1213. TW: De Museumfabriek, Enschede [Eanske]. For-merly: Museum TwentseWelle [Twentse Welle Museum].Current as: TW (fossils). Overijssel. Netherlands.

1214. MG: Museo Laurentii Theodori Gronovii, Lugdu-num Batavorum [Leiden]. Also known as: Museum Grono-vianum, Museo Lugdunensi Batavorum (MLB). Note: nolonger extant; some fishes at NHMUK. South Holland.Netherlands.

1215. NMR: Natuurhistorisch Museum Rotterdam, Rot-terdam. Current as: NMR. South Holland. Netherlands.

1216. RMNH: Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden. Note:established in 2013 as merger of Naturalis–NationaalNatuurhistorisch Museum (formerly Rijksmuseum vanNatuurlijke Historie; RMNH, RNHL), Zoologisch MuseumUniversiteit van Amsterdam (ZMA), and branches ofNational Herbarium of the Netherlands, Leiden; RMNH/RNHL preceded by Museum d’Histoire Naturelle Pays-Bas(MHNPB, MPB). Includes: collections from UniversiteitUtrecht Zoological Museum (UZ). Obsolete as: NMNHL(National Museum for Natural History, Leiden), MHNPB,MPB, RNHL. Current as: RMNH or ZMA (i.e., original ZMAcatalog numbers retained). Also as: NBC (fossils). SouthHolland. Netherlands.

1217. UU: Universiteitsmuseum Utrecht, UniversiteitUtrecht [University of Utrecht], Utrecht. Note: UniversiteitUtrecht Zoological Museum (UZ) incorporated into RMNH.Current as: UU (fossils). Also as: UUGI (fossils, GeologicalInstitute), UUN (fossils, Department of Earth Sciences).Utrecht. Netherlands.

1218. AIM: Auckland War Memorial Museum, Auckland.Formerly: Auckland Institute and Museum until 1996.Includes: herpetological collection of Joan Robb, Universityof Auckland (AUZ). Current as: AIM (fishes, herps; retainedfor consistency). Auckland. New Zealand.

1219. AU: The University of Auckland, Geological Col-lections, Auckland. Current as: AU (fossils). Auckland. NewZealand.

1220. CMC: Canterbury Museum, Christchurch. Currentas: CMC (fishes). Also as: CM (herps, fossils), CM Zfr(fossils). Canterbury. New Zealand.

1221. KA: Edward Percival Field Station, Department ofZoology, University of Canterbury, Kaikoura. Canterbury.New Zealand.

1222. KHM: Kaikoura Historical Museum, Kaikoura.Current as: KHM (fossils). Canterbury. New Zealand.

1223. NIWA: National Institute of Water and Atmospher-ic Research, Christchurch. Canterbury. New Zealand.

1224. WRM: Whanganui Regional Museum, Whanganui[Wanganui]. Manawatu-Wanganui. New Zealand.

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1225. OMNZ: Otago Museum, Dunedin. Obsolete as: OM.Current as: OMNZ (fishes, herps, fossils). Otago. NewZealand.

1226. OU: Geology Museum, Department of Geology,University of Otago, Dunedin. Current as: OU (fossils).Otago. New Zealand.

1227. SMAG: Southland Museum and Art Gallery, Inver-cargill. Southland. New Zealand.

1228. WO: Waitomo Museum of Caves, Waitomo Caves.Current as: WO (fossils). Waikato. New Zealand.

1229. NMNZ: Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongar-ewa, Wellington. Formerly: Colonial Museum founded in1865, renamed Dominion Museum (DM) in 1907, thenNational Museum of New Zealand (1972–1992). Includes:collections from Victoria University of Wellington (VUW,VUZ) and Department of Scientific and Industrial Research,Ecology Division (ED). Current as: DM (fossils), NMNZ P.(fishes). Wellington. New Zealand.

1230. NPC: National Paleontological Collection, GNSScience, Lower Hutt. Also known as: GNS Science Paleonto-logical Collection. Note: descended from New ZealandGeological Survey (NZGS, 1865–1990), DSIR GeophysicsDivision (1951–1990), Institute of Nuclear Sciences (1959–1992), DSIR Geology and Geophysics (1990–1992) andInstitute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences (1992–2005).Obsolete as: NZGS. Current as: NPC (fossils). Also as: GNS(fossils). Wellington. New Zealand.

1231. NZOI: New Zealand Oceanographic Institute,Wellington. Note: currently National Institute of Water &Atmospheric Research (NIWA); fishes possibly sent toMuseum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa (NMNZ).Wellington. New Zealand.

1232. VUW: Victoria University of Wellington, Welling-ton. Includes: National Frozen Tissue Collection (NFTC).Note: herp collection formerly deposited in Department ofZoology (VUZ) transferred to Museum of New Zealand TePapa Tongarewa (NMNZ). Wellington. New Zealand.

1233. MHUL: Museo Herpetologico de la UniversidadNacional Autonoma de Nicaragua-Leon, Leon. Current as:MHUL (herps). Nicaragua.

1234. MNBH: Musee National Boubou-Hama, Niamey.Also known as: Musee National du Niger, National Museumof Niger. Obsolete as: MNN (fossils). Current as: MNBH(fossils). Niger.

1235. UI: University of Ibadan, Faculty of Science,Zoological Institute, Ibadan. Also as: ZM/UI. Nigeria.

1236. CMIZASDPRK: Custody Museum, Institute of Zool-ogy, Academy of Sciences, Pyongyang. Also as: MIZASP.North Korea.

1237. HIFIRE: Havforskningsinstituttet [Institute of Ma-rine Research], Bergen. Current as: HIFIRE (fishes). Horda-land. Norway.

1238. ZMUB: Universitetsmuseet i Bergen, Universitetet iBergen, Bergen. Formerly: Bergens Museum, founded in1825. Obsolete as: BMN. Current as: ZMUB (fishes, herps),ZMBN (invertebrates, birds). Hordaland. Norway.

1239. ZMUO: Zoologisk Museum [Robert Colletts hus],Universitetet i Oslo (UiO) [University of Oslo], Oslo. Includes:specimens from Zoologisk museum, Kristiania (ZMK). Cur-rent as: ZMUO (fishes, herps), PMO (fossils, PaleontologicalMuseum). Also as: NHMO, UZMO. Oslo. Norway.

1240. TMU: Tromsø Museum, Universitetsmuseet, Uni-versitetet i Tromsø—Norges arktiske universitet, Tromsø.

Obsolete as: TSZV, ZMUT. Current as: TMU (fishes). Troms.Norway.

1241. NTNU: Vitenskapsmuseet, Norges teknisk-naturvi-tenskapelige universitet i Trondheim, Trondheim. Alsoknown as: Museum of Natural History and Archaeology,Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Formerly:Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab (DKNVS), Mu-seet (1926–1984); University of Trondheim until 1996.Obsolete as: VSM. Current as: NTNU-VM (vertebrates).Trøndelag. Norway.

1242. OMMSFC: Omani Aquarium and Marine Scienceand Fisheries Centre, Muscat. Current as: OMMSFC (fishes).Also as: MSFC (cetaceans). Oman.

1243. ONHM: Oman Natural History Museum, Al Khu-wair, Muscat. Current as: ONHM (herps). Oman.

1244. SQU: Sultan Qaboos University, Al Khoudh, Mus-cat. Current as: SQU (herps). Oman.

1245. QGM: Museum of Earth Sciences, Quetta. Alsoknown as: Quetta Geological Museum. Note: established ca.1957 as Departmental Museum of Geological Survey ofPakistan; presumably includes fossils cited as GSP-UM(Geological Survey of Pakistan–University of Michigancollection, Quetta). Assigned here: QGM (fossils). Balochi-stan. Pakistan.

1246. QMP: The McMahon Museum, Quetta. Also knownas: Quetta Museum (Wall 1911), but distinct from QuettaMuseum established in 1971 with Directorate of Archaeol-ogy and Museums. Note: museum built in 1904–1906;named after Sir Arthus Henry McMahon in 1911–1912;destroyed by earthquake 31 May 1935. Current as: QMP(snakes). Balochistan. Pakistan.

1247. GSP: Geological Survey of Pakistan, Islamabad.Current as: GSP (fossils). See also: QGM. Capital Territory.Pakistan.

1248. H-GSP: Harvard-Geological Survey of PakistanProject. Note: specimens to be deposited at Pakistan Museumof Natural History (PMNH). Current as: H-GSP (fossils).Capital Territory. Pakistan.

1249. PMNH: Pakistan Museum of Natural History, Islam-abad. Current as: PMNH. Capital Territory. Pakistan.

1250. GCM: Government College University, Depart-ment of Zoology, Lahore. Also as: GCMNH. Punjab.Pakistan.

1251. MSK: Private collection of Muhammed SharifKhan, Chenab Nagar [Rabwah]. Punjab. Pakistan.

1252. PU: University of the Punjab, Department ofZoology, Quaid-i-Azam Campus, Lahore. Current as: PUPC(fossils). Punjab. Pakistan.

1253. CEMB: Center of Excellence in Marine Biology,University of Karachi, Karachi. Note: uncertain whethercollections are separate from Marine Reference Collectionand Resource Centre (MRCC). Current as: CEMB-P (fishes).Sindh. Pakistan.

1254. ZSP: Zoological Museum, Zoological Survey De-partment of Pakistan (ZSD), Nishtar, Karachi. Also known as:Zoological Survey of Pakistan. Sindh. Pakistan.

1255. IUG: Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza City. Currentas: BD/IUG (herps, Biology Department). Gaza Strip.Palestine.

1256. PMNH: Palestine Museum of Natural History,Bethlehem University, Bethlehem. Note: established in2014. Current as: PMNH (herps). West Bank. Palestine.

1257. UNACHI: Universidad Autonoma de Chiriquı (UN-

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ACHI), San Jose de David. Current as: MUPADI (fishes, Museode Peces de Agua Dulce e Invertebrados), MHCH (herps,Museo Herpetologica de Chiriquı). Chiriquı. Panama.

1258. CoZEM: Coleccion Zoologica Dr. Eustorgio Mendez,Instituto Conmemorativo Gorgas de Estudios de la Salud(ICGES), Panama City. Formerly: Coleccion de Referencia delLaboratorio Conmemorativo Gorgas, founded in 1957. Cur-rent as: CoZEM (fishes, herps). Panama. Panama.

1259. MVUP: Museo de Vertebrados, Universidad dePanama, Panama City. Obsolete as: UP. Panama. Panama.

1260. STRI: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Bal-boa, Ancon. Note: houses and maintains herp collection ofCirculo Herpetologico de Panama (CHP). Panama. Panama.

1261. KFRS: Kanudi Fisheries Research Station, Konedobu.Note: associated with National Fisheries Authority (previouslyDepartment of Fisheries and Marine Resources), descendedfrom Department of Primary Industry (DPI); station aban-doned with some specimens transferred to University ofPapua and New Guinea (UPNG). Also as: DPI, FO. Papua NewGuinea.

1262. PNGM: Papua New Guinea National Museum andArt Gallery, Port Moresby. Current as: PNGM. Also as: PNGNM.Papua New Guinea.

1263. UPNG: University of Papua and New Guinea,Natural Sciences Resource Centre, Port Moresby. Includes:specimens salvaged from Kanudi Fisheries Research Station(DPI, FO, KFRS). Current as: UPNG (fishes, herps). Papua NewGuinea.

1264. MHNIB: Museo de la Tierra Guaranı de ItaipuBinacional, Hernandarias. Current as: MHNIB (fishes). Alsoas: MAI (Museo Ambiental de Itaipu, herps). Alto Parana.Paraguay.

1265. CEBM: Estacion Biologica de la Reserva Natural delBosque Mbaracayu. Canindeyu. Paraguay.

1266. CZCEN: Coleccion Zoologica, Facultad de CienciasExactas y Naturales (FACENA), Universidad Nacional deAsuncion, San Lorenzo. In error as: CZFCEN. Current as:CZCEN (fishes, herps). See also: MSUNA. Central. Paraguay.

1267. MNHNP: Museo Nacional de Historia Natural delParaguay, San Lorenzo [near Asuncion]. Obsolete as: MHNP.Current as: MNHNP (fishes, herps). Central. Paraguay.

1268. MSUNA: Museo de Zoologıa ‘‘Francisco Schade’’,Faculty of Agrarian Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Asun-cion, San Lorenzo. See also: CZCEN. Central. Paraguay.

1269. IIBP: Instituto de Investigacion Biologica del Para-guay, Asuncion. Note: includes herps from Coleccion BiologicaArnoldo de Winkelried Bertoni. Gran Asuncion. Paraguay.

1270. CZPLT: Coleccion Zoologica Para la Tierra, SantaRosa del Aguaray. Current as: CZPLT (herps). San Pedro.Paraguay.

1271. MUSA: Museo de Historia Natural de la UniversidadNacional de San Agustın, Arequipa. Includes: collection of Dr.Alfredo Corzo Masıas from University of Arequipa Depart-ment of Zoology (UADZ). Obsolete as: U.A., UADZ. Current as:MUSA (herps). Arequipa. Peru.

1272. MHNC: Museo de Historia Natural del Cusco,Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad de Cusco. Obsoleteas: MHNCP, UNSAAC. Current as: MHNC (herps). Also as: GZ(herps, Gabinete de Zoologıa). Cusco. Peru.

1273. MUBI: Museo de Biodiversidad del Peru, Cusco.Current as: MUBI. Cusco. Peru.

1274. CORBIDI: Centro de Ornitologıa y Biodiversidad,Lima. Current as: CORBIDI (herps). Lima. Peru.

1275. IMARPE: Instituto del Mar del Peru, Callao, Lima. Seealso: LCT-IMARPE (Laboratorio Costero de Tumbes). Lima.Peru.

1276. INSDAV: Instituto Nacional de Salud, Division deAnimales Venenosos, Lima. Current as: INSDAV (herps). Lima.Peru.

1277. MUSM: Museo de Historia Natural, UniversidadNacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima. Also known as: Museode Historia Natural ‘‘Javier Prado’’ (MHNJP). Obsolete as:MHNJP, MHNSM, UNMSM. Current as: MUSM (fishes, herps,fossils). Lima. Peru.

1278. URP: Museo de Historia Natural ‘‘Vera Alleman H.’’,Universidad Ricardo Palma, Santiago de Surco, Lima. Currentas: URP (amphibians). Lima. Peru.

1279. IIAP: Instituto de Investigaciones de la AmazonıaPeruana, Iquitos. Current as: GGU-IIAP (herps, GiussepeGagliardi collection), IIAP (fishes, herps). Loreto. Peru.

1280. MZUNAP: Museo de Zoologia, Universidad Nacionalde la Amazonıa Peruana, Iquitos. Obsolete as: UNAP (fishes).Current as: MZUNAP. Loreto. Peru.

1281. LCT-IMARPE: Laboratorio Costero de Tumbes, Insti-tuto del Mar del Peru, Tumbes. Current as: LCT-IMARPE(fishes). See also: IMARPE (Lima). Tumbes. Peru.

1282. UPMIN: University of the Philippines Mindanao,Davao, Mindanao Island. Davao. Philippines.

1283. AQDM: Aquaculture Department Museum of Aquat-ic Biodiversity, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center(SEAFDEC), Tigbauan, Panay Island. Iloilo. Philippines.

1284. UPVMI: Museum of Natural Sciences, College ofFisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of the PhilippinesVisayas, Miagao. Current as: UPVMI (fishes). Iloilo. Philip-pines.

1285. UPLB: University of the Philippines Los Banos,Animal Biology Division, Institute of Biological Sciences, LosBanos. Current as: UPLB (fishes). Laguna. Philippines.

1286. BSMP: Bureau of Science (BSM), Manila, Luzon. Note:completely destroyed Jan 1945 during World War II. MetroManila. Philippines.

1287. PNM: National Museum of the Philippines, Manila,Luzon. Obsolete as: NMPH, PNMI. Current as: PNM (fishes,herps). Also as: NMCR (crustaceans). Metro Manila. Philip-pines.

1288. STUM: University of Santo Tomas (UST), Manila.Metro Manila. Philippines.

1289. UPMSI: Marine Science Institute, University of thePhilippines Diliman, Quezon City. Also as: P1L (corals), PBRC(Philippine Biodiversity Resource Center, mollusks). MetroManila. Philippines.

1290. SU-RBG: Rodolfo B. Gonzales Museum of NaturalHistory, Biology Department, Silliman University, DumagueteCity. Formerly: Silliman University Biology Museum (SUBM).Includes: marine herps (e.g., seasnakes) transferred fromSUML. Obsolete as: SUBM, SUP. Current as: SU-RBG (fishes,herps). Also as: SURBG. See also: SUAKCREM, SUML. NegrosOriental. Philippines.

1291. SUAKCREM: Silliman University Angelo King Centerfor Research and Environmental Management, Dumaguete.Note: limited collection of fishes and herps that mayeventually be transferred to SU-RBG and SUML. Current as:SUAKCREM (fishes, herps). Negros Oriental. Philippines.

1292. SUML: Silliman University Marine Laboratories,Institute of Environmental and Marine Sciences, Dumaguete.Also known as: Silliman University Fish Collection. Note:

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established as university research facility in 1974 and renamedDr. Angel C. Alcala Environment and Marine ScienceLaboratories in 2009; some fishes transferred to PNM astypes; marine herps transferred to SU-RBG. Current as: SUML-FI MUR (marine fishes). See also: SU-RBG, SUAKCREM. NegrosOriental. Philippines.

1293. WPU-PPC: Western Philippines University, PuertoPrincesa City Campus, Puerto Princesa, Palawan Island.Current as: WPU-PPC (fishes). Palawan. Philippines.

1294. ISEA: Muzeum Przyrodnicze Instytutu Systematyki iEwolucji Zwierzat (ISEZ), Polskiej Akademii Nauk [Institute ofSystematics and Evolution of Animals, Polish Academy ofSciences], Krakow [Cracow]. Formerly: Institute of Systematicand Experimental Zoology (ZZSD) until 1989. Current as: ISEA(entomology, birds), ZZSiD (fossils). Also as: ISEZ, ZZS, ZZSD.Lesser Poland. Poland.

1295. ZMJU: Muzeum Zoologiczne Uniwersytetu Jagiellon-skiego [Zoological Museum of the Jagiellonian University],Krakow [Cracow]. Obsolete as: KM (herps). Current as: ZMJU.Lesser Poland. Poland.

1296. HTW: Muzeum Geologiczne, Instytutu Nauk Geo-logicznych, Uniwersytet Wrocławski [Institute of GeologicalSciences, University of Wroclaw], Wrocław [Breslau]. Alsoknown as: Henryk Teisseyre Geological Museum. Note: holo-type of Python euboicus attributed by Romer (1870) tomineralogical museum (ZPWM) is apparently lost. Currentas: HTW (fossils). See also: MNHUW (Recent fishes, herps),ZPAL (fossils). Mazovia. Poland.

1297. IZPAN: Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii, Polskiej Akade-mii Nauk [Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academyof Sciences], Warszawa [Warsaw]. Formerly: Zoological Cabinetof predecessors to University of Warsaw including RoyalUniversity of Warsaw (1819–1831), Main School (1862–1869),and Imperial University of Warsaw (1869–1915); NationalMuseum of Natural History, Zoology Department [NarodoweMuzeum Przyrodnicze, Dział Zoologiczny (NMPW)] (1919–1921); Polish State Museum of Natural History (1921–1928),renamed State Zoological Museum [Panstwowe MuzeumZoologiczne (PMZW)] in 1928; became part of the ZoologicalInstitute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in 1952. Includes:Muzeum Zoologiczne Branickich (MZBW); part of ZoologischeSammlung zu Stettin [Szczecin] (ZSS) salvaged in 1945.Obsolete as: NMPW, PMZW, ZPPAN. Current as: IZPAN. Alsoas: MIZ (birds), MZPW (birds). See also: ZPAL (fossils). Mazovia.Poland.

1298. MEPAN: Muzeum Ewolucji, Polskiej Akademii Nauk[Museum of Evolution, Polish Academy of Sciences], Warsza-wa [Warsaw]. Note: public display part of both IZPAN andZPAL; fluid-preserved fishes cited as MEPAN presumably atIZPAN. See also: IZPAN (fishes, herps), ZPAL (fossils). Mazovia.Poland.

1299. MNHUW: Muzeum Przyrodnicze UniwersytetuWrocławskiego [Museum of Natural History, University ofWroclaw], Wrocław [Breslau]. Also known as: WładysławRydzewski Museum of Natural History. Formerly: ZoologischesMuseum der Universitat Breslau [Zoological Museum Breslau].Includes: collections of Johann Ludwig Christian Gravenhorst(1777–1857), although at least half destroyed during WWII.Current as: MNHUW (herps). Also as: MNHW, MPUW (birds),NMHW (fishes), UWZM (herps). See also: HTW (fossils).Mazovia. Poland.

1300. MUZ PIG: Muzeum Geologiczne Panstwowego In-stytutu Geologicznego [Geological Museum of the Polish

Geological Institute], Warszawa [Warsaw]. Current as: MUZPIG (fossils). Mazovia. Poland.

1301. MWGUW: Muzeum Geologiczne im. StanisławaJozefa Thugutta, Wydział Geologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskie-go [Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw], Warszawa[Warsaw]. Formerly: Muzeum Wydziału Geologii (1961–2008).Includes: fossils associated with IGPUW (Institute of Geology).Current as: MWGUW (fossils). Mazovia. Poland.

1302. MZBW: Muzeum Zoologiczne Branickich [BranickiZoological Museum], Warszawa [Warsaw]. Note: established in1887; after WWI, transferred to National Museum of NaturalHistory (NMPW), now Museum and Institute of Zoology(IZPAN), Warsaw. See also: IZPAN. Mazovia. Poland.

1303. UPW: Wrocław University of Environmental and LifeSciences, Wrocław [Breslau]. Current as: UPW (fossils). Mazo-via. Poland.

1304. ZPAL: Instytut Paleobiologii, Polskiej Akademii Nauk[Institute of Paleobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences],Warszawa [Warsaw]. Note: some fossils stored at WrocławUniversity, Institute of Environmental Biology, Department ofPaleozoolgy [Zakład Paleozoologii] and cited as ZPALWr (Alsoas ZPALUWr, ZPUW, ZPW). Current as: ZPAL (fossils). See also:IZPAN (fishes, herps). Mazovia. Poland.

1305. HML: Hel Marine Station [formerly Laboratory],Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdansk [StacjaMorska Instytutu Oceanografii Uniwersytetu Gdanskiego],Hel. Also as: HEL. Pomeranian. Poland.

1306. MPT: Muzeum Przyrody i Techniki [Museum ofNature and Technology (MNtS)], Starachowice. Formerly:Museum of History of Material Culture (MHkM). Current as:MPT.P (fossils). Swietokrzyskie. Poland.

1307. ZSS: Zoologische Sammlung zu Stettin, Szczecin[Stettin]. Note: collection damaged during WWII, remainingpart transferred to IZPAN in 1945. West Pomeranian. Poland.

1308. MCM: Museu Carlos Machado, Ponta Delgada, SaoMiguel Island. Current as: MCM (fishes). Azores. Portugal.

1309. UAc: Universidade dos Acores [University of theAzores], Departamento de Ciencias Agrarias (DCA), Angrado Heroısmo, island of Terceira, and Departamento deOceanografia e Pescas (DOP), Horta, island of Faial. Note:fish specimens vouchered separately at DOP and AnatomyLaboratory of DCA; DOP restructured in 2015, splitbetween Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia and newOkeanos R&D center in Horta. Current as: Uac-DCA (fishes,Dept. Ciencias Agrarias), Uac-DOP (fishes, Dept. Ocean-ografia e Pescas). Also as: DOP/UA. Azores. Portugal.

1310. MCUC: Museu da Ciencia da Universidade deCoimbra, Coimbra. Formerly: Museu de Zoologia (MZC).Obsolete as: MZC. Current as MCUC (fossils), MCUC/ZOO(zoology). Coimbra. Portugal.

1311. AVG: Aquario Vasco da Gama, Lisboa [Lisbon].Includes: Oceanographic Collection of D. Carlos I. Currentas: AVG (fishes). Lisboa [Lisbon]. Portugal.

1312. FCT-UNL: Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia,Universidade Nova de Lisboa [New University of Lisbon],Costa de Caparica, Almada. Note: fossil collection original-ly associated with Centro de Estratigrafia e Paleobiologia(CEPUNL) established in 1975. Current as: FCT-UNL(fossils). Also as: CEPUNL (fossils, Centro de Estratigrafiae Paleobiologia). Lisboa [Lisbon]. Portugal.

1313. IICT: Instituto de Investigacao Cientıfica Tropi-cal, Centro de Zoologia, Lisboa [Lisbon]. Formerly: Junta deInvestigacoes Cientıficas do Ultramar (JICU) ca. 1973–79.

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Note: collections housed at MUHNAC, but remain inde-pendent. Obsolete as: CZL. Current as: IICT (herps, birds).Also as: CZ-IICT. See also: MUHNAC. Lisboa [Lisbon].Portugal.

1314. INIP: Instituto Nacional de Investigacao dasPescas e do Mar, Alges, Oeiras. Includes: fishes formerlydeposited at Centro de Biologia Piscatoria, Lisboa. Note:IPIMAR and Instituto Nacional de Investigacao Agraria(INIA) merged to become Instituto Nacional de Investiga-cao Agraria e das Pescas (INIAP) in 2002, which mergedwith Laboratorio Nacional de Investigacao Veterinaria(LNIV) to become Instituto Nacional de Recursos Bio-logicos (INRB I.P./L-IPIMAR) in 2006. Lisboa [Lisbon].Portugal.

1315. MACL: Museum of the Academia das Ciencias deLisboa, Lisboa [Lisbon]. Also known as: Maynense Museum.Includes: remnants of historical collections at the May-nense Museum and Real Museu da Ajuda, Lisboa (e.g.,Cretaceous fishes from Ceara, Brazil). Note: nearly allzoological and mineralogical material transferred to Museude Escola Politecnica de Lisboa (now MUHNAC) in 1859.Assigned here: MACL. See also: MUHNAC. Lisboa [Lisbon].Portugal.

1316. MG: Museu Geologico de Lisboa, Lisboa [Lisbon].Also known as: Museu do Instituto Geologico e Mineiro(IGM). Formerly: Museu dos Servicos Geologicos. Currentas: MG (fossils). Also as: MIGM (fossils). Lisboa [Lisbon].Portugal.

1317. ML: Museu da Lourinha, Lourinha. Note: founded24 June 1984; managed by non-profit, non-governmentalorganization Grupo de Etnologia e Arqueologia da Louri-nha (GEAL). Current as: ML (fossils). Lisboa [Lisbon].Portugal.

1318. MUHNAC: Museu Nacional de Historia Natural eda Ciencia, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa [Lisbon]. Alsoknown as: Museu Bocage (MB) since 1904. Formerly: Museude Escola Politecnica de Lisboa (1837–1911) which becameFaculdade de Ciencias da Universidade de Lisboa in 1911;Museu Nacional de Historia Natural (MNHN) de Lisboa(1926–2011). Includes: nearly all zoological material trans-ferred from museum of Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa(MACL) in 1859. Note: original collection destroyed bycriminal fire 18 Mar 1978, but historical archives largelysurvived; IICT collections housed at MUHNAC, but remainindependent; current Universidade de Lisboa establishedin 2012 as merger of former Universidade de Lisboa (est.1911) and Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa (established1930). Obsolete as: BML, MB, MBL, MNHNUL. Current as:MUHNAC, MUHNAC/MB06 (cartilaginous fishes), MUH-NAC/MB05 (bony fishes), MUHNAC/MB04 (amphibians),MUHNAC/MB03 (reptiles). See also: IICT, MACL. Lisboa[Lisbon]. Portugal.

1319. SHN: Laboratorio de Paleontologia e Paleoecolo-gia, Sociedade de Historia Natural Torres Vedras, TorresVedras. Current as: SHN (fossils). Lisboa [Lisbon]. Portugal.

1320. MHNF: Museu de Historia Natural do Funchal,Departamento de Ciencia da Camara Municipal do Fun-chal, Funchal. Formerly: Museu Regional da Madeira (1929–1933), Museu Municipal (Historia Natural) do Funchal.Also as: MMF. Madeira. Portugal.

1321. JCB: Private collection of Jose C. Brito, Centro deInvestigacao em Biodiversidade e Recursos Geneticos,Instituto de Ciencias Agrarias de Vairao (CIBIO), Universi-

dade do Porto, Porto. Porto. Portugal.1322. MHNCUP: Museu de Historia Natural e da Ciencia

da Universidade do Porto, Porto. Formerly: Instituto deZoologia which incorporated the museum, Estacao deBiologia Marinha and general laboratory of Universidadedo Porto under the directorship of Augusto Nobre in 1921;Museu de Historia Natural da Universidade do Porto(MHNFCP). Note: Universidade do Porto established in1911, descended from Academia Politecnica do Portoestablished in 1837. Obsolete as: MHN, MUP, MZP,MHNFCP. Current as: MHNCUP/ICT (fishes), MHNCUP/AMP (amphibians), MHNCUP/REP (reptiles). Porto. Portu-gal.

1323. MTCO: Muzeul Tx arii Cris�urilor [Muzeul TariiCrisurilor; Cris Country Museum], Oradea. Current as:MTCO (fossils). Also as: TCM (fossils). Bihor. Romania.

1324. FGGUB: Faculty of Geology and Geophysics,Universitatea din Bucures�ti [University of Bucharest],Bucures�ti [Bucharest]. Current as: FGGUB (fossils). Bucur-es�ti [Bucharest]. Romania.

1325. IACB: L’Institut d’Anatomie et de Chirurgie [In-stitue of Anatomy and Surgery], Bucures�ti [Bucharest].Note: established in late 1800s in Faculty of Medicine atUniversity of Bucharest; deposition of holotype of Glauco-nia algeriensis Jacquet, 1896 not confirmed here, butpresumably originally associated with IACB; holotype alsoquestionably associated with Institutul National de Cerce-tare-Dezvoltare pentru Stirte Biologice, Bucharest (INCDS)by Wallach et al. (2014). Bucures�ti [Bucharest]. Romania.

1326. ISBB: Institutul de Biologie Bucures�ti, Bucures�ti[Bucharest]. Formerly: Institutul de Biologie ‘‘Traian Savu-lescu’’ (IBTS) established in 1960, part of Institutul Centralde Biologie (ICEBIOL, 1973–1990), became Institutul deBiologie Bucures�ti within Academiei Romane in 1990.Obsolete as: IBTS. Current as: ISBB. Bucures�ti [Bucharest].Romania.

1327. ISER: Institutul Speologie ‘‘Emil G. Racovitxa’’,Bucures�ti [Bucharest]. Note: founded in 1920 by EmilRacovita (1868–1947) in Faculty of Sciences at Universityof Cluj (now Babes�-Bolyai University); reorganized in 1956with main headquarters in Bucharest and branch in Cluj-Napoca. Current as: ISER (biospeleological collection). Alsoas: ISB (fossils, paleontological collection). Bucures�ti[Bucharest]. Romania.

1328. MINB: Muzeul Natxional de Istorie Naturala ‘‘Gri-gore Antipa’’, Bucures�ti [Bucharest]. Obsolete as: MHNGA,MIN G (herps), NHMB. Current as: MINB (fishes). Also as:GAMNH (birds), MGAB. Bucures�ti [Bucharest]. Romania.

1329. EME: Erdelyi Muzeum-Egyesulet [The Transylva-nian Museum Society (TMS)], Cluj-Napoca. Note: foundedin 1841–1842. Current as: EME (fossils). Cluj-Napoca.Romania.

1330. MZBBU: Museum of Zoology, Universitatea Babes�-Bolyai [Babes�-Bolyai University], Cluj-Napoca. Current as:MZBBU (insects). See also: ISER (Institutul Speologie,Bucharest), UBB (fossils). Cluj-Napoca. Romania.

1331. UBB: Museum of Paleontology-Stratigraphy, De-partment of Geology, Universitatea Babes�-Bolyai [Babes�-Bolyai University], Cluj-Napoca. Note: established in 1959via merger of Victor Babes� University (name adopted in1948) and Bolyai University (name adopted in 1945);Victor Babes� University formerly known as HungarianUniversity of Cluj (1872–1881), Franz Joseph University

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(1881–1919), Romanian University of Cluj (1919–1927),and King Ferdinand I University (1919–1948). Includes:Stratigraphic Collection of the Transylvanian Basin, Alsoknown as Museum of the Transylvania Basin (MTB) andTransylvanian Basin Museum (TBM). Obsolete as: BBU,MTB, TBM (fossils). Current as: UBB MPS (fossils). Also as:MPS-BBU-CN (fossils). See also: ISER (Institutul Speologie,Bucharest), MZBBU (Museum of Zoology). Cluj-Napoca.Romania.

1332. MCDRD: Muzeul Civilizatiei Dacice si Romane,Deva. Current as: MCDRD (fossils). Hunedoara. Romania.

1333. GIUI: Geological Institute, University of Ias�i, Ias�i[Jassy, Iassy]. Also known as: Alexandru Ioan Cuza Univer-sity. Current as: GIUI (fossils). Ias�i [Jassy, Iassy]. Romania.

1334. MNSTM: Museum of Natural Sciences, TarguMures�. Current as: MNSTM (fossil sharks). Mures�. Romania.

1335. MSNPN: Muzeul de Sxtiintxe Naturale Piatra-Neamtx, Piatra Neamtx. Current as: MSNPN (fossils). Neamtx.Romania.

1336. BNM: Muzeul de Istorie Naturala Sibiu [Museumof Natural History Sibiu], Sibiu. Includes: Richard Brecknerfossil collection. Note: part of Muzeul Natxional Brukenthal[Brukenthal National Museum]. Current as: BNM (ento-mology, fossils). Sibiu. Romania.

1337. AENM: Amur Natural History Museum of theInstitute of Geology and Nature Management, RussianAcademy of Sciences, Blagoveshchensk. Obsolete as: AEHM.Current as: AEHM (fossils). Amur Oblast. Russia.

1338. RMBH: Russian Museum of Biodiversity Hotspots,N. Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research,Russian Academy of Sciences, Arkhangelsk. ArkhangelskOblast. Russia.

1339. GIN: Geological Institute of the Russian Academyof Sciences, Moscow. Current as: GIN (fossils). CentralFederal District. Russia.

1340. IEE: A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology andEvolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Alsoknown as: Institute of Animal Evolutionary Morphologyand Ecology. Note: founded in 1934. Current as: IEE(fishes), IEMEM (herps). Also as: IPEE (fishes). CentralFederal District. Russia.

1341. IORAS: P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology,Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Obsolete as: IOAN,IORAN, PPSIO. Current as: IORAS. Also as: IOM (fishes).Central Federal District. Russia.

1342. PIN: Orlov Paleontological Museum, BorissiakPaleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,Moscow. Obsolete as: PIAN. Current as: PIN (fossils). CentralFederal District. Russia.

1343. VNIRO: Russian Federal Research Institute ofFisheries and Oceanography, Moscow. Note: founded in1933 via merger of State Oceanographic Institute (GOIN)and All-Russian Research Institute of Marine Fishery(VNIIMORKh). Current as: VNIRO (fishes). Central FederalDistrict. Russia.

1344. ZMMU: Zoological Museum of Mikhail V. Lomo-nosov, Moscow State University. Formerly: Natural HistoryCabinet of Moscow Imperial University (1791–1930).Obsolete as: MMGU, MMSU, ZMM, ZMMGU, ZMMSU.Current as: ZMMU (fishes, herps). Central Federal District.Russia.

1345. IEC SB RAS: Institute of the Earth’s Crust, SiberianBranch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Formerly:

Institute of Geology, East-Siberian Branch of the USSRAcademy of Sciences founded in 1949; renamed East-Siberian Geological Institute (1957–1962). Current as: IECSB RAS (fossils). Irkutsk Oblast. Russia.

1346. ZMISU: Zoological Museum of Irkutsk StateUniversity, Irkutsk. Irkutsk Oblast. Russia.

1347. AtlantNIRO: Atlantic Scientific Research Instituteof Marine Fisheries and Oceanography, Kaliningrad.Current as: AtlantNIRO (fishes). Kaliningrad Oblast. Russia.

1348. MMBI: Murmansk Marine Biological Institute,Russian Academy of Sciences, Dal’nie [Dalnie] Zelentsysettlement. Note: founded in 1935. Current as: MMBI(fishes). Murmansk Oblast. Russia.

1349. PINRO: Nikolai M. Knipovich Polar ResearchInstitute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography, Mur-mansk. Formerly: State Oceanographic Institute of theUSSR (SOI, 1929–1933), descended from the FloatingMarine Research Institute founded in 1921. Current as:PINRO (fishes). Murmansk Oblast. Russia.

1350. CCMGE: Chernyshev Central Museum of Geolog-ical Exploration, St. Petersburg [formerly Leningrad]. Alsoknown as: F.N. Chernyshev Central Scientific Research andGeological Exploration Museum. Formerly: Central Geo-logical Museum (1930–1935). Note: closely associated withAll-Russian Geological Institute, formerly All-Union Geo-logical Institute (VSEGEI, 1939–1992), descended fromCentral Geoglogical Survey Scientific Research Institute(TsNIGRI, 1929–1939). Obsolete as: AHCCCP. Current as:CCMGE (fossil vertebrates). Also as: CNIGR, TsNIGR,TsNIGRI (fossils). Northwestern Federal District. Russia.

1351. MGRI: Russian State Geological Prospecting Uni-versity, Moscow. Formerly: Moscow Geological ProspectingInstitute, descended from Moscow Mining Academyfounded in 1918. Current as: MGRI (fossils). NorthwesternFederal District. Russia.

1352. MSPGU: Zoologicheskij Muzej, Sankt-Peterburg-skij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet [St. Petersburg StateUniversity (SPSU)], St. Petersburg [formerly Leningrad].Obsolete as: MLSU. Current as: MSPGU (herps). Northwest-ern Federal District. Russia.

1353. ZISP: Zoologicheskii Institut, Rossiiskoi AkademiiNauk [Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences],St. Petersburg [formerly Leningrad]. Formerly: MuseeZoologique de l’Academie Imperiale des Sciences de SaintPetersbourg. Obsolete as: AIS, ZIAN, ZIAS, ZIL. Current as:ZISP (fishes, herps, fossils). Also as: ZIN (fishes), ZIN PH(fossils, paleoherpetological collection). Northwestern Fed-eral District. Russia.

1354. ISEA: Institute of Systematics and Ecology ofAnimals, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy ofSciences, Novosibirsk. Current as: ISEA (herps). NovosibirskOblast. Russia.

1355. MIMB: Museum of A.V. Zhirmunsky Institute ofMarine Biology, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy ofSciences, Vladivostok. Current as: MIMB (fishes, herps).Primorsky Krai. Russia.

1356. TINRO: Marine Museum of Pacific FisheriesResearch Center, Vladivostok. Also known as: PacificScientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries andOceanography. Obsolete as: MT. Current as: TINRO (fishes,herps). Also as: TINRO-center, TINRO-tsentr. PrimorskyKrai. Russia.

1357. ZMFESU: Zoological Museum of Far Eastern State

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University (FESU), Vladivostok. Current as: ZMFESU (fishes,herps). Also as: DVGU. Primorsky Krai. Russia.

1358. KGU: Kalmytskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet[Kalmyk State University], Elista. Current as: KGU (fishes).Republic of Kalmykia. Russia.

1359. SGU: Saratov Chernyshevsky State University,Saratov. Current as: SGU (fossils). Saratovskaya Oblast.Russia.

1360. SNP: Sochi National Park, Scientific Department,Sochi. Includes: collections of fishes, amphibians andreptiles began in 1977 by Boris Tuniyev and formerlystored at Caucasian State Nature Biosphere Reserve (CSBR,CSNBR, SD CSNBR). Obsolete as: CSBR, CSNBR, SD CSNBR(Scientific Department). Current as: SNP (fishes, herps).Southern Federal District. Russia.

1361. EMKSU: Eversmann Zoology Museum, KazanState University, Kazan [Kasan]. Tatarstan. Russia.

1362. ZMTU: Zoological Museum of Tomsk State Uni-versity, Tomsk. Formerly: Siberian Imperial University(founded in 1888). Note: first herpetological collectionsreceived in 1890. Current as: ZMTU (fishes, herps). Also as:DVZeE TSU (Department of Vertebrate Zoology andEcology, Institute of Biology). Tomsk Oblast. Russia.

1363. YKM: I.A. Goncharov Ulianovskiy Regional Stud-ies Museum, Ulyanovsk. Current as: YKM (fossils). Ulya-novsk Oblast. Russia.

1364. VGI: Volga Humanitarian Institute, Volzhsky.Note: branch of Volgograd State University. Current as:VGI (fossils). Volgograd Oblast. Russia.

1365. VPM: Volgograd Provincial Museum, Volgograd.Also known as: Volgograd Regional Museum. Current as:VPM (fossils). Volgograd Oblast. Russia.

1366. AIC: Adel A. Ibrahim Collection, Ha’il University,Ha’il. Current as: AIC (herps). Saudi Arabia.

1367. KAU: King Abdulaziz University Marine Museum,Jeddah. Current as: KAU (fishes). Also as: KAUMM (fishestemporarily housed at SMF, Frankfurt am Main). SaudiArabia.

1368. SNMNH: The National Museum, Department ofNatural History, Riyadh. Also known as: Saudi NationalMuseum Natural History. Saudi Arabia.

1369. TUZC: Taif University Zoological Collection, Taif.Saudi Arabia.

1370. SNB: Departement de Geologie, Faculte desSciences et Techniques, Universite Cheikh Anta Diop deDakar [University of Dakar], Dakar. Current as: SNB(fossils). Senegal.

1371. IFAN: Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire,Dakar. Formerly: Institut Francais d’Afrique Noire (1938–1966). Current as: IFAN (fishes, herps). Senegal.

1372. IRD: Institut de Recherche pour le Developpe-ment (ORSTOM), Hann, Dakar. Note: includes herpsdeposited by Jean-Francois Trape (Coll. JFT). Current as:IRD (herps). Senegal.

1373. DPFMGB: Department of Paleontology, Faculty ofMining and Geology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade.Obsolete as: GIU (fossils, Geology Institute). Current as:DPFMGB (fossils). See also: IBISS. Belgrade. Serbia.

1374. IBISS: University of Belgrade, Institute for Bio-logical Research ‘‘Sinisa Stankovic’’, National Institute ofRepublic of Serbia, Belgrade. Also known as: Institut zabioloska istrazivanja ‘‘Sinisa Stankovic’’. Includes: herpscollected by Milutin Radovanovic (1900–1968), transferred

from Natural History Museum in Belgrade (NHMBEO);lizards collected by Vojislav Vasic in Afghanistan. Currentas: IBISS (herps). See also: DPFMGB (fossils). Belgrade.Serbia.

1375. NHMBEO: Prirodnjacki muzej, Belgrade. Alsoknown as: Natural History Museum in Belgrade. Note:founded in 1895 as Jestastvenicki muzej srpske zemlje[Natural Science Museum of Serbian Land]. Includes:osteological collection of amphibians and reptiles. Currentas: NHMBEO (fossils). Belgrade. Serbia.

1376. BIKU: Department [Institute] of Biology andEcology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac. Current as: BIKU(fishes). Also as: BIK (Biological Institute Kragujevac), FSUK(fishes, Faculty of Sciences). Sumadija. Serbia.

1377. ZRC: Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum(LKCNHM), National University of Singapore. Formerly:Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research (RMBR, 1998–2014) which housed the Zoological Reference Collection(ZRC) of the National Museum of Singapore (NMS, SNM;est. 1965), descended from the original Raffles Museum(established 1878). Includes: collections of the formerNational University of Singapore (NUS, USDZ) and Na-nyang University. Obsolete as: LKCNHM, NMS, NUS, RM,RMBR, SNM, USDZ, ZRCS. Current as: ZRC (fishes, herps).Singapore.

1378. CU: Comenius University, Bratislava. Current as:CU-RY (fishes), DE (herps, Department of Ecology), KGP(fossils, Department of Geology and Palaeontology), PRIf*ck (Prırodovedecka Fakulta [Faculty of Natural Sciences]).Bratislava. Slovakia.

1379. LFRH: Laboratory of Fishery Research and Hydro-biology, Slovak Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Bratisla-va. Also as: LFRHB. Bratislava. Slovakia.

1380. SNM: Slovak National Museum [Slovenske nar-odne muzeum], Natural Science Museum, Bratislava.Formerly: Bratislava Museum (BM), partially destroyedduring WWII on 9 Sep 1944. Obsolete as: BM. Current as:SNM. Also as: SNMB. Bratislava. Slovakia.

1381. LU: Univerza v Ljubljani [University of Ljublja-na], Ljubljana. Current as: LU (fishes). Also as: DBUL(Department of Biology), OBL (herps, Oddelek za Biologi-jo). Slovenia.

1382. PZC: Private collection of Primoz Zupancic,Ljubljana. Slovenia.

1383. SMNH: Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije [SlovenianMuseum of Natural History], Ljubljana. Current as: SMNH(fishes). Also as: ML (herps). Slovenia.

1384. AMG: Albany Museum, Grahamstown. Note: herpcollection transferred to Port Elizabeth Museum (PEM) in1993; fish collection transferred to South African Institutefor Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB). Also as: AM, A.M. (herps),AMSA/P. Eastern Cape. South Africa.

1385. ELM: East London Museum, East London. EasternCape. South Africa.

1386. JDV: Private collection of J.D. Visser, Jeffreys Bay.Also known as: JV. Eastern Cape. South Africa.

1387. KMK: Amathole [Amatola] Museum, King Wil-liam’s Town. Formerly: Kaffrarian Museum (1884–1999).Note: herp collections transferred to Port Elizabeth Muse-um (PEM). Eastern Cape. South Africa.

1388. PEM: Port Elizabeth Museum, Bayworld complex,Port Elizabeth. Note: founded in 1856. Includes: herp

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collections from Albany Museum (AMG), Kaffarian Muse-um (KMK) and Cape Nature Conservation, Jonkershoek.Current as: PEM (herps), PEM R (reptiles). Eastern Cape.South Africa.

1389. SAIAB: South African Institute for Aquatic Biodi-versity, Grahamstown. Formerly: Rhodes University, J.L.B.Smith Institute of Ichthyology (RUSI). Includes: fishcollections from Albany Museum, Grahamstown (AMG)and KwaZulu-Natal Museum (NMSA; on permanent loan).Obsolete as: RUSI. Current as: SAIAB (fishes, herps). EasternCape. South Africa.

1390. NMB: National Museum, Bloemfontein. Obsoleteas: NMBO. Current as: NMB (fishes), NMB R (reptiles). Alsoas: NMQR (fossils). Free State. South Africa.

1391. BP: Evolutionary Studies Institute, University ofthe Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. Formerly: Bernard PriceInstitute (BPI) for Palaeontological Research until 2013.Current as: BP (fossils). Also as: BPI (fossils). See also: WUM.Gauteng. South Africa.

1392. DNMNH: Ditsong National Museum of NaturalHistory, Pretoria [Tshwane]. Formerly: Transvaal Museum(TM, TMP), Northern Flagship Institution. Note: fish typesat AMG. Obsolete as: TMP, TMSA. Current as: DNMNH. Alsoas: TM (fossils). Gauteng. South Africa.

1393. WUM: University of the Witwatersrand, Johan-nesburg. See also: BP. Gauteng. South Africa.

1394. AJL: Private collection of Angelo J. Lambiris,Hillcrest. Note: to be incorporated into Durban NaturalScience Museum (DNSM). KwaZulu-Natal. South Africa.

1395. DNSM: Durban Natural Science Museum, Dur-ban. Also known as: Durban Museum (DM). Note: foundedin 1887, managed by the eThekwini Municipality. Obsoleteas: DM. Current as: DNSM (fishes, herps). KwaZulu-Natal.South Africa.

1396. DSP: FitzSimons’ Snake Park, Durban. KwaZulu-Natal. South Africa.

1397. EKZNW: Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife collections, Dur-ban. Note: provincial agency established in 1994 viamerger of the Natal Parks Board (NPB) formed in 1947and KwaZulu Directorate of Nature Conservation formedin 1972. Obsolete as: NPB. Current as: EKZNW. KwaZulu-Natal. South Africa.

1398. NMSA: KwaZulu-Natal Museum (KZN), Pietermar-itzburg. Formerly: Natal Musem. Note: entire fish collectionon permanent loan to SAIAB. Obsolete as: NM (althoughapparent on labels for ca. 8000 herp specimens), NMP.Current as: NMSA (all collections), NMSA HRP (herps).KwaZulu-Natal. South Africa.

1399. ORI: Oceanographic Research Institute, SouthAfrican Association for Marine Biological Research(SAAMBR), Durban. KwaZulu-Natal. South Africa.

1400. UKZN: University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Note: formed in 2004 after merger of University of Natal(UND) and University of Durban-Westville (UDW); smallvertebrate collection used mainly for teaching purposes(research specimens generally transferred to other muse-ums). Also as: UND. KwaZulu-Natal. South Africa.

1401. LRC: Private collection of L. Raw, Merrivale.Current as: LRC (herps). KwaZulu-Natal. South Africa.

1402. KNP: Skukuza Biological Reference Collection,Kruger National Park, Transvaal. Note: founded in the1950s. Mpumalanga. South Africa.

1403. AACRG: African Amphibian Conservation Re-

search Group, North-West University, Potchefstroom.Current as: AACRG (amphibians). North West. SouthAfrica.

1404. MMK: McGregor Museum, Kimberley, Cape Prov-ince. Also known as: Alexander McGregor MemorialMuseum. Obsolete as: K.M. and MM (herps). Current as:MMK (herps). Northern Cape. South Africa.

1405. SAM: Iziko South African Museum, Cape Town.Note: founded in 1825. Current as: SAM (fishes, herps,fossils). Also as: SAMC (fishes), SAM-K (fossils). WesternCape. South Africa.

1406. SUM: Stellenbosch University, John R. EllermanMuseum of Zoology, Stellenbosch. Western Cape. SouthAfrica.

1407. NIFS: National Institute of Fisheries Science, Busan[formerly Pusan]. Formerly: National Fisheries Research andDevelopment Institute (NFRDI; 2002–2015). Includes: somepoorly-preserved fishes from National Fisheries Research andDevelopment Agency (NFRDA), predecessor to NFRDI; fishcollection of Keitaro Uchida. See also: JIFRI. Busan. SouthKorea.

1408. PKU: Pukyong National University, Department ofMarine Biology, Busan [formerly Pusan]. Current as: PKU(fishes). Busan. South Korea.

1409. DESRI: Daegu Education and Science ResearchInstitution, Daegu. Current as: DESRI (fossils). Daegu. SouthKorea.

1410. KPE: Kyungpook National University, Daegu [Taegu].Current as: BEKU (fishes, Department of Biology, Teacher’sCollege), KPE (fossils, Earth Science Department). Daegu.South Korea.

1411. KIGAM: Geological Museum of Korea Institute ofGeoscience and Mineral Resources, Yuseon-gu. Current as:KIGAM (fossils). Daejeon. South Korea.

1412. NSMK: National Science Museum of Korea, Daejeon.Includes: presumably some fishes from Korean Institute ofFreshwater Biology (KIFB). Current as: NSMK. Also as: NSM.Daejeon. South Korea.

1413. KIOLK: Korean Institute for Ocean Life, Gapyeong.Note: listed among fish collections in Korea by Kim (2004), butno such institute found in Gapyeong. Gyeonggi. South Korea.

1414. FSIU: Laboratory of Fisheries, Department of OceanScience, College of Natural Sciences, Inha University, In-cheon. Incheon. South Korea.

1415. NIBR: National Institute of Biological Resources,Korean Ministry of the Environment, Incheon. Note: estab-lished in 2007. Current as: NIBR-P (fishes), NIBRAM (amphib-ians). Incheon. South Korea.

1416. NIER: National Institute of Environmental Research,Incheon. Incheon. South Korea.

1417. SUBC: Seowon University, Department of Biology,Cheongju. Formerly: Cheongju College of Education orCheongju Normal University, descended from CheongjuWomen’s Junior College founded in 1968; reorganized intoSeowon College in 1988 and promoted to Seowon Universityin 1992. Obsolete as: BCU, BCUE (Cheongju Normal Univer-sity), SUC. Current as: SUBC (fishes). North Chungcheong.South Korea.

1418. SLIC: Suk Laboratory Ichthyology Collection, De-partment of Life Sciences, Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan.Current as: SLIC (fishes). North Gyeongsang. South Korea.

1419. CNUC: Chonbuk National University, College ofNatural Science, Jeonju [Chonju]. Obsolete as: CNU, CNUCK,

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CUB, CUBK. Current as: CNUC (fishes). North Jeolla. SouthKorea.

1420. KNU: Kunsan National University, Gunsan [Kunsan].Current as: BKNU (fishes, Department of Biology), KNUM(fishes, Department of Marine Living Resources). North Jeolla.South Korea.

1421. CGRB: Conservation Genome Resources Bank forKorean Wildlife, College of Veterinary Medicine, SeoulNational University. Current as: CGRB. See also: SNU. Seoul.South Korea.

1422. EWNHM: Ewha Womens University, Natural HistoryMuseum, Seoul. Includes: fish types donated by Sang-Rin Jeon.Current as: EWNHM (fishes). Also as: EWU (amphibians).Seoul. South Korea.

1423. KIFB: Korean Institute of Freshwater Biology, Seoul.Note: institution cited by Ki-Chul Choi (1910–2002), professorat Seoul National University from 1948–1976, apparentlydefunct; majority of fish collection perhaps donated toNational Science Museum of Korea (NSMK); some fishspecimens transferred to Sang-myung University (SMU).Seoul. South Korea.

1424. SMU: Sang-myung University, College of NaturalSciences, Life Science, Seoul. Formerly: Sang-myung Women’sUniversity (SMWU, 1986–1996). Includes: some fishes fromKorean Institute of Freshwater Biology (KIFB). Current as:SMU. Seoul. South Korea.

1425. SNU: Seoul National University, Seoul. Formerly:Keijo Imperial University (KIU), Kyongsong University orKyongseong Imperial University. Note: historical collections,including fishes deposited by Tamezo Mori in the Laboratoryof the Premedical Department, destroyed during Korean War(1950–1953). See also: CGRB. Seoul. South Korea.

1426. SUC: Soonchunhyang University, Collection ofDepartment of Life Science and Biotechnology, Asan. Currentas: SUC (fishes). South Chungcheong. South Korea.

1427. GSNU: Laboratory of Marine Bio Education &Research Center, College of Marine Science, GyeongsangNational University, Tongyeong Campus, Inpyeong-dong,Tongyeong [Tongyoung]. Note: laboratory apparently associ-ated with Institute of Marine Industry. Current as: GSNU(fishes). South Gyeongsang. South Korea.

1428. JIFRI: Jinhae Inland Fisheries Research Institute,National Institute of Fisheries Science (NIFS), Changwon.Note: city of Jinhae merged into Changwon in 2010. See also:NIFS. South Gyeongsang. South Korea.

1429. MHNUSC: Museo de Historia Natural da Universi-dade de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela.Also known as: Museum Luis Iglesias de Ciencias Naturais.Current as: MHNUSC (fishes). A Coruna. Spain.

1430. VLS: Private collection of Vıctor Lopez Seoane(1832–1900). Note: no longer extant; some specimens donatedto MNHN, NHMUK, ZISP and other museums. A Coruna.Spain.

1431. MCNA: Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Alava,Vitoria-Gasteiz. Current as: MCNA (fishes, herps, fossils).Alava. Spain.

1432. MUPE: Museo Paleontologico de Elche, Elche.Current as: MUPE (fossils). Alicante. Spain.

1433. EEZA: Estacion Experimental de Zonas Aridas,Almerıa. Formerly: Instituto de Aclimatacion de Almerıa.Current as: EEZA (herps). Almerıa. Spain.

1434. CEP: Centro de Experimentacion Pesquera, Museo-Acuario, Gijon. Asturias. Spain.

1435. UNIOVI: Departamento de Biologıa de Organismos ySistemas, Facultad de Biologıa, Universidad de Oviedo,Oviedo. Formerly: Departamento de Zoologıa y Ecologıa,Facultad de Ciencias. Assigned here: UNIOVI. Asturias. Spain.

1436. CRARC: Centre de Recuperacio d’Amfibis i Reptils deCatalunya, Masquefa. Barcelona. Spain.

1437. CRBA: Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Biologia,Centre de Recursos de Biodiversitat Animal, Barcelona.Includes: Gabinete de Historia Natural de la Universidad deBarcelona established in 1847; zoological collections formerlyheld in Universitat de Barcelona Department de BiologiaAnimal (DBAUB; formerly Zoologia, DZV) and Institut deRecerca de la Biodiversitat (IRBio). Current as: CRBA (fishes,herps). Also as: DBAUB, UBMZ, DZV (herps). Barcelona. Spain.

1438. IBE: Institut de Biologia Evolutiva, Barcelona. Note:jointly operated by Consejo Superior de InvestigacionesCientıficas and Universitat Pompeu Fabra (CSIC-UPF). Currentas: IBE (herps). Also as: IBES. Barcelona. Spain.

1439. ICP: Institut Catala de Paleontologia ‘‘Miquel Crusa-font’’, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Cerdanyola delValles. Formerly: Institut de Paleontologia de Sabadell (IPS),Museo Provincial de Paleontologıa de Barcelona. Current as:ICP (fossils). Also as: IPS, IPSN (fossils). See also: UAB (fishes).Barcelona. Spain.

1440. IIPB: Institut de Ciencies del Mar (ICM) de Barcelo-na, Departament de Biologia Marina i Oceanografia, Barcelo-na. Formerly: Instituto de Investigaciones Pesqueras (IIP) deBarcelona (1977/8–1987), descended from laboratory andheadquarters of Instituto de Investigaciones Pesqueras estab-lished in Barcelona in 1957, itself descended from Seccion deBiologıa Marina (established 1949) of Instituto de BiologıaAplicada established in 1943 by Consejo Superior de Inves-tigaciones Cientıficas (CSIC) and originally associated withzoology laboratory at Universitat de Barcelona. Note: fishcollection formally institutionalized in 1982. Obsolete as: IBAB(fishes). Current as: IIPB (fishes), AFORO-ICM (otoliths). Alsoas: ICM, CBR (Colecciones Biologicas de Referencia). Barcelo-na. Spain.

1441. MCNB: Museu de Ciencies Naturals de Barcelona,Barcelona. Formerly: Museu de Zoologia (MZB) and Museu deGeologia (MGB), combined under new name (MCNB) in2000. Includes: Museu Martorell [Municipal Museum ofBarcelona (MMB)], built in 1878, currently houses geologyand palaeontology collections. Obsolete as: MMB (fossils), MZB(herps), MZBA (birds), MZBE (amphibians). Current as: MCNB(fishes, herps). Also as: MGB (fossils), MGB MGC (fossils,Museu Martorell). Barcelona. Spain.

1442. MCSBCN: Colegio La Salle de Bonanova, Museo deCiencias Naturales, Barcelona. Current as: MCSBCN (fishes).Barcelona. Spain.

1443. MGCB: Museu de Ciencies Naturals de Granollers[Granollers Museum of Natural Sciences], Col�leccio deBiodiversitat, Granollers. Current as: MGCB. Barcelona. Spain.

1444. MMC: Museu de les Mines de Cercs [Cercs MineMuseum], Sant Corneli. Current as: MMC (fossils). Barcelona.Spain.

1445. MSCB: Museu Geologic del Seminari Conciliar deBarcelona, Barcelona. Also known as: Museu Geologic delSeminari de Barcelona [Museo Geologico del Seminario deBarcelona (MGSB)]. Obsolete as: MGSB (fossils). Current as:MSCB (fossils). Barcelona. Spain.

1446. UAB: Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra,Cerdanyola del Valles. Note: university distinct from Uni-

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versitat de Barcelona. Current as: UAB (fishes). See also: ICP(fossils). Barcelona. Spain.

1447. SOG: Sociedad de Oceanografıa de Guipuzcoa,Museo, Gipuzkoa. Current as: SOG-Mu. Basque. Spain.

1448. UPV/EHU: Universidad del Paıs Vasco [Euskal HerrikoUnibertsitatea; The University of the Basque Country], Bilbao.Current as: UPV/EHU (fossils). Biscay. Spain.

1449. MDS: Museo de Dinosaurios de Salas de los Infantes,Burgos. Includes: collection of Club de Arqueologıa de Salas delos infantes (C.A.S.) donated in 2001. Obsolete as: PS (fossils,Paleontologico de Salas). Current as: MDS (fossils). Burgos.Spain.

1450. IEOST: Instituto Espanol de Oceanografıa, CentroOceanografico de Santander, Santander. Cantabria. Spain.

1451. CMP: Museo de la Valltorta [Valltorta Museum], Tırig[Tirig]. Current as: CMP-MS (fossils from Mas de la ParretaQuarry-Mas de Sabater, Morella, Spain). Also as: VM (fossils).Castellon. Spain.

1452. MMO: Monestir de Montserrat, Monistrol de Mont-serrat. Also known as: Santa Maria de Montserrat Abbey.Current as: MMO (herps). Catalonia. Spain.

1453. MHNAE: Museo de Historia Natural, Instituto Aguilary Eslava, Cabra. Current as: MHNAE (fishes, herps). Cordoba.Spain.

1454. MCCM: Museo de las Ciencias de Castilla-La Man-cha, Cuenca. Includes: Las Hoyas collection. Current as: MCCM(fossils), HUE (fossils, Lo Hueco collection). Cuenca. Spain.

1455. ARAN: coleccion de la Sociedad de Ciencias Aranza-di, San Sebastian. Current as: ARAN (herps), GA (fossils,Seccion de Geologıa). Gipuzkoa. Spain.

1456. BGG: Basque Government official repository institu-tion for the District of Guipuzkoa, San Sebastian. Current as:BGG (fossils). Gipuzkoa. Spain.

1457. CRTLA: Centre de Reproduccio de Tortugues del’Albera, Garriguella. Girona. Spain.

1458. MDEIE: Museu Darder, Espai d’Interpretacio del’Estany, Banyoles. Current as: MDEIE (fishes, herps). Girona.Spain.

1459. UGR: Colecciones zoologicas, Departamento deZoologıa, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada,Granada. Note: presumably includes specimens associatedwith Departamento de Biologıa, Animal y Ecologıa (DBAG),now Departamento de Zoologıa. Current as: URG, UGR-Zool.Granada. Spain.

1460. IPE: Instituto Pirenaico de Ecologıa, Jaca. Current as:IPE (herps). Huesca. Spain.

1461. ETSIM: Departamento de Zoologia y entomologia,Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieros de Montes [Universi-dad Politecnica de Madrid], Madrid. Also as: UPM. Madrid.Spain.

1462. IFIE: Instituto Forestal de Investigaciones y Experi-encias, Madrid. Madrid. Spain.

1463. MGM: Museo GeoMinero, Instituto Geologico yMinero de Espana (IGME), Madrid. Current as: MGM (fossils).Also as: MG-IGME, MG-VF. Madrid. Spain.

1464. MNCN: Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales,Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientıficas (CSIC),Madrid. Note: founded in 1771 as Gabinete Real de HistoriaNatural [Royal Cabinet of Natural History] by King Carlos IIIwith the acquisition of Pedro Franco Davila’s cabinet. Includes:Unidad de Zoologıa Aplicada (UZA) herp collection. Currentas: MNCN (fishes, herps), MNCN-PV (fossils). Also as: MNCN.Madrid. Spain.

1465. RCAXII: Real Colegio Alfonso XII Agustinos, SanLorenzo de El Escorial. Current as: RCAXII (fishes, herps).Madrid. Spain.

1466. UPUAM: Unidad de Paleontologıa, UniversidadAutonoma de Madrid, Madrid. Current as: UPUAM (fossils).Madrid. Spain.

1467. UZA: Unidad de Zoologıa Aplicada, Madrid. Note:collections no longer extant; herp, bird and mammalcollections donated to MNCN by the Comunidad Autonomade Madrid (CAM). Madrid. Spain.

1468. VBCM: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Cate-dra de Zoologıa de Vertebrados. Also known as: Museo deAnatomıa Comparada de Vertebrados. Current as: VBCM(fishes). Madrid. Spain.

1469. CFM-IEOMA: Colecciones de Fauna Marina delCentro Oceanografico de Malaga, Instituto Espanol de Ocean-ografıa, Fuengirola. Current as: CFM-IEOMA. Malaga. Spain.

1470. MZNA: Museo de Ciencias Naturales de la Universi-dad de Navarra, Pamplona. Current as: MZNA (fishes, herps).Navarre. Spain.

1471. IEOV: Instituto Espanol de Oceanografıa (IEO),Centro Oceanografico de Vigo, Vigo. Note: founded in 1917.Current as: IEOV. See also: LV. Pontevedra. Spain.

1472. LV: Instituto de Investigacions Marinas (IIM), Vigo.Formerly: Laboratorio de Vigo (LV) established in 1951 andassociated with Instituto de Investigaciones Pesqueras deBarcelona; became independent as Instituto de Investiga-ciones Pesqueras de Vigo in 1978; renamed Instituto deInvestigacions Marinas in 1986. See also: IEOV. Pontevedra.Spain.

1473. MCNUS: Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Universidadde Salamanca, Salamanca. Includes: Sala de las Tortugas[Chelonian Room], founded in 1988. Current as: MCNUS(fossils). Also as: STUS (fossils). Salamanca. Spain.

1474. COC: Centro Oceanografico de Canarias, InstitutoEspanol de Oceanografıa, San Andres, Island of Tenerife,Canarias [Canary Islands]. Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Spain.

1475. DZUL: Departamento de Zoologıa, Universidad de LaLaguna, San Cristobal de La Laguna, Island of Tenerife,Canarias [Canary Islands]. Current as: CCML (ColeccionIctiologica, Departamento de Ciencias Marinas), DZUL(herps). Also as: ZLU (herps), MZUL (arachnids). Santa Cruzde Tenerife. Spain.

1476. TFMC: Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Tenerife, partof Museo de la Naturaleza y el Hombre, Santa Cruz deTenerife, Canarias [Canary Islands]. Formerly: Museo Insular deCiencias Naturales (MCNSC) founded in 1951. Current as:TFMC (fishes, herps). Also as: TFMC-VP, TFMCVP (fishes).Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Spain.

1477. ULPGC: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,Canarias [Canary Islands]. Note: fish specimens/tissues associ-ated with Instituto Canario de Ciencias Marinas (ICCM).Current as: ULPGC (fishes). Also as: DB.ULPGC, DBULPGC(herps, fossils, Departamento de Biologıa). Santa Cruz deTenerife. Spain.

1478. CET: Centro de Estudios Tropicales, Sevilla [Seville].Current as: CET (herps). Sevilla. Spain.

1479. EBD: Estacion Biologica de Donana, Consejo Supe-rior de Investigaciones Cientıficas (CSIC), Sevilla [Seville].Current as: EBD (fishes, herps). Sevilla. Spain.

1480. MGUS: Museo Geologico, Universidad de Sevilla,Sevilla [Seville]. Current as: MGUS (fossils). Sevilla. Spain.

1481. MTTE: Museo de las Tierras del Ebro, Amposta.

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Tarragona. Spain.1482. CLH: Museo Paleontologico de Galve, Teruel. Current

as: CLH (fossils). Also as: CL, MPG (fossils). Teruel. Spain.1483. CPT: Museo Aragones de Paleontologıa, Fundacion

Conjunto Paleontologico de Teruel-Dinopolis (FCPT-D), Ter-uel. Also known as: Museo Paleontologico de Aragon. Note:foundation created by Gobierno de Aragon [Government ofAragon] in February 2004. Current as: CPT (fossils). Also as:MOAL (Molina Alto fossil collection). Teruel. Spain.

1484. CLS-MHLP: Colegio La Salle de Paterna, Museo deCiencias Naturales ‘‘Hermano Leon’’, Paterna. Also known as:Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Paterna. Valencia. Spain.

1485. MPV: Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Valencia. For-merly: Museo Paleontologico Municipal de Valencia. Currentas: MPV (fossils). Valencia. Spain.

1486. UVDZ: Universitat de Valencia, Valencia. Current as:MGUV (fossils, Museo de Geologıa), UVDZ (fishes, Departa-mento de Zoologıa). Valencia. Spain.

1487. MPZ: Museo de Paleontologıa de Zaragoza, Zaragoza.Also known as: Museo Paleontologico de la Universidad deZaragoza. Includes: fossils on loan from Diputacion General deAragon [Directorate General of Cultural Heritage of theGovernment of Aragon (GAL)]. Note: established in 1984–1985 in association with the Departamento de Paleontologıa,Universidad de Zaragoza (DPZ); MPZ now part of Museo deCiencias Naturales de la Universidad de Zaragoza (MCNUZ)founded in 2013. Current as: MPZ (fossils). Zaragoza. Spain.

1488. UPZM: University of Peradeniya, Department ofZoology Museum, Peradeniya. Current as: UPZM (herps).Central Province. Sri Lanka.

1489. BRT: Blue Resources Trust Ichthyology Collection,Marine Research and Consultancy, Kalkudah. Current as: BRT-I(fishes). Eastern Province. Sri Lanka.

1490. DWC: Department of Wildlife Conservation, Na-tional Wildlife Research and Training Center, Girithale.Current as: DWC (herps). North Central Province. Sri Lanka.

1491. WCSG: Wildlife Conservation Society of Galle, Galle.Southern Province. Sri Lanka.

1492. NARA: National Aquatic Resources Research andDevelopment Agency, Colombo. Western Province. Sri Lanka.

1493. NMSL: The National Museum of Sri Lanka, Colom-bo. Also known as: National Museum of Colombo (NMC).Includes: fishes and herps formerly deposited at WildlifeHeritage Trust of Sri Lanka, Colombo (WHT). Obsolete as:CMS, NMC. Current as: NMSL (fishes, herps), NMSL WHT (exWildlife Heritage Trust). Western Province. Sri Lanka.

1494. SNHMK: Sudan Natural History Museum, Khartoum.Formerly: University of Khartoum Natural History Museum(UKS) which incorporated collections from Gordon MemorialCollege in 1958. Current as: SNHMK. Khartoum. Sudan.

1495. NZCS: National Zoological Collection of Suriname,Anton de Kom University of Suriname, Paramaribo. Includes:collections formerly at SMP (Surinaams Museum, Paramaribo)from 1981–1988. Current as: NZCS (fishes, herps). Suriname.

1496. MZLU: Zoologiska museet, Lunds universitet [Muse-um of Zoology, Lund University], Lund. Obsolete as: MZUL,ZILU, ZML, ZMLU, ZMUL. Current as: MZLU (herps). Skane.Sweden.

1497. NRM: Naturhistoriska riksmuseet [Swedish Museumof Natural History], Departments of Zoology and Paleontol-ogy, Stockholm. Formerly: Departments of Vertebrate Zoologyand Palaeozoology until 2013. Includes: collections formallytransferred from Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien (KVA) in

1848 including alcohol preserved specimens originally fromMuseum Adolphi Friderici Regis (MAFR); over 95% of thecollections from Zoologiska institutionen, Stockholms Uni-versitet (ZIUS). Note: NRM founded in 1819 and administeredby Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien [Royal Swedish Academyof Sciences] (KVA) from 1819–1965. Obsolete as: NHR, NHRM,NHRS, NRMS, NRS, SMNH, SMS. Current as: NRM (fishes,herps), NRM-PZ C. (fossil Cyclostomata), NRM-PZ P. (fossilPisces), NRM-PZ B. (fossil Batrachia), NRM-PZ R. (fossilReptilia). See also: MAFR, ZIUS. Stockholm. Sweden.

1498. ZIUS: Zoologiska institutionen, Stockholms Univer-sitet, Stockholm. Formerly: Stockholms hogskola (1878–1960),Zootomiska Institutet (ZI). Note: over 95% of collectionstransferred to Naturhistoriska riksmuseet (NRM). See also:NRM. Stockholm. Sweden.

1499. PMU: Uppsala Universitet, Evolutionsmuseet, Pale-ontologi [Uppsala University, Museum of Evolution, Palae-ontology]. Formerly: Paleontological Museum of UppsalaUniversity. Includes: fossil collections of Magnus Bromell,Charles Sternberg, Carl Wiman and Otto Zdansky. Current as:PMU (fossils). See also: UUZM (fishes, herps). Uppsala.Sweden.

1500. UUZM: Uppsala Universitet, Evolutionsmuseet [Up-psala University, Museum of Evolution], Uppsala. Formerly:Uppsala University Zoological Museum. Includes: specimensdonated from Museum Adolphi Friderici Regis (MAFR) in1745; historical collections (1739–1750) received from Kun-gliga Vetenskapsakademien [Royal Swedish Academy ofSciences] (KVA). Obsolete as: EM, UUMZ, ZIU, ZIUU, ZMU,ZMUU. Current as: UUZM (fishes & herps, Zoology section).See also: PMU (fossils), MAFR. Uppsala. Sweden.

1501. GNM: Goteborgs Naturhistoriska Museum, Goteborg[Gothenburg]. Obsolete as: GNHM, NHMG, NMG. Current as:GNM (fishes, herps). Vastra Gotaland. Sweden.

1502. JA: Private collection of Jonae Alstromer (1685–1761). Note: donated to Carl Linnaeus and eventuallydeposited at Naturhistoriska riksmuseet (NRM) and UppsalaUniversitet, Evolutionsmuseet (UUZM). Sweden.

1503. MAFR: Museum Adolphi Friderici Regis. Also knownas: Museum Adolpho-Fridericianum; Museum principis(MP). Note: personal collections kept separately by KingAdolf Fredrik (1710–1771) at Ulriksdal and his wife QueenLovisa Ulrika (1720–1782) at Drottningholm, includingtype specimens of Carl Linnaeus (some donated to UUZMin 1745); collections united at Drottningholm in 1773(Museum Drottningholmense); generally, the king’s collec-tion (essentially specimens in alcohol) was transferred toKungliga Vetenskapsakademien [Royal Swedish Academy ofSciences] (KVA) in 1801 and the queen’s collection wastransferred to Uppsala Universitet (UUZM) in 1803; KVAcollections formally transferred to Naturhistoriska riksmu-seet (NRM) in 1848. Also as: MDR, MP. See also: NRM,UUZM. Sweden.

1504. NMB: Naturhistorisches Museum Basel [Museed’Histoire Naturelle de Bale], Basel. Note: founded in 1821.Includes: Eugen Kramer collection (Sammlung Kramer; SK).Obsolete as: MH, MHNB, NHMB. Current as: NMB. Also as:NMBA. Basel-Stadt. Switzerland.

1505. NMBE: Naturhistorisches Museum der Burgerge-meinde Bern, Bern. Obsolete as: NHM. Current as: NMBE.Bern. Switzerland.

1506. MHNF: Musee d’Histoire Naturelle de Fribourg,Universite de Fribourg, Fribourg [Freiburg]. Current as:

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MHNF (fossils). Fribourg. Switzerland.1507. MHNG: Museum d’histoire naturelle, Geneve

[Geneva]. Includes: part of private collection of JacquesGery (GSC). Obsolete as: MNG. Current as: MHNG. Geneve.Switzerland.

1508. CMK: Private collection of Maurice Kottelat,Delemont [previously as Cornol]. Current as: CMK. See also:ZSM/CMK. Jura. Switzerland.

1509. MJSN: Jurassica Museum, Porrentruy. Formerly:Musee jurassien des sciences naturelles. Current as: MJSN(fossils). Jura. Switzerland.

1510. EAWAG: Eidgenossische Anstalt fur Wasserversor-gung, Abwasserreinigung und Gewasserschutz [Swiss Feder-al Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology],Kastanienbaum. Lucerne. Switzerland.

1511. LCFM: Musee d’histoire naturelle, La Chaux-de-Fonds. Also as: MHNC, MHNCF. Neuchatel. Switzerland.

1512. MHNN: Museum d’Histoire Naturelle de Neucha-tel, Neuchatel. Note: includes Musee Zoologique de Neu-chatel (MZN). Current as: MHNN (herps). Also as: MHNNL(birds), MZN (herps). Neuchatel. Switzerland.

1513. NMS: Naturmuseum Solothurn, Solothurn. Currentas: NMS (fossils). Solothurn. Switzerland.

1514. MCSN: Museo cantonale di storia naturale, Luga-no. Current as: MCSN (fossils). Also as: MCSNL (fossils).Ticino. Switzerland.

1515. MCZL: Musee cantonal de zoologie, Lausanne.Current as: MCZL (fishes). Also as: MZL (birds). Vaud.Switzerland.

1516. MGL: Musee cantonal de geologie, Lausanne. Note:hosted by Universite de Lausanne. Current as: MGL (fossils).Vaud. Switzerland.

1517. PIMUZ: Palaontologisches Institut und Museumder Universitat Zurich, Zurich [Zurich]. Current as: PIMUZ(fossils). Also as: PIMUT (fossils). See also: ZMZ. Zurich.Switzerland.

1518. RK: Private collection of Rene Kindlimann, Uster.Note: collection with public access. Current as: RK (fossils).Zurich. Switzerland.

1519. SMA: Sauriermuseum Aathal [Aathal DinosaurMuseum], Aathal, Seegraben. Current as: SMA (fossils).Zurich. Switzerland.

1520. ZMZ: Zoologisches Museum der UniversitatZurich, Zurich [Zurich]. Obsolete as: SH, ZMUZ. Current as:ZMZ. See also: PIMUZ (fossils). Zurich. Switzerland.

1521. EK: Private collection of Eugen Kramer (1921–2004). Note: status unknown. Switzerland.

1522. NTHUB: National Tsing Hua University, Depart-ment of Life Science, Hsinchu. Hsinchu County. Taiwan.

1523. NSYU: National Sun Yat-sen University, Instituteof Marine Biology, Kaohsiung. Current as: NSYU (fishes).Also as: NSYSU. Kaohsiung City. Taiwan.

1524. FRIP: Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute, KeelungCity. Note: descended in part from Freshwater AquacultureExperiment Station, Hsiaoli and Marine Aquaculture Exper-iment Station, Taiwan. Obsolete as: TFRI (occupied inentomology by Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, Taipei).Current as: FRIP. See also: TFRI-TT. Keelung City. Taiwan.

1525. NMMST: National Museum of Marine Science andTechnology, Keelung City. Current as: NMMSTP (fishes).Also as: NMSMP. Keelung City. Taiwan.

1526. NTOU: National Taiwan Ocean University, Collegeof Life Sciences, Institute of Marine Biology, Keelung City.

Note: maintained separately from TOU-AE collection atsame institution. Current as: NTOU P, NTOUP (fishes).Keelung City. Taiwan.

1527. TOU-AE: National Taiwan Ocean University, Lab-oratory of Aquatic Ecology, Department of Aquaculture,Keelung City. Note: maintained separately from NTOUcollection at same institution. Current as: TOU-AE (fishes).Keelung City. Taiwan.

1528. MTP: Fish Collection, Matsu [Mazu] Islands,Lienchiang [Lianjiang] County, Fujian Province. LienchiangCounty. Taiwan.

1529. TESRI: Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute,Chichi Township. Note: established 1 July 1992. Current as:TESRI (herps). Nantou County. Taiwan.

1530. CUP: Catholic University Peking, New Taipei City[Xinbei]. Note: fossil herps incorporated into Field Museumof Natural History (FMNH PR). New Taipei City. Taiwan.

1531. NMMB: National Museum of Marine Biology andAquarium (NMMBA), Checheng. Note: currently housesfishes transferred from Tonghai [Tunghai] University(THUP) in 2004. Obsolete as: NMMBA, NMMBAP, NMMBP.Current as: NMMB-P (fishes). Pingtung County. Taiwan.

1532. NCHUZOOL: National Chung Hsing University,Taichung. Current as: NCHUZOOL (herps). Taichung City.Taiwan.

1533. NMNS: National Museum of Natural Science,Taichung. Includes: some herps from Tonghai [Tunghai]University (THUP), but apparently not type specimens (e.g.,Takydromus hsuehslranensis). Current as: NMNS (herps,fossils), NMNSF (fishes). Taichung City. Taiwan.

1534. THUP: Tonghai [Tunghai] University, Science Col-lege, Department of Life Science, Systematics and Evolu-tionary Biology Laboratory [formerly Department ofZoology], Taichung City. Note: fishes transferred to NationalMuseum of Marine Biology & Aquarium (NMMB) in 2004;disposition of herps unknown, although some non-typespecimens deposited at National Museum of NaturalScience (NMNS). Also as: TURL (herps). Taichung City.Taiwan.

1535. ASIZ: Biodiversity Research Museum, ChineseAcademy of Sciences [Academia Sinica], Nankang, TaipeiCity. Note: administered by Biodiversity Research Center(BRCAS). Obsolete as: ASIZT (Institute of Zoology). Currentas: ASIZ P (fishes), ASIZ AM (amphibians) ASIZ R (reptiles).Taipei City. Taiwan.

1536. BSRT: Bureau of Scientific Researches of theGovernor-General of Taiwan [Formosa], Taihoku [TaipeiCity]. Note: no longer extant; collection assembled byMasamitsu Oshima (1884–1965) who was Also associatedwith the Bureau of Civil Engineering and later with theMuseum of the Institute of Science, Government ofFormosa (ISFM, ISM, MISGF); status of herps cited from‘‘Bureau of Scientific Researches’’ by Oshima (1910) un-known except holotype of Psammodynastes compressuspossibly extant at National Museum of Nature and Science,Tokyo (NSMT). See also: MST, NTM. Taipei City. Taiwan.

1537. MST: Medical School of the Governor-General ofTaiwan [Formosa], Taihoku [Taipei City]. Note: establishedin 1899; renamed Medical College of the Governor-Generalof Taiwan in 1919 and Taihoku Medical College in 1922;status of herp collection cited by Oshima (1910) unknown.See also: BSRT, NTM. Taipei City. Taiwan.

1538. NTM: National Taiwan Museum, Zhongzheng

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District, Taipei City. Formerly: Taiwan Governor Museum[Also known as Taiwan Governor-General Office Museum,Museum of the Formosan Government, Formosan Museum]established in 1908 by the colonial government of Japanand fully completed in 1915; Taiwan Provincial Museum(1949–1999). Note: status of herp specimens cited from‘‘Formosan Museum’’ by Oshima (1910) unknown. Obsoleteas: TM, TMF, TMRL. Current as: NTM (herps), NTMP (fishes).See also: BSRT, MST. Taipei City. Taiwan.

1539. NTNUB: National Taiwan Normal University, De-partment of Life Science [formerly Department of Biologyuntil 2003], College of Science, Taipei City. Formerly:Taihoku College (1922); Taiwan Provincial College (1946);Taiwan Provincial Normal University established in 1955.Obsolete as: TNUB. Current as: NTNUB. Taipei City. Taiwan.

1540. NTUM: National Taiwan University Museums,Institute of Zoology, Taipei City. Formerly: Taihoku ImperialUniversity (1928–1945), Institute of Zoology, Taipei. Obso-lete as: NTU. Current as: NTUM (fishes, herps, fossils). Alsoas: NTUMA (amphibians). Taipei City. Taiwan.

1541. TARI: Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Tai-chung City. Note: established under Japanese rule in 1895 asAgricultural Experiment Station, Office of the Governor-General of Taiwan [Formosa], Taihoku [Taipei City];renamed Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) in1945; institute relocated to Taichung City in 1977. Currentas: TARI. Taipei City. Taiwan.

1542. TFRI-TT: Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute, Tai-tung Branch museum. See also: FRIP. Taitung County.Taiwan.

1543. EAMFRO: East African Marine Fisheries ResearchOrganization. Note: established in 1953; Zanzibar laborato-ries became Institute of Marine Sciences, University of Dares Salaam, in 1978; Mombasa laboratories became KenyaMarine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) in 1979.See also: TAFIRI. Tanzania.

1544. KMH: Private collection of Kim M. Howell (herps).Note: deposited, at least in part, at University of Dar esSalaam (UDSM). Tanzania.

1545. MUCE: Mkwawa University College of Education,Department of Life Sciences, Iringa. Note: constituentcollege of the University of Dar es Salaam. Assigned here:MUCE. Tanzania.

1546. NMT: National Museum of Tanzania, Dar esSalaam. Note: developed from National Museum of Dar esSalaam. Current as: NMT (fossils). Tanzania.

1547. OGM: Olduvai Gorge Museum, Olduvai Gorge,Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Tanzania.

1548. RRBP: Rukwa Rift Basin Project. Note: code used byTanzanian Antiquities Unit, Ministry of Natural ResourcesAnd Tourism, Dodoma. Current as: RRBP (fossils). Tanzania.

1549. SHCP: Wildlife Conservation Society, SouthernHighlands Conservation Project [Programme], Mbeya. Cur-rent as: SHCP (herps). Tanzania.

1550. SRI: Serengeti Wildlife Research Centre, SerengetiNational Park (SNP). Formerly: Serengeti Wildlife ResearchInstitute (SWRI) until 1980. Tanzania.

1551. TAFIRI: Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute,Mwanza Centre on Lake Victoria. Formerly: station of EastAfrican Freshwater Fisheries Research Organization (EAF-FRO). Current as: TAFIRI (fishes). Tanzania.

1552. UDSM: University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.Note: herpetological collection associated with Department

of Zoology and Wildlife Conservation. Includes: herps fromprivate collection of Kim M. Howell (KMH). Current as:UDSM (herps). Tanzania.

1553. ZMZ: Zanzibar Museum, Zanzibar City. Also knownas: Peace Memorial Museum, opened in 1925. Tanzania.

1554. CUMZ: Chulalongkorn University, Museum ofZoology, Bangkok. Obsolete as: CUB, CUB MZ, CUMZA(amphibians), CUZM. Current as: CUMZ (fishes, herps).Bangkok. Thailand.

1555. KUMF: Kasetsart University, Faculty of Agriculture,Museum of Fisheries, Bangkok. Note: separate from RLIKU(Research Laboratory of Ichthyology). Current as: KUMF(fishes). See also: ZMKU (herps). Bangkok. Thailand.

1556. LBSWU: Laboratory, Department of Biology, Srina-kharinwirot University, Bangkok. Current as: LBSWU. Bang-kok. Thailand.

1557. MFLB: Marine Fisheries Laboratory, Department ofFisheries, Bangkok. Formerly: Siam Department of Fisheries,Thailand Bureau of Fisheries. Current as: MFLB (fishes).Bangkok. Thailand.

1558. NIFI: National Inland Fisheries Institute, FishTaxonomy Division, Bangkok. Current as: NIFI (fishes).Bangkok. Thailand.

1559. QSMI: Queen Saovabha Memorial Institute, ThaiRed Cross Society, Bangkok. Current as: QSMI (herps).Bangkok. Thailand.

1560. RLIKU: Research Laboratory of Ichthyology, Kaset-sart University, Bangkok. Note: curated by Prachya Musika-sinthorn; separate from Kasetsart University Museum ofFisheries (KUMF). Current as: RLIKU. See also: ZMKU (herps).Bangkok. Thailand.

1561. TF: Bureau of Fossils Research and GeologicalMuseum, Department of Mineral Resources (DMR), Minis-try of Natural Resources and Environment, Ratchatewi,Bangkok. Also known as: Central Geological Museum, DMRHead Office. Formerly: Museum of Rocks and Minerals(1948–1976). Note: Department of Mineral Resources over-sees several museums including Sirindhorn Museum (SM)and Phu Wiang Dinosaur Museum, Nai Muang, Khon Kaen.Current as: TF (fossils). Also as: PW (fossils). See also: SM.Bangkok. Thailand.

1562. TISTR: Thailand Institute for Scientific and Tech-nological Research, Ministry of Science and Technology,Bangkok. Bangkok. Thailand.

1563. ZMKU: Zoological Museum Kasetsart University,Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science. Includes:questionably includes specimens cited as NRCT (NationalResearch Council of Thailand), a government agency withheadquarters on the university campus. Current as: ZMKUAM (amphibians), ZMKU R (reptiles). See also: KUMF, RLIKU(both fishes). Bangkok. Thailand.

1564. MARNM: Maejo Aquatic Resources Natural Muse-um, Maejo University, Nong Han. Current as: MARNM(fishes). Chiang Mai. Thailand.

1565. SM: Sirindhorn Museum, Sahat Sakhan. Alsoknown as: Phu Kum Khao Dinosaur Museum; SirindhornDinosaur Museum; Sahat Sakhan Dinosaur Research Centre,Department of Mineral Resources (DMR), Ministry ofNatural Resources and Environment. Current as: SM (fossils).Also as: TF (Thai fossils generally held by Department ofMineral Resources with headquarters in Bangkok). See also:TF (fossils). Kalasin. Thailand.

1566. PRC: Paleontological Research and Education

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Centre, Maha Sarakham University, Kantarawichai. Currentas: PRC (fossils). Maha Sarakham. Thailand.

1567. KZM: Khorat Zoo Museum, Nakhon Ratchasima.Current as: KZM (herps). Nakhon Ratchasima. Thailand.

1568. NRRU: Collection of the Museum of PetrifiedWood and Mineral Resources, Nakhon Ratchasima RajabhatUniversity, Nakhon Ratchasima. Current as: NRRU (fossils).Nakhon Ratchasima. Thailand.

1569. WURC: Walailak University Reference Collection,Tha Sala District. Current as: WURC (fishes). Nakhon SiThammarat. Thailand.

1570. THNHM: Thailand Natural History Museum, Na-tional Science Museum (NSM), Technopolis, Klong Luang.Includes: specimens formerly vouchered as CTNRC or TNRC(Thai National Reference Collection); Robert F. Ingercollection (herps). Obsolete as: NHMT, TNSM (ThailandNational Science Museum). Current as: THNHM (fishes,herps). Pathum Thani. Thailand.

1571. SHM: Srisuk’s House Museum, Khao Yoi. Currentas: SHM (fossils). Petchaburi. Thailand.

1572. PMBC: phu*ket Marine Biological Centre, phu*ket.Current as: PMBC (fishes). phu*ket. Thailand.

1573. NICA: National Institute of Coastal Aquaculture,Songkhla. Songkhla. Thailand.

1574. PSUZC: Prince of Songkla University, ZoologicalCollection. Also known as: The Fifty Year Anniversary ofPrincess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Natural History Museum.Current as: PSUZC-RT (Reptile Section). Songkhla. Thailand.

1575. UNMF: Ubon Ratchathani Natural History Muse-um of Fisheries, Ubon Ratchathani University, WarinChamrap. Current as: UNMF (fishes). Ubon Ratchathani.Thailand.

1576. UL: University of Lome, Lome. Formerly: Univer-site du Benin (1970–2001). Includes: herps deposited byGabriel Hoinsoude Segniagbeto (Coll. GHS-W, coll. GHS-Togo). Obsolete as: UBL. Current as: UL. Togo.

1577. CAREC: Caribbean Epidemiology Centre, Federa-tion Park. Formerly: Trinidad Regional Virus Laboratory(TRVL). Current as: CAREC (herps). Trinidad. Trinidad &Tobago.

1578. CGM: Coast Guard Museum, Chaguaramas. Note:collections of fishes and marine invertebrates by staff.Current as: CGM (fishes). Trinidad. Trinidad & Tobago.

1579. IMA: Institute of Marine Affairs, Chaguaramas.Current as: IMA. Trinidad. Trinidad & Tobago.

1580. MALF: Ministry of Agriculture, Lands and Fisher-ies, Fisheries Division, Port of Spain. Note: collection ofmarine fishes by staff. Current as: MALF (fishes). Trinidad.Trinidad & Tobago.

1581. UWIZM: University of the West Indies at St.Augustine, Zoology Museum. Formerly: Imperial College ofTropical Agriculture (1921–1960). Current as: UWIZM.Trinidad. Trinidad & Tobago.

1582. WBTRS: William Beebe Tropical Research Station,Arima Valley. Also known as: Simla. Formerly: New YorkZoological Society’s Tropical Research Station. Obsolete as:TRS. Current as: WBTRS. Trinidad. Trinidad & Tobago.

1583. FST: Ichthyological Collection, Faculte des Scienc-es de Tunis, Universite Tunis El Manar, Tunis. Current as:FST (fishes). Tunisia.

1584. ONM NG: Musee de l’Office National Des Mines,Ministere de l’Industrie et de la Technologie, Tunis. Obsoleteas: BM. Current as: ONM NG (fossils). Tunisia.

1585. ZMADYU: Zoology Museum of Ad ıyamanUniversitesi [Adiyaman University], Adıyaman [Adiyaman].Current as: ZMADYU (herps). Adıyaman [Adiyaman]. Tur-key.

1586. CGE: Private collection of Fitnat Guler Ekmekci,Hacettepe Universitesi [Hacettepe University], Ankara. Seealso: HUIC. Ankara. Turkey.

1587. HUIC: Hacettepe Universitesi [Hacettepe Universi-ty], Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Ichthyolog-ical Collection, Ankara. Current as: HUIC (fishes). See also:CGE. Ankara. Turkey.

1588. METUGM: Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi [MiddleEast Technical University], Geology Museum. Current as:METUGM (fossils). Ankara. Turkey.

1589. ZMADU: Adnan Menderes Universitesi (ADU)[Adnan Menderes University], Zooloji Muzesi, Aydın [Ay-din]. Includes: Kurtulus� Olgun Collection (KOC), BiologicalDepartment. Current as: ZMADU (fishes). Aydın [Aydin].Turkey.

1590. COMU-ZDEU: Molecular Zootaxonomy LaboratoryCollection, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Canakkale.Current as: COMU-ZDEU (herps). See also: PRM (fishes).Canakkale. Turkey.

1591. PRM: Piri Reis Marine Museum, Canakkale Onse-kiz Mart University (COMU), Canakkale. Current as: PRM-PIS (fishes). See also: COMU-ZDEU (herps). Canakkale.Turkey.

1592. DUM: Dicle Universitesi, Fen Fakultesi, zoolojimuzesi [Dicle University, Faculty of Science, ZoologicalMuseum], Diyarbakır [Diyarbakir]. Diyarbakır [Diyarbakir].Turkey.

1593. IFC-ESUF: Inland Fishes Collection, Egirdir Suurunleri Fakultesi [Faculty of Fisheries], Suleyman DemirelUniversitesi [Suleyman Demirel University], Isparta. Currentas: IFC-ESUF (fishes). See also: SCFK-SDU. Isparta. Turkey.

1594. SCFK-SDU: Private collection of Fahrettin Kucuk,Egirdir Su urunleri Fakultesi [Faculty of Fisheries], SuleymanDemirel Universitesi [Suleyman Demirel University], Ispar-ta. See also: IFC-ESUF. Isparta. Turkey.

1595. ZMUI: Istanbul Universitesi Zooloji Muzesi [Zool-ogy Museum of Istanbul University], Fatih, Istanbul. Note:founded in the 1920s. Current as: ZMUI (herps). Also as:IUSHM (fishes, Hydrobiology Museum). Istanbul. Turkey.

1596. ESFM: Ege Universitesi, Su Urunleri Fakultesi [EgeUniversity, Faculty of Fisheries], Bornova, Izmir [Izmir].Current as: ESFM or ESFM-PISI (inland water fish collection,Faculty of Fisheries). See also: ZDEU (herps). Izmir [Izmir].Turkey.

1596.5. NHVUIC: (see Addendum)1597. ZDEU: Sistematik Zooloji, Ege Universitesi [Zoolo-

gy Department, Ege University], Bornova, Izmir [Izmir].Note: museum founded in 1961. Obsolete as: SZE (herps).Current as: ZDEU (herps). See also: ESFM (inland water fishcollection, Faculty of Fisheries). Izmir [Izmir]. Turkey.

1598. FFR: Zoology Museum, Faculty of Fisheries, RecepTayyip Erdogan Universitesi (RTEU), Rize. Formerly: RizeUniversity (2006–2012) which separated from KaradenizTeknik Universitesi [Black Sea Technical University (KZL)] in2006. Current as: FFR (fishes). Rize. Turkey.

1599. ZMHRU: Zoological Museum of Harran University[Harran Universitesi], Osmanbey Campus, Sxanlıurfa [Urfa].Current as: ZMHRU (herps). Sxanlıurfa [Urfa]. Turkey.

1600. KZL: Department of Biology, Faculty of science,

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Karadeniz Teknik Universitesi [Karadeniz Technical Univer-sity], Trabzon. Also known as: Black Sea Technical Univer-sity. Current as: KZL (herps). Trabzon. Turkey.

1601. YYU-ZF: Private collection of Mahmut Elp, Fisher-ies Faculty, Van Yuzuncu Yıl University, Van. Van. Turkey.

1602. IZTA: Institute of Zoology, Turkmenistanyn Ylym-lar akademiyasy [Turkmen Academy of Sciences], Ashgabat.Turkmenistan.

1603. MUZM: Makerere University Zoology Museum,Kampala. Current as: MUZM (herps). Uganda.

1604. CKRM: Cherkasy Regional Museum, Cherkasy.Current as: CKRM. Cherkasy. Ukraine.

1605. ZMCKU: The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National Uni-versity of Cherkasy, Cherkasy. Also known as: CherkasyNational University. Current as: ZMCKU. Cherkasy. Ukraine.

1606. ZMNSU: Zoological Museum, Nizhyn Gogol StateUniversity, Nızyn [Nizhyn]. Current as: ZMNSU. Chernihiv.Ukraine.

1607. CHER: Zoological Museum, Yurii Fedkovych Cher-nivtsi National University, Chernivtsi. Current as: CHER.Chernivtsi. Ukraine.

1608. TNU: V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University,Simferopol. Current as: TNU. Crimea. Ukraine.

1609. YugNIRO: Southern Scientific Research Institute ofMarine Fisheries and Oceanography, Kerch. Formerly: Azov-Black Seas Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheriesand Oceanography (AzCherNIRO) until 1989. Obsolete as:AzCherNIRO. Current as: YugNIRO (fishes). Crimea. Uk-raine.

1610. ZMDU: Zoological Museum, Oles Honchar DniproNational University, Dnipro [ex Dnipropetrovsk]. Alsoknown as: Dnipropetrovsk State University. Current as:ZMDU. Dnipropetrovsk. Ukraine.

1611. ZMKRU: Kryvyi Rih National University, KryvyiRih [Krivoy Rog]. Current as: ZMKRU. Dnipropetrovsk.Ukraine.

1612. ZMPRU: Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian NationalUniversity, Ivano-Frankivsk. Current as: ZMPRU. Ivano-Frankivsk. Ukraine.

1613. MNKhU: Museum of Nature at V.N. KarazinKharkiv National University [Karazin University], Kharkiv[Kharkov]. Includes: Zoological Cabinet of Imperial KharkivUniversity (ZCIKU). Obsolete as: KSU (Kharkov State Uni-versity), MNKhNU, MPKhU, ZCIKU, ZDKU. Current as:MNKhU. Also as: MNKNU (herps). Kharkiv. Ukraine.

1614. ZMKNU: Zoological Museum, Kherson State Uni-versity, Kherson. Current as: ZMKNU. Kherson. Ukraine.

1615. NMNHU: National Museum of Natural History,National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU), Kyiv[Kiev]. Includes: M. Shcherbak Zoological Museum and V.Topachevsky Palaeontological Museum. Note: Zoologicaland Paleontological departments were part of Institute ofZoology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IZAN,now SIZK) from 1939–1998. Obsolete as: HHPM HAHU

[NNPM NASU], IK, IZ, IZAN, IZANU, IZAS, IZASU, IZU,NASU, NMNH, NMNH-P, NNHMK, ZM NASU, ZMAU, ZIK,ZIKP, ZMNHMK, ZMUAS. Current as: NMNHU, NMNHU-Z(Department of Zoology, fishes, herps), NMNHU-P (fossils,Department of Paleontology). See also: SIZK. Kiev. Ukraine.

1616. SIZK: I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology,National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv [Kiev]. Note:Zoological museum established in 1919; from 1939–1998,Institute of Zoology (IZAN) included Zoological and

Paleontological departments that are now part of NationalMuseum of Natural History, National Academy of Sciencesof Ukraine (NMNHU). Obsolete as: IZAN (parasites). Currentas: SIZK. See also: NMNHU. Kiev. Ukraine.

1617. ZMKU: Zoological Museum, Taras ShevchenkoNational University of Kyiv, Kyiv [Kiev]. Also known as:Kiev University Zoological Museum, Kyiv National Univer-sity. Current as: ZMKU. Kiev. Ukraine.

1618. ZMUD: Zoological Museum, Stepan DemyanchukInternational Economic and Humanities University, Kyiv[Kiev]. Current as: ZMUD. Kiev. Ukraine.

1619. ZMLG: Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National Uni-versity, Starobilsk [ex Lugansk]. Also known as: University ofLuhansk. Current as: ZMLG. Luhansk. Ukraine.

1620. SNHM: State Museum of Natural History, NationalAcademy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv. Current as: SNHM.Lviv. Ukraine.

1621. ZMD: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv,Lviv. Also known as: The Benedict Dybowski ZoologicalMuseum. Current as: ZMD. Lviv. Ukraine.

1622. ZMLAU: Zoological Museum, Lviv National Agrar-ian University, Dubliany. Current as: ZMLAU. Lviv. Ukraine.

1623. ZMLVU: Zoological Museum, Lviv National Uni-versity of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology, Lviv.Current as: ZMLVU. Lviv. Ukraine.

1624. ZMOU: Zoological Museum, I. Mechnikov OdessaNational University, Odessa. Also known as: Brauner Zoo-logical Museum (BZM). Obsolete as: ONUZM. Current as:ZMOU. Odessa. Ukraine.

1625. IMBR: A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Marine Biolog-ical Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol.Formerly: A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of theSouthern Seas, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (IBSS) from1963–2014, descended from the Sevastopol BiologicalStation (SBS) founded in 1871. Note: questionably associat-ed with the Sevastopol Experimental Design Bureau forUnderwater Investigation (SEKPB) listed by Leviton andGibbs (1988:281). Sevastopol. Ukraine.

1626. ZMSPU: Zoological Museum, Sumy State Pedagog-ical University, Sumy. Current as: ZMSPU. Sumy. Ukraine.

1627. ZMTPU: Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk NationalPedagogical University, Ternopil. Current as: ZMTPU. Terno-pil. Ukraine.

1628. ZMDONU: Zoological Museum, Vasyl’ Stus Do-netsk National University, Vinnytsya [Vinnytsia]. Currentas: ZMDONU. Vinnytsya [Vinnytsia]. Ukraine.

1629. ZMVU: Zoological Mukseum of Vinnytsya StatePedagogical University, Vinnytsya [Vinnytsia]. Current as:ZMVU. Vinnytsya [Vinnytsia]. Ukraine.

1630. TMRS: The Transcarpathian Museum of RegionalStudies, Uzhhorod [Uzhgorod]. Formerly: Mukachiv Histor-ical Regional Museum ‘‘Tyvodar Legotsky’’ (1924); ‘‘Prosvi-ta’’ Regional Community Museum in Uzhgorod (1928).Current as: TMRS (fossils). Zakarpattia. Ukraine.

1631. UZZM: Zoological Museum, Uzhhorod NationalUniversity, Uzhhorod [Uzhgorod]. Also known as: ZoologicalMuseum of Uzhnu. Obsolete as: UzhNU, UZNU, ZMUZ,ZMUZU. Current as: UZZM. Zakarpattia. Ukraine.

1632. ZMZNU: Zaporizhzhya National University, Zapor-izhia. Current as: ZMZNU. Zaporizhia. Ukraine.

1633. ZMZHU: Zhytomyr State University of IvanFranko, Zhytomyr. Current as: ZMZHU. Zhytomyr. Ukraine.

1634. ADIAS: Abu Dhabi Islands Archaeological Survey

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storage facility, Abu Dhabi. Includes: fossil collections madeby Peter Whybrow and Andrew Hill. Current as: ADIAS(fossils). United Arab Emirates.

1635. AUH: Al Ain National Museum, Abu DhabiTourism and Culture Authority, Al Ain. Also known as: AlAin Museum. Formerly: Abu Dhabi Authority for Cultureand Heritage (merged into the Tourism and CultureAuthority in 2012). Current as: AUH (fossils). United ArabEmirates.

1636. SNHM: Sharjah Natural History Museum, Sharjah.Current as: SNHM (cetaceans). United Arab Emirates.

1637. AGT: Alfred Gillett Trust Fossil Collection, Street,Somerset. Current as: AGT (fossils). England. United King-dom.

1638. BGS: British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Not-tingham. Current as: BGS (fossils). Also as: BGS GSM(fossils). England. United Kingdom.

1639. BMAG: Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, Bristol.Current as: BMAG (fishes, fossils), CBMAG (herps). Also as:BRSMG (fossils), BCMAG (birds). England. United King-dom.

1640. BMB: Booth Museum of Natural History, Brighton.Note: established in 1874; part of Royal Pavilion &Museums, Brighton and Hove. Includes: geological collec-tions formerly on display in the Geological Gallery ofBrighton Museum (dismantled ca. 1947). Current as: BMB(fossils). Also as: BMNHB (fossils). England. United King-dom.

1641. BMT: Birmingham Museums Trust, Birmingham.Includes: fossils originally accessioned into collections ofBirmingham Museum and Art Gallery (BMAG) and nowhoused in the Thinktank Science Museum (TSM). Current as:BMT (fossils). England. United Kingdom.

1642. BRSUG: University of Bristol, Department of EarthSciences, Bristol. Current as: BRSUG (fossils). England.United Kingdom.

1643. CAMSM: The Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences,University of Cambridge, Cambridge. Current as: CAMSM(fossils). Also as: SM (fossils). See also: UMZC. England.United Kingdom.

1644. DCM: The Dorset County Museum, Dorchester,Dorset. Includes: fossils from Corfe Castle Museum trans-ferred in 1894. Note: much of non-type material transferredto NHMUK in 1958. Current as: DCM (fossils). Also as:DORCM (fossils). England. United Kingdom.

1645. DJ: Collection of Palaeontology, British AntarcticSurvey, Cambridge. Current as: DJ (fossils). England. UnitedKingdom.

1646. DZSWS: The Wiltshire Museum, Devizes. Formerly:Wiltshire Heritage Museum; Devizes Museum. Current as:DZSWS (fossils). England. United Kingdom.

1647. FPM: Museum of Natural History and PathologicalAnatomy, Fort Pitt, Chatham. Also known as: NaturalHistory Museum of the Army Medical Department (Burton1838). Note: human anatomical museum established in1814, natural history specimens separated in 1829; cited as‘‘Military medical Museum in Chatham’’ by Valenciennes(1839:47); museum relocated to Royal Army MedicalDepartment (R.A.M.) at Royal Victoria Hospital in Netleyca. 1862 (no longer extant); some specimens (bearingR.A.M. labels) eventually transferred to NHMUK (see Carter& Dolan 1978). Also as: AMSC. England. United Kingdom.

1648. HASMG: Hastings Museum and Art Gallery, Hast-

ings. Current as: HASMG (fossils). England. United King-dom.

1649. HLM: Holophusicon: The Leverian Museum, Lon-don. Note: natural history and ethnographic collectionassembled by Ashton Lever (1729–1788); located first atLeicester House on Leicester Square (1775–1786), thenBlackfriars Bridge where it was often known as the MuseumLeverianum; auctioned in 1806 and purchased by severalmuseums, including Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien(NMW). England. United Kingdom.

1650. HM: Great North Museum: Hanco*ck, Newcastleupon Tyne. Formerly: Hanco*ck Museum (1884–2006).Current as: HM (fossils). England. United Kingdom.

1651. HMG: Haslar Medical Museum, Royal Naval Hos-pital, Gosport. Note: collections transfered to NaturalHistory Museum, London (NHMUK). England. UnitedKingdom.

1652. IOS: Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Worm-ley, Godalming. Includes: Deacon Laboratory (IOSDL). Note:merged into Southampton Oceanography Centre andrenamed National Oceanography Centre, Southampton(NOCS) in 1996; renamed Natural Environment ResearchCouncil (NERC) in 2005. England. United Kingdom.

1653. KMAG: Keswick Museum and Art Gallery, Keswick.England. United Kingdom.

1654. LDHRN: Horniman Museum and Gardens, Lon-don. Includes: fossils collected by Walter H. Bennett,acquired from Croydon Natural History & Scientific Societyin 1989. Current as: LDHRN-NH (Natural History collec-tion). Also as: NH (fossils). England. United Kingdom.

1655. LEICT: New Walk Museum and Art Gallery,Leicester. Current as: LEICT (fossils). England. UnitedKingdom.

1656. LINN: The Linnean Society of London, London.Obsolete as: LS, LSL. Current as: LINN. England. UnitedKingdom.

1657. LIVCM: World Museum, Liverpool. Formerly: Liver-pool Museum. Also as: LIV, WML. England. UnitedKingdom.

1658. LMR: Lyme Regis Museum, Lyme Regis, Dorset.England. United Kingdom.

1659. MAS: Private collection of Malcolm A. Smith,London. Note: some herps transferred to Natural HistoryMuseum, London (NHMUK). England. United Kingdom.

1660. MIWG: Dinosaur Isle Museum, Sandown. Formerly:Museum of Isle of Wight Geology (MIWG). Current as:MIWG (fossils) or IWCMS (fossils from 1994 onwards, Isleof Wight County Museums Service). England. UnitedKingdom.

1661. MJML: Museum of Jurassic Marine Life, Ashfield,Kimmeridge, Dorset. England. United Kingdom.

1662. MM: Manchester Museum, University of Man-chester, Manchester. Current as: MM (fossils). Also as:MANCH (fossils). England. United Kingdom.

1663. NHMUK: Natural History Museum, London. For-merly: British Museum (Natural History). Includes: WalterRothschild collection housed separately in Tring; herpsfrom the private collection of Malcolm A. Smith (MAS).Obsolete as: BM, NHM P (fossils), NHML. Current as:NHMUK (preferred for citing specimens as of 1 Jan 2011),NHMUK PV (paleovertebrate collections). Also as: BMNH.England. United Kingdom.

1664. OUM: Oxford University Museum of Natural

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History, Oxford. Includes: natural history collections heldseparately by Ashmolean Museum and Anatomical Museumof Christ Church, Oxford, both transferred to OUMbetween 1860–1866. Current as: OUM. Also as: OUMNH(fossils), OUMNH.ZC. England. United Kingdom.

1665. PETMG: Peterborough Museum and Art Gallery,Peterborough. Current as: PETMG (fossils). England. UnitedKingdom.

1666. PHGM: Penlee House Gallery and Museum, Pen-zance. Formerly: Penzance Museum; Penzance NaturalHistory and Antiquarian Society. England. United King-dom.

1667. RCSHC: Royal College of Surgeons of EnglandMuseum, London. Formerly: Company of Surgeons (1745–1800). Includes: collection of John Hunter (1728–1793),also known as Hunterian Collection or Museum, purchasedin 1799. Note: collections partially destroyed during WWIIon 10 May 1941. Obsolete as: RCSOM. Current as: RCSHC(fossils, Hunterian Collection). Also as: RCS (fossils), RCSL(fishes), RCSM (herps). England. United Kingdom.

1668. RNHG: Royal Naval Hospital Gillingham, MedicalMuseum, Chatham, London. Note: erroneously cited asrepository for paralectotype of Carcharhinus falciformis(Muller & Henle 1839) which was originally deposited atMuseum of Natural History and Pathological Anatomy, FortPitt, Chatham (FPM). England. United Kingdom.

1669. RUSM: Royal United Service Museum, RoyalUnited Services Institute, Whitehall, London. Note: statusunknown, collection probably donated in part to NaturalHistory Museum, London (NHMUK). England. UnitedKingdom.

1670. SDM: Museum in the Park, Stroud, Gloucester-shire. Formerly: Stroud and District Museum (1983–2001),descended from the Cowle Museum. Current as: SDM(fossils). England. United Kingdom.

1671. TTNCM: Somerset County Museum, Taunton. Alsoknown as: Museum of Somerset. Current as: TTNCM(fossils). England. United Kingdom.

1672. UMZC: University Museum of Zoology, Universityof Cambridge, Cambridge. Note: formed in 1877 viacombination of collections of Museum of ComparativeAnatomy (built in 1865) and Cambridge PhilosophicalSociety (founded in 1819). Obsolete as: CUMZ (birds), UCFP(Faculty of Philosophy), UMCZ, ZMC. Current as: UMZC(fishes, herps). See also: CAMSM (fossils, Sedgwick Muse-um). England. United Kingdom.

1673. UOP: University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth.Current as: UOP (fossils). England. United Kingdom.

1674. WARMS: Warwickshire Museum, Warwick. Currentas: WARMS (fossils). England. United Kingdom.

1675. ZSL: Zoological Society of London, London. Note:founded in 1825; collection dispersed in 1854 to NaturalHistory Museum, London (NHMUK) and other localcollections. England. United Kingdom.

1676. BELUM: The Ulster Museum, Department ofNatural Sciences, Belfast. Northern Ireland. United King-dom.

1677. AUGD: University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen. Currentas: AUGD (fossils, Geology Department), AUZD (herps,Zoology Department). Scotland. United Kingdom.

1678. DUNUC: The D’Arcy Thompson Zoology Museum,Dundee College of Education collection, University ofDundee, Dundee. Note: founded in 1881 as University

College, Dundee; incorporated within University of StAndrews in 1897, regained independent status in 1967.Includes: fishes collected by Captain F.W. Hutton. Currentas: DUNUC. Scotland. United Kingdom.

1679. GLAHM: The Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery,University of Glasgow, Glasgow. Obsolete as: GMNGZ,HMG. Current as: GLAHM (fishes, fossils). See also: RCSHC.Scotland. United Kingdom.

1680. GSE: British Geological Survey, Edinburgh. Cur-rent as: GSE (fossils). Scotland. United Kingdom.

1681. NMSZ: National Museums of Scotland, Edin-burgh. Formerly: Edinburgh Museum of Science and Artopened in 1866, renamed Royal Scottish Museum (RSM) in1904. Includes: private collection of T.S. Traill (TST).Obsolete as: RSM. Current as: NMSZ. Also as: NMS (herps,fossils), NMSE (birds). Scotland. United Kingdom.

1682. RCSE: Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh,Surgeons’ Hall Museums, Edinburgh. Scotland. UnitedKingdom.

1683. TST: Private collection of T.S. Traill (herps). Note:incorporated into National Museums of Scotland (NMSZ).Scotland. United Kingdom.

1684. NMWZ: National Museum Cardiff, AmgueddfaCymru [National Museum of Wales], Cardiff. Current as:NMWZ or NMW.Z (Zoology). Also as: NMWC (birds).Wales. United Kingdom.

1685. VNHM: Virtual Natural History Museum [website].Current as: VNHM-ID (images of fossils). United Kingdom.

1686. MHD: Museo Historico Departamental de Artigas,Artigas. Current as: MHD-P (fossils). Artigas. Uruguay.

1687. MMC: Museo Municipal de Colonia ‘‘Dr. BautistaRebuffo’’, Colonia del Sacramento. Current as: MMC(fossils). Colonia. Uruguay.

1688. MMNP: Museo Municipal de Nueva Palmira‘‘Francisco Lucas Roselli’’, Nueva Palmira. Current as:MMNP (fossils). Colonia. Uruguay.

1689. MPAC: Museo Paleontologico ‘‘Armando Calcater-ra’’, Colonia del Sacramento. Current as: MPAC (fossils).Colonia. Uruguay.

1690. CECN: Centro de Estudios de Ciencias Naturales,Montevideo. Note: herp collection housed at MuseoNacional de Historia Natural, Montevideo (MHNM) sinceca. 1996; specimens re-numbered, but also retain originalCECN numbers too. Current as: CECN-A (amphibians) &CECN-R (reptiles). Montevideo. Uruguay.

1691. CEDO: Centro Educativo Don Orione, Departa-mento de Biologia, Montevideo. Note: collection apparentlyclosed, disposition of specimens unknown. Montevideo.Uruguay.

1692. DHE: Diversidad de los Humedales del Este. Note:collection began under Programa para la Conservacion dela Biodiversidad y Desarrollo Sustentable de los Banados delEste (PROBIDES) & United Nations Development Pro-gramme; amphibians currently housed at ZVC (specimensre-numbered, but also retain original DHE numbers).Current as: DHE-A (amphibians) & DHE-R (reptiles).Montevideo. Uruguay.

1693. DINARA: Direccion Nacional de Recursos Acuati-cos, Montevideo. Formerly: Instituto Nacional de Pesca(INAPE). Note: antecedents include Instituto de Pesca,created in 1911 for scientific purposes, renamed Serviciode Oceanografıa y Pesca under the Direccion de la Armadain 1933 and replaced by Industrias Loberas y Pesqueras del

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Estado (ILPE) in 1976; fish collection transferred to MuseoNacional de Historia Natural (MHNM). Montevideo. Ur-uguay.

1694. MHNM: Museo Nacional de Historia Natural,Montevideo. Formerly: Museo de Historia Natural deMontevideo. Includes: herp collection transferred fromCentro de Estudios de Ciencias Naturale (CECN) ca. 1996;fishes from Direccion Nacional de Recursos Acuaticos(DINARA, formerly Instituto Nacional de Pesca, INAPE).Note: temporarily merged with Museo Nacional de Antro-pologıa (MNA) in 2001 to form Museo Nacional de HistoriaNatural y Antropologıa (MUHINA, MUNHINA); MHNMand MNA re-established as independent museums in 2009.Obsolete as: MNHN, MNHMU, MNHNM, MNHNU, MUHI-NA, MUNHINA. Current as: MHNM (fishes, herps). Mon-tevideo. Uruguay.

1695. ZVC: Coleccion de Zoologıa Vertebrados de laFacultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la Republica, Mon-tevideo. Includes: amphibian collection from Diversidad delos Humedales del Este (DHE). Obsolete as: DZVU (Departa-mento Zoologıa Vertebrados), ZVCB, ZVCP, ZVCR. Currentas: ZVC-P (fishes), ZVC-B (amphibians), ZVC-R (reptiles).Montevideo. Uruguay.

1696. MPAB: Museo Paleontologico ‘‘Alejandro Berro’’,Mercedes. Current as: MPAB (fossils). Soriano. Uruguay.

1697. ALMNH: Alabama Museum of Natural History, TheUniversity of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. Includes: vertebratefossil collection from Geological Survey of Alabama(GSA). Current as: ALMNH PV (fossils). Obsolete as: AL,ALA, UAM, UAMNH, UNAL. See also: UA (fishes & herpsadministered separately by Department of BiologicalSciences). Alabama. USA.

1698. AMRL: Alabama Marine Resources Laboratory,Dauphin Island. Alabama. USA.

1699. AUM: Auburn University Museum of NaturalHistory, Auburn. Formerly: Alabama Polytechnic Institute(API). Includes: fish holotypes dual-accessioned at AUM andCenter for the Study of Biological Diversity, University ofGuyana (CSBD) to be repatriated to Guyana. Obsolete as:API, AU, AUNHMLC, UAA. Current as: AUM (fishes), AUFT(fish tissues), AUMP (fossils, Museum of Paleontology).Alabama. USA.

1700. MSC: McWane Science Center, Birmingham.Includes: Red Mountain Museum (RMM) collections. Cur-rent as: MSC (fossils). Alabama. USA.

1701. SHCIC: Spring Hill College Ichthyological Collec-tion, Mobile. Alabama. USA.

1702. UA: Department of Biological Sciences, TheUniversity of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. Includes: fish collectionassembled by Geological Survey of Alabama (GSA), Tusca-loosa. Current as: UAIC (fishes), UAHC (herps). See also:ALMNH (fossils). Alabama. USA.

1703. UNOAL: University of Northern Alabama, Collegeof Arts and Sciences, Department of Biology, Florence.Alabama. USA.

1704. USA: University of South Alabama, College of Artsand Sciences, Department of Biological Sciences, Mobile.Alabama. USA.

1705. UWAZ: The University of West Alabama, ZoologyCollection, Livingston, AL. Current as: UWAZ (fishes). Alsoas: UWA (fossils). Alabama. USA.

1706. ABL: Auke Bay Laboratory, Alaska Fisheries Sci-ence Center (AFSC), National Marine Fisheries Service

(NMFS), Division of National Oceanic and AtmosphericAdministration (NOAA). Formerly: Northwest and AlaskaFisheries Center (NWAFC), descended from NorthwestFisheries Science Center (NWFSC). Obsolete as: NWAFC.Also as: ABML. Alaska. USA.

1707. UAJ: University of Alaska, Juneau. Alaska. USA.1708. UAM: University of Alaska Museum of the North,

Fairbanks. Current as: UAM (fishes, herps), UAMES (fossils,Earth Sciences Collection). Alaska. USA.

1709. ASU: Arizona State University, School of LifeSciences, Tempe. Includes: one-third of fish collection fromUniversity of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). Current as: ASU.Arizona. USA.

1710. MNA: Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff.Current as: MNA (fossils). Arizona. USA.

1711. UAZ: University of Arizona, Museum of NaturalHistory, Tucson. Obsolete as: UA. Current as: UAZ (fishes,herps), UALP (fossils, Laboratory of Paleontology). Arizona.USA.

1712. ASUMZ: Arkansas State University Museum ofZoology, State University. Note: collections unified underArkansas Center for Biodiversity Collections (ACBC) in2016. Current as: ASUMZ (fishes, herps). Arkansas. USA.

1713. ATFC: Arkansas Tech University Fish Collection,Department of Biological Science, Russellville. Arkansas.USA.

1714. SAU: Southern Arkansas University, Departmentof Biology, Magnolia. Formerly: Southern State College.Arkansas. USA.

1715. UAFMC: University of Arkansas Collections Facil-ity, Fayetteville. Obsolete as: ARK. Current as: UAFMC.Arkansas. USA.

1716. WCC: Westark Community College Fish Collec-tion, Fort Smith. Arkansas. USA.

1717. AHF: Allan Hanco*ck Foundation, University ofSouthern California. Note: Fish types transferred to LACM,non-type collection remains at AHF. California. USA.

1718. CAS: California Academy of Sciences, San Fran-cisco. Includes: fishes from Department of Zoology, Univer-sity of California, Berkeley (UCB teaching collection) andUniversity of Nevada, Las Vegas (two-thirds of UNLVcollection); specimens from George Vanderbilt Foundation(CAS-GVF) and Indiana University, Bloomington (CAS-IU);Stanford University (SU) collections of fishes (CAS-SU),amphibians (CAS-SUA) and reptiles (CAS-SUR). Note:during computerization, 100000 added to each SU catalognumber (e.g., SU 12345 databased as CAS 112345), but maybe cited as SU 12345 or CAS-SU 112345. Current as: CAS(fishes, herps, fossils). Also as: SU (Stanford Universitycollections). California. USA.

1719. CCBER: University of California, Santa Barbara(UCSB), Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and EcologicalRestoration. Obsolete as: UCSB. Current as: CCBER. Califor-nia. USA.

1720. CSF: California State University, Fullerton. Note:historical specimens largely transferred to Natural HistoryMuseum of Los Angeles County (LACM) in 1986. Califor-nia. USA.

1721. CSLB: California State University, Long Beach.Note: historical specimens largely transferred to NaturalHistory Museum of Los Angeles County (LACM) in 1980s.Also as: CSULB. California. USA.

1722. CSPU: California State Polytechnic University,

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Pomona. California. USA.1723. CSUC: California State University, Chico Verte-

brate Museum, Chico. Current as: CSUC. California. USA.1724. CSUN: California State University, Northridge.

Current as: CSUN (fishes, herps). Also as: REE-CSUN (RobertE. Espinoza herp collection). California. USA.

1725. HSU: Humboldt State University, Arcata. Currentas: HSU (fishes), HSUVM (herps). California. USA.

1726. LACM: Natural History Museum of Los AngelesCounty, Los Angeles. Includes: fishes formerly at CaliforniaState University, Fullerton (CSF), California State Universi-ty, Long Beach (CSLB) and University of California at LosAngeles (UCLA; part of collection also to SIO); herps fromCosta Rica Expeditions of Jay Savage (CRE); fossils fromCalifornia Institute of Technology, Los Angeles (CIT). Note:The Robert J. Lavenberg Fish Collection formally named in1998. Obsolete as: LACMNH. Current as: LACM (fishes,herps, fossils). California. USA.

1727. LLU: Loma Linda University, Department of Earthand Biological Sciences, Loma Linda. Current as: LLU(fossils). California. USA.

1728. LSUHC: La Sierra University Herpetological Col-lection, Riverside. Current as: LSUHC (herps). California.USA.

1729. MLML: Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, MossLanding. California. USA.

1730. MLZ: Occidental College, Moore Laboratory ofZoology, Los Angeles. Also as: OC. California. USA.

1731. MVZ: Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Universityof California, Berkeley. Includes: specimens donated byMilton Hildebrand, University of California, Davis (UCD,now MWFB); University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) herpcollection transferred in 2009. Note: part of BerkeleyNatural History Museums consortium (BNHM); fish collec-tion associated with Department of Zoology, University ofCalifornia, Berkeley (UCB) transferred to California Acad-emy of Sciences (CAS). Obsolete as: UCMZ. Current as: MVZ(fishes, herps). See also: UCMP (fossils). California. USA.

1732. MWFB: Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology,University of California, Davis. Note: historical collectionsdonated in part by Milton Hildebrand to MVZ. Obsolete as:UCD. Current as: MWFB (fishes). See also: MVZ. California. USA.

1733. NMFSLJ: National Marine Fisheries Service La JollaLaboratory, Ichthyoplankton Collection, La Jolla. Currentas: NMFSLJ (fishes) & SWFSC (bar coded fish lots).California. USA.

1734. RAM: Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology,Claremont. Current as: RAM (fossils). California. USA.

1735. SBCM: San Bernardino County Museum, EarthScience Division, Redlands. Current as: SBCM (herps &fossils). California. USA.

1736. SBMNH: Santa Barbara Museum of Natural Histo-ry, Santa Barbara. Current as: SBMNH (herps). California.USA.

1737. SCNHM: Sierra College Natural History Museum,Rocklin. Current as: SCNHM VAF (fossils). California. USA.

1738. SDNHM: San Diego Natural History Museum,Balboa Park, San Diego. Formerly: San Diego Society ofNatural History (SDSNH). Includes: Laurence M. Klauberprivate collection (LMK). Obsolete as: SDSNH. Current as:SDNHM (herps). California. USA.

1739. SDSU: San Diego State University Museum ofBiodiversity, San Diego. Also as: REE-SDSU (Richard E.

Etheridge herp skeletal collection). California. USA.1740. SFSU: San Francisco State University, Vertebrate

Museum, San Francisco. California. USA.1741. SIO: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Marine

Vertebrate Collection, University of California San Diego,La Jolla. Includes: fishes (mostly marine) transferred fromUCLA in 2014 (part of UCLA fish collection also to LACM).Note: catalog number composed of year of accession (2digits) followed by serial number (e.g., SIO 07-169). In erroras: STO. Current as: SIO. California. USA.

1742. SJSU: San Jose State University, Museum ofVertebrate Zoology, San Jose. California. USA.

1743. SSU: Museum of Ectothermic Vertebrates, Cali-fornia State University, Sacramento. Formerly: SacramentoState College Museum of Natural History (SSCMNH).Obsolete as: CSUS, SSCMNH. Current as: SSU. California.USA.

1744. UCLA: University of California at Los Angeles, LosAngeles. Note: fish collection largely transferred to NaturalHistory Museum of Los Angeles County (LACM) andScripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO). California. USA.

1745. UCMP: University of California Museum of Pale-ontology, Berkeley. Note: part of Berkeley Natural HistoryMuseums consortium (BNHM). Obsolete as: MVP. Current as:UCMP (fossils). See also: MVZ (fishes, herps). California.USA.

1746. VC: Ventura College Fish Collection, Departmentof Biology, Ventura. California. USA.

1747. BSFC: National Ecology Research Center, BiologySurvey, Fort Collins. Colorado. USA.

1748. CSTC: Colorado State Teachers College, Greeley.Also known as: State Normal School of Colorado. Note:institution currently known as University of NorthernColorado; status of collections unknown. Colorado. USA.

1749. CSU: Colorado State University, Colorado Coop-erative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Fort Collins. Note:fishes distributed to various regional museums in 1980s–90s such as LFL (Larval Fish Laboratory). Colorado. USA.

1750. DMNH: Denver Museum of Nature and Science,Denver. Formerly: Denver Museum of Natural History,descended from Colorado Museum of Natural History.Current as: DMNH (fossils). Colorado. USA.

1751. GSA: Geological Society of America, Boulder.Current as: GSA (fossils). Colorado. USA.

1752. LFL: Larval Fish Laboratory Collection, Depart-ment of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology, WarnerCollege of Natural Resources, Colorado State University,Fort Collins. Includes: fishes from Colorado CooperativeFish and Wildlife Research Unit (CSU). Colorado. USA.

1753. MWC: Museum of Western Colorado, Fruita.Current as: MWC (fossils). Colorado. USA.

1754. UCM: University of Colorado Museum of NaturalHistory, Boulder. Colorado. USA.

1755. UCONN: University of Connecticut, BiodiversityResearch Collections, Storrs. Obsolete as: UCS. Current as:UCONN. Connecticut. USA.

1756. WUM: Wesleyan University Museum, Middle-town. Connecticut. USA.

1757. YPM: Yale University, Peabody Museum of NaturalHistory, New Haven. Includes: Bingham OceanographicCollection (BOC) added in 1959; fossil vertebrate collec-tions of the Princeton University (YPM-PU) acquired in1985. Obsolete as: PMNH. Current as: YMP ICH (fishes),

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YPM HERA (amphibians), YPM HERR (reptiles), YPM VP(fossils). Connecticut. USA.

1758. USFC: United States Fish Commission. Note:established in 1871; reorganized as United States Bureauof Fisheries in 1903 which merged with the Bureau ofBiological Survey to form the US Fish and Wildlife Service(USFWS) in 1940; Bureau of Commercial Fisheries trans-ferred from USFWS to Department of Commerce andrenamed National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) con-trolled by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin-istration in 1970; original USFC collections largely at USNational Museum of Natural History (USNM). See also:USNM. District of Columbia. USA.

1759. USNM: Smithsonian Institution, National Muse-um of Natural History (NMNH), Washington. Formerly:Smithsonian Institution Museum (SIM), Department ofVertebrate Zoology. Includes: fishes from United States FishCommission (USFC); some fossil type specimens fromBowling Green State University (BGSU); fossils from FloridaGeological Survey (FGS). Obsolete as: SIM, USNH. Current as:USNM (fishes, herps, fossils). Also as: NMNH (herps).District of Columbia. USA.

1760. FAU: Florida Atlantic University, Department ofBiological Sciences, Boca Raton. Florida. USA.

1761. FGS: Florida Geological Survey Geologic Collec-tions, Tallahassee. Note: some fossils now at US NationalMuseum of Natural History (USNM) and University ofFlorida (UF). Current as: FGS (fossils). Florida. USA.

1762. FSBC: Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI),Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission(FWC), St. Petersburg. Note: FWRI created in 2004 byintegrating parts of the Division of Wildlife, Division ofFreshwater Fisheries, and the Florida Marine ResearchInstitute (FMRI); FMRI descended from Florida State Boardof Conservation Marine Laboratory (FSBC) established in1955 and administered by the Florida Department ofNatural Resources (FDNR) from 1969–1993. Includes:Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (SEA-MAP) Ichthyoplankton Archiving Center. Obsolete as:FDNR, SAC (SEAMAP Archiving Center), SEAMAP (pertainsto locality data). Current as: FSBC (fishes), FWRI (tissues),SML (SEAMAP ichthyoplankton collection). Florida. USA.

1763. FTU: Florida Technological University, Orlando.Florida. USA.

1764. GBERL: Gulf Breeze Environmental Research Lab-oratory, Gulf Breeze. Florida. USA.

1765. HBOM: Harbor Branch Oceanographic Museum,Fort Pierce. Current as: HBOM (fishes). Florida. USA.

1766. JU: Jacksonville University, Fish Collection, Jack-sonville. Florida. USA.

1767. PBMNH: Palm Beach Museum of Natural History,Wellington. Current as: PBMNH (fossils). Florida. USA.

1768. PCHPC: Peter C.H. Pritchard Collection hosted atthe Chelonian Research Institute, Oviedo. Current as:PCHPC. Also as: PCHP. Florida. USA.

1769. PMH: Private collection of Mark Harris, F.F.C.Elasmobranch Studies, New Port Richey. Current as: PMH(fishes). Florida. USA.

1770. SEFC: Southeast Fisheries Science Center, Nation-al Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Virginia Key, Miami.Formerly: Tropical Atlantic Biological Laboratory (TABL).Note: TABL fish collection mostly transferred to Universityof Florida (UF) in 1972–1973 and 1995; specimens also at

The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (ANSP)and US National Museum of Natural History (USNM). Seealso: UF. Florida. USA.

1771. UCF: University of Central Florida, Fish Collec-tion, Orlando. Florida. USA.

1772. UF: University of Florida, Florida Museum ofNatural History (FLMNH), Gainesville. Formerly: Florida StateMuseum (FSM) until 1988. Includes: fish collections trans-ferred from Butler University, Indianapolis (BU, BUI), FloridaState University, Tallahassee (FSU), Indian River Coastal ZoneMuseum, Harbor Branch Foundation, Fort Pierce (IRCZM),National Marine Fisheries Service, Gulf Coastal FisheriesCenter, Panama City (NMFSPC), Tropical Atlantic BiologicalLaboratory (TABL), University of Miami, Coral Gables (UMIM,UMRC) and University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marineand Atmospheric Science (UMML); fossils from FloridaGeological Survey (FGS). Note: 200000 added to each UMMLcatalog number (e.g., UMML 12345 databased as UF 212345).Obsolete as: FLMNH, FNHM, FSM, UF-FSU. Current as: UF(fishes, herps, fossils). Florida. USA.

1773. USF: University of South Florida, Fish Collection,Tampa. Note: collection started by John C. Briggs in 1970s andcontinued by Philip Motta; Leviton et al. (1985:819) alterna-tively applied USF to University of South Florida, Departmentof Marine Science, St. Petersburg. Florida. USA.

1774. UWF: University of West Florida, Pensacola. Florida.USA.

1775. CCK: Columbus State University, Columbus. Currentas: CCK (fossils, Cretaceous research collections). Georgia.USA.

1776. GMNH: Georgia Museum of Natural History, Uni-versity of Georgia, Athens. Includes: D.S. Scott IchthyologyCollection. Obsolete as: UG, UGAMNH. Current as: GMNH(fishes, herps). Georgia. USA.

1777. GSU: Georgia Southern University, Georgia SouthernMuseum, Statesboro. Includes: herpetology collection trans-ferred from Savannah Science Museum (SSM) in 1999.Georgia. USA.

1778. BPBM: The Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, Depart-ment of Zoology, Honolulu. Includes: fishes from NationalMarine Fisheries Service, Honolulu (NMFSH), formerly Bureauof Commercial Fisheries, Honolulu (BCFH); fish types fromUniversity of Hawaii, Honolulu (UH). Obsolete as: BBM.Current as: BPBM (fishes, herps). Hawaii. USA.

1779. UH: University of Hawaii, Honolulu. Note: fish typeslargely transferred to BPBM, some to US National Museum ofNatural History (USNM). Hawaii. USA.

1780. IMNH: Idaho Museum of Natural History, IdahoState University, Pocatello. Includes: nearly entire fish collec-tion of The Philip L. Wright Zoological Museum (UMZM),donated in 2015. Current as: IMNH. Idaho. USA.

1781. UIM: University of Idaho, Museum of NaturalHistory, Moscow. Idaho. USA.

1782. BMR: Burpee Museum of Natural History, Rockford.Current as: BMR (fossils). Illinois. USA.

1783. CHAS: Chicago Academy of Sciences, Chicago. Note:partially destroyed by fire Oct 1871. Inlcudes: natural historycollections of Northwestern University, Evanston (NWU),transferred ca. 1920–1925. Obsolete as: CA. Current as: CHAS.Illinois. USA.

1784. FMNH: Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago.Formerly: Chicago Natural History Museum (CNHM). Includes:fishes from University of Indiana (IU), fossil herps from

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Catholic University Peking, China (CUP) and fossil collectionof the Univeristy of Chicago Walker Museum (UC). Obsoleteas: CNHM, FMNHG (fossil herps), FMNH P (fossil fishes,herps). Current as: FMNH (fishes, herps, geological slidecollection), FMNH PF (fossil fishes), FMNH PR (fossil herps),FMNH UF (Walker Museum fossil fishes), FMNH UR (WalkerMuseum fossil herps). Illinois. USA.

1785. GNHL: The Grove National Historic Landmark,Glenview Park District. Illinois. USA.

1786. INHS: Illinois Natural History Survey, University ofIllinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign. Note: descendedin part from Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History(ISLNH). Includes: fish & herp collections of the University ofIllinois Museum of Natural History (UIMNH; herps retainUIMNH catalog numbers); fish & herp collections fromSouthern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC) and fishcollections from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville(SIUE), Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources,Frankfort (KFW), Murray State University, Kentucky (MSUKY)and University of Louisville, Kentucky (UL), all transferredfrom SIUC in July 2015. Current as: INHS (fishes, herps),UIMNH (herps from University of Illinois Museum of NaturalHistory). Illinois. USA.

1787. ISM: Illinois State Museum, Springfield. Illinois.USA.

1788. ISUC: Illinois State University, Normal. Current as:ISUC (fishes, herps). Also as: ISU (birds & mammals). Illinois.USA.

1789. IWU: Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington.Current as: IWU (herps). Illinois. USA.

1790. LUC: Department of Biology, Loyola UniversityChicago, Chicago. Current as: LUC (teaching & researchcollection). Also as: LU D (fishes, developmental collection).Illinois. USA.

1791. NIU: Northern Illinois University, Dekalb. Illinois.USA.

1792. UCRC: University of Chicago Research Collection,Chicago. Current as: UCRC (fossils). Also as: UCPC (Paleonto-logical Collection). Illinois. USA.

1793. BU: Butler University, Indianapolis. Note: historicalfish collection (1874–1892) transferred in part to University ofFlorida (UF). Also as: BUI. Indiana. USA.

1794. INSM: Indiana State Museum, Indianapolis. Currentas: INSM (herps, fossils). Indiana. USA.

1795. ISU: Indiana State University, Terre Haute. Also as:ISUVC (mammals). Indiana. USA.

1796. IU: Indiana University, Bloomington. Note: oldzoological collection destroyed by fire in July 1883 ortransferred primarily to California Academy of Sciences(CAS-IU), Field Museum of Natural History (FMNH), Univer-sity of Michigan (UMMZ) and US National Museum ofNatural History (USNM); fish collection of Shelby Gerkingand others (1940s Indiana State surveys) transferred to OhioState University (OSUM). Also as: IUM. Indiana. USA.

1797. PUL: Purdue University, Department of Forestry andNatural Resources, Lafayette. Indiana. USA.

1798. DURC: Drake University Research Collection, DesMoines. Current as: DURC (herps). Iowa. USA.

1799. GC: Grinnell College Biology Department, FishCollection, Grinnell. Iowa. USA.

1800. ISUA: Iowa State University, Ames. Formerly: IowaState College. Current as: ISUA (fishes, herps). Also as: ISC(herbarium). Iowa. USA.

1801. SUI: University of Iowa Museum of Natural History,Iowa City. Formerly: State University of Iowa. Note: much ofCharles C. Nutting material transferred to US NationalMuseum of Natural History (USNM). Obsolete as: MSUI.Current as: SUI (fossils), SUI.VERT (fishes, herps). Iowa. USA.

1802. BC: Bethel College, Newton. Current as: BC (herps).Kansas. USA.

1803. FHSM: Sternberg Museum of Natural History, FortHays State University, Hays. Formerly: Museum of the HighPlains. Obsolete as: FHSC, MHP, SMNH. Current as: FHSM(fishes, herps, fossils). Kansas. USA.

1804. KU: University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute,Lawrence. Formerly: Museum of Natural History (retained forpublic unit of institute). Obsolete as: KUMNH, KUNHM(fishes), UKMNH (herps). Current as: KUI (fishes), KUIT (fishtissues), KUH (herps), KUVP (fossils). Kansas. USA.

1805. WSU: Wichita State University Fish Collection,Wichita. Kansas. USA.

1806. EKU: Eastern Kentucky University, Department ofBiological Sciences, Branley A. Branson Museum of Zoology,Richmond. Obsolete as: EUK. Current as: EKU (fishes, herps).Kentucky. USA.

1807. MOSU: Morehead State University, Morehead. Cur-rent as: MOSU. Kentucky. USA.

1808. TMCFS: Thomas More College Field Station, Califor-nia. Includes: fishes received from ORSANCO. Current as:TMCFS. Kentucky. USA.

1809. UKEN: University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky.USA.

1810. LSUM: Louisiana State University Museum of Natu-ral Science (LSUMNS), Baton Rouge. Note: part of LouisianaMuseum of Natural History established in 1999. Includes:original herp collection (pre-1990) of Southeastern LouisianaUniversity (SLU); 80% of herp collection from TulaneUniversity Museum of Natural History (TU), transferred in2011. Obsolete as: LSUZM (amphibians). Current as: LSUMG(Geology Collections, fossils), LSUMZ (Zoology Collections,fishes, herps). Louisiana. USA.

1811. LSUS: Louisiana State University in Shreveport,Museum of Life Sciences, Shreveport. Louisiana. USA.

1812. LTU: Louisiana Tech University Museum of Verte-brate Zoology, Ruston. Louisiana. USA.

1813. LWF: Grand Isle Fisheries Research Lab, LouisianaDepartment of Wildlife and Fisheries, Grand Isle. Formerly:Lyle S. St. Amant Marine Biological Laboratory. Louisiana.USA.

1814. NLU: University of Louisiana at Monroe, Museum ofNatural History, Monroe. Formerly: Northeast LouisianaUniversity. Also as: NLM. Louisiana. USA.

1815. NOAS: New Orleans Academy of Science, NewOrleans. Note: museum active from establishment in 1853 to1861, but collections scattered during the Civil War; survivingbotanical and geological specimens transferred to the originalTulane University Museum of Natural History (TU) ca. 1885.Current as: NOAS (fossils). Louisiana. USA.

1816. SLU: Southeastern Louisiana University, VertebrateMuseum, Hammond. Includes: 20% of herp collection fromTulane University Museum of Natural History (TU), trans-ferred in 2011; fish and herp collections of University of NewOrleans (UNOVC) to be acquired. Note: original herpcollection moved to LSUMZ ca. 1990. Current as: SLU (fishes,herps). Louisiana. USA.

1817. TU: Royal D. Suttkus Fish Collection, Tulane

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University Biodiversity Research Institute (TUBRI), BelleChase. Includes: fishes formerly held by Systematics andEnvironmental Laboratory established in 1968 at the F.Edward Hebert Riverside Research Laboratories, Belle Chase,which became the new Tulane University Museum of NaturalHistory (TUMNH) in 1976. Note: original TU Museum ofNatural History established in 1885 and closed/disbandedfrom 1952 to 1957; in 2011, herp collection transferred toLouisiana State University Museum of Natural Science, BatonRouge (LSUMZ, ca. 80%) and Southeastern Louisiana Univer-sity (SLU, ca. 20%). Current as: TU (fishes). Louisiana. USA.

1818. ULL: University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette.Formerly: University of Southwestern Louisiana (USL). Obsoleteas: USL. Current as: ULL (fishes, herps). Louisiana. USA.

1819. UNOVC: University of New Orleans vertebratecollection, Department of Biological Sciences, New Orleans.Note: fish and herp collections to be transferred to Southeast-ern Louisiana University (SLU). Also as: UNO. Louisiana. USA.

1820. BCB: Bowdoin College, Fish Collection, Brunswick.Maine. USA.

1821. UMO: University of Maine, Department of Zoology,Orono. Includes: Ira C. Darling Center Ichthyological Collec-tion. Maine. USA.

1822. UNE: University of New England, Teaching andResearch Fish Collection, Biddeford. Formerly: Saint FrancisCollege. Maine. USA.

1823. CBL: Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, University ofMaryland, Solomons. Note: part of fish collection transferredby Frank Schwartz to UNC-IMS (specimens now at NorthCarolina Museum of Natural Sciences, NCSM), remainder ofCBL fish collection to Virginia Institute of Marine Science(VIMS). Maryland. USA.

1824. CMM: Calvert Marine Museum, Solomons. Currentas: CMM-V (fossils). Maryland. USA.

1825. WCB: Woman’s College of Baltimore, Towson. Note:renamed Goucher College in 1910; fossil collection assembledby Arthur Bibbins transferred on permanent loan to USNational Museum of Natural History (USNM) in 1916.Obsolete as: GC (fossils). Assigned here: WCB (fossils). Mary-land. USA.

1826. BSNH: Boston Society of Natural History [nowBoston Museum of Science]. Note: extant specimens now atMuseum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ). Massachusetts. USA.

1827. BU: Boston University Collection, Boston. Note:some fishes at Gray Museum (GMWH). Massachusetts. USA.

1828. EIS: Essex Institute, Salem. Note: founded in 1848;natural history collections no longer extant; some herps atMuseum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ). Massachusetts. USA.

1829. GMWH: Gray Museum, Marine Biological LaboratoryFish Collection, Woods Hole. Includes: part of BostonUniversity Collection (BU). Massachusetts. USA.

1830. MCZ: Museum of Comparative Zoology, HarvardUniversity, Cambridge. Includes: collections of the BostonMuseum which had been given to the Boston Society ofNatural History (BSNH) in 1893 and 1899; Woods HoleOceanographic Institution fish collection (WHOI). Obsolete as:MCZH. Current as: MCZ (fishes, herps), MCZ-VP (fossils).Massachusetts. USA.

1831. MNHC: Massachusetts Natural History Collections,University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Includes: collectiontransferred from Massachusetts Board of Agriculture, Boston,in 1866. Obsolete as: UMA. Current as: MNHC. Massachusetts.USA.

1832. UMD: University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, FishCollection, North Dartmouth. Formerly: Southeastern Massa-chusetts University (SMU). Massachusetts. USA.

1833. USBCF: United States Bureau of Commercial Fisher-ies, Biolgical Laboratory, Woods Hole. Note: original collectionnow mostly at US National Museum of Natural History(USNM). Also as: USBF. Massachusetts. USA.

1834. GRPM: Grand Rapids Public Museum, Grand Rapids.Michigan. USA.

1835. MSUM: Michigan State University Museum, EastLansing. Obsolete as: MSU, MSUF. Current as: MSUM (fishes),MSUVP (fossils). Michigan. USA.

1836. UMMP: University of Michigan Museum of Paleon-tology, Ann Arbor. Includes: some fossil type specimens fromBowling Green State University (BGSU). Obsolete as: UM.Current as: UMMP (fossils). See also: UMMZ (Recent fishes,herps). Michigan. USA.

1837. UMMZ: University of Michigan Museum of Zoology,Ann Arbor. Obsolete as: MZUM. Current as: UMMZ (fishes,herps). See also: UMMP (fossils). Michigan. USA.

1838. JFBM: James Ford Bell Museum of Natural History,University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Current as: JFBM(fishes, herps). See also: UMVP (fossils). Minnesota. USA.

1839. SMMP: Science Museum of Minnesota, St. Paul.Current as: SMMP. Also as: SMM (fossils). Minnesota. USA.

1840. UMVP: University of Minnesota, Department ofEarth Sciences, Vertebrate Paleontology Collections, Min-neapolis. Note: paleontology collections transferred toCincinnati Museum Center (CMC) in 2018. Current as:UM, UMVP (fossils). See also: JFBM (Recent fishes, herps).Minnesota. USA.

1841. GCRL: Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, The Univer-sity of Southern Mississippi, Ocean Springs. Note: somespecimens moved to University of Southern Mississippi(USM). Also as: GCRLM. Mississippi. USA.

1842. MMNS: Mississippi Museum of Natural Science,Jackson. Formerly: Fannye A. Cook Memorial Museum. Note:some Cook fish specimens at FMNH, USNM, AMNH. Currentas: MMNS (fishes, herps). Mississippi. USA.

1843. MSU: Mississippi State University, Mississippi State.Mississippi. USA.

1844. UMS: University of Mississippi, Oxford. Mississippi.USA.

1845. USM: University of Southern Mississippi, Depart-ment of Biological Sciences, Museum of Ichthyology, Hatties-burg. Also as: USMS, USMI. Mississippi. USA.

1846. ASSL: Academy of Science of St. Louis, St. Louis.Missouri. USA.

1847. JH: Private collection of Julius Hurter, St. Louis.Missouri. USA.

1848. MDC: Missouri Department of Conservation, Co-lumbia. Missouri. USA.

1849. NEMS: Northeastern Missouri State University, De-partment of Zoology, Kirksville. Missouri. USA.

1850. STL: St. Louis University, St. Louis. Current as: STL(fishes). Missouri. USA.

1851. UMKC: University of Missouri, Kansas City. Missouri.USA.

1852. UMOC: University of Missouri, Museum of Zoology,Columbia. Obsolete as: UMoMZ. Missouri. USA.

1853. FLBS: Flathead Lake Biological Station, Lake County.Current as: FLBS (fishes). Montana. USA.

1854. MOR: Museum of the Rockies, Bozeman. Note:

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affiliated with Montana State University. Current as: MOR(fossils). See also: MSUB (Biology Department). Montana. USA.

1855. MSUB: Montana State University, Biology Depart-ment, Bozeman. See also: MOR. Montana. USA.

1856. UMZM: Philip L. Wright Zoological Museum, Uni-versity of Montana, Missoula. Note: nearly all fish specimensdonated to Idaho Museum of Natural History (IMNH) in2015. Obsolete as: MV, UMM. Current as: UMZM. Montana.USA.

1857. UNO: University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha.Nebraska. USA.

1858. UNSM: University of Nebraska State Museum,Lincoln. Obsolete as: UN. Current as: UNSM (fishes, fossils).Also as: SNR-UNL (School of Natural Resources teaching andresearch collections). Nebraska. USA.

1859. BSN: Biological Society of Nevada. Note: listed inerror as Biological Survey of Nevada in Gilbert 1998:4;location and status of collections unknown. Nevada. USA.

1860. LVNHM: Las Vegas Natural History Museum, LasVegas. Current as: LVNHM (fossils). Nevada. USA.

1861. UNLV: University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Paradise.Also as: MBM (Marjorie Barrick Museum); LVT (tissuecollection). Note: herp collection transferred to Museum ofVertebrate Zoology, University of California (MVZ) in 2009;two-thirds of fish collection transferred to California Academyof Sciences (CAS) and one third to Arizona State University(ASU). Nevada. USA.

1862. UNR: Museum of Natural History, University ofNevada, Reno. Note: limited number of fishes transferred toCalifornia Academy of Sciences (CAS). Obsolete as: UNRB,UNMB. Current as: UNR (fishes, herps), UNMMPC (fossils,W.M. Keck Earth Science and Mineral Engineering Museum).Nevada. USA.

1863. DCM: Dartmouth College Museum, Fish Collection,Hanover. New Hampshire. USA.

1864. NJSM: New Jersey State Museum, Trenton. Includes:fossils from Geological Survey of New Jersey (GSNJ). Currentas: NJSM (fossils). New Jersey. USA.

1865. NMFC: Newark Museum, Fish Collection, Newark.New Jersey. USA.

1866. PU: Princeton University, Princeton. Note: fossilvertebrate collections transferred to Yale Peabody Museum(YPM) in 1985. Current as: PU. New Jersey. USA.

1867. SHML: Sandy Hook Marine Laboratory, NationalMarine Fisheries Service, Highlands. Note: destroyed by fire in1985; rebuilt as James J. Howard Marine Sciences Laboratory.New Jersey. USA.

1868. ENMU: Eastern New Mexico University, Portales.New Mexico. USA.

1869. GR: Ruth Hall Museum of Paleontology, GhostRanch, Abiquiu. Current as: GR (fossils). New Mexico. USA.

1870. MDM: Mesalands Dinosour Museum and NaturalSciences Laboratory, Tucumcari. New Mexico. USA.

1871. MSB: Museum of Southwestern Biology, Depart-ment of Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.Includes: fishes from US Geological Survey (USGS), FortCollins (historically cited as BS/FC and now recatalogedwith MSB numbers). Obsolete as: UNM (but still in use forherp specimen tags). Current as: MSB (fishes, herps). NewMexico. USA.

1872. NMMNH: New Mexico Museum of Natural Historyand Science, Albuquerque. Includes: fossils transferred fromDepartment of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of

New Mexico, Albuquerque (UNM) and New Mexico Bureau ofGeology and Mineral Resources, Socorro (NMBGMR). Currentas: NMMNH P (fossils). New Mexico. USA.

1873. NMSU: New Mexico State University, UniversityPark. New Mexico. USA.

1874. WNMU: Western New Mexico University, Silver City.New Mexico. USA.

1875. AMNH: American Museum of Natural History, NewYork. Includes: herp collection from Texas A&M University-Kingsville (formerly Texas A&I University, TAI, TAIC), typespecimens from Vanderbilt Marine Museum (VMM); fossilsbelonging to the Republic of Mali transferred from StonyBrook University in 2019 (CNRST-SUNY). Current as: AMNH.Also as: F:AM (fossils, Frick Collection), AMNH FF (fossilfishes), AMNH FR (fossil herps). New York. USA.

1876. BSGLC: Buffalo State Great Lakes Center, Buffalo.New York. USA.

1877. CAD-SBU: Cheikh Anta Diop–Stony Brook UniversityCollection, Department of Anatomical Sciences, Stony BrookUniversity, Stony Brook. Current as: CAD-SBU (fossil fishes).See also: CNRST-SUNY (fossils). New York. USA.

1878. CUMV: Cornell University Museum of Vertebrates,Ithaca. Current as: CUMV. Also as: CU (retained on specimenlabels). New York. USA.

1879. LINHM: Long Island Natural History Museum, Levit-town. Note: fossil collection assembled by Bryn J. Mader,Department of Biological Sciences and Geology, Queens-borough Community College, Bayside. Current as: LINHM(fossils). New York. USA.

1880. LNHNY: New York Academy of Sciences, New York.Formerly: Lyceum of Natural History. Note: historical collec-tions apparently lost, possibly burned in dock fire during theCivil War. New York. USA.

1881. NYSM: New York State Museum, Albany. Formerly:New York State Geological and Natural History Survey (1836–1870); Also as ‘‘State Collection’’ in early references tospecimens collected during 1836–1840 surveys and now lost.Current as: NYSM. New York. USA.

1882. NYZS: New York Zoological Society, New York. Note:renamed Wildlife Conservation Society in 1993 and based atthe Bronx Zoo; some fishes from historical collection now atAmerican Museum of Natural History (AMNH), CaliforniaAcademy of Sciences (CAS) and US National Museum ofNatural History (USNM). New York. USA.

1883. UR: Department of Earth and Environmental Sci-ences, University of Rochester, Rochester. Current as: UR(fossils). New York. USA.

1884. VMM: Suffolk County Vanderbilt Museum, Center-port. Formerly: Vanderbilt Marine Museum. Note: most typespecimens trasferred to American Museum of Natural History(AMNH). New York. USA.

1885. APPZ: Appalachian State University, Boone. Note:part of herp collection transferred to North Carolina Museumof Natural Sciences (NCSM) in 2014. Obsolete as: ASUC.Current as: APPZ (fishes, herps). North Carolina. USA.

1886. DPC: Duke University, Duke Lemur Center, Divisionof Fossil Primates, Durham. Current as: DPC (fossils). See also:DU. North Carolina. USA.

1887. DU: Duke University, Vertebrate Collection, Dur-ham. Note: fishes transferred to The Academy of NaturalSciences of Philadelphia (ANSP) and North Carolina Museumof Natural Sciences (NCSM). Also as: DUF, DU F (fishes). Seealso: DPC. North Carolina. USA.

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1888. NCSM: North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences,Raleigh. Formerly: North Carolina State Museum. Includes:fishes from Duke University (DU), University of NorthCarolina at Chapel Hill, Institute of Marine Sciences (UNC/UNC-IMS, including fishes formerly at CBL, GSMNP and WestVirginia University) and Western Carolina University; fishcollection assembled by Rudy Arndt at Stockton State College,NJ, transferred ca. 2002; fishes and herps from the CharlestonMuseum (ChM); herps from Appalachian State University(APPZ). Current as: NCSM (fishes, herps, fossils). NorthCarolina. USA.

1889. SNCBSH: State of North Carolina Biological Station,Highlands. North Carolina. USA.

1890. UNC: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,Institute of Marine Sciences, Morehead City. Note: fishestransferred to North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences(NCSM) in 1996. Also as: UNC-IMS. North Carolina. USA.

1891. UNCC: University of North Carolina at Charlotte,Zoological Museum, Charlotte. North Carolina. USA.

1892. UNCG: University of North Carolina at Greensboro,Greensboro. North Carolina. USA.

1893. UNCW: University of North Carolina Wilmington,Department of Biological Sciences, Wilmington. North Caro-lina. USA.

1894. NDSFC: North Dakota State Fossil Collection, NorthDakota Heritage Center, Bismarck. Current as: NDSFC (fossils).North Dakota. USA.

1895. PTRM: Pioneer Trails Regional Museum, Bowman.Current as: PTRM (fossils). North Dakota. USA.

1896. SRST: Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Institute of NaturalHistory, Fort Yates. Note: established in 2014, originated asStanding Rock Paleontology Program in 2007. Current as: SRST(fossils). North Dakota. USA.

1897. BGSU: Department of Geology, Bowling Green StateUniversity, Bowling Green. Note: fossil type specimenstransferred to US National Museum of Natural History(USNM), Orton Geological Museum, Ohio State University(OSU) and University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology(UMMP). Current as: BGSU (fossils). Ohio. USA.

1898. CMC: Museum of Natural History and Science,Cincinnati Museum Center, Cincinnati. Formerly: CincinnatiMuseum of Natural History (CMNH) of the Cincinnati Societyof Natural History. Note: all natural history collectionsconsolidated into The Geier Collections and Research Centerin 2001. Includes: University of Cincinnati paleontologycollection transferred in 1998; fossil collection of EarthSciences Department, University of Minnesota, transferredin 2018. Obsolete as: CMNH, MCSNH, MNHSC. Current as:CMC VP (fossils). Ohio. USA.

1899. CMNH: Cleveland Museum of Natural History,Vertebrate Zoology, Cleveland. Ohio. USA.

1900. DATM: Dayton Museum of Natural History, Dayton.Ohio. USA.

1901. OCM: Oberlin College, Faculty of Arts and Sciences,Department of Biology, Museum, Oberlin. Ohio. USA.

1902. ORSANCO: Ohio River Valley Water SanitationCommission Ichthyological Reference Collection, Cincinnati.Note: some fishes transferred to Thomas More College FieldStation, California (TMCFS). Ohio. USA.

1903. OSU: Orton Geological Museum, School of EarthSciences, Ohio State University, Columbus. Includes: somefossil type specimens from Bowling Green State University(BGSU). Current as: OSU (fossils). Also as: OGM (fossils). See

also: OSUM (Recent fishes, herps). Ohio. USA.1904. OSUM: Museum of Biological Diversity, Ohio State

University, Columbus. Includes: fish collection of ShelbyGerking and others (1940s Indiana State surveys) fromIndiana University (IU) and Indiana Biological Survey(INBS) fish collection assembled by Tom Simon. Obsoleteas: OSM. Current as: OSUM (fishes, herps). See also: OSU(fossils). Ohio. USA.

1905. OUVC: Ohio University, Vertebrate Collection,Athens. Ohio. USA.

1906. OWU: Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware. Ohio.USA.

1907. UCC: University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati. Note:paleontology collection transferred to Cincinnati MuseumCenter (CMC) in 1998. Ohio. USA.

1908. WSU-LC: Wright State University, Celina. Current as:WSU-LC (fossils). Ohio. USA.

1909. OMNH: University of Oklahoma, Sam Noble Okla-homa Museum of Natural History, Norman. Formerly: StovallMuseum. Obsolete as: OKMNH, UOK, UOMNH, UOMZ.Current as: OMNH (fishes, herps), OMNH VP (fossils). Alsoas: SNOMNH. Oklahoma. USA.

1910. OSUS: Oklahoma State University, Department ofZoology, Stillwater. Formerly: Oklahoma Agricultural andMechanical College. Obsolete as: OAM, OSUMZ. Current as:OSUS (fishes). Oklahoma. USA.

1911. UCO: University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond.Current as: UCO (fishes, herps). Oklahoma. USA.

1912. UTT: University of Tulsa, Fish Collection, Tulsa.Oklahoma. USA.

1913. OS: Oregon State University, Corvallis. Includes: allfishes formerly at Oregon State University, School of Ocean-ography (OSUO). Obsolete as: OSU, OSCMNH. Current as: OS(fishes), OSUMNH (herps). Oregon. USA.

1914. UO: University of Oregon Museum of Natural andCultural History, Eugene. Obsolete as: UOMNH. Current as: UO(fossils). Oregon. USA.

1915. ANSP: The Academy of Natural Sciences ofPhiladelphia, Philadelphia. Also known as: Academy ofNatural Sciences of Drexel University (for marketingpurposes). Includes: paleontological collection of theAmerican Philosophical Society transferred in the late1840s; specimens from Wistar Institute (WIAP), Commer-cial Museum of Philadelphia (CMP), Duke University (DU)and Delaware Museum of Natural History (DMNH); privatecollections of Charles Lucien Bonaparte and EdwardDrinker Cope. Current as: ANSP (fishes, herps, fossils).Pennsylvania. USA.

1916. CM: Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pitts-burgh. Note: fishes transferred mostly to FMNH, CAS andCUMV ca. 1952. Obsolete as: CMNH. Current as: CM (herps,fossils). Pennsylvania. USA.

1917. ESUP: East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg.Current as: ESUP (fishes, herps). Pennsylvania. USA.

1918. EUP: Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Depart-ment of Biology and Health Services, Edinboro. Current as:EUP (herps). Pennsylvania. USA.

1919. LU: Lehigh University, Bethlehem. Note: most fluid-preserved and skeletal specimens of amphibians and non-avian reptiles transferred to American Museum of NaturalHistory (AMNH) in 2013. Pennsylvania. USA.

1920. PCM: Philadelphia Commercial Museum, Philadel-phia. Note: renamed Philadelphia Civic Center Museum in

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1952; completely closed in 1994; extant fishes (mostly fromPhilippines) transferred to ANSP in 1917; some PCM herpspecimens also at ANSP. Pennsylvania. USA.

1921. PM: Charles Willson Peale’s Philadelphia Museum,Philadelphia. Note: closed in 1846 with half of collection soldto the Boston Museum in 1850 and later transferred to theMuseum of Comparative Anatomy (MCZ) in 1914. Pennsyl-vania. USA.

1922. PSU: Pennsylvania State University, University Park.Pennsylvania. USA.

1923. PSUA: Pennsylvania State University at Altoona,Altoona. Also as: PSUaa. Pennsylvania. USA.

1924. SMP: The State Museum of Pennsylvania, Harris-burg. Also known as: State Museum of Paleontology. Current as:SMP VP (fossils). Pennsylvania. USA.

1925. WFI: Wagner Free Institute of Science, Philadelphia.Note: institution extant, but disposition of some historicalspecimens unknown (e.g., holotype of Trachemys euglypha).Pennsylvania. USA.

1926. WIAP: Wistar Institute, Philadelphia. Formerly: Wis-tar Institute of Anatomy. Note: some historical specimens (e.g.,Borneo fishes) now at ANSP. Pennsylvania. USA.

1927. YC: York College Fish Collection, York. Pennsylva-nia. USA.

1928. MZUPRRP: Museo Zoologico, University of PuertoRico, Rio Piedras. Note: collection separate from University ofPuerto Rico, Mayaguez (UPRM). Obsolete as: UPRRP. Current as:MZUPRRP. Puerto Rico. USA.

1929. UPRM: University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. Note:collection separate from Museo Zoologico, University ofPuerto Rico, Rio Piedras (MZUPRRP). Current as: UPRM (fishes,herps), UPRMP (fossils, Department of Geology PaleontologyCollection). Also as: UPR. Puerto Rico. USA.

1930. NMFSN: National Marine Fisheries Service, North-east Fisheries Center Fish Collection, Narraganset. RhodeIsland. USA.

1931. URIZ: University of Rhode Island, Department ofZoology, Kingston. Rhode Island. USA.

1932. ChM: Charleston Museum, Charleston. Note: mostfishes and herps transferred to North Carolina Museum ofNatural Sciences (NCSM), but small collection of regionalspecimens retained. Incorrect as: CMR. Obsolete as: CR. Alsoas: CHM (ChM preferred). South Carolina. USA.

1933. CUSC: Clemson University, Department of BiologicalSciences, Vertebrate Collections, Clemson. South Carolina.USA.

1934. GMBL: Grice Marine Biological Laboratory, Charles-ton. South Carolina. USA.

1935. SCMRRI: South Carolina Marine Resources ResearchInstitute, Charleston. Obsolete as: SCMRI. South Carolina.USA.

1936. USC: University of South Carolina, Belle W. BaruchInstitute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Columbia. SouthCarolina. USA.

1937. BHI: Museum at Black Hills Institute of GeologicalResearch, Inc., Hill City. Current as: BHI (fossils). SouthDakota. USA.

1938. NHFC: Natural Heritage Fish Collection, Departmentof Natural Resource Management, South Dakota State Uni-versity, Brookings. Current as: NHFC (fishes). South Dakota.USA.

1939. SDSM: South Dakota School of Mines, Museum ofGeology, Rapid City. Current as: SDSM (fossils). South Dakota.

USA.1940. USDOM: University of South Dakota, W.H. Over

Museum, Vermillion. South Dakota. USA.1941. APSU: Austin Peay State University, Museum, Clar-

kesville. Current as: APSU (fishes). Tennessee. USA.1942. ETMNH: East Tennessee State University and General

Shale Brick Natural History Museum and Gray Fossil Site.Current as: ETMNH (fossils). See also: ETVP. Tennessee. USA.

1943. ETVP: Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, Depart-ment of Geosciences, East Tennessee State University, JohnsonCity. Note: fossil collection includes skeletons of Recent herps.Current as: ETVP (fossils). See also: ETMNH. Tennessee. USA.

1944. GSMNP: Great Smoky Mountains National Park,Natural Resource Collection [scientific study series], Gatlin-burg. Note: beginning in 1967, specimens transferred tovarious institutions on indefinite loan, including Universityof North Carolina (UNC; fishes now at North CarolinaMuseum of Natural Sciences, NCSM), Hiwassee College(herps, recalled ca. 1973), Cincinnati Museum of NaturalHistory (CMC, herps) and US National Museum of NaturalHistory (USNM). Obsolete as: GRSM. Current as: GSMNP.Tennessee. USA.

1945. MSUMZ: University of Memphis, Museum of Zool-ogy, Memphis. Formerly: Memphis State University. Tennessee.USA.

1946. UT: University of Tennessee, Department of Zoology,Knoxville. Current as: UT (fishes, David A. Etnier Ichthyolog-ical Collection; herps). Tennessee. USA.

1947. UTMCV: University of Tennessee at Martin, FishCollection, Martin. Tennessee. USA.

1948. ASNHC: Angelo State Natural History Collection,Angelo State University, San Angelo. Current as: ASNHC(herps). Texas. USA.

1949. FWM: Fort Worth Museum of Science and History,Fort Worth. Obsolete as: FWMNH. Texas. USA.

1950. HMNS: Houston Museum of Natural Science, Hous-ton. Note: Recent herp collection transferred to Texas A&MUniversity, College Station (TCWC). Current as: HMNS(fossils). Texas. USA.

1951. MBI: Marine Biomedical Institute, University ofTexas Medical Branch at Galveston, Galveston. Texas. USA.

1952. MUVP: Midwestern University Vertebrate Paleontol-ogy Collection, Snyder. Current as: MUVP (fossils). Texas. USA.

1953. MWSU: Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls.Note: fish collection transferred to University of Texas atAustin (TNHC); herp collection transferred to Texas A&MUniversity, College Station (TCWC). Also as: MU (herps).Texas. USA.

1954. NC: Navarro College, Biology Department, Corsica-na. Texas. USA.

1955. NNTRC: National Natural Toxins Research Center,Texas A&M University-Kingsville. Texas. USA.

1956. PMNS: Perot Museum of Nature and Science, Dallas.Formerly: Dallas Museum of Natural History (DMNH). Obsoleteas: DMNH. Current as: PMNS (fishes, herps). Texas. USA.

1957. SMBU: Strecker Museum, Mayborn Museum Com-plex, Baylor University, Waco. Includes: Bryce C. BrownCollection (BCBC). Obsolete as: BU, SM. Current as: SMBU(fishes, herps). Texas. USA.

1958. SMPSMU: Shuler Museum of Paleontology, SouthernMethodist University, Dallas. Current as: SMPSMU (fossils).Also as: SMP, SMU (fossils). Texas. USA.

1959. SRSU: Sul Ross State University, Alpine. Also known

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as: The University of the Big Bend. Texas. USA.1960. TAMUG: Texas A&M University at Galveston, De-

partment of Marine Biology, Galveston. Current as: TAMUG(fishes). See also: TCWC. Texas. USA.

1961. TCU: Texas Christian University Collection, FortWorth. Assigned here: TCU. Texas. USA.

1962. TCWC: Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collec-tions (BRTC), Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences,Texas A&M University, College Station. Formerly: TexasCooperative Wildlife Collection. Includes: Texas A&M Univer-sity Systematic Collection of Marine Organisms, Departmentof Oceanography (TAMU/DO); herp collections from Mid-western State University (MWSU), University of North Texas,Witte Museum (WMSA) and Houston Museum of NaturalScience (HMNS). Obsolete as: BRTC (herps). Current as: TCWC(fishes, herps). See also: TAMUG. Texas. USA.

1963. TNHC: University of Texas Biodiversity Collections(UTBC), University of Texas at Austin. Formerly: Texas NaturalHistory Collections administered by Texas Memorial Museum(TMM) and Texas Natural Science Center (TNSC). Includes:collections from Lamar University, Beaumont (fishes), Mid-western State University, Wichita Falls (MWSU; fishes),Museum of Texas Tech University, Lubbock (TTU; fishes,herps), Texas A&M University-Kingsville [formerly Texas A&IUniversity (TAIC; fishes)], Texas State University, San Marcos(TSUSM), University of Texas at Brownsville (fishes, herps),University of Texas Marine Science Institute, Port Aransas(UTMSI) and Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE;herps) as well as private herp collections of Tom C. Scanlon(TCS) and Ralph W. Axtell (RWA). In error as: UTA. Obsolete as:TNHM. Current as: TNHCI (fishes), TNHCH (herps). Texas. USA.

1964. TSUSM: Texas State University, San Marcos. Formerly:Southwest Texas State Normal School, later Southwest TexasState University. Note: uncataloged teaching collection extant,research collection unknown; some fish specimens transferredto University of Texas at Austin (TNHC). Texas. USA.

1965. TTU: Museum of Texas Tech University, Lubbock. Note:fish and herp collections transferred to University of Texas atAustin (TNHC). Current as: NSRL (tissue collection, NaturalScience Research Laboratory), TTU P (fossils). Texas. USA.

1966. UTA: University of Texas at Arlington, Department ofBiology. In error as: University of Texas at Austin (Schleip &O’Shea 2010). Obsolete as: UTADC (herps). Current as: UTA-A(amphibians). Also as: UTACV (Collection of Vertebrates).Texas. USA.

1967. UTEP: University of Texas at El Paso, BiodiversityCollections, El Paso. Formerly: Museum of Arid Land Biology(MALB), Department of Biological Sciences, Texas WesternCollege. Obsolete as: MALB. Current as: UTEP (fishes, herps,fossils). Texas. USA.

1968. WMSA: Witte Museum, San Antonio. Formerly: WitteMemorial Museum (1926–1984). Note: herp collection trans-ferred to Texas A&M University, College Station (TCWC).Obsolete as: WMM. Current as: WMSA. Texas. USA.

1969. BYU: Brigham Young University, Monte L. Bean LifeScience Museum, Provo. Current as: BYU. Also as: MLBM(fishes). Utah. USA.

1970. CEUM: College of Eastern Utah Prehistoric Museum,Price. Current as: CEUM (fossils). Also as: CEU (fossils). Utah.USA.

1971. DINO: Dinosaur National Monument, US NationalPark Service, Uintah County. Current as: DINO (fossils). Utah.USA.

1972. TPII: Museum of Ancient Life, Lehi. Current as: TPII(fossils). Utah. USA.

1973. UMNH: The Natural History Museum of Utah(NHMU), University of Utah, Salt Lake City. Formerly: UtahMuseum of Natural History. Obsolete as: UU, UUVP, UUZM.Current as: UMNH (fishes, herps), UMNH VP (fossils). Utah.USA.

1974. GMU: George Mason University, Vertebrate Collec-tion, Fairfax. Virginia. USA.

1975. ODU: Old Dominion University, Department ofBiology, Norfolk. Virginia. USA.

1976. RC: Roanoke College, Biology Department, Salem.Virginia. USA.

1977. UR: University of Richmond, Department of Biology.Note: fish collection transferred to Virginia Institute of MarineScience (VIMS) in 1993. Virginia. USA.

1978. VCU: Virginia Commonwealth University, Rich-mond. Note: fish collection transferred to Virginia Institute ofMarine Science (VIMS). Virginia. USA.

1979. VIMS: Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Glouces-ter Point. Includes: fishes formerly cataloged at ChesapeakeBiological Laboratory, University of Maryland, Solomons(VIMS-CBL), University of Richmond, Virginia (VIMS-UR)and Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), all assignednew VIMS catalog numbers. Current as: VIMS (fishes, NunnallyIchthyological Collection). Virginia. USA.

1980. VISR: Virginia Institute for Scientific Research, AllenT. Gwathney Laboratory on University of Richmond campus,Richmond. Note: collection no longer extant; some fishestransferred to The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia(ANSP). Virginia. USA.

1981. VMNH: Virginia Museum of Natural History, Martins-ville. Current as: VMNH (fossils). Virginia. USA.

1982. AFSC: Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NationalMarine Fisheries Service, Seattle. Note: fish and otolithcollection largely transferred to Burke Museum (UW). Wash-ington. USA.

1983. CRCM: Charles R. Conner Museum, WashingtonState University, Pullman. Obsolete as: WSU. Current as: CRCM.Washington. USA.

1984. CWS: Central Washington State University, Depart-ment of Biology, Ellensburg. Formerly: Central WashingtonState College (CWSC), 1961–1977. Washington. USA.

1985. PLU: Pacific Lutheran University, Parkland. Wash-ington. USA.

1986. PSM: Slater Museum of Natural History, University ofPuget Sound, Tacoma. Obsolete as: CPS, UPS. Current as: PSM.Washington. USA.

1987. SOUA: Southern Oregon University, Ashland. Former-ly: Southern Oregon College (SOC, 1956–1975), SouthernOregon State College (1975–1979). Washington. USA.

1988. UWBM: University of Washington, Burke Museum ofNatural History and Culture, Seattle. Includes: fishes andotoliths collected by the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC).Obsolete as: BMUW, MNHW, UW, UWF, UWFC. Current as: UW(fishes), UWBM (herps). Washington. USA.

1989. WVBS: West Virginia Biological Survey collection atMarshall University, Huntington. West Virginia. USA.

1990. MPM: Milwaukee Public Museum, Vertebrate Zoolo-gy, Milwaukee. Current as: MPM. Wisconsin. USA.

1991. UWGB: Richter Museum of Natural History, Univer-sity of Wisconsin, Green Bay. Wisconsin. USA.

1992. UWM: University of Wisconsin, Zoology Depart-

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ment, Milwaukee. Wisconsin. USA.1993. UWSP: University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Mu-

seum of Natural History, Stevens Point. Wisconsin. USA.1994. UWZM: University of Wisconsin Zoological Museum,

Madison. Obsolete as: UWZS, USW. Current as: UWZM.Wisconsin. USA.

1995. PALEON: Glenrock Paleontological Museum, Glen-rock. Current as: PALEON (fossils). Wyoming. USA.

1996. SC: Sheridan College, Sheridan. Current as: SC(fossils). Wyoming. USA.

1997. UWGM: University of Wyoming Geological Museum,Laramie. Current as: UWGM (fossils). Also as: UW (fossils). Seealso: UWYMV (Recent fishes, herps). Wyoming. USA.

1998. UWYMV: University of Wyoming, Museum of Verte-brates, Laramie. Obsolete as: UWL. See also: UWGM (fossils).Wyoming. USA.

1999. WYDICE: Wyoming Dinosaur Center, Thermopolis.Current as: WYDICE (fossils). Also as: WDC (fossils). Wyoming.USA.

2000. CG: Private collection of Chapman Grant (1887–1983). Note: status unknown. USA.

2001. EHT: Private collection of Edward H. Taylor. Note:specimens deposited primarily at CAS, CM, FMNH, KU &UIMNH. USA.

2002. HM: HerpMapper Project (launched Sep 2013, globalin scope); unique HM numbers catalog observations submittedby citizen scientists to online database (www.herpmapper.org)and have been cited in publications (e.g., HerpetologicalReview). USA.

2003. NPS: National Park Service, US Department of theInterior. Note: specimens collected on lands administered bythe US National Park Service are the property of NPS, but maybe deposited on loan at a non-NPS repository that meets federalrequirements. The non-NPS repository may assign its owncatalog numbers and should cross reference them to NPScatalog numbers; NPS catalogs lots using unique combinationof 4-letter abbreviation (specific to NPS Unit where specimenswere collected) and up to 6 digit number (e.g., UPDE 123456refers to a specimen lot from the Upper Delaware Scenic andRecreational River). Such specimens should be cited using boththe NPS and non-NPS repository catalog numbers (e.g., ANSP187723 [NPS UPDE 2153]). USA.

2004. RNMT: Republican Nature Museum, Tashkent. Alsoknown as: Uzbekistan State Museum of Nature. Note: estab-lished in 1876 as Tashkent Museum. Assigned here: RNMT.Uzbekistan

2005. IFUT: Institute of Flora and Fauna Genofond [GenePool], Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent. See also:IZANUZ. Uzbekistan.

2006. IZANUZ: Institute of Zoology, Academy of Sciences ofUzbekistan, Tashkent. Obsolete as: ANUz (fossils). Current as:IZANUZ (fossils). See also: IFUT. Uzbekistan.

2007. MSGU: Samarkandskij gosudarstvennyj universitet[Samarkand State University], Museum of Department ofZoology, Samarkand. Current as: MSGU (herps). Uzbekistan.

2008. NUUz: Museum of Zoology, National University ofUzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Tashkent. Formerly:Central Asian State University (1923–1960), V.I. Lenin Tash-kent State University (1960–1990). Current as: NUUz (birds).Uzbekistan.

2009. TASU: Tashkent State University, Tashkent. Current as:TASU (birds). Uzbekistan.

2010. MAC-PAY: Ministerio de Agricultura y Crıa, Instituto

Nacional de Investigaciones Agrıcolas (INIA), Estacion Exper-imental Amazonas, Puerto Ayacucho. Current as: MAC-PAY. Seealso: INIA, MAC-APU. Amazonas. Venezuela.

2011. MAC-APU: Ministerio de Agricultura y Crıa, InstitutoNacional de Investigaciones Agrıcolas (INIA), Estacion Exper-imental Apure, San Fernando de Apure. See also: INIA, MAC-PAY. Apure. Venezuela.

2012. EBRG: Ministerio del Ambiente y de los RecursosNaturales Renovables (MARN), Museo de la Estacion Biologiade Rancho Grande, Maracay. Obsolete as: DISCA, MARNR.Current as: EBRG (fishes, herps). Aragua. Venezuela.

2013. MIZA: Museo del Instituto de Zoologıa AgrıcolaFrancisco Fernandez Yepez, Universidad Central de Venezuela,Maracay Campus, Maracay. Obsolete as: UCV. Current as: MIZA(herps). See also: MBUCV. Aragua. Venezuela.

2014. CIR-EDHIG: Estacion de Investigaciones Hidrobiolog-icas de Guayana, Fundacion La Salle de Ciencias Naturales,Campus Guayana, San Felix, Ciudad Guayana. Obsolete as: CRI-EDHIG. Current as: CIR-EDHIG (fishes). Bolıvar. Venezuela.

2015. MMK: Museo de la Mision de Kavanayen, Kavanayen.Bolıvar. Venezuela.

2016. FCLR: Fundacion Cientıfica Los Roques, Caracas.Districto Federal. Venezuela.

2017. IVO: Serpentario del Instituto Venezolano de Ofidio-logıa, Caracas. Districto Federal. Venezuela.

2018. MACLPI: Ministerio de Agricultura y Crıa, Seccion dePesca Interior y Piscicultura, Caracas. Note: indicated for typespecimens of fishes described by Fernandez-Yepez, but repos-itory no longer extant. Districto Federal. Venezuela.

2019. MBUCV: Museo de Biologıa de la Universidad Centralde Venezuela, Caracas. Note: founded in 1949; collectionsrelocated to Instituto de Zoologıa y Ecologıa Tropical (IZET) in1965; separate collections denoted by Roman numerals such asI (mammals), II (birds), III (reptiles), IV (amphibians) and V(fishes). Current as: MBUCV (fishes, herps), MBUCV-V (fishes),MBUCV-IV (amphibians), MBUCV-III (reptiles). See also: MIZA.Districto Federal. Venezuela.

2020. MCN-USB: Museo de Ciencias Naturales, UniversidadSimon Bolıvar, Caracas. Current as: MCN-USB (fossils). DistrictoFederal. Venezuela.

2021. MCNC: Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Los Caobos(Plaza Morelos), Caracas. Obsolete as: MCN (fossils). Current as:MCNC (fishes, herps, fossils). Districto Federal. Venezuela.

2022. MHNLS: Museo de Historia Natural La Salle, Funda-cion La Salle de Ciencias Naturales, Caracas. Formerly: Museo deCiencias Naturales. Note: established in 1940 as part of Sociedadde Ciencias Naturales La Salle (SCNLS) in Colegio La Salle deTienda Honda, Caracas. Obsolete as: SCN, MNHLS. Current as:MHNLS (fishes, herps). See also: CRI-EDHIG (Campus Guaya-na). Districto Federal. Venezuela.

2023. AMU-CURS: Coleccion de Paleontologıa de Vertebra-dos de la Alcaldıa Bolivariana de Urumaco, Urumaco. Alsoknown as: Museo Paleontologico de Urumaco (MPU). Currentas: AMU-CURS (fossils). Falcon. Venezuela.

2024. UNEFM: Centro de Investigaciones Antropologicas,Arqueologicas, Paleontologicas (CIAAP), Universidad NacionalExperimental Francisco de Miranda, Coro. Current as: UNEFM(fossils). Also as: UNEFM-CIAAP, UNEFM-PF (fossils). Falcon.Venezuela.

2025. CPUCLA: Coleccion Regional de Peces, UniversidadCentroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA), Barquisimeto.Lara. Venezuela.

2026. CVULA: Universidad de los Andes, Coleccion de

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Vertebrados, Merida. Note: separate from ULABG at sameinstitution. Obsolete as: ULAM. Current as: CVULA. Also as:CV-ULA (herps). Merida. Venezuela.

2027. ULABG: Universidad de Los Andes, Laboratorio deBiogeografia, Collection of Amphibians and Reptiles, Merida.Note: separate from CVULA at same institution. Obsolete as:ULAM. Current as: ULABG (herps). Merida. Venezuela.

2028. IVIC: Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cien-tıficas, San Antonio de los Altos. Current as: IVIC (fossils), OR(fossils, ‘‘El Breal de Orocual’’ collection). Miranda. Venezuela.

2029. MMM: Museo Marino de Margarita, Boca del Rıo, IslaMargarita. Note: founded in 1994. Current as: MMM-CI (fishes,coleccion ictiologica), MMM-CI-E (fishes, coleccion de exhib-icion). Nueva Esparta. Venezuela.

2030. MOBR: Museo Oceanologico Hermano BenignoRoman, Estacion de Investigaciones Marinas de Margarita(EDIMAR or EIMM), Fundacion La Salle de Ciencias Naturales,Isla de Margarita. Obsolete as: FLSM, EIMM, MOBR-EDIMAR.Current as: MOBR. Nueva Esparta. Venezuela.

2031. UDONECI: Universidad de Oriente, Nucleo de NuevaEsparta, Centro de Investigaciones Cientıficas, Porlamar, IslaMargarita. Also as: UDOV. Nueva Esparta. Venezuela.

2032. MCNG: Museo de Ciencias Naturales de UNELLEZ,Guanare. Also known as: Museo de Zoologıa. Current as:MCNG. Portuguesa. Venezuela.

2033. MMUDO: Museo del Mar [Museo Marino de Cuma-na], Universidad de Oriente, Cumana. Obsolete as: UDO,UOIO. Current as: MMUDO. Sucre. Venezuela.

2034. INIA: Ministerio de Agricultura y Crıa, InstitutoNacional de Investigaciones Agrıcolas (INIA), Estacion LocalEl Lago, Maracaibo. Current as: INIA (fishes). See also: MAC-APU, MAC-PAY. Zulia. Venezuela.

2035. MBLUZ: Museo de Biologıa de la Universidad delZulia, Maracaibo. Obsolete as: BLUZ. Current as: MBLUZ(fishes, herps), MBLUZ-P (fossils). Zulia. Venezuela.

2036. AFY: Private collection of Agustın Fernandez-Yepez.Note: extant fishes at Field Museum of Natural History(FMNH), Museo de Biologıa de la Universidad Central deVenezuela (MBUCV), Museo de Historia Natural La Salle(MHNLS). Venezuela.

2037. RIA1: Research Institute for Aquaculture no. 1 [VienNghien curu Nuoi trong Thuy san 1], Dinh Bang, Tu Son.Formerly: Dinh Bang Research Station. Includes: fish types ofNguyen & Doan 1969. Obsolete as: ARI, NCNTTSI, RIAH(Research Institute for Aquaculture at Hanoi, code used byRoberts & Catania 2008 but not maintained by RIA1 staff).Current as: RIA1 (fishes). Bac Ninh. Vietnam.

2038. CTU: Can Tho University, Can Tho. Current as: CTU(fishes). Can Tho. Vietnam.

2039. HNUE: Hanoi National University of Education,Museum of Biology, Hanoi. Also known as: Hanoi Universityof Pedagogy, Truong Dai hoc Su pham or University of SuPham. Includes: fishes described by Nguyen Huu Duc. Note:small fish and herp collection separate from VietnamNational University, Hanoi (VNUH). Current as: HNUE (fishes,herps). Also as: HUE. Hanoi. Vietnam.

2040. IEBR: Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources,Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST), CauGiay District, Hanoi. Formerly: National Center for NaturalScience and Technology (NCST) of Vietnam. Current as: IEBR.See also: VNMN. Hanoi. Vietnam.

2041. LSNUI: Laboratoire des Sciences Naturelles, Univer-site-Indochinoise, Hanoi, Vietnam. Note: no longer extant,

specimens now in Museum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris(MNHN). Hanoi. Vietnam.

2042. VNMN: Vietnam National Museum of Nature,Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST), CauGiay District, Hanoi. Current as: VNMN (fishes, herps). Seealso: IEBR. Hanoi. Vietnam.

2043. VNUF: Department of Wildlife, Faculty of ForestResources and Environmental Management, Vietnam Na-tional University of Forestry, Xuan Mai, Chuong My. Alsoknown as: Vietnam Forestry University (VFU). Obsolete as:VFU. Current as: VNUF (herps). Hanoi. Vietnam.

2044. VNUH: Vietnam National University, Hanoi. In-cludes: Department of Vertebrate Zoology, University ofTong-Hop (DVZUT), Also known as Zoology Museum, Uni-versity of Hanoi (LZUH, ZMUH), merged into VNUH in 1993.Obsolete as: CRES (Center for Natural Resources and Environ-mental Studies), HNUV, LZUH, NUH, VUNH, DVZUT, ZMUH.Current as: VNUH (fishes, herps). Also as: ZMVNU (mammals).Hanoi. Vietnam.

2045. ITBCZ: Institute of Tropical Biology (ITB) Collectionof Zoology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology(VAST), Ho Chi Minh City [ex Saigon]. Obsolete as: ITBMZ.Current as: ITBCZ (herps). See also: SIEZC. Ho Chi Minh City.Vietnam.

2046. RIA2: Research Institute for Aquaculture no. 2 [VienNghien curu Nuoi trong Thuy san 2], Ho Chi Minh City [exSaigon]. Ho Chi Minh City. Vietnam.

2047. SIEZC: Department of Zoology, Southern Institute ofEcology (SIE), Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology(VAST), District 1, Ho Chi Minh City [ex Saigon]. Note:established in 2012 to expand Center for Biodiversity andDevelopment (CBD) formerly based at the Institute ofTropical Biology (ITB). Current as: SIEZC (herps). See also:ITBCZ. Ho Chi Minh City. Vietnam.

2048. TDHSP: Truong Dai Hoc Su Pham [Ho Chi Minh CityPedagogical University], Zoological Collection, Ho Chi MinhCity [ex Saigon]. Ho Chi Minh City. Vietnam.

2049. UNS: University of Natural Sciences, VietnamNational University, Ho Chi Minh City [ex Saigon]. Currentas: UNS (herps). Ho Chi Minh City. Vietnam.

2050. OIM: National Oceanographic Museum of Vietnam,Institute of Oceanography [Vien Hai Duong Hoc], VietnamAcademy of Science and Technology (VAST), Nha Trang.Current as: OIM-E (fishes). Also as: ION. Khanh Hoa. Vietnam.

2051. RIA3: Research Institute for Aquaculture no. 3 [VienNghien curu Nuoi trong Thuy san 3], Nha Trang. Current as:RIA3 (fishes). Khanh Hoa. Vietnam.

2052. VUP: Vinh University, Vinh. Formerly: PedagogicalUniversity of Vinh (1962–2001). Current as: VUP (fishes,herps). Also as: CQ (herps from Chau Quang village), VUM(Vinh University Museum). Nghe. An. Vietnam.

2053. PNKB: Science Research Centre collection, PhongNha-Ke Bang National Park, Bo Trach. Current as: PNKB(herps). Quang Binh. Vietnam.

2054. TBU-PAR: Tay Bac University, Faculty of Biology andChemistry, Son La. Current as: TBU-PAR (herps). Son La.Vietnam.

2055. NHCY: Natural History Collection of Yemen, Sana’a.Note: specimens curated at Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt(SMF). Current as: NHCY (fishes, amphibians). Yemen.

2056. NMZL: Livingstone Museum, Livingstone. Formerly:David Livingstone Memorial Museum established in 1934;Rhodes-Livingstone Museum until 1966. Obsolete as: LM.

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Current as: NMZL (herps). Also as: NMZ (National Museum ofZambia). Zambia.

2057. UNZA: University of Zambia, Lusaka. Current as:UNZA (fishes). Zambia.

2058. CRP: Private collection of Mr. Parry, Harare [Salis-bury]. Zimbabwe.

2059. NMZB: Natural History Museum of Zimbabwe,Bulawayo. Formerly: Rhodesia Museum (RM, 1902–1935),National Museum of [Southern] Rhodesia (1936–1980),National Museum, Salisbury, Rhodesia (NMSR). Includes:collections from Umtali Museum (UM, UMZ) and QueenVictoria Memorial Museum (QVMS), Harare [Salisbury].Obsolete as: NHMZ, NMBZ, NMSR, NZM, QG, RM. Currentas: NMZB (herps). Zimbabwe.

2060. PM: Peterhouse Museum, Marondera. Current as:PM (herps). Zimbabwe.


Four additional institutional codes became available as thisarticle was in production, bringing the total number of codes

listed to 2,064. To avoid renumbering the entire list, these

codes are listed below as the midpoint of the two adjacent

index numbers where the code would have appeared in the

listing (e.g., 193.5 belongs between index numbers 193 and


193.5. CICMG: Colecao Ictiologica do Centro Federal de

Educacao Tecnologica de Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG), Belo

Horizonte. Current as: CICMG (fishes). Minas Gerais. Brazil.

220.5. COPPE-UFRJ: Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pos-

Graduacao e Pesquisa em Engenharia, Universidade Federal do

Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro. Formerly: Coordenacao dos

Programas de Pos-Graduacao e Pesquisa de Engenharia. Current

as: COPPE-UFRJ (fossils). Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.

268.5. MUGEO: Museu Geologico Valdemar Lefevre, Sao

Paulo. Current as: MUGEO (fossils). Sao Paulo. Brazil.

1596.5. NHVUIC: Ichthyological Collection, Nevs�ehir HacıBektas� Veli Universitesi [Haci Bektas Veli Nevsehir University],

Nevs�ehir [ex Neapolis and Mus�kara]. Current as: NHVUIC

(fishes). Also as: NUIC. Nevs�ehir [Nevsehir]. Turkey.

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(PDF) Codes for Natural History Collections in Ichthyology ... - BioOne - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)
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