Hell's greatest Overlords - MysteriousM22 (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Alastor and Husker (or Husk as he was known by friends) were two of Hell’s worst overlords. The Radio demon and the Gambling demon, they were ruthless when it came to what they wanted, but worse than that? They were very close friends. Which meant for other overlords, they had each other as back-up no matter what. Alastor was the more psychotic of the two, the cannibal, sad*stic and reincarnation of evil. While Husk was much more cool and collected, he had to be at the poker tables after all. But they were both extremely charming and charismatic, able to use their ways to persuade anyone into what they wanted. Earning many many souls to fall under their chain, both willingly and not.

The Radio Demon, of course, owned a radio tower that all of hell adored (When music was played) and feared. Why feared? Well because Alastor adored broadcasting his latest hunts. Making everyone hear the pain and suffering he could cause any soul who dared piss him off. While the Gambling Demon owned the most successful casino in hell, the ‘Nine Lives’ casino. Most souls who dared enter would leave empty and hooked on the thrill of the games; Every dice rolled, every card played, every chip placed. They would want more and more until they lost it all, including that soul they onced owned.

Despite their differences, They both knew what power they held.

So when Alastor heard of the Princess of Hell’s little..hotel plan right after their 7 year absence, he quickly scurried to Husk and advised him to join, ignoring the startled noise his cat friend made as he appeared out of nowhere.

“Are ya kidding me Al?” Husker scoffed, brushing some imaginary dust off of his black and gold suit “We just got back and you wanna go?”

“Come now dear friend, wouldn’t it be a good laugh?” Alastor co*cked his head with his normal grin on his lips

“Eh, it’s nice to stir up some sh*t once in a while” Husker shrugged “Why the f*ck not”

“That’s the spirit my feline friend” Alastor clapped his hands together “Shall we?”

Husk chuckled at his friend's enthusiasm, “You are a sucker for chaos, aren’t you?”

Alastor turned to Husk and raised an eyebrow, “Says the gambling cat”

Husker and Alastor look at each other for a few seconds before they both burst out in hysterical laughter. They both took a few minutes to compose themselves as they both knew they were as bad as the other when it came to chaos. Husk finished the whiskey that he had been nursing for a few minutes while his friend had rambled on. He adjusted his crimson bow tie and shuffled his deck of cards for a few seconds. “Are you getting us there?” Husk asked, dusting his suit off.

“Of course, my dear man” Alastor nodded and tossed his microphone cane in his hands for a few seconds before calling on the shadows to appear before both him and Husker. “Are you ready, my good friend?”

Husk nodded and rolled his neck, “Ready when you are Al”

Alastor’s eyes shifted into radio dials as the shadows engulfed them both, dragging them down into the black abyss. Blackness was all the two overlords knew for a few seconds until it cleared up to reveal a run down red building, one that made Husker almost cringe from its brightness. The building was practically covered in broken windows and the name of the hotel was shown in obscenely bright LED lights and on a ratty overhang.

“Here we are Husker, my dear friend!” Alastor smirked

“The..Happy Hotel?” Husk read out loud

“That will definitely change '' Alastor cringed as he read it and he approached the glass mosaic doors. Colourful glass forming…Apples? ‘Perhaps Lucifer’s influence’ Alastor thought to himself. “Shall we” Alastor turned back to his feline friend

Husk examined the hotel exterior once more and nodded.

Alastor knocked on the door three times.

Chapter 2: Here to help?


The Two Overlord's enter the Hotel and speak with Charlie


This is following Canon to some degree, i'm probably gonna change it up after the next chapter

Please don't forget to leave comments!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Husker and Alastor waited for a few minutes as they heard a discussion from inside until the door finally opened to the very Princess of Hell opening the door. Alastor’s static nose fizzed for a second causing the poor girl’s eyes to widen. “Hel-” Alastor began until the door slammed in his face. Until it opened again, “-lo” He finished and it slammed shut again. Causing Husk to snicker slightly, “Well that went well mate” Husk muttered teasingly.

“Shut up puss*cat” Alastor rolled his eyes

“Hey Vaggie..” The Princess’ voice could be heard shouting from inside the hotel and they both could hear her footsteps walk further away from the door.

“Did you have to use the static?” Husk asked gruffly

“I can’t always control it.” Alastor sighed

“Right,” Husk muttered, not really believing Alastor, “But you know Why we are here.”

“Need not worry, my good man..” Alastor started but he had a few second pause and cleared his throat “I am aware of why our presence is needed”

A few seconds later, the footsteps return and the princess stands there, with a (Obviously fake) brave face.

“May I speak now?” Alastor asked in an almost irritated tone, clearly the mention of their purpose irked him.

“You May. But remember you are speaking to Princess Charlie Morningstar, so watch your-” Charlie began until Alastor interrupted her.

He offered his hand out, “Alastor! Pleasure to be meeting you sweetheart, quite the pleasure” Alastor barely let Charlie shake his hand before sauntering inside, “My, My, look at such a dismal place”

Husk chuckled at his friend’s theatrics and saluted the princess “Name’s Husker” he muttered before walking in, “Play nice Al”

Alastor looked back at him and smirked, “When have I ever?” As Alastor turned back to the main lobby he was met with a silver spear.

“Stop right there, cabrón hijo de perra!” A woman with dusty purple-grey skin and white hair held the spear both men assumed her to be this Vaggie Charlie had called to earlier. “I know your game”

Husker grabbed his cards, ready to throw them if needed, but Alastor held up his staff, “Now now Husker”

Husker immediately settled down as the woman pulled her spear away, but he let out a gravelly “Watch yourself”

“I am not letting you hurt anyone, You..You pompous cheesy talk show sh*tlord!” The woman seemed fuming at the sight of Alastor but then turned to Husk and her eyes widened “You’re that gambling demon..”

Husk chuckled, “I’m shocked you know who I am.” He then rolled his eyes “You done now?”

Alastor used his index finger to push the spear away, “Dear if we wanted to hurt anyone..” His eyes shift into radio dials and the room gets darker, static noises could be heard. “we would have done so already”

Husker cleared his throat and Alastor shifted back, causing Both Charlie and Vaggie to stand there dumbfounded for a few seconds.

“Well Hello there cutie~” The Spider demon, Husk quickly recognized as Angel Dust, the p*rn star, purred out as he scurried to Husk.

“Down.” Husker growled out, swatting Angel away.

“Anyway! Back to business.” Alastor clapped his hands, “We are here because we want to help. Don’t we Husker?” The Gambling overlord just grunted in response.

“Say what now” Charlie muttered

“Help!” Alastor repeated, leaning in further, before chuckling and talking into his microphone at the top of his staff, “Hello? Is this thing on?” He muttered sarcastically, before tapping it “Testing, Testing!”

“Stop f*cking around, i heard ya loud and clear” Husker groaned

Charlie got out of her immediate shock and muttered, almost nervously, “you want to..help?”

“With what exactly?” Vaggie, who had a missing eye (Husker noticed) asked

Alastor vanished and appeared between them, wrapping his arms around each female, “Why with this ridiculous thing you are tryna do”

“He means the Hotel” Husker helped out, still examining the room, “Al wants to help ya run it and i’m here to assist as well i suppose”

Charlie turned to Husker, “But why?”

Both Overlords chuckled before Alastor spoke up, “Why does anyone do anything?”

“Ugh you know i hate that line” Husk snarled

“Fun?” Charlie tilted her head

“Sheer Absolute..” Alastor paused for dramatic effect “Boredom!”

“Don’t You own a casino?” Vaggie scoffed, looking at Husker

“Посмотрите.” Husker snarled out, “We don’t need to explain ourselves”

“Now now” Alastor waved his hand “for Decades i have lacked inspiration, My work became mundane”

“Your work is killing people?!” Charlie muttered

“And Hosting Radio shows” Alastor continued on like Charlie hadn’t spoken, “And it was lacking focus, Sure helping Husk was fun but i have come to crave a new form of entertainment, and Husker here is joining” Alastor laughed “after all..”

“The world's a stage and the stage is a world of entertainment” Husker finished it off, clearly bored of his friend's monologue.

“So..” Charlie muttered looking at both Husker and Alastor “Do you two think it’s possible to rehabilitate sinners?”


Used Google Translate so may not be 100% accurate

Vaggie- cabrón hijo de perra= Bastard son of a bitch

Husker-Посмотрите= Watch it

Chapter 3: It's a deal...kind of


Alastor and Husk speak with Charlie and an agreement is struck


Most of this is from the pilot apart from a few bits

Chapter Text

Husker and Alastor looked at each other before bursting out into laughter, Alastor had to hold his side at such a hilarious joke.

“Are you f*cking kidding me Princess?” Husker asked through his laughter

Alastor composed himself and waved his hand, “Of course not! That’s utter nonsense”

“Redemption?” Husker scoffed, “The non-existent humanity”

“No, no, no, no '' Alastor shook his head, “I don’t think there is anything left that could save such pitiful sinners, with what lives they led? Their punishment is this!” Alastor gestured to the burning hellfire that was hell outside the window.

“Why do you think us overlords exist?” Husk scoffed, shuffling his deck of cards out of sheer boredom, “There ain’t any undoing what is done.”

“So then..” Charlie muttered, “Why do you wanna help me if you don’t believe in my cause”

Alastor and Husk shared a glance before Al looked back at Charlie, “Consider it an investment…ongoing entertainment for yours truly”

“He means he wants to watch the scum of the earth struggle to try and ‘do better’ for themselves” Husk muttered, doing quotation marks at ‘do better’.

“We” Alastor corrected before his tone got crueller and his voice filled with static “And only so we can watch them trip and fall down into the fundamental pits of failure. Over and Over.”

Vaggie and Angel looked at the two Overlords before Charlie muttered “Right..”

“Yes indeedy!” Alastor hooked his arm around Charlie’s shoulders and pulled her into the main lobby more, “Who better to help you than we?”

Angel looked at Vaggie before looking at Husk, “So Kitty~” He purred out “What’s the deal with you and smiles?”

“Wait.” Vaggie gawked “You’ve never heard of them before? You’ve been here longer than me?!” Angel shook his head “The Radio Demon? The Gambling demon? You’ve seriously never heard of them?

Angel just shrugged, “Eh, Not big on politics.”

“Oh boy..” Husk chuckled as Vaggie began to explain their stories.

“Overlords seemed to be going missing. He began to topple Overlords who had been in control for centuries..no one had heard of a mortal soul holding that much power…Then he’d broadcast his carnage all over hell, so that everyone could witness his ability. Sinners all over hell began to call him the radio demon..As Lazy as that is. Vaggie explained before turning to Husk. “As for that one..No one really knows how he came to power…just one day the Nine lives casino was the most influential in hell..and well..many speculate what forces those two wield in order to cause the downfalls of some of hell’s most destructive evils''

“Ya wanna know mine?” Husker smirked “Alright. I started off a whole lot less powerful than Al, as he had been dead longer than me. We knew each other in life, we were good pals even. So when i saw his ass causing Chaos in hell..i thought f*ck it and approached him. We very quickly joined forces as I began gambling with these overlords, who stupidly bet their souls, and I won, over and over. So to begin with, that was the point of the casino. To lure in overlords and then Alastor would do his thing”

“So you helped Al kill all those Overlords?” Vaggie muttered

“Alastor. Only I can call him Al.” Husker growled

“But one things for sure” Vaggie turns to Angel again, “They are unpredictable sources of danger”

“Ey Al is the wicked spirit of Mystery” Husker chuckled, but it was cold..threatening even.

“And they are Violent spirits of chaos” Vaggie continued

“Yeah can’t argue there.” Husker smirked, proud of himself.

“Which” Vaggie’s voice got louder from anger and fear “We cannot risk getting involved with unless we wanna end up like those Overlords. Erased.”

“Ya done?” Angel asked, causing Husker to raise an eyebrow and smirk at Angel’s attitude. Angel then turned to Alastor, who was hidden in a corner talking with Charlie, “He’s supposed to be scary? He looks like a strawberry pimp”

Husker snorted and let out a chuckle, “Hmm, You got some attitude on ya”

“Well!” Vaggie folded her arms “I don’t trust them” She turned to Husker, who just smirked, “Either of them.”

“To be fair..do you trust any man?” Angel retorted “Men”

Vaggie sighed and got up to talk to Charlie, “Charlie listen to me..you can’t just trust this creep. He isn’t just a happy face, He’s a wicked deal maker. They are both pure evil.”

Husker growled in a warning.

“They can’t be redeemed” Vaggie continued on like she didn’t hear Husker’s growl, “And most likely looking for a way to destroy everything we are trying to do”
“That’s it-” Husker snarled but Alastor appeared next to him and held his shoulder.

“Easy my good man” Alastor muttered “Let it stew”

And Husk was glad he did because Charlie shook her head and smiled at Vaggie, “We don’t know that..look i know they are bad, and probably don’t even wanna change but the whole point of this is to give people a chance” Charlie turned to Alastor and Husker, who were both looking at a framed photo of Charlie and her parents, “And to have faith things will be better, how can i turn someone away?”

There was a pause as Vaggie and Charlie looked at eachother.

“I can’t, it goes against everything I'm trying to do. Everything I believe in..Just trust me Okay?” Charlie pleaded “I can take care of myself

“Charlie..whatever you do.” Vaggie sighed “Do not make a deal with Him.” She looked at Alastor and static noises filled to room.

Charlie giggled, “Don’t worry, i picked up one thing from my dad” She lowered her voice to mimic her dad “You don’t take sh*t from other demons. Especially not overlords.”

“Okay So Al” Charlie began

“Alastor” Alastor corrected

“Alastor.” Charlie nodded “You are sketchy as f*ck and clearly see what i’m trying to do here as a joke. But I don't. I think everyone deserves a second chance to prove they can be better, So I'm taking your offers to help”

Husker and Alastor smirked

“On the conditions there will be no trickster Voodoo strings attached” Charlie muttered

The two Overlords share a glance before Alastor offers his hand out, “So it's a deal then?” A green light emitted from his hand.

Husker's body glowed a golden colour until it died down and both of them chucked as Charlie shook her head.

“No. No shaking, no deals. I…” Charlie turned away “Hmm.. As Princess of Hell and her to the throne, I hereby order that both of you help with this hotel” Charlie ordered “For as long as you desire…sound fair?”

“Hmm” Alastor hummed, walking to Husker, who silently nodded. “Fair enough”

Husker did a mock bow “Happy to serve…Princess.”

Chapter 4: A new recruit


Niffty joins the fun. The Hotel staff is ready.


I hope you guys enjoy this and please continue to leave comments

Chapter Text

Alastor hummed and let out a little tune..too sinister to be happy but to happy to be evil and he approached Vaggie and tapped her chin, “Smile my dear, you are very fully dressed without one”

Husker tensed at those words and scowled at Alastor, who seemed to ignore him as he hummed one of his favourite jazz tunes. Husk shook his head and glanced around the hotel, “So uh, where are your hotel staff?”

“Oh uh..well..” Charlie shifted on her feet nervously and glanced at Vaggie, who stood there with her hands in her hips.

“Oh!” Alastor chuckled and smirked “You are gonna need more than that” He shrugged as he turned to Angel, “And what can you do my effeminate fellow?”

“I can suck ya dick” Angel grinned

“Ha No” Alastor stated

“Heh” Angel lent on his hand “Your loss”

Husker kissed his teeth at the sight of Alastor being hit on by the p*rn demon, a small ping of jealousy in his chest but he immediately shook it off due to the fact he knew Al would never. Angel is far too..outgoing for Alastor’s type.

“Well this just won’t do, will it Husk my friend?” Alastor sighed

“Won't you?” Charlie tilted her head

“He means it’s filthy and pitiful in here” Husker stated

“I suppose I can cash in a favour or a few” Alastor shrugged “Just to liven things up” He waved his hand and the broken down fireplace lit up with an orange glow. A black figure fell down it causing Charlie to gasp, Alastor smirked and approached the fireplace and grabbed the shadowy figure.

The figure’s singular eye opened and they shook off, revealing a small red maid with just the cutest smile.

“This little darling is Niffty!” Alastor beamed as he dropped her

Nifty beamed and waved at the three new faces, “Hi! I’m Niffty, It’s nice to meet you” Her face got a little creepy as she examined them “It’s been a while since i’ve made new friends” She then pouted “But why are you all women?”

Husker snickered as Angel made an irritated, pouting face, “Behave Nif”

Nifty giggled and began looking around, even picking up Charlie and looking under her “Are there any other men here!” She squeaks and shakes her head “Sorry that’s rude” She finally looks around the hotel and gasps “Oh Man! This place is filthy!” Niffty began to run around the hotel, “It really needs a lady’s touch..which is weird because you are all ladies..no offence”

“Excuse me!” Angel pouted “I am not a lady!”

Husker bursted into laughter and watched as Niffty began to clean up the hotel already, while Charlie and Vaggie stared in shock. “Eh I’ll work if you make a bar” Husk turned to Alastor.

“NO! No bar” Vaggie snapped out “No Alcohol! This is supposed to be a place that discourages sin”

Alastor ignores her and creates a nice looking bar for Husker to man.

“No! It’s not some kind of awful man cave!” Vaggie continued until Angel jumped on her.

“Shut up! Shut up!” Angel snapped “We are keeping this!” He then approached the bar, which Husker now stood behind and leant on it, “Hey~”

Husker rolled his eyes and smirked. Yeah this was gonna be fun.

“So? What do you think?” Alastor asked

Charlie’s eyes lit up “This is amazing!”

Chapter 5: A chance.


The Hotel learns slightly more about the two overlords and Charlie gets a phone call...


Sorry it's a little delayed but i hope you enjoy!

Chapter Text

Vaggie looked extremely concerned but trusted Charlie, She trusted Charlie with her life, so she just went along with it.

Husk just stood behind the bar, sipping on a bottle of whiskey he now had. Alastor and Angel sat on the stools in front, “Old fashioned for Al and..” Husk turned to the spider “Some sort of pink, fruity co*cktail?”

Angel let out a giggle, “How the hell did ya know that whiskers?”

Husker shrugged, “I’ve been serving drinks for years, I make Al drinks when i’m bored and you seem the type. Also Don’t call me whiskers.”

Angel rolled his eyes and scoffed, “You’ll warm up to me someday” He then tried to shift his seduction to Alastor.

Alastor just smirked and shook his head, “Never going to happen.” He took a sip of his drink, glancing at Husker before turning his attention back to Angel, “So a contracted soul hmm?”

“H-how did cha know?” Angel seemed to tense at that, the drink he held pausing just to his lips.

“We are Overlords. We can detect when other souls aren’t free” Husker explained

“Heh, impressive” Angel muttered and diverted the chat from him back to them, “So you gamble?”

“I do” Husker nodded, “So does Al.”

“Only on occasion.” Alastor hummed, “And Only when the stakes are high.”

Angel giggled, “I’d expect nothing less from a mad man.”

A good few hours pass, until the sound of a phone ringing breaks everyone out of their bubbles. Alastor cringed at the noise, “I detest technology.”

“Modern technology.” Husker corrected

Alastor scoffed and rolled his eyes, “Oh shush you pesky cat”

“My dad’s calling” Charlie muttered before her eyes, “OH sh*t..my dad's calling!” Before anyone could say anything, Charlie sprinted down the hall to take the call.

The two Overlords shared a glance, “Her father?” Husker muttered and Alastor hummed with a smirk, “The King of Hell hmm? Interesting”

A few minutes later, Charlie returned with an excited smile, “My father wants ME to go speak with the Leader of the Exterminations!”

“I’m sorry what?!” Vaggie hissed out

“Isn’t this exciting!” Charlie beamed, “I could show them all about the Hotel and my plans!”

“Al..” Husker whispered in an almost concerned tone

“Now now Husker” Alastor whispered “i know your fear, need not worry my gambling friend”

“But Charlie..” Vaggie muttered “What could they want so soon after the extermination..”

“Who knows!” Charlie shrugged “But I can talk to them! This is amazing”

“Not Alone, princess.” Alastor shook his head and spoke

“Huh?” Charlie muttered and tilted his head

“I shall be accompanying you Dear” Alastor spoke

“Al?” Husk turned to him, confused

“If, of course, that is okay with you Husker?” Alastor asked him

“Yeah..sure, i’ll stay and man the bar” Husk nodded

Alastor clapped his hands in appreciation, “Thank you my dear friend!”

Angel let out a giggle and sat at the bar top, “You wanna stay here with lil old me Husky?”

Husker grunted and rolled his eyes, “Actually it’s just so you lot don’t destroy this hotel”

“Hehe we won’t!” Niffty giggled

“Come on then!” Charlie giggled and she ran out of the hotel, buzzing and full of energy

“Charlie Wait!” Vaggie called after her, running to the hotel doors but she was long gone. Alastor chuckled at the princess’ enthusiasm but shook his head and turned to his fellow Overlord friend.

“Husker. Clean up this place while we are gone” Alastor asked politely, “And change the name. The Happy hotel is ghastly”

Husker nodded and waved his clawed hand, causing his cane to appear, “Got it Boss” He said playfully, causing Alastor to roll his eyes.

“We are Equals, my good man, you know this.” Alastor muttered but smirked at his friend and left the hotel, quickly following after Charlie.

Chapter 6: A Happy day in Hell..at last?


Charlie and Alastor make their way to the meeting.

Chapter Text

Alastor quickly located the..dancing princess? “You seem to be in a remarkable mood my dear” he muttered

“Of Course!” Charlie nodded, “I have a chance!”

“A chance?” Alastor co*cked his head, his signature smile on his face

“To redeem sinners!” Charlie beamed, and Alastor laughed for a few minutes.

“You seem really invested in this..” Alastor observed

“Of course!” Charlie nodded and exhaled, “Today is gonna be a happy day in hell! I just know it!” Charlie walked ahead and began humming a tune

Alastor stayed back, walking a few paces behind her, just watching the Morningstar princess, “Today is going to be a happy day in hell hmm?” He hummed to himself before chuckling, "Well we’ll see.”

The pair walked around the burning streets of hell, many MANY sinners staring at the unlikely pair. The Princess of hell with the infamously bad Radio demon? The sinners who started immediately turned away as they met the horrifying red eyes of Alastor. Charlie continued to skip down the street humming her turn.

“My my someone is a little excited” Alastor chuckled

“Of course I am!” Charlie beamed, “I can do this, I just know it!”

Alastor hummed

“I’ll get heaven behind my plan..” Charlie continued, starting to almost..sing?

“I hear heaven is a tricky bunch” Alastor chuckled

“There’s just no way..i can blow it” Charlie shook her head as they reached the heaven building..the one space untouchable by demons, unable to destroy, “Not this once-in-a-lifetime chance..” She turned to Alastor “To change their minds, and-”

Before charlie could continue a random demon stepped in front of her and flashed her, “Touch my parts”

Charlie cringed and hid her face “Oh uh no thank you..I’m gonna..” She quickly moved away from the demon, “Fulfil my destiny!”

“Your loss Bitch” The demon scoffed and Alastor leant down

“Call her that again pig.” Alastor growled out

“Oh sh*t..uh sorry princess” The demon mumbled and scurried away

“I can already tell..” Charlie ran up the stair of the embassy “Today is gonna be a f*cking happy day in Hell!”

Alastor slowly clapped his hands, “Bravo princess” He strided up the stair behind her, “What an excellent voice you have”

Charlie blushed out of embarrassment and let out a nervous giggle, “Oh uh..thank you Alastor, that’s actually a really nice thing to say”

“Hmm” Alastor hummed, “Don’t get used to it”

“I won’t” Charlie beamed as she rushed inside the building. “Hello!” She called out, the sound of her voice echoing through the room. It looked like a sort of church..Charlie had never been in them so she wasn’t sure..but the walls were painted white and with golden accents, the glass windows depicting important events on earth, the smaller windows decorated with crosses. “Hello?” She echoed again

“Ugh” Alastor cringed at the sight of it, “This place is pretentious.”

“Creepy..” She muttered as she walked towards the large white platform in the centre, which housed a small golden bell, which she rang nervously. A few seconds later…A golden scroll appeared, asking for Charlie and Alastor’s name, Charlie picked up the feather quill and signed it. “Alastor you need to sign this”

Alastor rolled his eyes and eyed over the golden scroll, “Seems all in order” He picked up the quill and signed it.

The golden doors opened (How symbolic..Alastor thought) and there was a pit of black that both demon and princess went into.

Chapter 7: This isn't going well...


Adam and charlie chat...Yay...


This took forever to think of an idea and i was gonna incorporate the song..but i think that can be it's own chap

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Charlie stepped into the darkness, “Uh..Hello? Is anyone here?!”

The black abyss quickly lit up and revealed two figures, One sat down, the other stood to their side, “Sup!” The one who sat down spoke, his voice clearly full of sarcasm and smugness.

“Holly sh*t!” Charlie squeaked out, stumbling back, luckily for her Al was there to catch her, “Uh thanks..”

“No problem mon Chère” Alastor hummed, eyeing up the two angels with a scowl, his radio static was clear for a few seconds from irritation, Alastor had very little knowledge of heaven, but he could clearly tell the one sat down was clearly the first man Adam, He was dressed in black and gold while the smaller angel was simply in black and white.

Charlie swallowed and waved at Adam, “Uh..Hi..I’m Charlie, my dad asked if i could meet you”

“Yeah I know” Adam muttered, stuffing his face with ribs. ‘How ghastly’ Alastor thought to himself.

“Holy sh*t!” The other angel looked up at Alastor and gasped

“Geez Lute what is it?” Adam turned to her

“Sir! Don’t you know the radio demon?” Lute muttered

“Uh..should i?” Adam scoffed

Alastor could swear he felt the weight around his neck tug slightly but he shook it off and did a faux sincere bow, “Alastor, charmed to meet you.”

“Yeah, I know it’s a pleasure to meet me. I’m f*cking awesome!” Adam smirked

“Hmm” Alastor’s static fizzled, his left eye twitching in clear irritation

Adam offered his hand to Charlie, who went to accept it but her hand slipped right through and Adam busted into hysterical laughter. “Ha! I f*cking got you!” He turned to Lute “Did you see that?”

The smaller angel stayed silent and nodded.

“Hah! That’s good sh*t” Adam chuckled

Charlie shook her head out of the confusion, “Wait…so you aren't actually here”

Adam cackled, “You think I'd come down there?” He snickered “No way..I mean i love your Vibe don’t get me wrong you’ve got some awesome tunes, pretty f*cking hardcore you know?” Adam then turned to Lute before turning back to Charlie and Alastor, “But it’s such a bummer! Man everything down there is just so eugh ya know?” He rolled his eyes “it’s just ew”

Alastor rolled his eyes and he gripped his cane tighter than normal. He hated the first man, that was something he was certain of.

Charlie cleared her throat, “Right! So, I'm happy we've got this opportunity to meet. There's a project that I've been working on that I really want to talk to you about-” Adam placed his index finger on Charlie’s lips making a shushing noise.

“Hey hey hey hey Slow down” He smirked “We have time, why don’t we get to know each other first. You Hungry? How about some lunch?” He pushed his plate of ribs towards Charlie, “They are my favourite”

“Oh thank you!” She went to take a rib only for her hand to pass right through them, they were also a hologram. That was made clear as they glitched and fizzled.

‘I hate technology’ Alastor thought to himself

Adam bursted into hysterical laughter again, “I got you again bitch! Hah f*ckin’ hilarious” Adam took a few breaths to calm down

“Bâtard” Alastor muttered under his breath as he glared at the First man, He REALLY hated Adam now.

Charlie, bless her soul, was still trying to keep the peace..so she let out a nervous giggle and tried to act like it didn’t affect her. “R..right”

“Anyway! Time to talk about how awesome I am!” Adam chuckled and sat down. “I f*cking love music, like hardcore rock!” He sat up “Oh oh oh! I was playin’ this gig and for some reason this virtue chick was diggin’ the drummer "do you know who I am? I'm f*ckin' Adam. I'm the original dick! All dicks descend from me. You think you want drummer dick?” He turned to Lute, who just silently shook her head. “No f*cking way! I’m THE Dick master!”

Alastor cringed at such a perverse nickname and he swallowed a bit of sick that had formed in his mouth at the mere thought of ‘descending’ from such a lowly and revolting thing.

“Anyway, then we f*cked and it was awesome” He stuffed some ribs into his mouth, “What’d you do this weekend?”

“Wait wait wait!” Charlie’s eyes widened “Your name is Adam..like the first man Adam? That means you Oh..”

Alastor wanted to face plant, “Princess, did you seriously not know who this..fellow was?”

Charlie looked down nervously, “Uh no..my dad never uh mentioned him..or Eve that often..” She then looked at Adam, who had a smirk on his masked face, “Oh that would explain so much..”

“You mean why your father didn’t want to come?” Alastor co*cked his head and Charlie nodded

Charlie cleared her throat, “Well Adam, Sir. Mr Adam, sir”

“Call me..” He created a rainbow with his hands “Dickmaster!”

“Adam sir, you seem like a smart” Charlie muttered before clearing her throat, “I mean stand up guy” Alastor snickered at the correction, Yeah smart was one thing Adam was not.

Adam, however didn’t notice this subtle insult as he just picked at his teeth, “Uh huh”

“And I know you are the leader of the angels. And you are a big thinker, a revolutionary. A..A genius even!” Charlie didn’t believe half the words she said, but from what Lucifer had told her..it was best to stroke his ego.

“I mean your words babe” Adam smirked leaning back in his chair

“Ha..he is anything but one” Alastor muttered quietly to himself

“Who I’m sure loves putting his name on sh*t!” Charlie muttered

“f*cking Love putting my name on sh*t! sh*t’s the best” Adam nodded and Alastor thought Adam to be a baby. A giant crude baby.

“It’s the solution to our biggest problem” Charlie continued

“Oh yea.herpes! that’s such a bitch” Adam muttered, causing Charlie to cringe

“No! Our..other biggest problem..” Charlie muttered

“Oh uh ugly people? Maths? Global warming..wait no that’s earth's problem” Adam listed and both Alastor and Charlie stared at him in shock..Did he really not know? “Umm…Oh Women! You know when you take a chick out for a fifth date and she still expects you to pay but you’re all like..” He raised his voice to be higher, mocking females “I thought you wanted equality”

Charlie finally snapped, “No! Our shared problem of Overpopulation in hell!”

“Ohh..” Adam chuckled “No that’s not a problem, we have that covered” He turned to Lute “Yo Lute how many demons did you kill this year?”

“Got a good 275 this time” Lute nodded

Adam looked shocked but nodded “275?! Woah badass! Awesome job danger tit*, pound it” he offered his fist out to her, who quickly pounded in return.

The room got significantly darker at Adam’s chuckle and Charlie turned to Alastor, who was twitching and glaring at the angels. Charlie offered him a reassuring look and Alastor snarled but took a shaky breath as the weight on his neck got even heavier. ‘Don’t hurt her Al’ he could practically hear Husker’s voice warning him.

“Uh No! Not awesome…you know those are my people right..?” Charlie muttered

“Oh Yeah!” Adam cackled “That must really suck for you”

“But..these are souls! Human souls, just as the ones you have in heaven” Charlie tried to explain

Lute stepped forward with a scowl on her masked face, “They are not the same! They had their chance and they earned damnation” She turned to Alastor “Take that one for example.”

Alastor co*cked his head with a smirk, “Yes please remind me of the cold-hearted killer I am. I do believe my kill count is far less than your own.” Alastor was one more comment away from strangling them both with his shadow creatures

“You’re wrong! Sure sinners have made mistakes but sure everyone makes mistakes” Charlie muttered

“My dear..” Alastor wanted to say ‘Mass murderers don’t think killing someone is a mistake’ but he knew he had to let Charlie do this..

“Angels don’t make mistakes” Lute snapped out

“You really think that?” Alastor scoffed out

“f*ck yeah! I’ve never made a mistake in my life!” Adam smirked

Lute smirked and walked towards Charlie, “The only reason you’re still here is because daddy gave you and your hellborn kind a pardon from an exorcist blade. How does that feel, to know how little you matter?”

Alastor intervened with a scowl, “Do not insult her highness nor the very king of hell again, Am i clear?” Alastor leant down and his static radio noises were going crazy

Adam checked his imaginary watch, “Oops! Almost out of time, we best get into it.


Alastor- mon Chère: my dear Bâtard: Bastard

Chapter 8: Hell is Forever.


Basically the entire song of Hell is Forever with my touch

Chapter Text

“Oh f*ck!” Charlie’s eyes widened and she immediately hurried over to Adam, “Okay, I've got a lot to get through and not a lot of time, and I feel like you weren't hearing me before, so here it goes.” Charlie took a very deep breath.

“Here we go..” Alastor muttered

“I know hell’s population is out of control! It’s a bad situation, it’s taking a toll” Charlie began explaining.

Adam and Lute just looked at her like she was an utter weirdo..well to them, she was an utter freak. Alastor, however, just watched and observed as Charlie began to explain her concept, a mixture of concern and amusem*nt etched into his face.

“If we rehab these sinners and cleanse all their souls at my Happy Hotel” Charlie sang out, Alastor inwardly cringed at the hotel name..Yeah that needed to change and sooner rather than later. “Wait! I’m getting ahead of myself!” She takes a deep breath, “Right Extermination!”

Adam’s interest seemed to have peaked at the mention of the exterminations and he sat up in his chair.

“I know you guys kill once a year and it must be annoying to schlep all the way here!” Charlie continued on with her rant “If they join you in heaven that trip disappears!”

Adam raised an eyebrow as everything Charlie said began to process in Adam’s head.

“You can wave that chore fair well! It’ll be a happy day in He-” Charlie was cut off by Adam slamming his hands down on the desk and Alastor immediately became alert.

“Let me stop you right there, save us all precious time” Adam stood up “If what you’re suggesting is letting them climb…up the ladder oh they’d rather cross the pearly gates” He scoffed “Sorry Sweetie but there's no defyin’ their fates”
The room went dark the second this Pig called Charlie ‘sweetie’ and Alastor was twitching and the grip on his cane caused his knuckles to go white but he was held in place..he was held back by that damn..no forget it, he can let this pig have his fun..for now.

“Because Hell is forever whether you like it or not! Had their chance to do better, now they boil in the pot!” Adam continued, jumping onto the table

“Honestly..” Alastor muttered and sent a shadow to casually trip him out.

Adam shot him a glare but continued,”Cause the rules are black and white, there’s no use in tryna fight em..there’s no use in tryin’ fight them, they’re burning for their lives until we kill them again”

“Okay But-” Charlie tried, but was once again cut off by Adam.

“Just try to chillax babe, you’re wasting your breath” He smirked, charlie let out a nervous giggle

Alastor growled in annoyance as Adam called her babe. ‘Misogynistic pig’ Alastor thought again.

“Did I hear you imply that they don’t deserve death?” Adam scoffed “Are they winners? Are they sinners? Cause it’s cut and dry.”

Charlie tilted her head in confusion but interrupted him, “Well actually if you take a look-”

“Fair is fair!” Adam continued and yet again Charlie tried, “But!”

“An eye for an eye!” Adam snapped out. Alastor noticed as Lute let out a snicker, ‘an eye?’ Alastors wondered what they could be referring to. “When all is said and done” he smirked, and Lute began to join in “There’s the question of fun..”

Charlie smiled, yes! This could be it..they could reach common ground, cause after all..killing couldn’t be that enjoyable..right?

“And for those of us with divine ordatement” Adam paused before cackling, “Extermination is Entertainment!”

Alastor tensed, ‘Is he serious?’ He watched as Charlie’s face fell and the room filled with Alastor’s shadow friends and static noises. However Adam just glanced over at Alastor and smirked, waving his hand to create giant guitar, “Bow-now-now-nownow guitar solo f*ck yeah!”

Adam was very quickly lost in his own world of playing his golden guitar, drowning out any form of Alastor’s demonic powers, which really did not make the radio demon happy, but Alastor knew he could not do anything..not without Husker anyway.Adam leaned over Charlie, causing her fall over, “Ugh” She grunted
Adam continued, his eyes had a much more sinister glint now. “Hell is forever whether you like it or not. Had their chance to behave better” Adam summoned four golden angel to surround Charlie, “Now they boil in the pot”

The mirages began to clap in along and Adam and lute flew up into the air. Charlie got back onto her feet and squeaked, “Where did all you people come from!”

“Cause the rules are black and white, there’s no use in tryna fight em, They’re burning for their lives until we kill them again” Adam grinned and played a riff on his guitar, “f*ckin! Hell is forever and it’s meant to suck a lot so give up your dumb endeavour” Adam stood on the table and the angel mirages forced Charlie towards the door.

Alastor snarled and quickly cleared them away from her, ‘Only he and husk could call this idea dumb’

Adam seemed unfazed by Alastor and just continued, “Because you don’t have a shot!”

Charlie’s anger had reached her limit and she shifted into her demon form. Alastor sighed and rested his hand on her shoulder, “Easy princess..he’ll get his time”

“Oh! As long as I've your attention, I guess I should probably mention” Adam cackled, “We’ve made the determination” The angel paused and leaned down towards charlie and Alastor, “To move up the next extermination!”

Charlie gasped as Adam pulled out a scroll that simply read, ‘f*ck YOU!! I DO WHAT I WANT!!’ Seven words that made Alastor boil inside, ‘oh he’s asking for it’

“W..what?!” Charlie sounded a mixture of scared, angry and confused as she muttered out the word

Adam smirked, “Can’t wait a whole year to slaughter those little c*nts! I know it’s just been a week, but we’ll be back in Six Months!” He cheered out and grabbed both Alastor and Charlie, throwing them outside the room, Lute throwing out all of Charlie’s planning papers.

“Um, Wait You-You!-” Before Charlie could get back up, the doors slammed.

“Ah sh*t!” Charlie yelled out and Alastor stayed silent now, causing Charlie to look at him, “Uh Al..?”

“He’ll get his dues..need not worry princess” Alastor gritted out

Chapter 9: A change of name


We go back to Husker and the hotel..and a new character joins(ish)


I'm now going away from Canon ever so slightly. Will be bringing it back tho

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

However, back at the Hotel, The gambling demon glanced around the hotel and smirked, “Right. Let’s get this hotel fixed”

Vaggie and Angel looked at each other in a mixture of confusion and excitement, while Niffty was being…well Niffty, running around the main lobby of the hotel.

“Let’s start with redecoration” Husker muttered, he rarely got to show off his magic but he loved to do it. Especially in front of audiences. The Cat demon waved his cane and a massive cloud of golden smoke appeared from his, slowly wrapping itself around the hotel. Husker glanced over at both Vaggie and Angel Dust, who were staring in awe as rotting, old stone slowly morphed into clean, deep-crimson stone, embellished with gold and black accents. The windows kept their apple patterns, but the glass now shone like crystals. “There we are” Husker smirked as everyone rushed outside to look at how good the new building appeared. He quickly followed them outside and Vaggie turned to him.

“”The..Hazbin Hotel?” Vaggie asked

“A little revenge against Alastor, petty i know but he picked the name for my casino, so i pick the name for this hotel” Husker shrugged, causing Angel to giggle

“I like it!” Niffty let out a cheeky giggle

“You like everything Nif” Husker ruffled the cyclops hair, “Yeah and?” Was all Niffty said in response.

“I dunno, I reckon i could live here” Angel beamed and looked at Husker, he was in a bit of shock at the overlord’s skill..it was very rare he was even allowed to see any overlords..other than Valentino and sometimes Vox.

“Yeah..Me too” Vaggie nodded

Husker hummed, “I’m glad you like it” Husker however immediately tensed as he heard the fizzing and crackling noise of a lit bomb and immediately threw one of his cards at it, causing it to blow up just before it could hit the hotel. ‘Thank you feline instincts’ Husk thought, he then looked up and snarled, “Кто, черт возьми!” He was fuming.

Vaggie and Angel turned to him, both swallowing in fear. But Angel had another emotion..happiness, love, lust?!..sh*t was he enjoying Husk’s company?

A tall, pink haired cyclops ran over, “Angie ya bitch!” She stared at the hotel wall and blinked, “Hey hold on, why didn’t that bomb do any damage?”

“Because I stopped it.” Husker snapped out, “I’ve just f*cking fixed this damn hotel and i don’t need some Стерва messing it up” Due to his irritated state, his crimson wings spread out

Angel blinked in processing, a lot had happened in so little time but he cleared his face and looked at Husker, “Woah Husky! Easy, She’s a friend of mine!” He muttered as he ran a hand down Husker’s wings in curiosity.

The gambling demon let out a low growl at the feeling and he mentally chided himself, ‘DO NOT feel like this..you can’t.’

“So uh, you’re a friend of Angel’s?” Vaggie asked and the woman nodded

“Hell ya!” She wrapped her left arm around Angel, “The Name’s Cherri Bomb.”

Husker stared at the hug in..jealousy? Husker shook his head, “Control yourself!” He muttered to himself, quietly.

Niffty stared up at the tall woman in awe and she giggled, “Ooo she a bad girl!”

Angel chuckled, “So hey uh, Cherri what are you doing here?” he asked, a little confused.

“Just coming to see where my favourite bitch is living now.” Cherri shrugged with a grin.

Vaggie stepped forward, “Well, i’m Vaggie and I mean if you wanna stay at the hotel and have a chase..?”

“Nah thanks bitch” Cherri chuckled and shook her head, “I Ain’t into all that redemption sh*t, Good luck tho” Then her eyes drifted to Husk, “Hey wait..i’ve seen you before..Ain’t you the owner of..ah sh*t what was it..”

“Nine Live’s casino” Husk stated and Angel snorted

“sh*t, yeah okay that was meant by Alastor? Like Nine Lives casino and You're a cat!” Angel bursted out into giggles and Husker let out a grunt of amusem*nt.

“Yeah!” Cherri nodded, “Say didn’t you go i dunno away for like seven years”

Husker tensed and cleared his throat, “We don’t talk about that? Ya got me.”

Cherri shrugged, “Eh yeah sure, i got ya”

“I’ve missed you Cherri, stay for a bit?” Angel asked

Again, Husker felt that twitch of jealousy: ‘not yet.’ he reminded himself.

“Yeah sure!” Cherri shrugged and walked inside the hotel with Angel, the rest following behind soon later.


Husker: Кто, черт возьми!- Who the f*ck! Стерва-Bitch

Chapter 10: A slithery fellow


Sir Pentious joins the hotel....But is that all?


Oh boy! This was a toughie to write. I've decided (For my plot line) To twist ep 2 around so I hope you aren't all mad

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Alastor and Charlie soon returned to the Hotel, Both a little shocked to see Cherri Bomb there.

“Hey Charlie!” Vaggie beamed at the sight of her, “So, how did the meeting go?”

“Oh uh..” Charlie looked at the floor nervously “It was fine..”

Husker shot Alastor a glance and His friend just did a slight shake of his head.

“It’s been a long day for all” Alastor clapped his hands together, “How about we all retire” He turned to the new face, “You can stay in a room as well if you wish Miss?”

“Bomb, Cherri Bomb” She nodded, “And Yeah thanks”

Everyone went up to their rooms and Husk went behind the bar to fix his deer friend a drink, “So the f*ck happened?”

“The First man.” Alastor stated as he took a sip of his drink, “And She won’t let us hurt anyone without cause.”

“Yeah I know, Unless harm is caused to the Hotel or Charlie, we can’t meddle” Husk snarled, “Do you reckon that extends to her friends too?”

Alastor shrugged, “Perhaps, cause if say dear miss Vaggie is harmed, Charlie will be sad”

“Mental pain” Husk muttered and took a swig from the bottle of whiskey he was holding.

“Exactly.” Alastor nodded

“So what else happened?” Husk asked

“They’ve moved the next extermination up” Alastor muttered and Husker tensed

“f*ck off!” He snarled out, “Those f*cking angel bastards. We’ll have our work cut out then.”

“Hmm, I’m aware,” Alastor muttered, “And She seems to not like me getting irritated near angels.”

“Hypocrite” Husker snarled out

“Easy my dear friend..all will be settled in due course” Alastor sighed, he understood Husker rage as he felt the exact same, “Shall we simply retire?”

Husker finished his drink and nodded “Yeah lets.”

The two Overlords gave each other a goodbye and quickly went upstairs to their own separate rooms. Tomorrow will be a new day.

The entire Hotel woke up the following morning to a knock at the door. Charlie eagerly rushed down the hotel stairs and opened the door. Her eyes widened and let out a squeak, “You’re..!”

“Mierda!” Vaggie snapped out as she pointed her spear up to the visitor’s throat.

“I come in peaccce” Sir Pentious held his hands up, “A..actually i wish to live here”

“Hang on a f*cking minute” Angel Dust scoffed “Ain’t you that snake face sh*thead who attacked the hotel just before Smiles and Whiskers got here?”

“Well..Yes” Sir Pentious muttered and looked down, “But I wissshh to be better”

“What the f*ck is all the commotion” Cherri scoffed

“You!” Sir Pentious gasped, “My Mortal enemy!”

“Who the f*ck are ya?” Cherri asked

“Sssir Pentiouss? We fought like two weeks ago” He stared in shock

“Oh Come on guys! Let’s all get along. Charlie beamed “He’s here to be redeemed, and he'll be our first real guest!”

Angel let out a gasp, “The f*ck am i then?”

Charlie giggled, “You are an important part of our family Angel, But come on!”

“I guess..” Vaggie muttered and let him in, “No funny business!”

“I would Neverr” Sir Pentious smiled

Husker and Alastor shared a glance at each other and just sighed, nodding. “Very well” Alasor nodded and Husker just grunted.

“Yay!” Charlie clapped her hand and guided him inside

“Ooo a new bad boy” Nifty giggled

Angel stared at him and Husker carefully approached him, tilting his head, “You good legs?”, to which Angel just grunted, “I don’t trust snakes..”

Husker chuckled, “Nah neither do i, but You need to trust Charlie.”

“Yeah..i guess so” Angel muttered

“Oi Bitch” Cherri muttered, “I’m off!”

Angel nodded and walked Cherri to the door, Alastor quickly taking his place at Husker’s side once more.

“Ah my dear friend, you seem to have a new interest” Alastor smirked, causing Husker to choke on air and scoff.

“Don’t be ridiculous Al” Husker muttered, “You know I can’t love. We can’t love”

Alastor tensed and sighed, “I’m well away of that Sourpuss”

Husk shook his head and sighed, “Sorry Al..It’s just..You know”

Alastor nodded, “I do Husk, my good man, trust me I do.”

Both Overlords turned to look at Charlie, who was now doing some really stupid bonding exercise, which involved clapping and..singing? Yeah neither of them got it either. But Sir Pentious seemed to have got it quickly as he began to join in but Angel..Angel really did not seem to be enjoying it. Husker couldn’t blame him.

“I’m too sober for this toots” Angel muttered as Charlie tried to get him to join in

Husker smirked and quickly made him a drink, holding it in front of him, causing Angel to light up.

“I f*cking love you Husky” Angel grabbed the drink and took a large gulp

“Oh Come on Angel! This is gonna be your whole day!” Charlie giggled

And before anyone could question it, Charlie had shoved Angel into a trenchcoat and Sir Pentious into a stupid school uniform, both of them holding a script now, “Now read!” Charlie beamed

Angel glanced down at the script and scoffed, “Oh, I'm a bad man on the streets who never got enough hugs, now, where's an innocent kid I can sell crack to?” Angel paused to laugh at the writing, “ Wow, who wrote this?”

Charlie shook her head, “It’s great right?! Keep going!”

Both Alastor and Husker snickered and down, watching the entertainment they were given for free. Angel shook his head and sighed, “Hey you.”

“Who me?” Sir Pentious went along with it with ease

“Yeah, you look like a kid who could use some… devil's dandruff?” Angel continued, before hitting the script in annoyance, “Oh, for f*ck's sake.”

Sir Pentious continued on in character and did a dramatic gasp, “Not me! No, I have to go home and study!”

“Come on kid, it'll make you cool like me …the crackhead.” Angel grunted, “What is this, this isn’t acting!”

Sir Pentious looked back down at the script, “The only cool thing here is to say no to drugs! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to not have sexual intercourse before marriage!”

Charlie clapped her hands and stood up, looking at Sir Pentious with a bright and cheerful smile, “Yes! Oh bravo! Bravo! Wow, Pentious! At this rate, you'll be redeemed in no time.”

Angel swallowed shoved off the trenchcoat, “Yeah Whatever..imma go to bed”

Husker glanced at Angel Dust, and that frown just hurt him but he couldn’t do anything..He was f*cking forbidden and he hated it. His urges just made him want to run up and take care of Angel..f*ck was he turning soft? Husker shook his head, Nah no way. But Husker still shook his head and made his way to Angel’s door and paused as it sounded like he was going through voice messages:

“Angel baby, come home! It's not the same without you here, I miss you! Come back-
ANGEL, YOU BITCH! IF YOU DON'T COME HOME, YOU'LL BE f*ckING GREASY TRUCKERS FOR THE NEXT YEAR-” Was the first one, then it played onto the next one.

“Hey, amorcito, I didn't mean to yell, but you know how crazy you make me-” Then the next.

“YOU f*ckING slu*t!” Husker’s face distorted into a snarl as he began to realise who’s voice it was.

“Hey, Angie! About earlier-”


“Work's really stressful!”


By the final one Husker’s wings were out and his eyes flashed golden and he was ready to kill someone, but he shook his head and made his way back to the bar, only to find his dear friend smirking at him. “Not Now Al..please”

“Your wings” Alastor muttered, “You’re tense”

Husker sighed, “I know..Just, will need to look into something” Alastor nodded and Husker eased up.

The entire team beamed as Angel walked down the stairs a few hours later. Angel just said nothing as he joined Husker and Alastor at the Bar and chugged on a bottle of whatever was inside. However a few hours later, he noticed slithering in the corner of his eyes and yet again got up, in order to follow it.

The two overlords raised an eyebrow and shrugged..until they heard a loud crash and yell, “YOU SLITHERY LITTLE sh*t!” It was Angel’s voice. Causing Alastor and Husk to shoot up and run to the source of the sound.

“I don’t know what you’re on about, whor* bug.” Sir Pentious scoffed and Angel growled, throwing himself onto the snake and punched him repeatedly.“Get your aggressively average body…OFF OF ME!” Sir Pentious snapped out and he used his hypnotic powers to hypnotise Angel off of him.

“f*ck!” Angel stumbled backwards and Alastor caught him, helping him back up to his feet.

Charlie walked in yawning, her hair a mess with Vaggie in toe, “What’s going on?”

Angel snapped out, “This little bitch is a traitor!”

Sir Pentious shook his head “Preposterous! I would never betray you” He slithered over and hugged both Charlie and Vaggie. “You... are my best friends!”

“Uh huh..then explain this” Angel rolled his eyes and moved a few books on the shelf to reveal a blue camera. Husker glared at the blue colouring and tensed.

“Al, that’s a Voxtech Camera..” Husker muttered to his friend

The Room got a whole lot darker and Alastor’s eyes shifted to his Radio dial, “What.”

Sir Pentious swallowed in fear and tapped on his watch, “Ah! Ah! Abort! Abort! S.O.S! Agent Pentious in need of immediate evacuation!”

A voice from the otherside cackled, “Pentious? Wait… you were caught?!? It hasn't even been a day!”

The Snake pleaded, “Please! You've got to get me out of here!”

Vox snickered, “I can't believe we thought you could handle even something this simple! Do us a favour, if they don't kill you, go ahead and do it yourself! You MISERABLE FAILURE!” He then hung up

Sir Pentious turned to them with his head bowed. “Just..make it quick, not that i deserve it.”

Vaggie held up her spear, “With f*cking pleasure.”

“Wait..” Charlie shook her head, “He could try for real..”

“Are you crazy!” Angel scoffed “He’s a traitor”

“I..i’m sorry” Pentious muttered

Charlie’s eyes lit up and she hugged him, “It’s okay! Now come on, i’m really f*cking tired”

Everyone else stared in shock but they all shook their heads and cleared out the room. Husk turned to Angel as they all left, “You okay?”

Angel sighed, “I’ve been better.”

Husker patted his shoulder, “I get that.”


Vaggie: Mierda-sh*t

Valentino: amorcito-Sweetie

I Hope you are all ready for a rewrite of Stayed gone.

Chapter 11: Stayed Gone


Vox and Valentino have an issue with the Radio and the Gambling demons being back


Sorry it's taken a while, but it is finally here! I had to rewrite stayed gone, so many of the lyrics are changed to fit my scene! But it should still flow with the music!!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

ut what The Hotel wasn’t aware of was the rest of the camera’s all ready and visible. Well Vox wasn’t paying attention to them, he was too busy cackling at the fact Pentious had been caught. He had no need to focus on that hotel, other than the fact They had been curious as to why Val’s little favourite whor* lived there now. However Valentino was focused on one particular sight, the one Pentious had just set up before being caught.

“The Ungrateful whor*!” Valentino scoffed, “I’ve done everything for him! I f*cking made him!”

Vox just hummed dismissively, “Uh huh”

Val leaned over the counter and looked at the screen, his eyes widening, “Uh..Vox…VOX!”

“What?” Vox muttered, “Jealous your whor* isn’t here any more?”

Valentino scoffed, “He’s not the only one at that Princessa’s little hotel”

“Oh, who else is there?” Vox asked, “Someone who owes us money?” Vox was barely paying attention to the moth Overlord.

“Heh..A lot worse..” Valentino muttered, “The Radio demon is back.”

Vox froze, gripping his desk, his claws sinking into the metal as he let out a dry chuckle, “He’s what?”

“And He’s not alone…That Pesky gambling cat is there too” Valentino scowled “He’s near MY whor*”

“Those f*ckers are back?!” Vox’s head span around “The f*cking Both of them!”

“Yeah, I thought they were gone for good too” Valentino muttered, still staring at the scene, Angel and Husk were simply talking, but that pesky cat was way too close to his Putita

“It’s been seven years!” Vox scowled, and Valentino seemed almost amused and he let out a little chuckle.

“Aw You still mad they almost beat you that one time?” Val asked, tilting his head

Vox turned to glare at him, “f*ck you.” He sent Val a look that read You’re one to talk, causing Val to scoff and turn away. “Just saying~” Val muttered

“Things have changed a lot since they left town.” Vox scowled
“That’s for sure” Val nodded in agreement

“We’ve got to send a message of who’s really in charge of things now” Vox spat out

Val chuckled as Vox grabbed his arm, dragging him to his recording studio, “Welcome Home, We’re gonna make you wish that you’d stayed gone” Vox purred into his microphone.

The Pair of Overlords sat down and Valentino joined in, “Say hello to a new status quo” Val paused to take a breath “Everyone knows that there’s a brand new dawn.”

“Turn the TV ON!” Vox shouted out violently.

The staff in Vox’s studio began shuffling about, “Camera speeds…Rolling in three..two…one!” A wave of music began playing with a chant of “Welcome to the show.”

Vox grinned as his face was plastered on every screen in hell, “Top of the hour and we are discussing certain hasbeens who have been spotted cavorting around town after a seven year absence.”

Val hummed, “Did anybody miss them?”

Vox scoffed, “Did anybody notice? More on tonight's programme.” Vox changed the screen to an interview style one, “So the dangerous demons are back in town, why are they hanging around?”

“What does that mean for your funds and family” Valentino scoffed, thinking of that mangy cat

“Well handily i’ve got good news,” Vox paused with a smirk, “They’re losers, fossils and i don’t mean to sound hostile.”

Valentino joined with vox to snap out “But the Demon’s are a coward”

“You can take that as Gospel.” Vox scoffed and the screen changed to a church set, both overlords in priest outfits. “Pulling Our viewers?”

“Impossible” Val chuckled

“We’re visual, he’s barely audible.” Vox was getting fair to pent up in his aggression for the radio demon, “Stop giving them the time of day!” Both of them snapped out “Don’t listen to a word they’d they” Vox muttered alone.

“We hear they’ve had a nice vacay” They both paused before screaming, “BUT they should have stayed away!”

“While he hid in radio, We pivoted to Video! Now his medium is getting bloody rare! Hells been better since they split”

“Where Have they been?” Val snigg*red

“Who gives a sh*t!” Vox scoffed, wrapping an arm around Val

However a crackling of Radio static caused them both to tense as the ‘On Air’ sign on the giant red radio tower lit up. The clear sound of a throat being cleared could be heard, “Salutations, good to be back on the air.” Alastor’s distinguishable voice cooed out.

“Yes, we know it’s been a while” Husker’s gruff voice spoke clearly through the radio’s in hell, A smirk clear on his face as he knew what he was doing. He glanced up at Alastor with an ‘Shall we?’ look, to which Alastor just nodded.

“Since someone with style treated Hell to a broadcast” Alastor chuckled, causing Husk to snicker and call out, “Sinners rejoice!”

Vox immediately tried to take back control of hell, “What a dated voice!”

“Instead of a clout-chasing, medicore video podcast” Alastor scoffed out

“Come on!” Vox scowled

“Is Vox insecure pursuing allures, fitting between this fad and that” Alastor chuckled, turning to Husker before speaking back into the microphone “Is nothing working?”

“Ignore his chirping!” Vox snarled

“Everyday they’ve got a new format” Both Alastor and Husker stated

“You’re looking at the future!” Both the Moth overlord and the TV overlord stated together before Vox continued with, “He’s the sh*t who comes before that!”

Husker smirked and took the lead, “Is Val as strong as he proclaims?” Alastor snickered, not expecting a comment like that coming from his normally calm friend. “Or is it based on all his gains?” Alastor raised an eyebrow but nodded along and joined in, “They’d be powerless without the games they played.”

“Oh Please!” Both Val and Vox scoffed..but Val seemed seriously irked by the Cat’s comment..

“And Here’s the sugar on the cream, They asked us to join their league.” Alastor snorted out

“Hold on!” Vox blurted out, he was getting real nervous now

“We said no and now they’re pissy” Husk smirked and Alastor finished it off, “That’s the tea.”

“YOU old TIMEY Prick! I’ll show you Sufferingg” Vox snapped out..but he was beginning to glitch, making his podcast less audible.

“Uh oh! The Tv is buffering” Alastor practically purred out of enjoyment

“I’ll destroyy youu-” Vox scowled but he cut off..causing silence among hell for a mere second or so.

“I’m afraid you’ve lost your signal.” Alastor stated, his tone far more ominous now. Both Husker and Alastor let out a sinister and almost wicked chuckle.

“Let’s begin.” Husker hummed

“We’re gonna make you wish we’d stayed gone.” Both of them stated before Alastor took the lead again, “Tune on in, When we’re done. Your status quo will know its race is won.”

“Oh This will be fun” Both of the cooed out maliciously before laughing wickedly

Vox and Val swallowed in fear and Vox groaned, “f*ckk..”


Valentino: Princessa- Princess Putita- Little whor*

Hope you enjoyed and please continue to feel free to leave comments on how to improve!!!

Chapter 12: Egg Boiz


The Hotel meet Sir Pentious Egg boiz..Vaggie isn't too pleased


Ugh i'm sorry it took so long, I had no idea how to write this bit to lead into the next chapter

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Alastor and Husker sat at the Bar of the Hotel chuckling to themselves about what just happened. However they realised very quickly that because of the Vox incident, people would notice their reappearance at last. But, they knew they had to stay civil. Both Overlords turned their attention to the door being slammed open and Sir Pentious was rolling in a cart with a new weapon on it. Why?..Neither Husker nor Alastor had a clue.

Vaggie rushed out and hissed out, “Pentious! What the hell is that!”

Sir Pentious grinned, “Oh hello purple female! It’s my new invention. The Skin Flayer 11,000!”

“And Why do you have it?” Charlie asked

“Becaussse i’m looking forward to shooting the other residents and staff!” Sir Pentious grinned

“What? Why?” Charlie asked

“Because Everyone is being too nice! It clearly must be a lie! I can sssense it. They want to kill me..” A new set of wheels sound as another cart is rolled in, full of boxes “And Ooo look! The new parts of my machine are here!” The snake rushed over to them

“Sign Please.” A woman with the badge ‘Odette’ asked, handing a clipboard with paperwork out

Sir Pentious quickly signed the paperwork while another female with the badge, ‘Clara’ wheeled in more boxes. Once he had finished, Odette nodded, “Thank you for your business. Enjoy your Carmine purchase” Before anyone else could speak, they left. Leaving Pentious with his new goodies.

Husker and Alastor shared a glance at the company name. There’s a name neither had heard in a bit. As too did Vaggie as she suddenly hissed out, “CARMINE?! As in Carmilla Carmine, You’re buying parts from an overlord?!” She then quickly glanced at Husker and Alastor, “Uh No offence”

Husker snickered, “None taken, don’t worry”

“Uh Of course!” Sir Pentious shrugged “She’s the top weapons dealer in Hell.”

“Well.” Vaggie stormed over to the boxes and took them away, “That stops right Now”

“Hey!” Sir Pentious hissed out

“You absolutely cannot build weapons in this hotel! No one is trying to kill you, People are being nice because they want you to feel welcome” Vaggie sighed

“Plus, With Whiskers and Smiles here” Angel giggled, “No one CAN kill you”

Husker and Alastor let out a chuckle and Alastor hummed, “You flatter us”

Sir Pentious looks around the hotel, peeking back to his machine before scowling at them all, Husker flipping him off in annoyance. Pentious then looked down at Niffty, “And what about her?”

“She’s an exception,” Husker shrugged with a smirk.

Nifty, who was busy dusting the corner of the wall giggled and just went back to cleaning.

Vaggie sighed, “Listen you need to trust us”

“I don’t.” Sir Pentious muttered

“Fair” Angel chuckled with a smirk

“Well! Why don’t we focus on today’s activities?” Charlie interrupted with a beaming smile

“Not before we lay some ground rules” Vaggie shook her head and clasped her hands together, “No more building weapons, No more plotting against other guests or staff. And You need to get rid of these things” Vaggie muttered finally as she pointed to the snake’s Egg Boiz, his minions; who were currently sat on a crate of weapons, two were having a tug-of-war over a laser which set it off..blowing a hole in the roof.

“Whoops..” Sir Pentious

“Oh!” Vaggie groaned and pointed to the ceiling, “What did I just say! What did i just say Idiota”

Alastor smirked as his eyes shifted to Radio dials, but before he could, Husker sent a gold cloud to the damage to fix it. “Not Yet товарищ” Husker hissed out

Sir Pentious shook his head and hugged his Egg Boiz, “Not My little Egg Boiz, they do my evil bidding for me!”

“Do you want to stay here and redeem yourself?” Vaggie snapped out

“...yes” The snake muttered

“Then no more eggs.” Vaggie warned

Sir Pentious’ eyes began to swell up with tears and he sniffled, “Alright Eggies..you’ve got to go, I can’t keep you anymore”

The Eggs all looked at the snake and blinked before one shrugged and said “Okay Boss!”

“No no..don’t resist. This is how it has to be” Sir Pentious sobbed out

Vaggie sighed, “Husk Al-” She turned to look at them, only to realise the Radio Demon was gone

Husk, too had only just realised it and groaned, “f*ck’s sake Al.” He finished chugging down the bottle of Booze and followed Vaggie to Alastor room, Where Alastor was feasting on a deer carcass.

“Alastor!” Vaggie snapped

The Radio demon snarled in surprise and looked at Vaggie, “Do you mind? I’m in the middle of breakfast”

“Snake boy’s eggs are annoying little miss guardian here” Husk snickered

“And I need you two to get rid of them” Vaggie sighed

Alastor beamed and walked over to them with a sinister grin, “Oh well, in that case, I’d be delighted to!”

“Humanely” Vaggie chided

“Hmm, that’s a lot less fun” Alastor sighed dramatically but as he began to speak both Alastor and Husker froze as their hands glowed their respective gold and green. The two overlords shared a glance and Alastor shrugged, “I Suppose we can take care of that on our outing today”

Husker nodded and the pair left the room, leaving Vaggie very Very confused. “Okay then..” Vaggie muttered before looking to the carcass, “That’s disgusting..ew just ew”


Husk- товарищ:mate

Chapter 13: An Old friend


Husker and Alastor, accompanied by a bunch of egg boiz walk to the overlords meeting


This is a little bit of filler, but i still hope you enjoy!!! And don't forget to leave comments, i love to read them all

Chapter Text

Husker and Alastor quickly walked down the halls, “What could it be?” Alastor muttered

“Not a clue” Husker replied as they passed through the main lobby, where the rest were waiting for Vaggie.

“Come join in!” Charlie pleaded with the two overlords

“We Have a meeting” Alastor quickly shook his head and spoke

“A meeting?” Angel tilted his head

“Overlords meeting” Husker muttered

“Huh..” Angel hummed as he walked onto a wooden stage, “Shame, we’re doing trust falls and i wanted your strong arms to catch me”

Husker clicked his tongue and scoffed, “Woe is you”

Alastor had gathered Sir Pentious’ Egg Boiz and was standing near the entrance, “Shall we?”

Husker nodded, walking up to the entrance,

“Have Fun!” Charlie smiled

“Bye Bye!” Niffty beamed

“Later Nift” Husker chuckled and the little cyclops giggled and waved goodbye.

Alastor and even Angel Dust smiled. The Radio and Gambling demon left the hotel accompanied by a handful of Egg Boiz.

They walk down the street together when the Egg Boiz begins pestering Alastor. Just Alastor. “Oh, boy! What's the plan, boss? I like your suit! What are the antlers for? Can I touch your staff thing? Are those your ears or is it your hair? I can't tell!”

Alastor’s left eye began to twitch as the grip on his microphone got tighter and he had a pained smile on his face. Husker, however, was cackling like the damn Cheshire cat. He was getting a good laugh out of these eggs..maybe he’d keep them around. A dark shadow casted over them from the front and both of them looked up to see a familiar yet ancient Overlord, Zestial.

“Hark, Alastor? Husker? How fare thee this day?” Zestial tilted his head and asked, Both Husker and Alastor tensed, looking ever so slightly scared. Alastor let out a nervous radio static fizzle noise.

“Who’s that, Boss? Want me to rough him up for you?” The lead Egg Boi held his fists up, the sight was hilarious to Husker.

“Follow in Silence if you value your shell!” Alastor hissed out, tapping the egg’s shell with his cane, before turning to the taller and older overlord. “Greetings Zestial”

“Uh yeah, hey” Husker muttered

A random demon was walking and unfortunately glanced at all three of them, “Oh Holy sh*t!”

“Ah, The weather doth become this fine day” Zestial muttered as they walked

Another Demon sees the trio walking down the street “Woah” uh oh” and he very quickly flees, like the three overlords were infested or something.

“Indeed, looks like we might have some acid rain this afternoon!” Alastor hummed, making idle conversation with the older overlord,

“If our luck Doth hold! I do revel in the screams” Zestial hummed in amusem*nt

“Might ruin Husker’s Fur” Alastor muttered with faux sympathy

“Oh f*ck off” Husker chuckled with Zestial

“Oh how i hast missed thou both” Zestial smiled sincerely, well as sincerely as he could, “How art thou?”

They continued to walk and as tons of demons noticed the trio, they turned on their heels and feld. Husker and Alastor both found it very amusing how much fear they could strike into lower level sinners by merely walking. They would turn away, run, hide or even move out the way so as to not get in the way of the higher levels.

“It has been an age since thou both hath graced us thy presence. Some hath spun wild tales of you falling to” Zestial paused and looked at the pair, “Holy arms”

Alastor and Husker both let out a nervous chuckle and Alastor muttered, “Oh, we just took a well-earned..sabbatical”

“Nothing serious” Husker muttered as he adjusted his bow tie, Alastor adjusting his coat as they glanced in a window.

“Though it’s fun to keep everyone on their toes!” Alastor smirked and tapped his microphone, a laughing sound effect playing from it.

Zestial joined in with the laughter, “There too hath been a rumour of thy involvement with the princess and her recent flight of fancy. Tell me, ” Zestial leant down and raised an eyebrow and his cloak fluttered open,”How does thou fall in such folly?”

Alastor, the much more freely spoken one of the two, took the lead, “That’s for us to know. But please, do guess. We’d love to know the theories!” He spoke with a wicked smile, causing Zestial to chuckle.

“T'would be grander folly by far to assume the workings of your mind, Alastor nor yours Husker” Zestial hummed, “ Thou hath been naught but an enigma since thy both manifested in this realm!”

“Coming as someone as ancient as you” Husker shrugged, “That’s quite the compliment.”

The three walked in a peaceful stroll down hell, the Egg Boiz following behind him. A camera shifted towards Alastor, causing his image to glitch until it was off of him.

“Say Al” Husker hummed, “Do you reckon They’ll show their faces?”

“After that fiasco?” Alastor chuckled, “Not a chance”

Husker snickered and they reached an alleyway with a row of lifts. They stepped in and the egg boiz tried to follow, but Alastor used his cane to stop them, “No no, I have a very important task for you. Stay here and guard the front until we return” Alastor ordered.

The egg boiz looked at the overlords and saluted, “Aye aye boss”

Alastor and Husker nodded as the lift began to ascend up.

“Oh look!” An egg boi pointed up to the rising lift, where a poor Egg Boi was inside it, pounding on the glass, “Frank is up there!”

“We have names?” Another one muttered, amazed.

Chapter 14: Respectless


The overlord meeting. Yeahhh doesn't go well


I hope you all enjoy! and do not forget to leave comments!!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The lift reaches the top of the giant building where they all stepped out. The little Egg boi, Frank looked around in utter shock as other overlords walked out of their respective lifts, walking into another. A particularly giant overlord stepped over him as he watched Alastor and Husker sit in their seats. She glanced over at Frank and smiled, sharp razor teeth smiling at him, causing Frank to cower and hide behind Husker’s chair.

Husker glanced at Alastor, “I hope this is quick”

“Want to get back to your six armed gamble?” Alastor grinned and tilted his head

“Ои!” Husker hissed and his fur had a faint pink dust to his cheeks, “Watch it!”

“I’m sorry Mon bon ami” Alastor smiled, “All in good fun of course”
Carmilla Carmine walked to the head of the table, “Welcome. Hell’s sovereign overlords. I've invited you all here because you represent the controlling powers of our city. Together, you own millions of souls. Souls that are now at risk with the new Extermination schedule.” Carmilla pauses to take a shaky, almost scared breath. “We need to discuss what can be done to minimise the impact to our interest.”

Zestial took his seat next to Carmilla’s and the female overlord let a small smile out.

“Zestial, so good to see you, my dear friend” Carmilla smiled at him

Zestial nodded and summoned and teacup and saucer, “Enchanted as always, Carmilla”

Alastor had also summoned a teacup for himself and a coffee mug for Husker, who didn’t like people knowing of his drinking issues. Carmine looked up at the pair and her eyes widened.

“Alastor? Husker?” She muttered, almost like she couldn’t believe it.

“Yes yes, I know, we’ve been absent for quite some time. I’m sure you’ve all been wondering!” Alastor grinned

“Uh…not really” Carmine shrugged, “But welcome back in any case”

“Good to be back” Husker raised his mug, snickering under it as Alastor narrowed his eyes at Carmine, not amused at all.

“This year's Extermination was brutal, far more even than years past” Carmilla pulled down a chart and pointed to it. We have assessed that about 16% of the population was lost. With the angelic legions now returning twice as quickly, I think it prudent we-”

Carmine was interrupted by the door being slammed open, to reveal a much newer yet quickly well known overlord, Velvette, on the phone, “Yes, I've got it handled, Vox. Are you doubting me? Really? Me? That's what I thought” She chuckled and sauntered in like she owned the damn place, “Yes, I know. They're all a joke.” She continued on, and Al got fed up with her already, “Thank you, V. See you soon. Kisses, darling, Oh and do let Val know I adored his last film” Velvette finally hung up and sat down at the opposite end to Carmilla.

“Nice of you to join us, Velvette. Will your…colleagues be joining?” Carmine asked

“No, they have better sh*t to do than to listen to an old windbag who thinks she's tough sh*t, as well as…other reasons, I'm here to represent.” Velvette’s eyes narrowed at Alastor and Husker.

“I think what the embellished Barbie doll is trying to say” Husker smirked, “Is that that TV sh*tlord and the p*rn obsessed f*cker are now too scared to look me and Al in the face after what we did”

“Charming..” Carmine shook her head and sighed, there goes any chance of peace she could have got. “So as I was saying, we need to discuss-” Carmine sighed once more as Velvette waved her hand in the air, “Yes?”

Velvette grinned and threw an..exorcist head on the table. The other overlords looked at it and muttered.

“Well sh*t…” Husker muttered, looking at the head in shock

“Ooo Tasty” Alastor grinned as he looked down at the golden blood

“Alastor. No” Husker warned, still thinking about the sight, ‘they can be killed..’

“W..where” Carmine cleared her throat, narrowing her eyes at the thing, “Where did you get this”

“Vox, Val and I found it during Extermination day.” Velvette smirked and stepped onto the table. “If these Holy Rollers can be killed, the game has changed.” Most of the other overlords bursted into a discussion of agreement . “We can take the fight to them. The boys and I have come up with a full assault plan–”

“Enough” Zestial hissed out, “If it be true thee and thy colleagues desire to war with such meagre proof, thou art far more...foolish than I be thought.”

Velvette scoffed and spoke again, “Meagre proof? It's a dead f*cking Exorcist.”

Husker wanted to groan at how her voice was really beginning to annoy him, She really was a disrespectful little barbie. He had to be a little impressed by her bravery, It was stupid. But still brave. Not even he nor Al would disrespect Zestial.

“I'd say that's pretty f*cking definitive. You going blind, old man?” Velvette spat out.

Zestial, however, looked pretty calm, “We know not how this perished. Mayhaps t'was not by a demon's hand at all. If we rush to war without knowing mightn't, they purge all of Hell for daring an uprising?”

“A valid point” Alastor chimed in, causing Velvette to glare at him and Alaster merely chuckled. But the other overlords also agreed with what Zestial was saying.

This wasn’t going good for Velvette, she was losing them again. “Oh, I get it. So Grandpa is too puss* to fight, so I guess there's no point, right?” She scoffed out and strutted across the table to Zestial, a co*cky smirk on her face, “Oh, what's the matter, Fossil? Too senile to make a real power grab for-”

“The audacity” Alastor muttered, in shock to himself.

“Oh, I get it.! Velvette muttered sarcastically, “So Grandpa is too puss* to fight, so I guess there's no point, right?” She scoffed and leant down towards Zestials face “Oh, what's the matter, Fossil? Too senile to make a real power grab for-”

Carmilla was done as she stood up from her chair and hissed out, “You better show some respect! Check your behaviour! no one speaks to Zestial that way!”

Velvette rolled her eyes and let out a sarcastic chuckle, But Carmine wasn’t done, “Did you expect us to sit back and take your, insolent brazen display?”

Velvette rolled her neck and scoffed, ‘oh here we go’ Husker thought to himself as Velvette giggled and began showing an abundance of attitude, “You got it twisted, I'm not the one who needs a new attitude!” Velvette sat on the table checking her nails, “Maybe you missed it, but I'm that #Bitch” she stood up and began strutting along the table again like she was the most important model on a catwalk, “I will do nothing less than what I please, whoo! I'm the backbone of the Vees”

Alastor and Husker shared a glance before muttering to each other, “Yeah, No way either of them let basically a teenager be the ‘backbone’ of their group” Husker made quotation marks, mocking Velvette’s words.

“Mad that I acted respectless? Well, it's cause no one could respect this!” Velvette hummed as she wagged her finger at the group, like they were utter dirt compared to her.

“Who would want to” Alastor muttered

“Sorry, group attendin'! Since when are Overlords too scared to fight?” She strolled across the table looking at each and every overlord..apart from Alastor and Husker. “You’re long past trending!” She pulled out her phone and began clicking away at the screen, Alastor hated the device..Then again he hated all MODERN tech. Sorry, bae, but I ain't swiping right!” Honestly, Velvette was killing Husker here, taking sooo many selfies of herself, like this wasn’t an important meeting. “You've lost your relevance-”

“We can't act without more intelligence.” Zestial chimed in

Velvette, however, groaned and rolled her eyes, “Ugh! No wonder I'm so respectless, I could eat you lot for breakfast!” She waved her hand dismissively at Zestial and stood up right on the table, doing a mock bow.

“You AND the Vees are inane and uninformed!” Carmine growled out as she slammed her hands on the desk, “Smug wannabes who don't heed when you've been warned” Her eyes narrowed as she called them out to Velvette.

Velvette wasn’t too amused by this and she turned back to Carmine, “Oops, did i strike a nerve?” She tilted his head slightly with a grin that could have rivalled the Cheshire cat, “Cause when I brought out the angel's head,” She picked the head back up and threw it closer to Camine, “ couldn't help but observe that your wrinkled face was turning red!”

Carmine gripped the table, causing her nails to dig in and leave a mark. Husker immediately noticed this, Being the Gambling overlord, reading people was one of his best skills, and right now, the way Carmine was acting, Made Husker think she knew something.

“And why are you avoiding war? That's what the guns you sell are for!” Velvette placed her hands on her hips and began walking towards Carmine kicking the angel head away and Pointing accusingly at her, “Thanks to my being respectless, one thing I'm starting to suspect is” She leant down until she was a mere few inches away, “You know why this angel's headless!” Velvette, like the smug little bitch she is, tilted her head smugly and asked, “Do you have a disclosure?”

“This Meeting’s OVER!” Carmine growled as she too got closer to Velvette’s face

A round of silence washed over the room for a bit, until Alastor (unhelpfully) piped up with, “That was a productive meeting”

“Yeah..” Husker muttered, still thinking

“I don’t even wanna look at you two f*ckers” She turned to Alastor and Husker

“Ah, Tell me Velvette, How is dear Vox?” He asked smugly, enjoying her scowl

“Say, how is Val doing after that little show?” Husker, too, asked.

“Shut the f*ck up sh*tlords” Velvette spat out before shaking her head, “Hm. Fine. Safe travels back to the nursing home, f*ckers!” She flipped everyone off as she strutted back towards the door and jumped off the table, “Kiss my arse!” She snapped out as she left the room.

“We just got here?” The giant Overlord from earlier, Zeezi scoffed

“Mother?” Odette asked as The other overlords left, Including Alastor and Husker.

“Heya, Al? We need to talk alone” Husker muttered

“Of course, lead the way” Alastor nodded


Husker: Ои-Oi
Alastor: Mon bon ami-My good friend

Chapter 15: Curiousity killed the cat


Husker and Alastor discuss the meeting and stuff


I hope you all enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Husker quickly walked Alastor (And Frank) to an isolated spot, “Carmine killed one.”

“Oh?” Alastor raised an eyebrow

“Al, Bud..you know how I am at reading people” Husker scoffed

“I do indeed, in fact you are excellent at it” Alastor hummed

“Carmilla was tense when little miss Barbie pulled out that head” Husker muttered

“What is this so-called Barbie you keep on talking about?” Alastor asked causing Husker to snort

“Time and place Al, time and place” Husker muttered before shaking his head, “Carmine did not seemed to amused to see that head” Husker explained, “While we all looked at it with interest or curiosity, she looked at it with a whole lot of fear”

“Now why would a successful Overlord look at a head like that in fear” Alastor hummed

“Exactly” Husker nodded “So what exactly is she hiding? The fear of being found out that she is the reason an exterminator died”

“Hmm, interesting, great observation there Mon cher ami” Alastor praised him

“Why thank you” Husker chuckled sarcastically.

“It would be best advised to keep this little nugget of information to yourself” Alastor advised, “We could twist this for our gain”

“You’re right” Husker smirked at the idea of having some information that She doesn’t know, he then glanced down at the little egg boi, “You better keep your lips shut too, or i’ll be having scrambled eggs for breakfast one day”

Frank swallowed and nodded, “Y-yes boss!” He saluted both Husker and Alastor and the trio met back with the other egg bois and they all began to walk back towards the hotel.

“Hey uh..Boss” Husker muttered, “Are you Liking the hotel?” he asked absentmindedly

“Of course I am my good man, I must say you did a wonderful job with the man!” Alastor shrugged politely, “And the name! Hazbin Hotel, very funny, i suppose i did name your Casino the ‘Nine Lives’ casino”

“Ah uh..actually i meant-” Husker cleared his throat

“You meant if i enjoy the company of those within it” Alastor chuckled slightly, “Yes i do.”

Husker smiled and nodded, “Glad to know i’m not the only one”

“I suppose you aren’t, I wasn’t aware I could feel like this” Alastor muttered to himself but soon enough they reached the hotel, where everyone looked..tired? Alastor being himself let out a laugh track and a light chuckle, “My my what happened here”

Angel grinned at Alastor and Husker and chuckled, “Bonding” He said before coughing, “Snake face was real brave today”

“You think?” Sir Pentious gasped in surprise

“f*ck yeah!” He nodded

“And Vaggie was an amazing leader!” Charlie cheered, “Commanding all of us!”

“Heh..uh thanks” Vaggie muttered bashfully

“So how did the Overlord meeting go?” Angel Dust asked

“Eh, it was alright” Husker shrugged

“Very interesting!” Alastor clapped his hands

“You failed to get rid of the eggs?” Vaggie noticed Frank and now the other hidden behind Husker

“Yes, well, the little monsters prove to be rather useful.” Alastor shrugged with a smug smile

Vaggie gave him a small albeit concerned smile, “Yeah..well, Why don't you give

them back to Pentious?”

Sir Pentious turned to her and his eyes lit up, “Really?”

Vaggie nodded, “Yeah, Iguess After today and the day we’ve had, I guess I can trust you with them. But seriously, no more weapons” Vaggie narrowed her eyes threateningly at him.

Pentious practically ignored her threat as he slithered himself down and hugged his egg boi “Ahhh! My eggs! Yay. Ah, it's so good to have you back.” He cleared his throat and dropped them, standing back up “Now, go clean my quarters this instant!” He ordered

The Egg bois all saluted him and scuttled off to his hotel room, Husker and Angel chuckle as they scurry away.

“Maybe, just maybe things will move a lot quicker than we think” Charlie beamed

“Here’s to Hoping” Husker made them all a drink so they could toast

“Here’s to hoping” Alastor muttered, taking a small sip of his drink


Alastor: Mon cher ami- My dear friend

Chapter 16: An 'Actors work'


The Hotel gets a glimpse into Angel's 'work' life


I Have been looking forward for these next few chapters! I love Ep 4!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Hotel had started becoming a home for the two Overlords. Enjoying the company of the others, Husker in particular had begun to enjoy a certain Spider’s company, Not that he’d ever admit it. Although, that wasn’t shown today as the non Overlords sat around a Tv, A non Voxtek one..they had learned their lesson real quick not to use Vox’s tech, all cringing as they watched One of Angel Dust’s..films. Well Charlie and Sir Pentious were cringing and horrified, Vaggie was just annoyed and Niffty, was laying on her stomach, giggling and watching with a whole lot of interest.

Angel beamed proudly, “You know, this performance won me a 'Sex-x-xi' award!”

“Ooo” Niffty giggled, despite not having a clue what it meant

“It's, uh... very... honest?... Oh.” Charlie hid her face in her hands, really not wanting to see anymore of this.

Vaggie cringed, “Ew, Just ew Angel”

Charlie, unfortunately let curiosity get the better of her, and she peaked through her fingers, only to watch a gruesome scene to appear and she turned her face away and covered her mouth, feeling sick.

“Oh Harder daddy~” The slightly distorted voice of Angel (From the sh*tty TV) could be heard as the ‘film’ continued to play.

“Okay!” Vaggie spat out and helped Charlie cover her face, hiding her from the TV “Enough of that!”

“Hey!” Angel pouted

Vaggie turned to glare at the p*rn Star, “Angel, What the f*ck?”

“What?” Angel chuckled, kicking his legs up dramatically, “You said it was "Show n' Tell" day.” He smirked, “I'm showin' you my best film” He then turned his head, to smile smugly at Vaggie and I'm tellin' you that it scored me a win over that bitch, Tiffany Titf*cker!”

Husker, who was stood behind his bar, was watching the ‘film’ and scoffed. The cat had a range of emotions pulsating through him and he couldn’t tell which one he was feeling the most..was it Anger? Jealousy? Disgust? Or f*ck was it Lust? Damn this was not fun for Husker. When another really bad part came up he realised the majority was Anger and annoyance, “Ya know, not a very convincing interrogation scene” Husker finally muttered as he wiped down a bar glass.

Angel Dust scoffed, a clear display of anger in his tone, Damn this sh*tty bar cat. “Alright, dickhe*d.” He turned his head to Husker, “What makes you think you have any right to insult my work to my f*ckin' face?”

‘Maybe the fact i hate your f*cking boss?’ Husker thought but shook his head, ‘not the time Husker’ So he just settled on, “You really gonna sit there and act like these scripts ain't hot garbage?”

Angel gasped and scowled, “f*ck you. This is classy art!” He signalled to the TV, where his ass was on display.

The very next scene caused Sir Pentinous to hide, Charlie and Vaggie to cringe and Niffty, well Niffty was kicking her legs at the screen. Husker snarled and walked over to the group.” That's bullshir.” Husker scoffed out, “You get drunk and bitch about them all the time. Everyone likes to bitch at the bartender.” Alastor, who was sitting at the bar, faced away from the horrid scene, cleared his throat and Husker corrected himself, “Nearly everyone.”

“Yeah right” Angel rolled his eyes and folded his arms.

“ I know everything about you and these motherf*ckers at this point.” Husker pauses to point to Sir Pentious, “That one. That one is an insecure buffoon whose lonely ass watches you idiots sleep!!”

“I..I do not!” The snake tried to defend himself but no one believed it.

Husk then turned his focus to Charlie, “Princess, is a bleeding heart who wants to solve everybody else's problems 'cept her own.”

Charlie let out a noise of surprise and shook her head violently, “What?! No, I-- what? Pffff, no, no.”

Vaggie just looked at her and let out a small snicker, patting her shoulder sympathetically.

“This one.” Vaggie’s turn was next as Husker turned his focus to her, “Judges everyone and everything because she hates herself.”

“Míralo Pendejo” Vaggie spat out, groaning at how accurate he was

“Then there’s Nif,” Husker chuckled. “Heh... You don't even want to know what her deal is.” Once the Overlord was done exposing, he took a large gulp of the whiskey he had, He was too full of emotions for the cheap booze he normally had.

Angel, however, glanced at the group, who were all pouting and bursted out into hysterical laughter, kicking his legs, “You weren't kidding! Oh ho, wow!” He took a few minutes to calm himself down, before leaning over the armchair and stroked Husker’s face, “Kitten’s got claws” Angel mimicked claws as he turned Husker’s face to him, purring in his sexual voice, “Meow~”

Husker’s wings fluttered in delight as he cursed his emotions, “Ради траха” Damn this brat got his blood pumping, Husker could feel the smirk Alastor was giving him and shook his head, pulling away, glaring at Angel, “And you!” Husker folded his arms and scoffed, “Don't get me started. I see right through you and all this bullsh*t and how fake you are.

Angel let out a sarcastic laugh and pointed to himself, raising his eyebrows,”Oh ho ho, me? Fake? Wow, I had no idea. Guess that's why I'm an actor, dumbass. And-” Angel wanted to continue but his phone went off, “Hold that thought whiskers, Hello? he answered the phone and any form of smugness he had vanished, “Uh, yeah I'm-I'm... No, No, I just, I…” He tried to reason with whoever he was talking to, his voice growing in fear, “No, I-I'm not... But, uh... Yeah, I'll be right there”

Everyone stared in shock as Angel shook his head and hung up, Husker noticing the clear mask as he resumed his smug act.
“ Well, this was fun but uh..Looks like Val needs me for an... Uh-- emergency shoot.” Angel quickly muttered.

Val. Husker bit back a snarky insult in irritation and the rage of the mere mention of that..thing. So he just rolled his eyes and hummed, “Uh-huh”

Angel turned to him and snapped, “ You know what? f*ck you. I don't give a sh*t what some drunk ass bartender thinks a' me.” He pulled his pink shades from his chest fluff, “So why don't you just crawl back to whatever cave you came from, p*rn critic.” He spat out the last two words.

Husker grew irritated at the damn audacity and his eyes glowed gold, “I am an Overlord. Not some drunkard.”

“Uh-huh” Angel mirrored him as he flipped Husker off and put his shades on, walking towards the hotel door.

Charlie got up and ran to Angel, “Angel, you can't leave yet” She sweetly grabbed his hands “We haven't finished our exercises for the day.”

Angel shook his head and pushed her to the side, “I'm sure you'll manage without me” He opened the door

Charlie, once again blocked Angel, “There isn't much time left for the hotel to prove itself”

Angel snarled in annoyance and placed his hands on his waist and hips, another arm holding his shades like the diva he was, “Dollface, it's my job. I know you want to fix everything but unless you can fix my boss, there's nothing you can do.”

‘I could kill your boss’ Husker thought to himself as he watched the scene.

“But-” Charlie tried once more, but Angel shoved her to the side and stormed out


Vaggie: Míralo Pendejo-Watch it stupid
Husker: Ради траха-For f*cks sake

As always, please leave comments. The support and love for this always makes my day

Chapter 17: Backstory!


Husker tells Charlie a little about his and Alastor's background


I reallyyy wanted to develop Husker and Alastor's friendship so it's a little filler chapter based on my imagination.

HELP: The italics are backstory

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Charlie looked back at the group and whined, “Uuugh, why is this so hard? What am I doing wrong?”

Vaggile looked at her with a weak smile, “Well, I mean... You're the princess of Hell.”

“So?” Charlie blinked, utterly cluelessly

“So, you don't really use the power that comes with that, which I love about you” Vaggie quickly reassured her before offering her advice, “but maybe you can... I don't know, command a little more... Authority?”

Charlie gasped like Vaggie had asked her to kill Valentino and let out a whine, “But that’s so mean!”

Alastor and Husker, the two killers , glanced over to each other and snickered, ‘That was mean?’ their glances read.

“It's not mean, exactly. It's... uh, aggressive kindness.” Vaggie reasoned with the poor princess of hell

“Ooo okay!” Charlie nodded, “Okay... I could be so aggressively kind to Angel's boss... That I convince him to let Angel spend more time at the hotel!”

“Uh..sure” Vaggie chuckled “Whatever gets you there babe..But just for safety, shouldn’t one of those two go with you?”

Charlie nodded, “Right!” She turned to Alastor, “Al?”

“Absolutely not! I refuse to step in such a seedy place” Alastor spat out

“Husker?” Charlie fluttered her eyelashes at the cat

“I Hate you Al” Husker hissed out, “But fine. I’ll join you”

“Yes!” Charlie clapped her hands, “Time to be aggressively kind!” She walked outside with Husker. They took a few steps before Charlie froze, “Wait..i don’t even know where his studio is..”

Husker snorted, “Luckily for you Princess, I do” He smirked and began walking, Charlie jogging slightly to catch up. “It’s near My Casino”

“Oh right!” Charlie nodded

The pair walked in silence for a while, just taking in the pitiful streets of hell. The crimson red sky clouded with agonising screams.

“So..” Charlie muttered, She had spoken to Alastor after all, why not move onto the grumpy cat! “How do you and Alastor know each other?”

“Heh..that’s a good story” Husker hummed, “We actually knew each other in life”

“Really?!” Charlie gasped

“Yeah” Husker nodded, “I was a Russian Immigrant, 1916”

Charlie listened intently as Husker began His story:

1916, New Orleans High School

“Alright Students. Pay attention” The teacher snapped out, slamming his ruler on the desk, “We have a new student. Treat him with respect or else.”

“Now..” The present day Husker chuckled, “I was a little..weird to them, I was a dark skinned Russian, not normal. So that ‘Respect’ i was supposed to have, went”

“Ew look at his skin” A few students scoffed out

“Заткнись” A teenage, human husker snarled out, causing the students to cower away.

“See,” Husker smirked, glancing at Charlie, “Back then, hell even Now, Russian is seen as a ‘scary’ language so they feared me. Plus I often wore black so i looked..dangerous”

“Introduce yourself” The teacher demanded

“Alexsei Kotov” He muttered “I f*cking hate my name though, so don’t call me it”

The class was silent as the teen sat in the back, not talking or looking at anyone.

Alexsei sat down at his new desk and sat with his feet on the desk. He really did not want to be here, But with his father getting in trouble with the Russian government, they had to flee. He glanced at the boy next to him, who was reading a book and scoffed, “Зануда”

“Don’t assume nobody can speak Russian” The boy stated as he closed him book

He looked up and raised an eyebrow, “You speak it?"

“Only a bit” The boy, who stood out like a sore thumb with a red suit and groomed brown hair and caramel skin.

“Huh, My bad then” Alexsei sat up

“WAIT Alastor looked like that?” Charlie gasped

Husker chuckled and nodded, “Yeah he did, he was rather ‘posh’ looking in those times”

“Not a problem, I’m Alastor” He nodded “It’s nice to meet you Alexsei”

“Hmm Husker, Call me Husker or husk, i hate my name” The Russian asked

“Was it the name of your father?” Alastor asked

“Yeah” The young Husker

“I must say, Husker rather suits you” Alastor nodded, “Your voice is rather deep”

“I get that” Husker chuckled and looked at the other boy, “Might be odd, but can i stick with you, You seem a loner, i’m a loner, also it’s always nice to be with someone who speaks a little of my native tongue”

“Fair enough” Alastor nodded, “This will be the start of a good friendship”

“And here we are,” Husker muttered, as he glanced to the right and saw his Casino, still running smoothly, “Shall we princess?”


Husker: Заткнись-Shut up Зануда-Nerd

Chapter 18: The Studio.


Husker and Charlie visit Valentino's studio...it goes as well as you'd expect.


Oh boy this is a long one. Sorry it took so long, i've just been swamped with other stuff!

Again Please continue to leave your comments, I appreciate them a lot!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Husker and Charlie snuck into the studio, Husker really REALLY did not want to be here, so he stayed near the door. He also didn’t want Valentino to see him yet, Angel could get in trouble after all.

Hearing the door open, Angel glanced up and gasped, his eyes widening in a panic, “Charlie?!”

“Uh, my name's Rocky.” The poor demon currently f*cking Angel muttered

“No one gives a sh*t.” Angel rolled his eyes, pushing the demon off and sitting up

Charlie looked around in awe, “Oh, so this is where the magic happens” She bumped into a female hellhound and squeaked as the demon took her bra off, “Oh..i’m sorry” She shuffled back from her and looked to her left, gasping as a male actor gets smother in..was that Mud?! “Oh wow…uh that’s” She clears her throat, “That’s a lot”

Angel Dust threw on his robe and rushed over to Charlie, “What in the ever-loving f*ck are you doing here?!” He glanced past Charlie and his eyes narrowed as he made eye-contact with Husker, “Nuh uh He can’t be here. Val will flip if he’s seen here.”

Husker’s eyes glistened with a mischievous light, Maybe he should let Val see him, No wait..Angel’s safety is key here.

“ I am the Princess of Hell, Angel. And I go where I please.” She winked and her voice turned to a whisper, “We are here to get you some time off for the hotel. Now, where's your boss?”

Angel stepped in front of Charlie, His eyes wide with fear, “Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You, Neither of you are going nowhere near Val–”

“Angel! What is the f*cking hold up?” Valentino’s voice was full of irritation as he hissed out.

A sound that made Husker groan in annoyance, Val’s voice was like a heavy, burning shot of Vodka had entered his system..and not the good kind either..that sh*t below bottom tacky ass sh*t that he had in the war.

Angel swallowed as he tried to push Charlie to the door, “I'm uh coming!” He called out

“Not off-camera, you're not.” Valentino snarled, talking to Travis (a piece of sh*t) about the scenes

Angel swallowed and pushed her to the door, Husker stayed hidden in the shadows, “Please, please, just wait, wait until I'm done working and we will talk about this, I promise. But first, you've gotta go.” He was speaking extremely fast and terrified, causing Husker to understand the severity of the situation.

Husker, sensing danger, hid behind a pillar as Valentino stood behind Angel, purring out “Aaaah, Your Majesty.”

“Oh sh*t.” Angel whispered, his entire body tensing

“Welcome to my humble sex dungeon.” He approaches Charlie, pushing Angel behind him as he bent down and leant towards Charlie, “What can I do for such a–” He paused, taking Charlie's left arm and pulled up her suit sleeve as he lecherously licks and slurps Charlie's arm, leaving a trail of his saliva.

Husker wanted to A. throw up and then B. Kill Valentino, he shot Charlie a look that read, ‘need me to do anything?’

Charlie shook her head, to both Val and Husker, Cringing as she responded to Valentino, “Ah, uh, no, thank you” She jerked her arm away

“Mm! Lovely specimen!” Valentino licked his lips, “You don't want a role, do you? Because I can make you a star, make us both richer than, well,” He bent down to Charlie’s height and purred out, “your papito–”

Charlie cringed and retreated, shocked and disgusted, “f*ck noooo! Uh, I-I'm sorry.” She cleared her throat, “I have come to aggressively, kindly speak with you about Angel.”

Valentino stiffens slightly when she mentions that, eyes narrowed and an eyebrow raised in suspicion. Angel noticed this, and waved his hands and gestured desperately for her to stop from behind Val. Husker noticed he looked terrified, not scared..utterly terrified.

Charlie waved her hands around suddenly, “Later, of course. I wouldn't want to stand in the way of your work.” Husker silently face-palmed behind the pillar, ‘Really charlie?’ He thought to himself.

Valentino snapped his head to the side, peering over his shoulder and scowled at Angel. Angel knew, if looks could kill..he’d be in double Hell right now..and his fear seemed to double,

Valentino snapped his head back to Charlie, and with the fakest smile he could muster purred out, “Well then, make yourself comfortable, Your Majesty, and enjoy the show.” He motioned back to the film crew, signalling them back to the shoot as he trudged back to his chair and sat beside Travis. “Well, let's take this sh*t from the top! Right Mi ángel?” he snarled.

Angel swallowed and looked at Charlie and Husker, “I promise i will explain” He took off his robe and got back on the bed.

Husker snarled at his fear, “One day. One day I am exterminating a moth.”

Travis, like the little sh*thead he is, laughed and yelled, “Action!”

The Pair watched helplessly as Angel continued his shoot, speaking in his actor voice, “Oh, wow, mister robbers. I sure hope you don't hurt me with those... Big guns of yours.”

Husker snorted as Angel painfully forgot the script and improved it, but his mood soured as poor Rocky spoke.

“ Don't move, you spicy little, uuh, co*ck sleeve or else I'll…” He paused as Rocky turned to see Charlie whisper to the cameraman.

“...We do trust exercises everyday in the morning…” She whispered to the camera man.

“f*cks sake..” Husker muttered as he turned the other side of the pillar to watch this, even he was getting scared for Angel Dust now, but he had to stay put, he knew his presence would make Angel’s pain way worse.

“Cut! What the f*ck is going on with this?” Valentino snapped out, causing Angel to jump

Charlie frowned, “Ooh! I'm sorry. Were we too loud? I was just telling him about the Hazbin Hotel.” She looked apologetic but slightly proud

Angel looked at her one last time, silently begging for her to stop and just leave

“Not at all, Princess!” He faked a smile towards Charlie, however all that niceness on his face dropped as He glared and gnashed at Angel, causing Angel to sweat, “It doesn't bother me one bit” He continued in his fake tone

“You fake motherf*cker” Husker snarled quietly

Charlie, being the naive and innocent Princess she was, clapped her hands and pouted, “You know, this scene feels awfully violent. If you want help with the script” She began to walk towards Valentino, “maybe I can pitch some scenarios that are more whole-- woah!” She yelped as she tripped over a wire and electricity crackled, “Okay. Okay. Ah, ah okay.” She tried to fix it as she waved her blazer over it, only causing her to make it worse as the fire began to spread, She let out a squeal and scurried back, “That's on fire. That-that, that's on fire.”

Angel and the four male actors are seen watching, eyes wide and Husker, still hidden, shook his head, letting out a groan, he wanted to help. He really did but he couldn’t, Val would end up killing Angel at this point. Angel stayed on the bed as the fire got worse and through the smoke he saw the glowing red eyes that made his heart stop, “Oh sh*t..” He shuffled back on the bed, hugging a pillow to his chest in despair.

While everyone was either running away or screaming, Valentino was still sat there glaring at Angel. Charlie was still trying to put the fire out, “Oh, god. Okay uh do you have any–” She grabbed the corner of a burning carpet and tried to fold it over to extinguish the flames but it just made it worse. Valentino just sat there watching it all get worse with his eyes wide from irritation and he gritted his teeth, he finally stood up from his directors chair.

Charlie stood in the middle of the flames, luckily not affecting her, “Can I get a fire extinguisher?” She continued to try to extinguish the fire but yet again to no avail as the screams and running continued, Charlie turned to Val, “I am so sorry. I ruined your movie. I ruined your movie..Oh, my God. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm s-s-s-s-s-sorry! Noooooo!”

Angel watched everything as he sat on the bed, backed against the pillows, holding them to his chest. He was blinking with a mortified expression. His pupils shrink when he sees Valentino's dark figure standing still in the midst of the fire, glaring at him. Angel felt like he was going to die…genuinely felt like he was a dead angel walking.

Valentino growed and flapped his crimson moth wings once, extinguishing the fire in an instant. Angel got off of the bed very quickly, reaching underneath, grabbing and putting on his robe.

“Oh, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck…” Angel cursed over and over as Charlie ran over to Val, holding her burnt red jacket.

“Oh, my gosh, I am so, so, so, so sorry. I-- I can clean this up. I-- I can–” Charlie apologised profusely, only to get interrupted by a chuckle from Valentino,

Val walked up to Charlie during her massive apology and bent down with a chuckle, getting to her eye level, “Don't you worry your pretty blonde head about it. We have people for that.” He turned to Angel with a snarl, “Angel, can I see you in your dressing room for a moment?

Angel swallowed and ran off with Val to his dressing room, fearing the beatdown he was about to get. The second Angel was gone, Charlie ran over to Husker, “What have i done..”

Husker rested a hand on Charlie's arm, “Kid..” He sighed, not wanting to lie to her, “I don’t know how Angel is going to be after this. He may hate us..”

“No no I don't want that!” Charlie gasped

“I don’t want that either” Husker chuckled, “But you tried, you really did Charlie. And I'm just hoping Angel sees that.

“Me too,” Charlie nodded.
The two waited in silence for an eerily long time until Angel's dressing room door finally opened and…Oh sh*t, Did Angel have a black eye? Well that awakened a rage Husker hadn’t felt in years, his eyes shone gold and his teeth grit together.

Almost proudly, Valentino yelled out “All right!” Valentino grabbed and threw Angel forward against the bed, and Poor Angel managed to catch himself, rather weakly, in front of Charlie, his eyes threatening to cry.

Charlie’s jaw dropped and her eyes widened at what she just witnessed. She turned her head to stare at Valentino, an expression of disbelief and anger on her face.

Valentino saw it and smirked, an evil, wicked smirk. A smirk that Husker (who was annoyingly still hidden…seriously he Really wanted to fight right now) wanted to punch off his face. Val cleared his throat and growled out, “ Get your asses back on set, and we are taking this from the top!”

Charlie was pissed, like really pissed as her horns grew, her eyes glowed red and hair began to float, She spoke in a much more demonic and furious tone voice, “What makes you think you can treat him like that?!” She began to charge towards him like an angry bull

Valentino, the smug bastard, simply stood there smirking, with his arms crossed as Charlie approached. Before Charlie could get any closer, Angel stood between them holding his hands up, “Charlie!” Charlie halted. “Just stop!”

“Angel, what are you talking ab–” Charlie looked almost hurt at his rejection

“ Charlie, leave!” Angel snapped out, desperately trying to hold back the tears..Damn it, Husker just wanted to run over there and hug him, tell him that He’d protect the broken angel.

“ But–” Charlie muttered

“I didn't want you to come here. I already asked you to leave and you didn't listen, You…You made things worse!” Angel snarled out, leaning closer to Charlie so Val didn’t hear, “You shouldn’t have brought Whiskers either.”

“I just wanted to help you.” Charlie mumbled sadly

“Well, you ain't! You actually want to help me? Get the f*ck out of here! Right now, and let me finish my work.” Angel snapped as Charlie began to cry

“I... I didn't…” She had to pause to sob, “mean to!” Her head turned to look at the smug Valentino before turning back to Angel, “I... I'm... I'm so sorry.” Charlie turned and began running towards the door of the studio, Husker following close behind.

The last Words Husker heard from that studio was that sick and twisted bastard purring into Angel’s ear, “Good Boy” Oh Husker was gonna kill him. He promised himself he would now. He get out of this goddamn chain and kill that f*cker. The pair were in silence as they walked back to the Hotel.


Valentino: papito-Daddy Mi ángel- My angel

Chapter 19: The Bartender.


Angel and Husker..argue at the bar.


and it's a little filler-y

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Husker was fuming as he returned and Alastor noticed, Charlie walked in nervous and Vaggie ran over to her. Husker stalked his way over to the bar and threw back a whole glass of Whiskey.

“Husker! You look an absolute Mess” Alastor stated casually

“Thanks Засранец” Husker snarled, “I want to kill a moth”

“Ah..” Alastor hummed, “Worse than we thought?”

“Way worse.” Husker nodded, “I should have broken his bones then and there. He hurt Angel. Upset Charlie”

“You had your full powers back?” Alastor raised an eyebrow

Husker snarled as he realised, “Ебать i did!”

“Tu es un idiot, mon cher ami” Alastor grinned

“Merci beaucoup, garçon cerf” Husker muttered sarcastically as he handed Alastor a drink.

Nearly twelve hours later, A very worn out Angel Dust returned to the Hotel groaning. Charlie tries to wave at him but is ignored. Angel dropped himself on a stool next to Husks' bar as the gambling Overlord cleaned a few glasses and scoffed, “Well you look like sh*t”

Angel scoffed and took a deep breath and resumed his co*cky, actor smile, “Pfft, Not possible. Just a long shoot, nothin' new”

.”Uh huh” Husk rolled his eyes as soon as he poured Angel a glass of liquor. which Angel snatched and gulped down the alcohol before spitting it out in disgust.

“Eugh, I said a strong one.” Angel scoffed

Husker raised an eyebrow in annoyance and shot Angel a glare, “Well excuse me. Didn't realise this was a "drinking to forget" kind of night.” Of course Husker understood, somewhat seeing what Val had put him through today, but didn’t mean the damn brat got to treat him with so much attitude..oh if he could just fu-DOWN Husker.

“ Oh, I forgot. You're the wise old bartender who's seen it all.” Angel cackled and spat out at Husk, “Get the f*ck over yourself and pour me a real drink” He grinned in success as he watched Husker pour it. And like the damn brat he was, poured the remnants of the other drink on the table

Husker glared at him in annoyance and looked down at the mess he made, ‘Brat.’ But Husk sighed, “Look, if you've got a problem, you're not going to find the solution at the bottom of a bottle” He paused and swallowed, glancing down to the bar, “I should know, I've been looking there a long time.” He shook his head and wiped down the spilled alcohol.

Angel took a very deep breath, smoothing his hair back as he slipped into his p*rn star persona, purring out “Oh sure, and where should I Look? Hmm?” He paused and grinned, “In your bedroom, maybe?” Angel ignored the fact Husker stiffened and continued, “Under the covers? Maybe we can go look together.

Husk unknowingly purred (Damn his feline instincts) as his eye twitched. He held up his hand, gesturing Angel to stop, he was in fact nearly at the edge, He was sooo close to putting this f*cking brat in his place, “Don't. Even start.” He demanded

Angel giggled and grinned at Husker, “Oh, c'mon, I bet I can make those wings flap!” Angel tried to punctuate his point by grabbing one of Husk's wings and spreading it out before he wrapped it around himself and let out a soft purr.

Husker snarled and pushed Angel off of him, Husker was on the verge of snapping, like really REALLY close. Angel was pushed back onto the stool as the bottle of alcohol slipped from his grasp and smashed onto the floorboards, spilling. “Stop! f*cking Christ!” The overlord barely acknowledged Angel’s scowl at him. “You can cut the act already,It's never going to work on me” The pissed off Cat slammed his hands down on his bartop and rolled his eyes, “So all you're doing is makin' an ass out of yourself with this fake bullsh*t”

That was clearly the wrong thing for Husker to say as Angel filled with rage and got real agitated as he raised his voice and began to shout angrily, his pupils and freckles began to glow a dark neon magenta, taking the appearance of additional eyes. ‘

‘Did not know they were eyes..’ Husker thought to himself, but then again..it made sense, Angel was a spider.

But Angel was not done as he got up in Husk's face, “Call me fake one more time, motherf*cker! I dare you.”

Husker leant close to Angel and used his index finger to poke Angel’s chest fluff, hissing out a single word, “Fake” Husker stepped back and smiled smugly.

Angel rose up from his seat, snarling, “f*ckin asshole–!” his voice got louder until he bumped his head into the bar ceiling. He let out an annoyed grunt as he stumbled onto the floor from his stool, “Arrgh! God!”

Husker, being the smug old cat he was, leant over the bar and raised a singular eyebrow, “You done?”

Angel let out an angry growl, “Ya know what? You would be f*cking lucky to get a chance to f*ck me!” He threw the half broken bottle of alcohol at Husk but missed as Husk stared unamused and unimpressed and so angel continued his angry rant..but Husker felt the guilt bubble at him as he heard the twinge of hurt, ‘f*ck..is he being serious?’ Husker thought, As angel continued, “ Ya know how much I'm worth? You know how many people would kill to have Angel Dust come onto them? f*ck you. Have fun being a lonely piece of sh*t!” And with that, Angel stormed out of the Hotel, pushing past Vaggie,

“Angel–” Husker tried to call after him but it was too late, “sh*t.”

Vaggie stumbled from the violent push and cursed, “Woah-- The hell? Angel, where are you going?”

“OUT!” Angel hissed as he slammed the door behind him.

She turned and glared at the cat, “Husk. What did you do?”

Husker did what he did best and masked his emotions as he shrugged and replied nonchalantly, “Made him a drink.”

Charlie stumbled into sight and muttered, “Oh, no. He looks really upset.”

Husker waved his hand dismissively, “It’s just Angel..i’m sure he’ll be fine” He really hoped Angel would be fine..he’d feel like sh*t if he wasn’t.

“ I'm not so sure. You know..I really messed up at the studio today and he got... Ugh, it was... It wasn't good, okay?” Charlie rambled on and Husker tensed. sh*t, he had forgotten about the studio situation.

Vaggie tucked a strand of Charlie’s blonde hair behind her ear before glaring at Husker, “Oh Gee, sounds like someone should go after him…” She muttered sarcastically.

Husk knew what she was saying, but he just stared at her and stayed silent.

“Someone named "Husk".” She hissed out

He snapped out irritated, “Oh, you gotta be f*cking kidding me. Why don't you go if you're so worried?”

Vaggie scoffed, more than ready to match the overlords energy, “Because I'm not the one who sent him storming out. You caused it. You drag him back”

Charlie waved her hands in between Husk and Vaggie, shaking her head, “No! No... Don't force him back. Just make sure he's safe. I pushed too hard earlier and... I only made things worse. Look, he'll come back when he's ready. I just don't want anything to happen to him until then.” She went on and Vaggie just shot Husker a pointed look, earning a defeated grumble from the cat, but charlie being Charlie, didn’t let anyone else talk as she continued, “Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go write one hundred apology letters and a lesson planned for tomorrow about... Boundaries” She created a mini rainbow and walked away.

Husker waited for the two girls to walk away, before letting out a defeated groan and a small cat whine, “f*ck..” He walked to the door of the hotel and sighed, adjusting his bow tie. He was a damn good overlord, he would handle his feelings. He had to.

“Good luck.” Alastor stood at the door smirking. Husker just flipped him off and stormed out, playing with some gold mist he had summoned up.


Husker: Засранец-Asshole Ебать-f*ck Merci beaucoup, garçon cerf- Thank you so much, Deer boy
Alastor: Tu es un idiot Mon cher ami-You are an idiot, My dear friend

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Chapter 20: The Bar


Husker plays knight in furry armour going to save angel...Yeahhh doesn't go quite as Planned.



Say, for a later chapter i am planning to do a smut scene, if that is okay? Leave comments telling me yay or nay!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It really did not take Husker long to figure out where Angel was hiding. Husker (of course) knew where all the best places to drown your sorrows. And he knew a few of the bars were owned by Valentino, due to sh*tty owners making deals to get on his good side..so Husker headed to one of those. It was a real sh*tty bar, dimly lit and full of the worst people imaginable. Angel’s (drunken) laughter was very distinguishable even in the bar full of drunkards, so Husker’s head immediately snapped to the source. Only to scowl when he saw the spider sat down with a group of shark demons…snorting drugs.

“God f*cking damnit.” Husker snarled to himself, Angel had been doing so well.

Angel was a laughing mess as he snorted another line, “Oh yeah!”

Husker just wanted to grab the damn Spider and storm out of there, but he was bumped into by a taller denim, causing Husker to let out an involuntary growl in the direction of the..thing who shoved him. Until his attention was brought back to the object of his mission, Angel. The laughing, ‘happy’ Angel Dust.

“Oh i am so f*cked up” Angel giggled out to the group of shark demons he was with, who all laughed in agreement.

Husker soon realised this was going to take a lot longer than he wanted, so he sat at the bar top and flagged the bartender down, “Gimmee a whiskey, Top shelf.” He ordered as he placed a wad of cash down, to which the bartender placed a glass down and poured a respectable glass..but Husker needed more, so he grabbed the bottle, “I meant the whole bottle..Jackass”

The bartender shot Husker a nasty glare, but Husker held up his deck of cards, which had his very recognisable symbol on it. The bartender immediately backed down, taking the glass of whiskey with him.

The Overlord turned back to glance at Angel, who was still enjoying himself, “Haha, ya, ya, so I said "You couldn't afford me in a million afterlives." I got better options, right boys?”

The other demons all nodded in agreement, “You got that right!” but to be honest, they’d agree with anything Angel said just for a chance to sleep with him, something that made Husker snarl and roll his eyes.

Angel let out a snort and looked at one particularly eager demon, “Hey, baby, be a doll and bring me another one? Daddy's outta juice!”

The ordered demon smirked and nodded, “Sure darling.” He got up and walked to the bar, placed his and Angel's empty glasses on the counter as he sat down on the stool next to Husk, who glared at him in suspicion as the bartender poured the liquor in the two glasses. Husker glared at the glasses as the shark demon reached into his suit and pulled out a small pink vial. ‘Love potion..’ Husker realised, a little created that the Bratz doll worked on with Val, the minute she arrived. Husker still remembered the uproar it had. He watched in silence as the demon poured it into Angel’s drink, the golden liquor turning a sickly bubblegum pink. The shark grabbed the glass with a sick chuckle and turned back to Angel.

Husker huffed and pushed his bottle of whiskey to the side, letting out a small groan, “Son of a-”

“Here you are darling” The Shark demon handed the so obviously drugged drink to Angel.

‘Nope. No.’ Husker wasn’t sure if it was his feline instincts kicking in, or just his protective (Maybe a little possessive) behaviour, but he grabbed the scruff of the demon and lifted him up, not even caring that the drinks spilled as he pulled the demon closer and snarled in a scarily calm tone, “Nice try, f*ckhead” his voice was raspier and deeper than normal..but it was still deceptively calm.

Angel watched in a mix of emotions he’d rather not say as Husker so casually tossed the demon into the jukebox..all the way on the other side of the room. “What ta-'' Angel looked in shock at the Gambling cat, “Husker?!”

Husker simply said, “Let’s go” and grabbed Angel's arm and pulled him behind. Husker let out a snarl as a few demons tried to shoot at him, “Я не в настроении иметь дело с вами, идиотами.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his deck of cards, and threw a good four at the damn demons which cut the barrels off their guns. He then threw two more cards skillfully to cut a net loose from the ceiling, immobilising them. Husker let out a snort at the pathetic sight before pulling Angel out of the club.

“What the? Hey! H-hey, hey!” Angel tried to free his arm, but Husker pulled him out of the club and onto the street, “Husk! What the actual f*ck are you doing here? Let go of me!”

“Ради бога, I’m taking you back to the Hotel!” Husker hissed out, he really Really was not in the mood to deal with Angel’s brattiness.

But Angel, who was slightly drunk already shoved Husker back, “Get OFF”

“Angel! Damn it Listen to me!” Husker hissed out, “That f*cker put somethin' in your drink.”

Angel let out a petty scoff, “You don't think I can tell if someone spikes my drink? I do this all the f*ckin' time!”

Husker glared at him, “So what, You just let people drug you all the time?”

Oh if those words hit deep in Angel’s owned soul..especially coming from some he had a…’No f*ck this damn cat!’ Angel mentally challenged his thoughts and he spat out, “You think I ask for it? I don't ask for any of this sh*t! I didn't ask to be this way.” Angel ran a hand down his face before glaring at Husker, “I didn't ask for Charlie to save me and I certainly didn't ask for you to save me. I can handle myself”

Husker shot him a look that just read ‘You sure about that?’ and rolled his eyes, “Really? Because I just saw someone self-destructing.” He looked up at Angel and shrugged, “It seems like... I don't know... you might need a bartender to talk to.”

Angel stared at him before bursting out into hysterical (Sarcastic) laughter, “ Oh, so now you're going to act like you give a sh*t about me? You think after how you treated me, I'm gonna open up to you?” Angel let out a loud, irritated scoff and began to walk off “Please.”

Husker scowled and snapped, he was done. Husker had held his tongue for too long, he was gonna let Angel know what he felt, “Maybe I'd treat you better if you were real, and not some bullsh*t version of yourself, always pushin' my boundaries'' Half of Husker didn’t actually mind the flirting, it was cute..but the other half did, He wanted Angel to be genuine with his flirting. “Lemme tell ya, nobody in that hotel cares who you are. How famous, how hot, so you might as well just…cut the act.” Husker almost said the last few words in a pleading tone..he wanted the actual Angel Dust.

Angel stopped walking, eyes widening before tears formed in the corner of his eyes. The whole famous, popular, wanted p*rn star, Angel Dust persona dropped completely as He cried out, “It's not an act!”

Husker flinched, taking a step back..a little shocked at that outburst, he was really expecting some quippy remark.

Angel was a sobbing mess now, “It's who I need to be! And this…” He gestured to the red light street that the club sat on. “This is my escape. Where I can forget about it all! How much I hate... well everything! A place where I can get high, and not have to think about how much it hurts. And maybe... If I can ruin myself enough in the process... if I end up broken,” He had to stop himself to let out a choked sob “I won't be his favourite toy anymore…”

Husker paused and frowned, listening to Angel..not this wasn’t Angel dust anymore..this was Anthony. The true side. Husker’s eyebrows furrowed and his tail dropped.

“And Maybe..just maybe..” Angel continued sadly, “He’ll let me go.”


Husker: Я не в настроении иметь дело с вами, идиотами- I'm not in the mood to deal with you idiots Ради бога-For God's sake

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Hell's greatest Overlords - MysteriousM22 (2024)
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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.